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January 28, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-28

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Wir U

4 ai


-I }.... w w w w..e.w r- w4 7 T , 0 !1 1" "I


Last Rites Will Be Conducted in
St. Andrews Church at
"Three O'clock.

4,,:, l,

Tn l n-r nnnrrirn riinnrflflr r ftT~I

V an . yne's Condition
Reported as Serious



I 4

Activity in University Will
Suspended Beginning at
Two O'clock.


;Funeral services for Pre sident
Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins, who
died last Saturday evening at his
home onl Monroe street, will be
held at 3 o'clock this afternoon in
St. Andrew's Episcopal church. In-
terment will be at Forest Hill ceme-
The Rev. Henry Lewis, rector of
St. Andrew's parish, will be in
charge of the simple Episcopal
ceremony. The University Glee
club will sinrg one number, "L Ludes
Atique Carmine," at the cemetery.

day of
ex-Ka is
year, kc
111-. Ab~
were Wl

A: vxizr '-~s//f ilbelni II
.r Geimlan emperor, yester-
bserved his seventy-first
,y anniversary at Doorn,
, where he is in exile. The
er has aged little in the last
ceping fit through his daily
tof wooclehopping and saw-
out 20 immediate relatives
th him in observance of the

Classes Suspenledi.
An' order that, all scheduled
celasses and all University offices BALJTU BLLIFILU
Would be closed from 2 o'clock this m
afternoon ,for the services was made i LI
yesterday from the President's of- lulJIJP [ ID
"Ionocrary pallbearers are Pre41-
dit Alexander G. Ruthivcn, the1 Special Perinits Will be Given
R eg en ts and Superintendent for Week-End Beginning
re arce; also Robert A. Campbell,
treasurer, Frank 1,,. Robbins, assist- ; t Noon, Feb. 14.
ant to the President, Shirley W.
Smi th, secret;ary and business man- TO ALLOW SOCIAL USE3
agcer, the dcans of the university,
W'illiam Warner Bishop l, librarian- Social se of automobiles durng
and President Charles A. Sink of J-H-op week-end, from Friday noon,
the School of Music; Deans Emeri- !
tus Mortimner E. qooley, A. S. Whit- ;Fe'b.14, until8 o'clock Mon:da:y
aney, anzd Professor Emeritui W. B.inornin"17, Feb. 17, will be perinitted
I1iiiidale.;, the members 9f the Lalw! to s .11 students who make regular.
school faculty;PMmbers of the ap.plica tiollfor the pii'ilcteeas
Caitholeps club aand Thle Club. well -as to ,all students 10 old.
Active pallbeairers are! ProfeSorsI
Mvos s GGomiberg, Jessec S. Reeves, y egular dcri ang pe rmits ; it was anl-
Evans Holbrook, Lewis Grain,, nouncedi yesterday by W. B. Rea,
Charles B. Vibbert, and Henr C. a,-sistant to the clean of students.
Anderson.. Students who fie at the office of
IIlSbq'orL'Time, the dean of students, room two,
Dr. H-uthins, who had been ill UniJDversity hall, on or after Feb. 1,
dnly a few days, suffered an apop-; a letter of permission from thenr
icetic stroke which brought death° parents, including reference to the
within a few hours. Beside his son, make, type, and license numbers
Harr C.Huthin of ew ork heof the cars to be driven, will be
is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Ru- eligible for' the social use of cars
;tefs Fleming, who lived in Ann Ar- during the J-flop period.
bor with° hint, and Mrs. Carrie H. All those who are holders of rutg-
Wt orders of Newtonville, Mass.; a; ular drivin permnits, whereby they
graddaghtrGeogianaliil,~ -are allowed use of automobiles for
his; lte" criciia laci lii t ted purpaoses, will be grantecl
l;four nephews, Fred, Carlton,! full social privileges during the J-
and Ralph Hutchins, all of Chica-1101) week-endl without tiling letters
go, and C. J. Flemiiing; of Detroit; from their parents, it1 wos said.
an~d a niiece, Mrs. W. T. Taylor o[ A stiatement issued by J. A. Burs-
reient uthiMwss.tei rcIcy, dean) of students, was: "Stu-
Prc;Sidiit Huchis, wfos teure dets whiodo not possess iregular
extended from i1:110 to 1920, was driving permits and who wishli t
tine of Michigan's best-beloved: us(*,ears for the J-1lol) week-enid,
Presidents. As the war president, iJ(:ire:rc net to file witlih the offie

