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January 28, 1930 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-28

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h,1business with ordinary legislative
speed. Two weeks ago it agreed on
Published every morning except Monday the sugar controversy and last
flaring the I1uiversity year by the Board in We h uhdsue ete
Control of Student Publications week the much disputed leather
-Meiber of Western Conferenc Eitoriaf1 fd hide schedules were settled.
Association. The motive for the new vitality
The .Associated Press is exclusively entitl ed is not, however, to be found in any
to the use for iepublication of all news dis- awakened conscientousness on
patches credited to if or not otherwise credited.
in this paper and the local news published the part of the Senators, but
herein._ among certain changes in political
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,. alignment. The filibustering during
Michigan, as second class matter. Special ratet
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- the special session was due largely
teren hy :rier, $4.00; y mail, to the Senate Finance committee'si
- , P. , yboosting tariff schedules to where
t;tPsv y were not at all agreeable to.
..I,. . : t, stneS% '21 the "young guard" Re'ivhli ^r
EDITOR]AL STAFF Progressives, or the Democrats.



aI I T ' -1 C A . l s 1.. a__. 14£ A - a*lv x 4i A-.L. 4ti tL/-?.Xlu, 'J.J'U.tfl,: i .ly~U.


by the previous article of Mr. Idi-
culla's on India. The- first is that
it would have been much less dan-
gerous and less compromising for
him to have called Mr. I. a,
fool and have stopped at that. If
he had used this tact he would not
have laid himself open to ridicule.
Secondly, may I suggest that Mr.
D. ascertain from the Student Di-
rectory first whom he was writing
about. This may serve to minimize
the slurs made about Mr. L's long
pants, and to show the absurdity
of the following statement: "Tak-j

I II' l l IIIIIIIIlIIH1 l IigleIII111111111
SMusic And Drama BOF M
A Review Corn-r of Forest and Willard
The Ben Greet revival of Every- -A little white cottage-excellent
man should be a good antidote for food-quiet home-like surround.-
those sophomoric dialecticians - gs.
who ;dismiss religion with eloquent = Luncheon, Fifty and Sixty
prating about the scientific im- cents.
possibil ty of seven-day creation, -=
virgin-birth, etc. For this God- -Supper, Seventy-five cents.
should-haie-killed-the - Borgias-if- Dinner, One Dollar.
he-were-all-powerful type of intel--
ligence, Everyman, the mediaeval MARBRUCK TEA
l morality play, has a real message. = SHOP
For this characteristic product, of S
=632 forest Phone 8474=
the Mediaeval Mind reveals admir- - Poe 8474 y
ably the ymbolism implicit in the $
religious procedure. i ill IIIt11111111111111111111111111111111

Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying
For Everything Musical

to suit.
Play while
you pay.

Majestic, Victor, Crosley
Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell
Orchestral Instruments
Victor, Columbia, Brunswick

l..m -' e+ w b n~
mw t RAVI S OW"
flbe a inad
1rwfa i er

" k T this work as a gospel without
zny more significant or vital ex-

Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman.........George C. Tilley
City Editor...............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor......... .. Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor.......Edward 1. Warner, Jr.
Women's Lditor..........Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Ed itor.........Cassain A. Wilson
Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman
Literary Editort.........Lawreiic R. Kleini
Assistant (City Editor.. .. Robert J. Feldrran
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank. E. Cooper Hlenry J'. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kauffan XWalter \V. Wild*
Gutrney WVilliamis
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Bare D avid M. Niehol
Maxwell Bayer Willian P age
Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckham
Benjamiti If. BerentsonllIugh Pierce
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz
A'thur J. Cernstein John I. Reindel
S. Beach Cohger Jeannie Roberts
Thomas AL Cooley .1 sepli A. Russell

Consequently the latter forces perience than that of the printed
united, informally and blocked all word, he endeavors to denounce
efforts to have the committee's and belittle."
recommendations approved. In the Moreover, does not Mr. D. just
present session these forces have slightly fall into the same error
gained sufficient strength to actu-- for which he condemns Mr. I?
ally defeat the proposals. The act- That is, does he not seem to take
ion on the sugar rates which pre- the authority on India of a pro-
vented higher duties, and that on fessor with quite the same unques-
the leather and hide lists which tioning willingness for which he
continued thenm on the free list, critizes Mr. I. in takingthe author-
were distinct victories for the op- ity of the author of "India in Bon-
ponents of the Finance committee dage?" Furthermore, may I also
and its high-protectionist support- I suggest to Mr. D. that it is not un-
ers. thinkable that Mr. I. was not us-


