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January 28, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-28

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T~Y;14~tA~y2~, i;30;THE MICHIGANDAL__
!the estimated revenues fo' these' rone. In
4+Pof. Thomas II Peed, of the po- o 08
f iticaiI science departm~enit, who i; ed."
THREE DRY CHIEF idSiIi~ itdil iw o ev.o i~efoi 1 rl
:.Acrteaschi Jools fPaced3)y University this yea<r visited Ai Iin; that,
-- t O~ ~Arbor yesterday. Profes~eV Heediterbj
Ciro ,p Menibers Decline to In .1 ~t ~li~tl' 71 f:l c m 'ef romi St. Lous, Mo,, Where h<; deici 0au
vi.Wis, BitM id;his carrying on research wor k in the ' rhe bank
vleW s V1rtt crie SllAWN ARRANGE~S POOL; field of muic pal governent for nthe~ gov
to Experdite Action. _ ---- the city of St. Louis aad St. Louist they ra
44colbisinte uli chos ht hy ed o teinpuvx. 1m, c
PIcOcounty. He is working with thir- r lage, a
ML3LLOII.CN FAVORS CHANGE fj4 C 1iCAGrO, .Ian 27-- Dwindling ItCen groups thre i an efo-t to comning ih
fisi h ind out what the people want and "h
Civil Service for ProhibitionIwkide rtost nwtdyi(whttynedf'teim ov.c
Unit Lawyers Opposed Chicaomse cty onycas. rConberining the nitsOIVOeiy of the hvtp
soeciyofiiasfowned city of Chicago, Proesso Ree
by Attorney General. upon the rescue pool of $20,000,000,Prfs'rTeai .dicta
~~ said, "There are a combin tion of
plde1y ia ..ta ha fdifficulties xwhih rn ke the sit ua- ythe size;
(By Asociated Pr,.s) the' itizens' cominttee, H. Wallace +to oauei heao [h iy~kni
WASHIINGTON, Jan. 27. --Th.e Cadwel, president of the board of hscnisetyovten is n an be mx
[louse Expenditures Committee, _ duucation, prepared toas the cmhs hnancrosittllw ast. -
considering legislation to transfer! or' oldaer ocniu e Iwn iin
the prohibition enforcemnet unit blivrs ofcol daesito hlckiued- aotfe ae, 1j i s(etLouis wi3
ofrcoaltdcsTrtasthylaco ofeaheadiandestimated uth eenue
ro th Trauytth Jutc ash and a present unpaid coal bill. on the basis of the usual1 increaser ginning a
Department declined today to in- Iof $40,00."'ntevlain fpoet.T will spen
vte Dr. Clarence True Wilson, sec- There will be respite until Wed- reassessment. however, resulted in riiversity
retfyofth Mthdis-Eisrpl naneclay. 'On that day, Strawn will : decrease in the assessed valuation Prof. Thomas H. Reed. ti-'urses
Church Board of Temperance, Pro- - -I cnfer w"ih the city council finance in the wealthy downtown area. The: ton. Pro
hibition and Public Morals, and F. 4encialed P ~Pre o I rn comitee relative to setting in result was that in the period from years. A heavy deficit was in- Arbor for
Scott McBride, superintendent of Box cars5 we'e rushed to Mississippi county, Arkansas to hiouse (-ntion the financial pool pledged . 928 to 1929, the city ran as against curred, in addition to the normal , Jniversit
he Anti-Saloon League, to testify.I refugees driven from their homes when flood waters of the St Francis to aid the city. -- -- -
The committe also decided not; river surged through levees near Big, lake. Originally set at $50,000000 e W T ''DI~
o call J. . Britt, chief counsel of (- --- -______ _____-___-__ I N,,t E W DEMANDS OF PUBLIC ESTABISHaiiIi iurie
teprohibition bureau of the tLrST. OFIPATRONS 1 S
TrauyDprmn.INCLUDES MANY FACULTY MEMBERS teet(ob ue nlas ntxI________
Rep. John C.whfr(e. iianwarats. No money ICommenting on material to b codigt r.CbtItecs
