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January 14, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-14

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for Czecho-Slovakia
'ait Surpasses Organization,
Institution, Legislation, Says
Convocation Speaker.
,idividuhi Instructors Determine
Calibre of the University
as Source of Culture. 4
Per~onality is power in allfed

Prof. Densmr

pore Announces Last
sfor Preliminary
sJanuary 24.




List of Lecturers Includes Men
Famous in Field of


He extendted the principle b<:yond scae f w--------- inlaro
religion, stasting that the force be- I elo ae ecsayi uo
hind literature is the life inspiring r~ean cities to mnaintain a standard
it. In the,, material age he pointed' of l ivinig equal to that enjoyed by
out that leaders are nearly unani- c1- loycs: of the Ford Motor Co.
mous in acclaiming personalit.y m has bceeni started here under aiis-
the leading force.I
"History is a long record of ideas, iPDces of the International Labor of-
and ideals spring from ideas that I lice at Geneva, Switzerland.
have first appeared in the person- The survey's object is to fermu-
ality of great men, the San Fran-' late a "commodity budget" which
cisco, bishop declared,.lie then took will represent, in terms of food,
incidents f'romn the world's history} clothing', housing, light, heat and
which demonstrated the omnnipo- Other necessities, the yearly pur-
tence of. personait .,,cje)ases of the average automobile
Considering education hie stated worker earning $7 a day-the min-
that it was the "personality of the{ imum wage recently established by
instructors that makes the calibre the Ford company.