U IIL M ILk L I' 1 'cporting on the condition of DE AT D DMIH AN FY
11IProf. Claude H. Van Tyne, head of
t E the department of history, the fol- D F 9 E
IovnyLC U EH HL 19SrUTU t erday byaDr. C. M. CowieUmember' I
of the University hospital stall andi
Journalist ~"The condition of Professor Van _______
w Is Scheduled to Appear Social, Educational Policy Tyne is giving cause for great un-;
Herc on Feb. 18R. to be Inadequate, e asiness. He is not gaining strength, Wolverines Not Extended by 'Gophers In
-.._ _ _.+ _.., an d h is re c o v e ry is d o u b tfu l " ( ' 4 . 4 .t 2 0 . !. a R g e
ITRAVERSED 6i4 LANDS VALIDATES INDIA'S AIMS Sic negigasrosoe -n eig'at.Joni last December 18th, Pr-
-1--lessor Van Tyne has been under:; Play Predominates.
Uncovering of Strange Facts Is!I Member of Parliament Presents ;lose and constant care. His ill-
Basis for Fame; Likes to Survey of English Prisons, /esst) atJaurncsi ' v L rW(Id [,.it (JF)W/
be Called ~~~~ Liig h dsoniuac o l hist pntaelle6ai togdfes rsnksosfo
be Called Liar. Criminal Philosophy. I feaching work. The serious deve- iilet entreMiignsrog(feeorsksotf i
I, pent in the case, however,is the ]penalty stripe.Minnesotas Iediocwre teamu dropped a listless ai
jRobert I. Ripley, of "Believe It Inicla is not clecadent: it is the comparatively recent, to the Varsity flve, 26- 13. at 1 oat field house last naight. I 'V virtue of
or Not,'' fame," will speak here on most renascent ecutry in the .r. thir thirdl (onfIercwe\icturt, the Wolvrincs adlvaic'c~ljinto a tic \\X-Il)i
February 18. it was announced yes- sworld." said Fenner Brockway, La- P Ir A i i rrlt \N )ii w .tcrII f1 r f ih lipositI on in ie Big Mile cstand iiis, w ie th
terday by Henry Moser of tebntemme theheBiih a-bdeUu' L r dLf feak (t si vc Ihe ,rii h ; depr i to tile cellar.r
speech department, business mana- lianent and internationally known ".iliaita etni ypae vtom n ieiie en
ge ofteOrtrclEsoiainR cotnti.to hold their weaker olglaollelts score own whileti teYag;ed
Te o hi e wil reatsrcala atration'fguein worslectu eaesedayoemns! n"T 1 WI1'~ 1II IV iot ielcdL goals and free' throws to keep)thea.'lddall the wy. l mm-
Thi wil b aspeialattacionin islecureyeseray n "he WH i I! U U I LU sofa ipioved a vry slow vbreaking ofense, brit fhne Wolverine garding
presented by 'the Oratorical assoc- British Labor Government and -----__..___.____----_- - rst icted the ohers to oiml a fewa
iation and will be given in addition 1India" In Love With Love' to be Shown ' ljI~ iif f l' I p Isla s pt the b aket. lFive b skS
to terglrchdlwhclit "Despite the theory of the Brit-' at Lydia M 'endelssohn I I 1 V ~ Iu. Iromtehu astettlcl
three more speakers this year. 1 ( ruteshleted2( by the vj si tos, while their
"Rip", is known to 10 millions o ihtfsesi o ni, h atTheatreSaudy
newspaper readers as the man who must be faced that t he British went ',auda.r t ontoifretrosnt
has traversed 604 countries in search I tere rigialleformateial]nd t BEBtRempCA Ts.
EN IERS WILL ATTEND TO Inctratoe SIndiian ih-
of the almost unbelievable material ' "ot moral reasonis," Brockway saiid.EN IEIicotatothInaaig-
which hec presents everymn haing, in,'s~ osqecBiihrl is Bxoiesl o oeyCu'
100 newspapers under thee"sacnqucBrthrle headingfceslefrCulviyCubs WJR to Carry Program Through1 scoring fray of last week, nomic of
"Believe It or Not." ondollltedly resulted in tliiciecyi uresentation of Vincent Lawrence's Corey o!erooia the Michigan regulars Imind the
CourtesSyage "atof"I mehetwihonyolitanf ccuac
UncoersS~rngeI~atso in tax gathering anid in military three-act comedy,"I Love With meseswit ay dCoemonaelnLe
ie tells, for instance, of trees ,matters. On the whole, its adin-! Love," opened yesterday at the Ly- - 'is omay against Minnesota, Many shiot
that eat men, snakes that fly, of the jtamno utcehsbe oet
mnwohd88cidend It has helped the development o[ dia Mendelssohn theatre box of- iJB'fWILAN OU CEIfaileel to rind their mark, a atetocitiworoe costh. h oiir yget cee flie ltrs n at-s oktr wihi vdetfotolysxfsc
IAtlantic Ocean. lee mainitains that transportation and irrigation. Onl es The production will be givenj Ted Weems' and Fletcher Henl- goals registered by the Wolverines.
acnros ws the tatith a teo did ctionl and social p olicies have Friday and Saturday nights at thei derson's music for the 1931 J-Hop Dropping ini 14 out of 21 free throws
ncosth AtdlawhieRom t e bre dabentirlyindeuae. Lydia Mndelssohn theatre, will be broadcast over WJR, the gave Coach Veenkr's qtuinitt its
RItile hIefficient. The 'najority of the first floor ma"oowilitaton"vhrug the mariei
1 that there was no such thing wis the' otwysoke of ti'' tsas for Fidy igt a v courtesy of the Metropolitan Trust giovrteGprs
