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January 14, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-14

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Publishcd every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches crediled to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and ,'the local news published
E;ntered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as soetud class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial' Chairman..... ,....George C. Tilley
City Edit*.... ....... iecee1oscnberg
News Editor... ..........Donald J. Kline
Sports editr . -.Edward L. Warner, Jr.
WXomhehn's IElitor.."......-Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editoi-----------assain A. Wilson
Music and Dram.........William J. Gorman
Literary ,Editor...........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant(City s Iditor. - .Robert J. Feldman
Night 'Editors--Editorial Board Members
Frank E,. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kx i Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barec1David M.. Nichol
Maxwell Bauer William Page
Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckham
Benjamin 11. BerentsonlTugh Pierce
Allan H. Berlkman Victor Rabinowitz
Arthur J. Bernstein John D. keindel
S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts
Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell
John H. Denler oseph Ruwitch
Helen Dornine William P. Salzarulo
Margaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl
Kathearine Ferrin. S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. Fullerton June Thaver

of crime is the odd assertion of
Dr. T. H. Briggs, professor of edu-
cation at Columbia University,
whose attack on the present educa-
tional system featured a recent
lecture at Harvard.
"Secondary schools are handi-
capped," stated Dr. Briggs, "be-
cause of the expectation that they
shall prepare for higher education{
of academic kinds more students
than are fit to profit by it."
Dr. Briggs further asserted that
present day preparatory institu-
tions are "passing the buck" to the
colleges and universities in regard-
ing elementary work as purely'a'
subsidiary sort, to be followed by
four years of "higher education."
That too many students are being
annually "shipped" a way to. col-
leges only to fail is still another,
fact brought out by Dr. Briggs.
"Secondary education is too sec-
ondary," says the Columbia educa-
tor. "We stress the cultural too
highly. We forget that the major-
ity will never 'finish' their educa-
tion in a college or university."
In his lecture before the Har-
vard group, Dr. Briggs emphasized
the importance of education as a
long term investment, stating that
"One good teacher is worth a whole
platoon of police. Because of what
they have failed to do, our schools
are in a' large measure responsible
for this country's} shameful crime


. cuv . Au cn. ti r
Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson Among his numerous criticisms
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin of secondary rti
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine education as pacc-
Morris Croverman Harold 0. Warren, Jr. ed in the United States today, the
Ross (lustin charles White
Margaret s G. onel Wi l y lecturer stressed one point in par
David B. Hiempstead John E Willoughby ticular which seems to drive home
J. Cu li Kennedy Nathan Wise
Jean Levy Barbara Wright in the middle-western system of
Russell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
Dorothy Magee public schools. The gap between
BUSINESS STAFF'lower and higher branches of edu-
BUSINSS SAFF cation is too wide, in Dr. Brigg's
BUSINESS MAn AGER opinion. Rather than assuming the
high school to be a "finishing"
A. J. JORDAN, JR. school for most people, American
Assistant Manager educatorsrseem to have the distort-
ALEX K. SCHERER ed notion that it is a "lower branch
Department Managers of college, preparing the. student
Advertising.............T. Hollister Mabley only for further academic work."
Advertising.............Kasper }i. Halverson In the East, with the domination of