601 East William Street

Phone 7515


Phone 7515


The economic effects of the votes,
are, of course, of considerable sig-
nificance, for they affect not any
limited group but the whole Amer-


john . eleJose ph ~l witch ican consuming public, and they
elen omine william I. Salzarulo
Margaret Ecka Charles R. Sprowl may mark the beginning of a;
Sheld n C. uierton aid weIwanson downward trend in the tariff. As
Rir Gediesi lae Tha mpo wide and as important as are the
jack Goldsmith Richard L. Tobin economic results, the political ef-I
Morris Gemoerman Elizabeth Valentine f
Ross Gustin Harold O. Warren, Jr, fects are of equal significance for
Margaret Harris Charles White they may bring about a change inI
David B. Hlempstead G. Lionel XWilens II
J: Cullen KennedyTohnie I. Willoughby ,the complexion of the Senate.
Tean LevyNr atha= =wise , Whether it was the Republican'
Russell E. AlcCrackcen Barbara 'Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimit "young guard" or the Democratic-1
BUSINESS STAFF Progressive coalition that benefited
Telephone SS1AFmost remains to be determined. At
BUSINESS MANAGER any rate it was a sure defeat for
A. J. JORDAN, JR. the "old guard" Republicans, and a
defeat whose results may extend1
Assistant Manager beyond its effects on the sugar and,
ALEX K. SCHERER leather rates and even beyond any
Department Managers further tariff action during the,
Advertising..............T. Hollister Mabley present session. The defeat may
Advertising............Kasper II. Halverson mark the closing oI a long regime
Service..................George A. Spater in which the high-protectionist
Cicuaton.......... Jh ;Vernor .Davios
Accounts... . .. n RRos Republicans have been the omni-
Ptblicasiness Seetary-ary 'Chasmilto potent leaders of the Senate. What

ing "India in Bondage" as proof but
had mentioned it because it so well
expressed his own opinions and
experiences in regard to India, and
= because he thus established his
statements on the authority of,
some one other than himself. The
reader can easily see what a
chance Mr. I. would have stood to
have his own opinions (unsupport-
ed by statements from another au-
thority) respected as against the
opinions of a professor-if Mr. D.
were anywhere in the vicinity.
India offers an important prob-
lem to the world today; and here
in America we need more airing of
the subject, and not to have opii-
ions quashed by mere mud-sling-

For there in the very beginning
of "gveryman" is the religious con-
sciousiess in its most explicit form
as the fundamental opposition be-
tween man and God, an opposition
resolved only in the actuality of
Good Deeds, Everyman's most{
faithful comp mion on his long life
journey. Everyman, by the very
suppositions of the religious con-
sciousness, is alienated from God
'and in the state of sin, a fact re-
vealing itself in his attachment to
superficial Fellowship and to
Riches. Everyman's long journey,
to the grave represents a progres-
sive attempt at self-purification,
the sanctifying and partial deifi-
cation of himself that makes him
worthy of reception by the Red
Angel and By God in Heaven upon
his descent into the grave.
This problem and solution of thej
religious consciousness doesn't take
the form of a logical question and
answer but in the imaginative form
of an enacted drama--the cosmic
morality play, Everyman. It afford-
ed an intense experience to the
mediaeval audience not because of

401 LENAWEE DRIVE-10 room, brick construction, large lot overlooking Huron River and Valley.
Two tile baths, large library. Owner leaving Ann Arbor.
1926 NORWAY ROAD-10 room Colonial-lot 80x165--beautiful trees and shrubbery-2 baths-
gas furnace-electric refrigeration-garage-owner leaving city. Price reduced. Teris.
1954 CAMBRIDGE ROAD-1 rooms, 2 baths, heated garage. Wooded lot. Owner has left Ann
Arbor, Near University and grade school.
1705 WASHTENAW AVE.-13 rooms, large lot, 9 bedrooms, Could be used for organization.
Terms are offered.
1017 OAKLAND-Fourteen rooms, three baths. Possession at once. Suitable for fraternity or so-
rority. Terms.
An exchange might be considered
on some of the above mentioned.