Moly RipeymaEstre . niortality rates as one exanlli ie of ;resrved for the delegates to tlv' company of Detroit, it was an- i ,1
inalead pecil, ino cork !in cork the ineffic iency of the lnih rule. ?Fourth Michigan Engineering con- lnehid 'lasftnihteby eln W Ih :ii'ad"D"Loel tyysax rewl-imoant loor work, ihie(taie
In the Bom bay tenements this ;t(T%'lneC. Balcony easare via hmd,'1oftegnrlcn-Capaiad"D"Lvllwr
legs, tha. t .Ger man silver contains t ( +Imit,' ec in charge of arrangtemenits. mp(tatiteartgtMve
rm ivr n ta h ed e a ices, the alarming figre of 828, ble to the general public, however. 'Thie i''o dcasting will take place ;and Blue defense. Ragged play
the compass does not point to the ini 1,000. "This is partly diue," hie S'mtum'ay night the entire Housel between 11:30 and 1:30 o'clock the1throughout was Characteristic
North, c~~~~~~eotilued.to Indian cistonais but s open for general sale of seats. , night o h far h iios owo h e hw
British gofvern eftair. t i;;-vTickets, renpricedhat 75 cel . li.w
Thousands of people have writ- the Brsloi vrmiit 101' iiot c,-'TXicets re ill t75citd, 1Prof. Waldo M. Abbot of tieI ing any consistent form.
ten to Mr.ieipleyofineiniignation at uplape;rhietoric depaartment, director and !Minnesota assunied a .nief 4leadt
somec of his seentlin dy absurd state- (1dU~ClIntoiS t oO'd- h aftorm noim this week, and up! announcer of the Morris hall when Bondy sank a gratis shot, bit
ratn~ btleha o s eb e(t' these customis." to thec tittle of the peforanes studio, will be in charge of the mi- a free throw by Weiss and two
taith in' error. . heWrdWiI (a lk EidY ad atrayniht rophone for the :speial programn. more by Owig give tihe Wlv~rines
fure o eCledLa.~ slf- overnmecnt. It wams at this '-
ile av ben ldrainater.e time that Mahiatinvi Gt hi erane'f laeIisconmedy is the second pro- t Between the dance and novelty a lead which they held to the fil-
"I av ben toin the fore.-Gamidi," aid Br'- duct ion on Comedy Club's program numnbes, short talks will be given Iih. Play was extremecly sow in
f;licve it' or Not' Picturcs for eight w ,"i roalyterats ;pr of pre senting a limited number of by several of the University's promg- this first half, 11 ninuts having(
yeas, sysMr Rply n hepr- ~oal sirtulpoerfo godini lays durng the present seasoni, Iinent faculty menmbers. elapsed before Kanitz samnk thet fist
face of his first book.,"and find that waidi concentrating its efforts on Other arrangements for theJ-, field goal to mnake the cnt .5-1.
*It grows casier each year. There is the hle xworldl today." 'ach. onle. Hop were prog-ressing rapidly to- Michigan Gua'ding (osev.
nodne frnigout of mater- Favors Seicf-Guvei'inment. ward maturation, stated Alberti 'Truck" dropped Iin a penaty
s n dagerof ennn - "The Parlimentary group to rlryouts for inembership, oni the,
la(, the supply is inexhaustible. whicl I belong,'" he concludedt,; basis of technical efficiency, are Donohiu, '31, chairman of the sub- throw after being fouled~ by Bondy
"T ecledala s iem-hileniyteslvswt being Held dmmimm the ul of the i commnittee in charge of ickets, ati and then the Gophers brought ti
ssic to my e ars----but I can prove deado1h nda epeW preset production. Box offce' night. Distribution of favors will R score to 6-5 onl baskets by Loos,.
Tikt~orti ustnigleiacof. ttirIndianale. senryoprpetisfodoterbegin shortly; all the contracts f oran Nrgrd rfateddth
evesaotemen tt a ig."e- lf-icri te]idecor-a ionis, lighting, and spcial Minnesota scoring in the fir t Ie-
ture are now onl sale at Slater's or Lreia' ecueon "Aar~'U eli ebuin ae d bof heprdc-j services are signed; and booth ar- nod, as Michiig an's guiardirig had
Iat 3211 Angell hall at one dollar'XWay to tCrime.,"lie revi eed ttlionar bigimamldb andi-t il aebe om'h naes afe.Tre;bisc
-!,old dl ewcii i~ iitnpedales for membership Iin the o- rneet ilhv encm h naesbfld he ~se.
eachl. A special block of reserved lW(i01 8IP1Uopi~ mtnleted by tie end of tie week. and a pair of free throws, y105t4'(
seatis at ,$1_50 will be placed on sale --iliciAiI ~'( rif~____. the score to 14-5 at half tiw,
son codn Mser ofpr'esen U conditions in tie Enae- ,..,., All independent ien w o pai Chapmanl's follow-nip baslie. aft-
- - acrin oMoe.listili usomis. 1liestAe 5 (', pirtir'U ;tPEA1O- '1K ij5jj\J' to occupy booths at the 1931 J- , Tuk"mse.apnly i o
_ ___ladly, 1 .0trll th'l , are lw , lop will meet at 7:30 o'clock to- ! i ade it 16-5 to begin tie seom
Mitchell WVaits Drys crried out, int)the piriosl ~ciat OR AST'<TME ight in) room 302 of the Union hafHuhionsidcot.io
FOR'iej~i~~i~i~ tizi a iUI LAST *. TIM i Aii~kti LLU half uds hioengs ,idou rso t



