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January 28, 1930 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-28

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I~IIIl reenm Orders Charge
UIIIJAgvtitst f Sdt.xite - d
~39CAIere r j Will _.Face Civil 'ICOL11-
for Alleged Stlayin g.

More Than Forty Organize into
Michican City Maw,.Ters

(B TI Ac,'w , fr T r -

Pref. Ibul ix ds Ui-eful Hints
in Pamphlets Ilow to Read
Yeour MYoning Papex',
Chews Shiould be Read as History
trom Day to Day; Help Mayt
f be Found in Editorials.

" tip'S v v .

his demonstrations with special . ~,a~lr+ 10
equipment and apparatus. The tf.ev . James lt. l lil(,
nietin wil b opn t th geera Superintendent of the New Jer-
,iibllc, as well ease to membeerao sey Anti-Saloon league, wvho chiarg-
the general student body, Univerfoed isthatethectNeinYorevensting
sity faculty, high school faculty lfqoresmulnotefcieinpeetn
and students, and members of lqur muglng
rious civic and club organizations.
Dean 14. C. Sadler, of the engineer-0IP
ing college, Will preside. Mr. Grace U T B l lw !C
StailZntSpeec ScheduridO.E IE E TO N
~silent speech,"' projected, electro- T
sttclyit h ua riwill be demonstrated and explain-
ed by Mr. Grace, whose general ii Cuts Path Through Frozen River
subject will be "Marvels of Sound I
Transmission." . This phenomenon,' for Food Ship to Reach
recently discovered in the tele- Isolated Villages.
phone laboratories,* is startling in
its demonstration, particularly to CLEARS COLUMBIA RIVSER
the subject upon whom. it is dem-
onstrated. By means of loud speak- ;(1W. Associa Pre F)
or. equipment,- Mr. Grace will en-I T i~NOeJn 7-h
able the entire audience to hear STELN, r., J , 2.-h
the sentence he will speak duringI crunch of steel against solid pack
the demonstration. A moment lat- ice echoed triumphantly today as
er, however, it will be "heard" in the sharp-prowed coast guard cut-
the brain, rather than the' ear, of;teNohlnqupdtoavge
the person assisting Mr. Grace, thetrNrhad qupe onvgt
interval being taken up in the stor- 1wintry Bering sea, carved its way
age of the spoken words by use of up, the icc-bound Columbia river
a "delay" circuit. from Astoria to Vancouver. Wash.
Mr. Grace will also discus's and The sturdy cutter, manned by a
demonstrate "inverted" speech, crew experienced in ridding rivers
which is ordinary speech with the of ice packs, during the week-end
high and low frequencies inter- ploughed a furrow for inhabitants
changed to make it unintelligible, of a half dozen fishing villages iso-
by use of certain equipment, ~it te for more than a week by the
will be, shown how a spoken son- ice.
tence can be made unintelligible to Trho Northland and the supply
a casual listener, other equipment ship docked here Sunday night aft-
reifrverting it so it will be under- er shattering ice which gripped
standable to the person intended wharves, extended far into the riv-
to receive_ the message. en and forced river craft and ocean-
Will Shaw Trans-Atlantic Tube. going steamers to seek safer har-
The giant d~nible-ended, water- bors. Grocery stocks, which dwin-
cooled vacuum tubes used in trans- tiled to ration proportions during
Atlantic telephony and in the more the seven cdays, of isolation, were
recently developed ship-to-shore replenished.
transmission of speech, will be ex-' Under command of Capt. Edward
hibited and explained, anr' Mr. T. Jones, the Northland cruised
(foace will tell of the principles and about Williamette slough, near
operation of transmitting the h1u-= here, opening a channel to paper
man voice between points in the mills and breaking shore ice to en-
new and old worlds. Communica-l able small and large craft to ap-
tion between ground and airplanes proach the city without 'danger.
will. be another interestin9q subject With the greatest part of its task
discussed. l before it, that of cracking a path
A demonstration of particular in- from he're to, Vancouver, the skip-
terest will be that of translating per ordered full steam ahead.
mechanical impulses Into speech,_ Doubt Was expressed that the
another recenU deveclpment. Any steel-clad craft could open. a chan-
number that Mr. Grace dials on a nel in the Columbia as far east of
telephone will be spoken mechan- Vancouver as the W. R. Lang, an
ically thritugh the loud speaker. ice-bound river steamer, near the
Interstate bridge, between Portland
Deaths by violence in Dallas de- and Vancou1ver,.
creased by 23 in 1929 as com~pared ________________
with 1928., There were 20 .fewer!I
homicides in 1929. "1)il ri'