Advertising.............Sherwood A. Upton
Service..................George A. Spater
Circulation................JV ernor Davis
Accounts ..................... John R. Rose!
Publications...........George R.hHamilton
Business Scretary-Mary Chase
- Assistants
.Birne I2adetbetch rin Kobacker
Janes E. Cartwright Larence Lucey
Robert Crawford Thomas Muir
Hafrry . Culver George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer Lee. Slayton
ames Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris' Johnson obert Williamson
Charless Kline j iamR. Worboy
Laura Cadling Sylva Miller
Agnes Davis helen E. nusselwhite
Bernice Glaser Eleanor walkinshaw
ortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman
Alice MCully
Night Editor-:--ROBERT L. SLOSS
S t u d e n t transportation, first
made a problem of concern by the
auto ban, has been further ham-
pered-and seriously so-by the re-
cent change of schedule by the bus
companies. Students living out of
the half-mile circle are finding it
difficult to get to classes and re-
turn home on time and the conges-
tion of passengers has reached a
stage that warrants the serious
consideration of the transportation
Students have come to rely on
bus service because it is ordinarily
convenient and cheap; but many
of them lately have been forced to
forsake the bus lines and rely on
the more expensive, but at least
convenient, taxis. The bus com-
panies are justified in changing
schedules if, as reported, their de-
creasing financial returns make
such changes necessary; . but the
reorganization has not been' made
with an eye to the regular student
Those students living out on
Washtenaw avenue are now faced
with the proposition of catching
buses that in no way coincide with
their class schedules, thereby in-
curring a waste of time that is ap-
palling and an amount of incon-
venience that makes criticism just.
It's all very confusing.
If the bus companies feel that
student trade does not warrant
special buses, or at least a slight
change in the present schedule, it
would sem to be the psychological
moment for the taxi companies to
step in with a jitney service de-
signed for students. At ten cents a
passenger they should be able to
reap a harvest during the four-a-
day student rush period and fill in
the business gap that must exist
for them during the day.
At any rate, something should,
be done to relieve the present inex-
cusable congestion. If buses are ap-
erated for the purpose of making
money by furnishing transporta-3
tion, bus officials should keep in
mind the peculiar transportation
problems occasioned by .student
patrons and plan their schedules1

private schools, such a gap is even
wider, for even the manual arts
have been eliminated on many sea-
board curricula.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Annymous oo-
mnnncations will be disregarded. Thie
names ofcommunicants will, however,
be regarded as confidentil,>upo .c-
quest.- Letters published 811001d not e
construed as expresisng the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
The subject of professorial sal-
aries seems to , be a favorite one
these days. Ideas regarding it are
being thrown back and forth like
rubber balls. Some writers favor
increases, others are opposed to
them. Some think that professors
can live on "literature, science and
arts," others that they must have
something more substantial in or-
der to keep going. The only thing
that can throw light upon this
subject is - facts. It is well
known that teachers and preach-
ers have nearly always been un-
derpaid. That such has been, and
still is the case is surprising inas-
much as education and religion
have generally been considered
universal remedies, of all human
ills. Now why is it that teachers
and preachers should be poorly
paid? The reason is not far to
seek: it is that education and re-
ligion have much, less of a hold on
man than the vast output of writ-
ings on these subjects would make
one believe. In other words th'y
affect men's minds only semi-oc-
casionally and generally quite su-
perficially. The things that rule
men's lives are pleasure of every
kind, athletics and sport general-
ly, but above all, in America at
f least-business. The Fords, Rocke-
fellers, Morgans, and the sporting
heroes are our gods. There is an
unverified rumor - according to
which the directors of athletics re-
ceive higher salaries than univer-
sity presidents. In a recent speech
President Day of Union College
referred to football coaches who re-
ceive $18,000 a year. As for business,
it may be said that if the proprie-
tor of a concern is an able busi-
ness man he is usually assured of
an adequate income.
On the other hand, no matter
how well a professor understands
his "business" he is rarely on an
equal footing with a business man.
At thi's pint one may ask whether
a great professor should be coin--
pensated according tq the stan-
dard of a thriving buiness man.
The answer to this question is:
and why not? Is education of less
value than business? is a distin-
guished professor hiferior in any
sense to a great business man?
The question may be stated in an-
other way, namely, what would
business be without the civilizing
4,infl a a nppAof afmiSrp 9 T in,,, n