Prof. cG. E. Densmore, head of the j > y Speakers who will appear before
Michigan High School Debating Imetnso telcl'eto
league, announced yesterday thatth meinsotelcascin
the schedule for the fourth and last sf
debate of the preliminary series on ! during the early part of this year
January 24, has been completed.' %. have been announced by Dr. L. C.
The ext ebae onFebuaiy14,Anderson of the chemistry depart-
will be the first of the final elimi- r ,enyhois.ertay-rasrr of
nainseries, in which the 64:telcletin
schools with the highest percent- th oaIscin
ages will enter, which will culnin- The first speaker who will app-ar
ate in the final debate for the state ( here is Dr. James B. Conant, pro-
championship in Hill auditorium fessor of ogaic chemistry at, ar-
April 26. adUiest.D.Cnnwl
Professor Densmore also an vr nvriy!I.Cnn;wl
pounced that the League :had al-; speakFriday, January 17. Ils top-.
' .:zyready started research work. in le has not yet been announced.
seeking a suitable. question for nexti.. Major-general H. L. Gilchrist, the
'year's debate. Speech tea 2hers chief of the chemical warfare serv-
throughourt the state have been ieo h ntdSae rya
asked to submit five questions each,): 1-c fteUiedSae rya
and the topic for the 1930-31 con-xxy Washington, D. C., will speak Feb-
tests will be chosen from them ruary 20. His topic will have a
Proposed changes in the League large popular appeal it is expected.
administrative policy will be voted ~ l2tr. Fn, poesro
onsoProfessor sDensmore said. .;>'f>.::;F: < I ,.:, as poesro
Questionnaires will be sent to de- :*' 'n>t:' :- -:&v ? . p''jA t Of e -
bate coaches on changes which will :I j;?; expected tentatively in
be announced later.{ Associated Press telephoto shows the American d legates to the London arms limitations conference as '-arch.
-- ;~they sailed on the liner George Washington Fom let to right, they are: Dwiht NV. Morow, former am- D.J .Nulnpoesro
Hym Naed en~erbassador to Mexico and now Senator from New Jersey;- Charles Francis Adamns, secretary of the navy; Hn;organic chemistry at Notre Dame
ry L. Stimson,, secretary of state; Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas; and Senator" David A. versityoa
Pennsylvania. in the chemical world will be here
of 1-listorical Grou Representatives of the major world powers will b_ present at this naval ix-rley, and it i~ expeced thatno ceisparontelta-
much will be accomplished toward limiting militaryind naval armaments. Dh atser .C.ndheirtor
P rofessor Abert 1-yma, of the -_ - of the school of Chemistry at te~
hitr earmnwoNeetyCOOI E FINDS NO IMA OR LIT ; thec egagient?" "Would you favor University of Minnesota, who will
attended the national convention teetbiheto ro
of historians at Boston toeterIN!MIS SOURI'S SEX QUlegaTIystem speai i~AnntMy1.
~with a large number of his col- __-- -. __ 1- - of tiri'marriege?" Do you believe I
leogues from the department, has I After* an extensive investigation admrigaefeunl iin easy divrce?." PORTABLE
been appointed to the program an'arae r retety n- "The border lie between decency TYPEWRITERS
committee of the 1930 convention of the University of Missouri sex cussed frankly, not only in the fra- and indecency," the report stated,, W aealmks
by the American Historical assi- IQuestionnaire controversy, a cor-, ternity and sorority houseS, h~t is eften ietrmined by the intent' WRenlonRmaes.
ation, the society sponsoring the ittee of the'Aiericaji association also by the gils 'withI their troy; and the tirurnstaces. Scientific oRion, dRools
gathering . iof UivrstyProfessors frcd aoordteaarlyedi
Aoriooeduofnse.PieAccording to Professor Iyina, ,Theqetoniesbitdti eurdt atfruaiiyo
th ra fthehe130cnvnghat they found no "manifest social ithe usinar umitdt 'qi~( o atfruaiiyo
programfor the1930 . cnven- ,, thestudents of the University of ;oinion on questions of social pro- D qL.
tion in Boston has already been impropriety" as charged by the un-'Missouri was in connection with a priety. The committee finds no im- 0 D.M RiLL
completely arranged. Setting a pre- ,versity's board of crators. , course in "The Family." It was pre-j propriety or indecency in the ques- 314 South State St. Phone 6615
cedent contrary to that followed "There is litte or no evidence," pared and distributed by students'tinnhire as handled by the men _____________________
at most professional conventions, the committee found, "that any and those who answered were asked concerned at the University of
the entire program was arranged student receivng the questionnaire!nttorveltei dettyToe isor.
at a luncheon during the sessions,I was shocked or insulted by it. There ofteqesin iece-tte P I A
thsgvn;nexr ormnh is no evidence the questionnaire led women were: t ar MIAMI, Fla.-Al Smith, who plays DEPARTMENT
allowance of time for preparation to sexual immorality or to dces "If you were engaged t ar golf mainly as an excuse for a D P ML
to the program staff. "Puritanism" ed self-control in' the matter of sex i man and suddenly learned that heI bath, holds up his knickers with
and the "'Expansion of New Eng-I behaviour."!-had at some time indulged in illicit suspenders He wears a golf cap, Lenses and Frames' Made to Oder
land" will be the keynotesfoth "Telaigsunsmnnd sexual relations would you break not a brown derby. Optical Prescriptions Filed
apocigcnlv.women, appearing before the comn- _______-________
--1mittee, were unanimous on the _ALLER '
GYOR, Hungaria-The foreman ' capacity of the questionnaire to SHOWS! ALR S
in charge of construction of a large arouse eroti imt.as nothing in corn-STOAYRTING~A70090 t SAL SRF JWLR
bulig hsapidt h police parison to many factors of the en-TOAbulighsapidtth Y i.,7o>-9:l SATSRETJWLS
magistrate for permission to swear 1virounient ial daily life. The _________________________________
at his workmen in order to get students testified these problems of I - -
'more work done. the sex code ot morals engagement' EVELYN HAL
________________________________IBRENT SKELLY
w prit astrySop to o an rap
BAKED GOODS Two Brothers ajt the M1ercy of a Wonan'$
_U MADE PURELY FOR YOU Hl kelyof ,eteneace
Ha kly f."h Dance of Lif." Chester Morris of Alibi" and
Evelyn Ben of "Intrference",, ll in one " nilodrmatc super feature
{1CATERING with________3__________a________stars._______
PHONE 96050
7a 07 PackardSree___wr£Pip es save 'no




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~, -t
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To-tatllo8sa1=ma ima-ters !"

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I F PIPES made the mn;~n anybody
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Men make the pipe-most men do.
Somelhat depends on the individual;
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Edgeworth is a congenial tobacco;
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Edgeworth hals poise, kindly goodI
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Edgeworth' welcomes new friends,
T1any a good man has been pledged
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Like to meet Edgeworth? Jut ask
with the couipon-and the postmn
will bring your first. few pipefuls of
the genuine, three years seasoned if
it's a day. Our treat, if you please.
Others have found Edgeworth and
quit their discontent.
So may it be with you t
Eclg ft,-t i a careul ltend~i
especiaflly for pipe-Mrnoiing, lit,
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- "Ready Rubbed.. or
"Mlug Slice'.-150 ipckt
P C pack ge to poutd hurf4.
dor tio.
e--eaaa+« s =.-x+ saare-
P Rf)'I Sf^.4x:, ~ere~e-m4 . A,-A~M nm..







Tu r sdca J ant.1
So O

. s r . . : a:s ' rte. : :- . "v _ 1


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