for Prohibition Agents

WASJ1 tIIN 'I'ON, 1)."C.. Jaj!. 27.- -

lie was Jknownmas 5a man Capaot' ,
of hanrtrdling thme delic'ate situattioni
Whichm arose with worthy fiesse
tw d perspleacity. He worked inde -
fatigably to organizi't~e t aun
elubs to their present strength; lie
also laid most- of the plans andjl
foundation for Michigan's. expan-;
Sion of physical equipment which
vas, completed during thme oflice of,;
41resident Marion LeRoy Burton.
Word was received yesterdtay that
'r sidck-ra, emneitus Hutchins was
one of the 107 'proiiiiiemt persons
chosen by the Senate of New York
university to the Collegte of Elec-
tors of the Hall of Fame for the
x1930 election.

a lettecr of peermnission from thei ;.1:1 At~torney General Mitcehell hias
parenets, including thei make, type, h 1is way, prohibition enforecet
andl license nmbers of the ears toe Oflice]'5 will not, be drinkers but,,to
tie driveni. They will timeimj be cligi- U-i (. coti':'_S, will be s ince re be-
bh' for tihe soclifi use of thmeir car;-'; lievers in11the11cVolsteAad Act.
for time period beginning at. noon,'I The head of the Justice depart-
Friday. Feb. 14, and teriniatlig at nient who will bear time burdenm of
8t o'clock Monlday imorning, Feb. 'r lfr,).etrsosblt n
17. Application for such privileges ,dr toeiliatmsponibility Uon-
ma b at oom wo, niversity siceef by the (louse expenditure
laia~l, on or after Feb. 1." , coonm m i tt'e revealed his views in a.