naiosns aentto hrequest or aronsfrteu31 4o eMrs Yost Prof. Burke Shartel ad wle loaned any ofasse te dpat-used in a coming lecture at Jack ofilessinrangpprtn-' co
innmu osn oha h nonced yesterday by Francis, ofnintss isracrvasassertedtiunlesse co-
;hre indviduls. ep. ampell eebe '31, geera charmanof M's. hartl, rof.E. N Dursenad DeratonughplegedCoarbuceopercson Dr.HughC.yabotiDha ofeteaywitatheadvacemoemedcal
geneal haimanof pertio is leded o rduc oier-serve, wi]
(Pepi.):Pennsylvan ia, objected on the otfair. The lis;t includes ther. DreJsinPwr n tmg expenses to a minimum. And teMeialShol"epaie si]cience, and since medical science 1poog r.iMs aes rf .G lve rdar a neve etra eea fThursda
he ground that it would pongpr sdent, the Regents, and many tr.PwrPo.C .Goe n he committee has reserved the an;triw etra ivrlo s continuously advancing, a way1I
inieBit e.poietmmeso h au-Mrs. Glover, Prof. T. Ii. Reed and rih'oidcaefrwa he factos in the medical man s ut must be found for the average , ourthfl
Casque (Dem.), South Carolina, ties. Mrs. Reed, Lawrence Preuss, Prof. While Mayor William Hale changing attitude toward the cost citizen before the dilemma becomes cniversit
bjected to the request to invite Thcopeeltflow:rsi Robert Craig, Prof. Donald M. Th ompson was still at loggerhead's of rendering professional service. unerb.Th censgetslasM
Wilson and McBride. dent and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruth- Matthew and Mrs. Matthew. I with the Strawn plan of relief, While admitting the increasing that the bills of indigenous patientsedtte
IProf. Waldo M. Abbott and Mrs. Chairman John S. Clark of the cost of medical c.re as a fact, Dr. be aid by the community, explain-
Attorney - General William D. yen, Regent Walter R. Sawyer, dSae
Mitchell today urged the commit.- Regent P. Perry Shorts and Mrs. Abbot, Prof. Charles L. Jamison 1 council finance committee, said he" Cabot ascribes this not to any in- i ing that "One cannot avoid the of ahbrot
tee to expedite action onl transfer. Shorts, Regent Junius E. Beal and and Mrs. Jamison, Prof. M. H,I believed the council would pledge tentional planning on the part of! conclusion that the repsir andoften
{ Wteranand Mrs. Waterman, the requested cooperation. . doctors or hospitals, but to the pub- maintenance of the human lnt is sui
Attorneys in the Treasury De- Mrs. Beal, Regent Ralph Stone and Waterma
part The to
armn onetdwt tepo rs tnRegent William L.Piof. W. A. Paton and Mrs. Paton,i "There is no alternative," he de- lic demand for the newer and more 1anl exceedingly proper charge slides ant
xibitionnt udb nfred withmentspand Mrs. CemntseRe Prof. C. F. Kessler and Mvrs. Kes- dared. "The banks will loan no expensive remedies of disease. In against the community, and that
hibiton uit wuld e Jutice loe~, lconcernnt
o heDpatent ofJsiemln ents James . Murfj,ne Mrs. M urffin, 1er, Prof. L. M. Eich and Mrs. Eich, money, and the Strawn committee denial that the pysician is bene-; the community has too long de-coer
Dihtepagtent nordertstcaryn Rgn ste r, n r Henry Moser, Prof. James K. Po- holds the only puse strings avail-j fiting from these higher costs of ayed squrely facing this fairy ement
inpoeuin, icelsi. Cram, ' eetLcu .Fu-lock and Mrs. Pollock, R. W. Brad- f able." service, Dr. Cabot asserted, "Taken evident fact. I entirely believe thatpoeto
)nlr aroectiosMithel sid an ,egnt ucusr. ub-.i....-- rned. Aa+.