ness civilization." This subject has V
been brilliantly treated in the Jan-
uary number of Harper's Maga-
zine: "Can Business be Civilized?"a
For a fuller development of this
subject consult the masterly book
by James Truslow Adams: Our Bus-
iness Civilization (929).;
A little persona; iiistory of the
writer of this may interest then
reader. During a period of nearly
a third of a century of teaching ata
a university he was enabled to live
on his salary exactly seven years.
For the remaining twenty-fivet
years he had to have recourse to
other means in order "to keep thef
wolf from the door." Such is theY
beauty and charm of the profes-I
sorial calling!1
But for Lhe presen we may pass
over the question of salaries of'
those who occupy the higher po-
sitions in our universities for the
reason that there is now a move-3
ment on foot according to whicht
first-class men will in all proba-
bility be rewarded according to
merit: "a consummation devoutly
to be wished."
What I wish to do in this paper;
is to call particular attention to
those who are hardest hit by pres-
ent conditions, namely, the able
instructors. Some of these young
men have served a number of years,<
three, four, and even longer, are;
doing excellent and highly respon-
.sible work in recognition of which
they, receive a salary of $1500 to
start with and thereafter an an-
nual increase of one hundred dol-
lars a year or nothing at all.
I am now paying $5 a day for the
'most ordinary kind of unskilled la-
bor. Counting 300 working days,
the workman gets $1500. In order
to preparenfor this kind of work,
all the man had to do was to give
himself the trouble of being born.
According to a recent report in
The New York Times, street clean-
ers in that city receive an' annual
I increase of from 240 to 300 dollars.
"Yet such is the generous treatment
of able instructors who have usual-
ly spent from five to seven years in
undergraduate and g r a d u a t e
study in preparation for the ca-
reer of university teaching. Now
let us suppose that these instruc-
tors are fortunate or unfortunate
enough to be married. Then a few
things are liable to follow as the
result of inadequate salaries. The
instructor has to eke out his sal-
ary by tutoring or other work
which reduces the' energyand en-
thusiasm which he has for teach-
i ing. In case of sickness the family
I gets into debt, borrows money -
and perhaps is in dire straits as
the result of which anxiety takes
the better part of the man's energy.
How much time has he left to think
of scholarly pursuits?
The plea that there is no money
sdoes not hold. If there Is no money
to. pay the teaching force adequate-
ly, then why a great university?
But anyone familiar with condi'-
tions knows that there is ample
money. Huge sums are expended
for "the plant," for libraries, for
laboratories, for equipment gener-
ally, for heating and lighting and,
last, but by no means least, for the
l administrative machinery. Do any
of these fulfill the primary pur-
poses of a university?
Is it not true that teaching and
original, work are the first and
foremost functions of a real uni-
versity and that everything else
jmrnust yield to these? Now accord-

kig to present conditions every-
thing that should. come second
holds first place. Thus, for instance,
it seems that tie administrative
officers are paid on the standard
of business men, whereas the pro-
fessors and more especially the in-
structors are paid on the meager
scale of employees or clerks. When
universities and churches, govern-
ed by business men, are turned in-
to factories aild business houses, i.
e., when business methods are ap-
plied to them, then religion and
education have played their last
card and lose that for which they
were primarily established. Their"
idealism is suppressed and per-
verted. When the administrative
officers next in rank to the presi-
dent are much more amply com-
pensated than the professors, one is
justified in asking who is doing the
real brain work in our universi-
ties. It is not done by administra-
tors but by the great teachers and7
original workers. Now it happens,
of course, that some administra-
tors are excellent teachers and
conspicuous original workers in
whi'ch case, they are of the status7
of the professors amid should be re-
warded accordingly. Administra-
tive work per se is chiefly businessc
and to a large extent red tape,l
neither of which, in a great univer-
sity, deserves to be rated as highf
as the intellectual works.
The topsy-turviness of condi-
tions in the Halls of Higher Learn- c
ing is amazing. Those who sufferc
most from it are the capable in-
" Tr .s ,-f - iI-.. n _


0)'1 =c --

Recent Issues.

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Music And Drama

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BRAHMS: Violin Concerto in Dj3
major, Op. 7i7; by Joseph Szigeti -
and Halle Orchestra, conducted by
Sir Hamilton Harty.
This work is of considerable in-
terest lo'cally because of its per-
formance in the May Festival last
year by Efram Zimbahst. Written for.
Brahm's greatest friend Joachim,
it had considerable difficulty in ob-
taining recognition even with Joach-
im, the greatest virtuoso of his day,
as protagonist. Today, every' violin-
ist daring to appear frequently on
the concert stage has it in his rep-
The writing is interesting as "a
rebuttal of the thesis that Brahms
struggles too much in the' act of
composition." Brahms here has
reverted to a youthful straightfor-!
wardness and simplicity vividly in
contrast to the elaborate introver-
Ginn rf tf-h cvmnh ni H Lic erv-

Make appointments at once
for Ensian group pictures.
The alotted time is much
s orter this year.