. 'Assistants

Byrne M. Badenoch
James E.. Cartwright
Robert Crawford
Marry B.. Culver
Thomas M. Davis
Norman Eliezer
James Hoffer
Norris Johnson
Charles Kline
Dorothy Blonmgardner
Laura Codling
Agnes Davis
Bernice Glaser
9?nrten e Gooding

Marvin Kobacker
Lawrence Lucey
Thomas Muir
George R Patterson
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Joseph Van Riper
Robert Williamson
William I:..XWorboy
lice McCully
Svvia M i le
Helen E. \usselwhite
Eleanor Walkinshaw.:
Dnrntbea Wat, tnn

faction will succeed in the leader-
ship is still a guess, but the "old
guard" leadership is approaching
its finish.
The Union Opera, for 24 years a
traditional activity of the Univer-
sity, has been definitely discon-
tinued. Some ore sorry to see it
Qo .,c.aiI. .of the rich spirit and
senti' t 'which have grown up
uron id, wile others feel that
h #;im has come for a change,

ing. I am sure that if the views any extraordinary intensity impli-
of the professor whom Mr. D. val- cit in it as a play but because it
iantly defends Iave any validity at "revealed" the truth; because, it1
all he would greatly prefer that symbolised the Christian mode of
they stand on their own feet rather ' life. In its strictest essence it is
than be artificially supported by merely a simple way of life force-
his title for which Mr. D. seems to fully expressed. In its implica-
have such great reverence. 1tons for a mediaeval mind goaded
J. M. B., '31 1 by faith into belief in symbols, it
o 1was an intense drama because a
. AN APPRECIATION. suggestive simplification of a com-
To the Editor: -plex drama--the religious drama.
The symbols are charged with emo-
The past few days have taken tional significance because of their
two of our elder statesmen away revelatory power to the mind that
from us, President-emeritus Hutch- has faith.
and Judge Lane. Whatever is IA morality play being anything
them sapt, perhaps but a naturalistic play, formalisa-
writtenaoutthmisastion was the only method of pro-
naturally enough. to lay emphasis duction. The lines were ponder-
on the many things they did during ously intoned by rigidly postured
the years they served the Univer- actors with the exception of Thorn-





Ni ~t Eit~r~R~~RTL. SLOSHS

$1.00 to each of

-t O e opera no Ioger deserves sity and the state. It would be un-
T E) Y, JANUA~t,28, 1930. ; ;te. ihgn
TA3y p , at Michigan. fortunate not to recall with even
Whaex i individual opinions greater insistence what they were,
IN ICOIAM:betin ..ti( - prin- for ti be is infinitely har-der than
JUDGE LANE. cipally because the students them- to do. One could search the world
To students and faculty mem- selves have so willed. There has over without revealing a singleI
bers of the Law school, the death been a steadily declining interest person who could equal Dr. Hutch-!
of Judge Victor H. Lane, Fletcher in the Opera over the past nine ins' gracious dignity or Judge
professor of law from 1897 until years as is evidenced by the small ;Lane's unfailing kindness. It
1928, is felt as' a distinct personal attendances and receipts from the would be a helpful, but perhaps a
loss. The striength of his character show, particularly in Ann Arbor, discouraging exercise to try to
and his friendly personality gave w ire there should be full houses carry through one day the quali-
him a tremen~c dous influence over it' hese are to be expected any- ties of character that these two
those with whom he came in con- where. men exemplified-in whole lives.
tact. The Opera has undoubtedly seen We are highly impatient with
But something greater than the its best days. When it was purely an Iwhat is trite and platitudinous; we,
severance of friendship accounts amateur show and the students hate to be preached to; we have
for the emotions felt by those who constructed scenery, helped direct, 1put old-fashioned things and'
knew Judge Lane well. His friends planned schedules, wrote the book standards more or less to one side.j
derived more than pleasure from f and music, the Opera was in fact But Dr. Hutchins and Judge Lane
their associations with him; they as well as in name a student pro- were facts that we have had be-
not only valued him as a friend duction with a definite incentive fore us for a good many years and

dake as Everyman.I
A Review.
Ben Qreet's production of
Twelfth Night works by simplifica-
tion into' something that is de-
lightfuls eliciting always the com-
ment. "how charming and unan-
noying." Twelfth Night becomes
most completely a romantic com-
edy in the sentimental tradition.
Somehow this interpretation, the
comm ' ttne of course, seems more
Victoriaf than Elizabethan. There
is a gd© spice of the world-worn




but even more paid him the sin-
cere tribute of admiration and re-
spect that men extend to those in-
dividuals who display true great-
ness of mind and soul.
Elements in Judge Lane's biog-
raphy are suggestive of the life
story of Abraham Lincoln. Born
in a small town, Judge Lane pre-
pared himself for earning a-liveli-
hood by completing a University1
course in engineering. He could not
restrain, however, his natural bent
for law and soon entered the Law
school, and was graduated in 1878.
The young lawyer was soon elected
judge, and "rode circuit" in the
Michigan courts, as Lincoln once
did in Illinois.