trodlittom m of (3'. tc~oi t, Ite ab-
olishilmen U(of tihe Silence i.,m amlId
the twgreg ali' n of first offiend i-s.
"Prison breaks," lie said, ",ire the
res ult of the repi'essive regimes inl
prisolls. Pemsola lit~y imust find tcx-
paressioliial I'll(', cowil teu ecc is
open mmnutiny."
Five Passengers Killed
in Kansas Plane Crash
late toda~ly in t .,'t(Wsh i a fa moI10


--iigtm crano l complete further arrangememts IClopher total four points, but two3
Unio dow brthei' aeommodaion~. Igift shots by Weis= 'and ainother'
Uio3Operas, a :final performaneI
of "erri-Go-oumm," te 199 1Lccher lHernderson's band conies' by, Chapman gave Michigan a I1)
'irodluction, will be given Saturday to tihe J-fop highly touted from p h o p hed. eute Cscvluyaring by
a ft~ern oor1, Feb. 15, at the Mimies Itime Roselanid ballroom 3inl New YorkthGoerrsuedisvnful
t~h a Ie, itywhee 1 ishOWbeing called on th~em1 during this
t~lc~t.t~-e ' cit whrelieis owfinlishinrg al
Unlion Opera-s. disconitinmued tby several months' engagement. Hi halchoeing a and ls.d both
-1001of time Union Board of Dli- ; fourteen-piece orchestra is nation- imanls otwas forpedroaleavethe13
rectors in meeting Saturday mnor- I ally reputed to be the best colored mnas a ocdt ev h
inig. hlave been aim extra-curricu-! aggr'egationm in te country. T1hegmefrouofnss
larfA''U~ty lltheUniersty or corami~e i carg ofmusc wre Coach Veemiker sent his reserve s
hai-actvit in imeUniersiy fr cmmitee n carg of miuie ere time contest in time closing nminm-
l' a!Pjtt5 ; pa:rticularly impressed "withnversa- te.Svrlwducamesfi
The cperformnme a thtie imhes itile orc hestm'ao tions and stiloothm ef-;,
tinca ,tre this year will not onily be fees, said Robert A. urimiss '31, time bafll kept thczsmall crowd in1 at.
Pic Pist, of this particular produce- Ichlairman of time conmmittee, uo a otieygamerdegenat ingpasn-
tion., but the last of theUnion op-, Ted Weems' band is well-known I oacmd ferr swl as
ing and shooting by both terams
"mas ini their present for.m. for his Victor recordings, his radio was tihe order.
Seat sale for the J-Hop perform- progranms, anid especially for the - BO SCORE.
:tn1ce wvill be started at time Mimces ;higi quality of hiis ballroom..mu11sic. Ailc~iigari (26) fg ft iaf.
Ilteat re ibox office Wednesday, Feb., "Wcejms' replertoire." said P'ur mss, Kaitr, rf. . .. 1 3 0
12. All seats immtti the latre al'e "'omIsist~s of plenidid rinterpreta- .1v1 f __
pm-ice d at $'3,00 anrd $ 2.5r0. lions of [tice lest hit,.Hsis liar- ylr
Weirs, lf. _. ___.....0 :i0 ;
Mail 'odce' applications for tihe :mnoiy aind rhythmn are especially Tniskowski, c.. 1 2 :3 '
prod uction are beiing taken at the good, and his features should Hudson, c..........,.0- 1.i0 1
desk of the Union. now, and will; greatly enantce thne dance pro- oriwig, rg. t .-...i 1 5
ceoit-Jimll; until time box office opens 1g ram1." Weems i ;mnow playing at! );, ,l.u q mr "_m


nemson's Conference
Speech Will be on Ai
NEW YORK, N. Y., Jan. 27-_- Anm
address by Secretary of' Slate lie n-
.y I.. insi will be brow aas.
from Loimdom amid relayed over time
network of the N ationmal Broadcast-
ing comnpammy ,at 1 p. nm. toimorrow
E. S. T. Time Colum-biaa Broadcast-

lell ? i tmade putblic, today.
n"7 l he endorsedtebll ins ancaim-I

11ittee just before conzclusionjs o1flplane of the Cell lm'al Aim- llmes
meaings and -forwardedi the ex- !boumidi for WichitW to K-.ans,,ms itY.
pressioin of hisk opinion aj few houI~rs The ca'binlWall"e plunged to carthl
l~iatt , .froin n ai p t h ide (1t C I il I l, ,0tcclee+.
Mr. 1M itc h'wcll's views iwere con-nath im s rpriam]tm-t
Lamel(d 1i n amanswer to .aprivateit lms
citizen who had called azttention to ! ie fv ~Sel~''''tvimi
iquiries beimng made by a justicej planme, second section of tile i'egular'
departmaent agemit concerning can- 3 fP. .flight outo aW ila. is lpped
__ -udenzlyian to a a o se d i t 1,t