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wou oie ymnpaunie. ±Ls cry-
stallization is accomplished at a
somewhat lower level of simplifica-
tion than. any of his other well-
known works in large forms. The
orchestration, though admirable, is
unusually transparent and obvious.
The themes even haven't the usual
long "span of apperception" that
makes their comprehension a
breath-taking experience. All this
fluency and simplicity of expres-
sion-amounting almost to virtuo-
sity in the sense that Mozart was
a virtuoso-composer-makes for
immediacy of effect. The attitude'
--a youthful conquering fellow, es-
serting vigorously his will to battle
-is communicated simply without
much effort from the listener -
which can be the very essence of
a musical experience when the
writing is good as it is here. '
The present recording is certain-
ly the best available. The only
other one is Fritz Kreisler's for
Victor. As is so frequently the case,
Kreisler's emotional predisposi-
tion frequently robs the music of
its intended effect. He thinks of the
solo part as primarily something
to be iastered. -Thus he polishes
and refines andl calms everywhere
with his brilliant technique. His
own calm-the calm of maturity-
dominates the music. Certainly in
the last movement (marked gio-
coso) his passivity and lack of en-f
thusiasm absolutely denies the Diu-
sic its real puipose. Szigetti, a
young Hungarian violinist who has
made several trips to America, is
more faithful to the text because'
more enthusiastic. He realizes that
part of the expression of the last
movement is the near "unplayable-
ness" of the solo part. His tech-
nique is quite as brilliant as Kreis-
ler's but ndct quite as smooth. Thp
result, in this case, is much hap-
Szigetti receives much better
support from the Halle orchestra
than Kreisler gets-another con-
sideration which makes this latest
issue of Cplumbia an interesting
BRAIMS: Quintet in R M ino for
clarinet and strings; by Charles
Draper and the Lever String Quar-



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Two tile baths, large library. Owner leaving Ann Arbor.
1926 NORWAY ROAD-10 room Colonial-lot 80x165-beautiful trees and shrubbery---2 baths-
gas furnace-electric refrigeration-garage-owner leaving city. Price reduced. Terms.
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1705 WASHTENAW AVE.-13 rooms, large lot, 9 bedrooms. Could be used for organization.
Terms are offered.
1017 OAKLAND-t4ourteen rooms, three baths. Possession at once.- Suitable for fraternity or so-
rority. Terms.
An exchange might be considered
on some of the above mentioned.


.I v.'



_ , _ . ''






o nNnS LonECvies




This issue is ituportant for the
very reason of the work's unavail-
ability on the concert stage. It fs
one of the four compositions that
Brahms wrote in the last few
years of his life for clarinet com-
bination. The stimulus again was a
freiend; this time Professor Muhl-
field, clarinettist of the Meininger
Orchestra. It was in line, however,
with a definite tendency in the
later Brahms to experiment with
It is a much bigger and more
important work than the concerto,
however strange that play sound.
It is associated more clearly with
that emotional necleus that we
know to have been the real Bramums.
The attitude here is more clearly
Brahmns-a sad perplexity, an 1n-
reasoned sadness, the nelancholy
of a superficially happy man that
feels sadness as the quality of the
world. His writing is inore intro-
verted here= than in the concerto.
It aims to be more inclusive and
more profound. The writing i16com
plex enough to convey the individ-
ual emotional apprehension precise
ly and sinultaneously refer that ap-
prehension, to the funda me niital
emotional complex out of which it
arises. Brahmns in this composition,
one of his last ones of course, arti-
culates the profoundity of and
complexity of his experience more
successfully than in most works
where lhe hnaheen eonn11v ambit

Distinguished British Writer Lnd Man of
Affairs. Author of "A Short History of
Faith" and recent candidate for Parliament
in the Epsom Division of Surrey.







Mr. Langdon-Davies is to fill the place of William Hard who has
been called to the Naval Parley.





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