toward creating student interest. we hod only to look at them to see
The professional form which it has how goodly and desirable a thing it
assumed during the past few years I is to be wise, calm, kind and self-
has tended to draw it constantly respecting. They showed clearly
farther from the campus, the chief j the truth of the old proverb that
interest now remaining to those he who ruleth his spirit is better
who take part in the production than he who taketh -a city,
and make the trip. F. E. R.
Alumni, too, have lost much of j 0
their enthusiasm because of the OUR ERROR.
severe drain on their energies re-
sulting from the difficulty of mak- To the Editor:I
ing all the arrangements for the May I correct an error which ap-
show in their cities, and then at- peared in the Daily this morning,
tempting to put it across at prices Jan. 24th? An article on the com-
equal to those charged by profes- ing Convocations, sponsored by the
sional companies. Student council, states that the
As long as the Opera was making "Baldwin Episcopal Church" will!
money for the Union, the alumni also feature talks by outstanding
were willing O t wihfli-men in the theological field this


Renaissance perversity in the char-
actersf: this comedy as there was
in all the Shakespearean comedies.
Orsino's crazed passion for Olivia,
Olivia s. extravagAnt mourning for
her brother and her sudden fasein-
ation for the girl-boy, Viola's jl-
ful seeking of the -post of page to
a young prince, Antonio's adora-
tion of Sebastian-these passions
are not so wholly sane and healthy
that they can be ignored in a sen-
timental- reading such as Ben
Greet gives Twelfth Night, which
lightens it all into "merely good,
Of course the point can be car-;
ried too far. The play is essen-
tially irresponsible, taking the im-
probabilities gaily with no attempt
at pyschological validation of the
nicely symmetrical plot. But a
notable Shakespearean scholar
should be more careful to give its
production the perfumed slightly
decadent odor of the court (whichj
is very definitely in the writing) in-
stead of the full blasts of Victorian
fresh air. Cecil Musk, soldierly and
virile as Orsino, makes his passioi-
ate speeches quite absurd and fan-
ciPM. Alison Pickard, though
thoroughly delightful and inge-
nous as Viola, was scarcely the sub-
tle .witty woman with an ardor
for dangerous experiences. Thea
Holme's Olivia was a sort of Ci-
derella, kindly and gracious, not
the gelf-tormenting arrogant pa -
trician. Ben Greet's Malvolio is
quite too easy too; he makes buf-
foonery out of the whole part, not
attempting a subtle transformation
fin' rA A1 hia P1-rieled1 .- iitv +i' I nI

stud.,ents ..
that read the Classified
ads on page seven



The names

of 10 students picked at random


from the Student Directory will be scattered among
the Daily Classified Ads. An yoe who discovers his

goig teUiest tte " wlilU ~~ L ll te r
Coming to the University at time and efforts, but clearly tle spring. I presume that you refer to
age of 45, Judge Lane took up a show has been a liability instead the Baldwin lectures which are
life work which gained for him na- of an asset for several years, in- I given every year under the direc-
tional recognition in his chosen tead of regretting the loss of thi tion of Harris hall, and the local
field. Throughout his residence in Mimes-Union production, we should I Episcopal church,
Ann Arbor, for more than 30 years, look toward the future and find In 1885 Governor Henry Porter
his scholarly ability and genius some more suitable activity to take Baldwin and his wife endowed a
for detail won him the respect and its place, something which will fill lecturship fund "for the establish-
admiration of all his associates.me the gap between alumni and at- mnt and defense of Christian
The death of Judge Lane was dents and at the same time offer tiruth at the University of Michi-
that of a man who combined the on outlet for the particular type of gan." Since then, lectures have
patience and insight of the teach- ( ability represented in the Opera. been given on this Foundation by
er with the analytical ability of the '-o outstanding men in the fields of
judge. His death is a great loss to theology and religion. Many of the
his friends and to' the University. earlier ones were published, andI
Campus Opinion i may be found in the University li-
THE OLD-GUARD DCLINE. Contributors are asked to be brief, brary. .In recent years the lecture
Senatorial1ction onnthe - nndinei confining themselves to less than 300 hna tarn the form nf a srrmrnn


or her name may apply at the 'ENSIAN

or Daily

Offices for a one dollar reduction in the price of his
To find your name in the Classified Ads. is to
save $1.00 in the purchase of a 1930 Michiganensian.
This offer good Ito February 1st.


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