Production of time six whminers Ili ing company has no London broad- .didates to a United states tuuar isi low altitude anud pimmtg 'd int;o It"c at the theatre. ltie New Granada cafe in Chicago. C
the one-act play contest will brezast scendu led foi tomonmzo~v jlrl denise ii mdcrm'gowthiiabon I 3001)c ---fee- --- - _._C
presented to a private audience to- rGRheOWTHOl irii OFSimboF ANEVC REAT C NIALVCT R
day in time lay Production lab bora- R WT FWAESS A CE IDEA iants. _._
tory' in University hall, RAPID IN ENGLAND, SAYS BROCKWAY 'jve p ;; 4i : :'imdtno1, i .utduc AT FIVE POWER NAVAL CONFERENCE
This presentation, sketchy and mitetWihtti301.M_
Eprivateof depat-_.1half lhou r behid;tdl e mi. A itii W A.-u1>E .11Ed re. 7-rne net n aza II fr orec
J. ampell oftheEngishdeprt-of arresstace as s t ac asa rlie ogahniztio) wo bokei pssae a Mn fuhoerbooNDOed pa Ja. 2-Frnc tia5Jl Mmi.minmum flets oriac
mon, Pof.Petr M Jakof thme grown in Emngland sincee the World to thmeimen who at this time are in !left stie plane. at Topeka,. C. K. t today ganed a techmnial victory oni country must wait.
rhorcdptmnt, Prof. ee . Ja mes war more rapidly than any other prison for their resistance to mill- Imnger, of Kanisas City st'u'ed toi a point of proceedure for the for- ! Secretary of State Stiinson ad-
ofetthe dpaeechPrf.Jaeart- ~zamrnat of teee oafer a mee-r
lv.O'Neills Lomideir- Iconcept,", stated Fenner Brockway, tary servic. Not only do they try jboard tie lane tubuj, ssiloi'inid: gedofteivpwrdi-mnitecl that oday'smeetimng, which
Ment, and y elMiss imy p M. P.,iii an interview here yester- jtkallviat'thaconitins oethsechatfterence afttertopata' meet1
r ntr faciis o h Lddayomn imttpi o tmeWalR- mmibmt th'e i atzie popagtn-so he took nictim o i.stion t'1atingo iecheieeatsa 0lasted far past lie hour for hlch,(
Mentelso actvte. fth y i sisters Intternational organmizationm, cagigo ohv hi etmc - Downiuig Street. haiildI prIoceddl nre slowly than le
The ft e pa~ ilb ik dof which lie i ie og nzr iltm e. What actually h mappenmed was t mati desired.
to continue th m -.m1pl itif. 'Thec he em~iinet p lacifist 'vv.nct on to! Birekwimy irtiielf watm aBai m~r ealitre orsotee i'i t)' mcict:tad -e Ti
best o hs he ly* twill liedfte tit tat th mtovinment had be -ish prison cuamp durinig tie wam ieiso tm eeae neao-rm;,i aslreyadyo
timee Nsi dsenig pnin l-- - ed to Metl part of their disagree-1 watchful waitinlg, while the l uro-
pikda( ltrpeenaln oiin (f imajor iniportane in al Iforp expressing discenting opinions I -
As "" -tmethe ------------'.'li -' g 2T n nolv~ tii

Uhapnin, I g. (C;apt..) .. 2 4 (?
Rileketts,, jg . ..... . 0 0 0 4

6 14

iotahoa 1)
I oose, rf. ...
,sehmotflinmg, If.L
4t7 llllte, 1lf.




forgaard, c. ........ 1 1
;o tdy, rg---------0
ars er, rg....0... 1
utehmiisili, if. . .. .1 0
TotLal s ................) 3



Pud e-2 t(1 ,1000

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