Ye baters (o Meet
D ARPEMED l NNEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan.13.-The
Centra Espanol de Yale has just re- "So This Is College". cracks make a strong bid for per-
gI : n nf ii o enTiv TI flu n fmmrtVT I edtr Esno e Yale h ulsi fltre-"S Ti s C ktallege. ccit nteasl thon "bid ni ht if
Endwment for International
MPeace that it has made an allotment
Extension Will be Completely of the younger ones, although their of funds to the organization to aid
hours wibe the same as ti3ose of in meeting the expenses of a trip
Equipped for Research other grammar-schools. to South American by a team which
~aII4 Obscrvation. In the ceenter 'of the building will debate there in Spanish. This
there is an octagonal room Which organization 'is composed of stu-
EMBODIES NEW FEATURES! will be devoted to the study of arts dents in Yale University interested,
t and erafts, folowing- up the experi- in speaking and hearing. Spanish
ments that, in recent years, have for the purpose of improving their
Dr. W. C. Olsen to be Director shown that children can be train- ability to understand the culture
of New Building; Principal ed beneficially in manual arts at a and conditions of the "other Amer-
S Not Yet Selected. isurprisingly early age. It is expect- icans" in order to help foster
ed that the room will also be used friendly international relations. The
Aftethremocotart exhibits and displays of a team, whichwill debate with
Aftr treemonis t cnstuc-similar nature both of work of the South American universities, will
tion, the new elementary school, pupils 'and that of outsiders which leave the United States about
wich is being built as an addition may be'usedIn inst ruction. June 20, will spend about 12
to the present University High Extensive fac1lities for the study weeks in South America, and will
School, is nearing completion and of nature and sciences are planned, return to this country in time for
will be ready for use by September where very complete equipment is the opening of the college year.
with all equipment installed. to be installed for the purpose. The allotment has been made
The school, which like the High There is to be a third4fioor to the with the Understanding that in ad-
school is to be an experimental pro- building, but the planseor its out- dition to the purpose of stimulat-
ject;'1s the result of the growing in- lay''have not as'yet been, definitelyinfrndy eltosadbte
terest in the past few years in the settled on. The present plan, mere- mutual understanding between the
modern idea of the Nursery school ly a tentative one, is to have it laid American and Latin-American stu-
and pre-school training for child- out in plan and recreation rooms deinhe p en-Amica btu-
ren. Hundreds of "schools of this to supplement the lar'ge indoor I dents, the representatives ofYale
type have been founded throuigh- gymnasium which has been built. will explain the work of the Inter-
out the country and have, in most Doctor Willard C. Olsen, of the natinal Relations Clubs and where
cases performed satisfactory work. Education School, a recent arrival possible form such clubs in the
Will Contain Laboratories. from the University o'f Minnesota, I South American universities they
The new schooi is to contain lab- where he has been making an 'in-. visit.
oratories, X-ray equipment and all tensive study of the problems of The project is result of an in-
sorts of facilities for observation ielemenftary school and nursery chil cident-in A
and- research, and will be one of dren, is to be the research director bating team of students from the
the most complete institutions of at the new school. The principal University of Porto Rico visited
its type in the country. has not yet been selected. Yale to debate in English. They met
The building is under construe- The purpose o the new project some of the members of the Centro
tion- now in the rear of the Uni- is two-fold. It is primarily intend- Espanol de Yale and expressed a
versity High School with its main ed to give children the best ob- desire to debate in Spanish if it
entrance facing Monroe street. One taimable elementary training ac- were possible to find a group ofl
of the interesting features of the cording to 'the'-latest and-best edu-'students born in the United States
structure is the inclusion of two cational theories. In this connec- and educated in Spanish solely in'
halls or "Activities Rooms" around tion, however, there will be carried United States schools or colleges.
which are built balconies so that on extensive studies into the nature The challenge was at once accepted
the pupils may be observed at their of the best method of teaching and and took place five days later at
work or play without diverting their handling children. 'Yale.
attention, thus allowing both par-
ents and students of psychology to __
watch them in their natural 'ac-
tions when' carrying out their as-
siied tasks, whether of work or
mill " Care for All Oracles. E BERBACH & 'SON CO.,
The- building is to care for all
grades from the beginning of school ESTABLISHED 1843
training up to the junior high
school age. 'The first floor of the+SCIENTIFIC
building is to be reserved for the
use ,of the younger children, where LjFA 0 Y S P LE
they will spend almost the entire LABORATORY SUPPLIES
day, coming early in the morning to
take cod-liver oil and orange juice, DRUGS SUNDRIES
and remaining for lunch.dAllthe
children will aid in 'handling theihsadnothertss omk
dlishes and in other tasks to make / 200-202 E. LIBERTY STREET
their self-reliant.
The older pupils will be on the
second floor, , probably following ____ __
~ ~1 i ,pt .r.rh bduile astha.t
r owing ue nooa 1 acx -SLL g 1 I~by, LL y UI L gilg
epics, the talking picture took to it doesn't shrink" and "broken Eng-d
college for suitable plots--and -the ish building"' gagg.
f ing, with a letdown during the foot
~To ld onW iac
o Fna
...to)Expedition Base
And at the Maj there is a mod-- Larry Gould, University inember
ernized Western much better than of the Byrd Antarctic expedition, is
the average. Petite Dorothy Mack- now northward bound after atri
aill is the foil "for the usual kid- i into the Queen Maud mountains,
napling, et cetera, and an excellent according to a radiogram received
foil it that. Of course, there's yesterday by Prof. William H. Hobbs
nothing much in the way of plot, of the geology department.
but there is Myrna Loy who does Gould is expected to reach the
not need a plot. To 'top it all off, headquarters at Little America
Ian Keith gives our little Dorothy about the end of the month. He
a big hand. in the way of a gold 1 still has about 200 miles to go to
mine, so everything is lovely. finish his 1200 mile dogsled trip.
' '4~~~~~~V.'P. B. fns'hs1=20nie'oldtrp
latest is at the Michigan titled: j
"So Trh'is Is College."
a As is to be expected, the film
hardly presents an accuratehpic-
ture of the institutions of higher
learning, but actually does cMe' a
good deal 'nearer' than: most sfii
lar talkies. Filmed on the South- j
ern California campus, "So This Is
College" depicts .much -of the live
"collich spirit" of the Pacific Coast
schools which Gargoyle, probably
right for once, claims is lacking
Snappy dialogue accounts for'
many -of the -laughs, and several
The cast isrnew to the screen for
the most part. Sally Starr with
eyes, form, and vivacity a la Clara
'Bow goes over well as the alluring
heart breaker. Elliott Ningent and
Robe'rt Montgomery as Ed-
die and rifft halfbacks nd room-
mates extraordinary, fit their roles
capably. Too little is seen and
heard of Cliff "Ukelele Ike" Ed-
wards, the singing doughboy of
Best-of the songs is "I Don't Want
Your Kisses." -The musical inter-
+lIldes are less obtrusive than usual,
and on the whole the fimis amus-
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