the meantime, the taxes
1929 had not been collect-
orJ1 ReeOtd Com1.tinue l il say-
,"There is no prospect of
ng able to caitc'h up in the
it of the or01dinar~iy ineoine.
:cs in the city refuse to give
erment nmoney because
lize that the deficit is too
td there is less revenue
n than is being expended..
nly solution to the prob-
included Professor reed,
the city of Chicago will
het the state legislature to
c money for them. The
ire, not devastating when
and wealth of Chicago is
Ato consideration. They
lade up if the proper pro-
re made."
;or Reed's services tn St.
11 conclude with the be-
)f the second semester. He
A that period at Harvard
Y, where is offering two
n municipal administra-
)fessor Reed will be in Ann
the summer session of the
moming Elk Range
ormal talk on the Jackson
ntry, Wyoming elk pre-
11 be given at 8/ o'clock, on
r night, Jan. 30, in the
oor exhibition hall of the
,y museums building by
rio, a member of the Unit-
sBiological survey. Murie
;her of Dr. Adolph Murie,
a~mmal division at the mu-
ik will be illustrated by
d motion pictures, and will
the work which the gov-
is doing annually in the
n of this species of quad-
n invitaitionihas ben e-


He opposed putting prohibition
unit attorneys under the civil ser-.
vice, and said they would be ab-
sorbed in the office of the Depart-1
metof Justice on an equal basis
with those already. in service.
Many things under the bill, th~e
Attorney-General said, would have
to be worked out as administrativel
problems. 4;
Rep. Schafer asked "why not pu.
all United States attorneys uncle:
the civil service?"
Mitchell replied that the ques- !
tion was not pertinent to tie hmat-
ter under discussion, lbut' 'added
that his department felt that at-;
torneys usecl for the sp(ecial work
should not be placed under civill

bard. jur1y aamrs11I. BrablUU\, iiert J. Officials of the Cook County as a group, 1TCdoubwhether there 1it a ana wen the commuiy cr------
Suerntndn Wbser~ Markwardt and Mrs. MVarkwardt.lb oard and the Chicago sanitary is any professional class which giv- pnsates the physician for hris ser- tended by the mueum staff to any-
PeaceDeaoJsep A.eunry PrC..enr nCdAnersn.n. muchalo hveindcatdcc-o-oerasnach ervcetoras itte --!ieces nerretemthaethdoct-oneintretedin hehecureto t.
'Mrs. Hursley, Dean John R. Effinger Prof. Robert C.~ Angell and Mrs. ration with the Strawvn plan. j nancial return. I suspct that if sional very high charges for mdi- { tog h ujc ilb
and Mrs. Effinger, Dean Hugh Angell, Prof. Peter 0. Okkelbergj As chairman of the new commit-the medical fees were reduce d to l cal service will be properly and in- of value particularly to students of
Cao n r.Cabot, eaannr and Mrs. Okkelberg Prof. T J.tte Cadwell suggested James such a level as to make living on portantly diminished." Among the bogyadzlg.
Moore Bates and Mrs. Bates, Dean Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell, Prof. Simpson, president of Marshall,. the part of the physicians inipos- i items named as rightfully payabler
Edward IH. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus, (Harry Bouchard and Mrs. Boucgh- 'Field & Co., albeit Simpson is a 1 sible, there would still be relatively by the community are hospital J compensation of physicians by the
Dean C. E. Griffin and Mrs. Grif-( ard, Prof. Frederic C. O'Dell and member of the Strawn committee. little improvement in the cost of! charges for board and lodging, lab- state under a system which would
fin, Dean Marcus L. Ward and Mrs.j Mrs. O'Dell, D. D. Thuma andNMrs. Other mnembers would include Cald- medical care. In other words, I am oratory expenses from scientific in fact make them employees of
Ward, Dean G. Carl Huber and Thuma, Prof. L. K. James and Mrs. !well, Howard Elmore, head of the prepared to assert that medical fees study, skilled nursing, and medical 'the state would stand any chance
Mrs. Huber, Associate Dean George James, Prof. J. B. Waite and Mrs.j sanitary district; Anton Cermak, are not an important. factor in the care. of developing medical service corn-
IW. Patterson and Mrs. Patterson, Waite, Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell and president of the county board, and bill if it be assumed that medical In concluding, Dr. Cabot stated# parable to that which could be ob-
Assistant Dean Fred B. Wahr and Mrs. Mitchell, Prof. Paul Wasbke Alderman Clark, service has value and that it should that although he believed that the; taned while the physician remains
Mr's. Wahr, Dean Herbert C. Sad-; and Mrs. Washke, Prof. George R. Each day places the city deeper be paid for in connection with allI community should make up the lan entirely independent agent."
1cr and Mrs. Sadler, and Assistantj Moore and Mrs. Moore. Gardner in debt. Already $290,000,000 in-' patient-s. The fact of the matterj private medical deficit, he in no
Dean Wilbur R. H-umphreys, Williams and Mrs. Williams, Prof. debtednes has accrued in antici- ( appears to be that the increased I wise proposed anything approach-' Oklahoma plans to produce more
Prof, Emil Lorchi and Mrs. Lorch, Chalmers J. Lyons and Mrs. Lyons,; pation of uncollected 19.8 and 1929 cost is due to fundamental changes ing such a plan as "state mdi- s fish in state hatcheries this year.
Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Grace Rich-' F K. Riley and Mrs. Riley, John F.I taxes--while interest of loans in the conditions of medical prac- I tine." "'There is" he stated, "abso-I than have been. propagated in all
ards, Prof. Fielding HI. Yost and H~uber and Mrs. H-uber. iamounts to$50,000 daily. Mice" lutely no evidence to show thatl years since statehood began

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