t 0 oReadl Your Morning:J
Paper," a pamphlet showing' the
attitu e of thfY New York Times to- o
ward the^ rfading of the newspaper,' -/
s of es peciral interest to students
ornpetig. in the Timeg current
.vents conrtest, aecord n ' to Prof.
John L. Brummn, head of the jour- ! ,
.a lis m department. IProfessor
3riurnr is in. charge of the liocal1
orntest whrich will be e ld ll ITues-
lay, March 4,
From. the newspaper the reader
should of course get tihe news, but
according to the Timer, lie should
also secure "a knowledge of cur-
rent events; a clear picture of the
course of great events; a multitude4
ofsuggestions for building up one's'
information; stimulus to thought;
methods of anrivi'rt it sound judg:
ment; and a basis for intelligent
discussion." ,- ,.. _.- P ."
Offers Suggestions.
Students who are in' the contest Clare B. Hopper (left) and William IT1. Redford, customs borderl
rave set before them in the Timestatrohncn, are under investigation in Detroit following the shooting
pamphlet several suggestions for
)btaining the most from the news- of Walter Grund (inset) near Wyandotte, Mich.
gaper. The reader should first,.._____ ---- _______
possess the news, second, read it as -0=«X=0=>4=
t. continuous story, tracing history i iyH l hne
lay by day through the columns. } CiyHalChne
thircd, he should use the news as a W C REEAT" into Bicycle Museum
next, seeking the answer to the FL C IO S
questions it raises and consideringg With its corridors strewn with hi-
'he significance of the news. After . r~r f f re cycle patrts, wheels, tir~es and corn-
'striing his own opinion on the R ape a a plete bicycles, collected by police?
sues f th day. heinelign after increased agitation. over bi-
.eadcr will verify these same opin-; Nonec other than the Rae theatre cycle thefts led to a discovery yes-1
ions by comparing them with the 1 now bids for your attention with! terday morning of more than $300,
judgments expressed on the edi- talking pictures. And they offer I'worth of bicycles in garages and!
Lonial page. ~for their current attraction a first homes of two '14 year old Ann Ar-
"It is particularly valuable fore run film, "In Old California," in! bor boys. The City Hall has taken
,he contestants," suggested Profes- which Henry 13. Whalthall and Hlelent on the appearance of a "wheel
,or Brumm, "to study the Sunday Frgso t ke the leading roles, Shop,"
3ditions of the Times which con-, Other than that information, you'll It is believed by offlcers that a
tarn, valuable news indices. Inter- have to hear for yourself, bicycle stealing ring; has been op-
3sting questions for study are also, Incidentally, the Rae does have' crating in the city for some time,
found ,in the Sunday edition of the the Universal Newspaper Newsreel,E and yesterday's discovery may clear
paper."; a novel idea in this field, wherein up the mystery surrounding the
Michigan Will Compete. Graham MacNamee is heard comn-prhs disappearance of several "bikes"
The University of Michigan is one menting on the various topical! fromprhs adadgrgs
of twenty colleges and universities ,shots as they unfold on the screen. ' Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien
which will compete in the Intercol- Thle Screen Reflector thought it un-# requests those people who have had
legiate Current Events contest, usually interesting' for the most; bicycles stolen to come to police
whc ssponsored annually by thepat headquarters to identify their ma-
New York Tlimes. In addition to the - .A hns
local prizes, 'a national prize of $500 Y. A chns
is offered for the best paper sub-
mitted. Prizes in the Michigan STAR1TING Shows at
contest are $150, first; $25, second; ; TODAYOLF K T A 2:00TO A n .a sp o oe a d feh a t-3:3r0
prize of $75.
Several rural schoolho'tuses in H i is akn itr
Menard county, Texas3, have been
built by volunteer workmen.Cu
jDetroit Theatres j L DSNG T
Elvenings, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 Here is the "ictulre the whole world's been waiting for-!ohn Gil-
Sat. Matinee, $1,. $1.50, $2
T7RVZI SHEFFbert's first Talking Picture!
in You actually hear the great romaintic star asslhe makes love in one
inVictor 1ferhert's masterniece 4 fiery scene after another! You see hitm as the clashing cavalry officer
t "MLLEs OMODIS TE" I who not only dares to look 'at a pr~iincess, but actually carries her off--and
Comnpany-Orchestt'a--Ensemble } msakes her like it! The perfect Gilbert vehicle!
(and the !Artistic __________________________-
lAlbertina IRauch Ballet ___________ ______________

1 ~~~' DETROIT, Jan. 'i.- o.Fe
Association. W re rs(r~e htSi
National Guard be bohtinto a
More than forty city managers! civil c~ourt, to face 0_harges ("tiOf coII-
of the state of M'ichigan met in, nection w.ithl the slyaying Saturdlay
Lansing7 last Friday and Saturdaiy of a lC-year-old Gadmnwho
and organised the Michigan City ! had neglected to ,t :nd drill. The
Managexrs 'associa ion. It is the dead boy was Stanley Puiosi
first time in the history of the ' Announcement of the governor's
manager system that all of the city decisioni was made at Wain-ton
manaersof Michigan hiave come Sunday after a telephone convers~a-
maagr I tion with Col. John S. fersey, ,state
together and organized 'ito a sill- adjultant general, at Lanising<. A;7
pgle body. The newlAy 'orined body investigation was sarted 1unarty
t n in directs contact with the inter<-; by both civil and military authoeri-
national. City Managers ssocin tion. Sties uider the direction of the gov-
}The purpose of the municip ,al as- ?ernor.
iPrusinowski was slain \vhen lhe
sociation, according to Harold D.; attempted to avoid meetAing_ Sgt.
Smirth, director of the Michigan j Poggione, who called at h i home.
Municipal League, and exe~itive in Flamrtramck to arrest hirn for
secretary of tile new Michigan failing rep eatedly to attend drill,
Managers group, is -to add to the The youth rushed out of the homew
knowledge of city managers and to and ran down the street with the
aid in the improvement of munici- officer in pursuit.
tpal administration in Michigan." Sgt, Poggione was released after
MLany of the men who were pros- the shootn; z ateLnsgmeighveoting with his promise to
ent t th Lasingmeeing aveappear before Prosecuting Attorney
taken the course in municipal ad- I Tames E. Cheriot today for mnsrto.olrda h ~ie' ques-
minitraton tlerd 'i th Unier-tioning.
sity, organized in 1914 by Prof. Rob -__________________
ert T. Crane of the political science
Concerning the work of the Uni-I
versity in the field of municipal
administration, Mr. Smith stated !'2
that "the University of Michigan =-I
has been a leader academically in__ -- -
municipal administration and has * -
jhad a considerable influence on the!_ IR3i\ y ".
character of municipal govern
mont in the state."
j MEGad IN life of your
A specialty for
'r twnyyears.
t rmpt service.. Experienced op, ! For informtation call
erators.. Moderate rates. J cson 5590
31.4 South State Sc. Phone 6615;




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