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January 11, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-11

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ViII-RIP OAflTV rnp'

us a a .u :AIODV QrIIflTArfl TRfflhTq

Liill 11 iil~ IIll VUI XLIProfessor BToasts Collection Of other unique ways, some of whi~h .,
ext._ Soldiers Unifomed With he stumbled upon accidentally, he
Perfct ccurcyfound uniforms of such armies ats
S O I Miss Racey, Ann Arbor Woman xoubi Sut;meia Ltu
ILsMP S OM~J Now Vorking With "Every Christmas that I can re- anina, and other small countries
membr smeon ha rivn b a wichwere created after the War.
hIstruction Will be Provided i r.Aler box of lead soldiers, and i not Iafe he had found this informa- nh y
by Skillful Student Accomnpanying Dr. Alfred Adler, have bought them myself." This ton he went ahead and cast the
Skirs urig tis eekin ichgan ~was a recent statement by Donal; soldiers and painted them with,
a omrAnAbrwmn isHamilton Haines, instructor in gret care. lie had made It a ruled
LLW RH C A MAafrieLr AceyArbor wom an in- journalism and author of the last. never to have an army that is not4,
Michigan Opera. In his basement:acrteec o h ooroEt
terviewv was pbtained- enroute to Mr. Haines has a special room de-flag.; cp t
AlR Who Do Not Wish to Ski . Hill Auditorium from the Natural voted to his soldiers in which he Th nmbr fSolies nhr
May Bring Toboggans Science building.I was in Detroit, spends his leisure time. blie o snal
or led. tachng or iften ear, ad iFor a long time he collected 1,200, but he is constantly melting
or led. pteahin fr fften yars an Iready-made soldiers from, evey rmies when they have too much
became dissatisfied with the char- country, studied their uniforms and bad luck in their wars and making r<'
With the promise of perfect ski- acter results of present methods" worked out maneuvers, but since! them over again. Each soldierr
ing weather, plans for the first + began Miss Racey. "I poked around1 that time he has devised' a veryj stands about 2 to 1-2 to 3 inches7
suchpart of he yar hve ben 'in various books and places, and' clever scheme by which he can and the cavalry about 2 1-2 to 3 in- t,
schpaty o h erhv ente w er g vn oV-1onieteitrs theheomfinished t-ches. However he usually has to buy '
cAompletdoby the womensnAthe-ennao with the material for a book. j products with their actial manu-i the cavalry because his moulds dos
campusharerinvitedhandtaretaskednot accomodate such complicated! a
capsocateiit d allwn o hethutD.der hadthd ruthf,~ture With the help of Mrs. ,
to bring su ftwne ocekwt i.Te their own sis fpossible, mr ealha n nees, Hn Iaines he has fm'ade his own moulds fgrs
thuhteeIilb fwpis wentedto cor here withe imThn is facmiainofpatro ai: Will Publish hook on Bobby.
t o g th r wil b a fe parI we tt wo k t e ei th clnc " of a c m i ai n o pl s e ofp rsut M .H i e ha ca re thsavailable for those who cannot.{ and cem ent. The m elted lead is Bur. H i es h stared t i
The party will' meet at 2 o'clockc After passing the preliminary ex- poured into the mould which at hobby much farther than the or-'t
tdyathFilHoe.as~)(,tr 1 uPIr rnintlo MistoacY otiefirst were only able to mak sl-cliary person would suspect. He
From. the Field House the party Mrs. Winifred Yates, bt h is n eoddpoa diers strictly at attention." Owing ro nyha eie wrgms
will travel to tihe arboretum, which, mayor of Caninelville, Ohio, is the; given by the International Society to the impossibility of nmaking they1cletdalsrso nomto
is to be the scene of the activities, only woman mayor of that state. ' fIdvda scooy one two halves fit closely there was us-1 on maneuversan uuslco-Ao'UePrs ht
___in Vienna by Dr. Adler, for sans- ually ome "flash," as the thin lay-1 tries, but he has written a book on;AscaePrs 'at
According to Miss Dorothy Colby, - - factory work in correct ing char- eroyedattesd f hsslir-iqedsodeswih ilb f Miss Maxine Mathers
fautavsrofW . . hreIIIN1N t 1,.Itacter defects of children in the 'ee o ulctin hsbo e who was selected by a popular vote
are hills of all sizes for skiiers of'cicsadhlresavsoyen is termed. This must be filed off, frdfrpbiain hsbo e
all degrees, whether experts or be- GAM~ES M N A es along with other minor deformities scieIhIobadtelIbu'a h nvest fNbak s
MOnesNMsDClyAloYugetd;ha rtlketeocradh the war games he plays with his honorary colonel. Miss Mathersis a
that anyone wh0a did not wish to '-"Dr. Adler and I have just done model is ready to be painted. Thi I soldiers, lHe has devised a sort of residet of North Platte, NeW
ski could .hrlng tgbaggan~s or sleds , lilifl.LationlSrC flarmrl ~ ~ '11teWyt sfi involves a great deal more than the 1 inrwihi sm anr
along. ' Tournaments Are i ness.' It is a practical applicationafetharis av precd
ofpyhlg ohm n colactual mixing of oils,fe teamishveprece otiCe
There will be instruction for{ Progress. Made Styhodoes inhomesanisgtoo. their maneuvers on the field de-
those who are not particularly ex- cl- itucaltioscnius" n ti]aoned Mr. Haines has made a very com- jcdsteodadmksoepr rsmn bseblpatc
pert iiitine ar.,,of, kiinMissbotaceyminShenasesoehafstaninhrnm-prehensive study of the various 1 son able to carry on the game will be at 9 o'clock this morning in
per i' h r kig sbt lmnto eis0 h nrMcini Rc echnelos," amntion-edIalne Barbour gymnasium.
Miss Coly,.and several skillful .stu- ural basketball tournament will be- oiary membership in the society C unifors of all the lead armies he al.-_ __
dent skiiers will be members of the gin Monday afternoon. Fourteen ('founded- by Adler.1 could collect. It was faily easy to;
party. However, anyone whop-_____ find information on the five or six; Notce
neither skiis nor toboggans, but en- teamns of ,the original,28 who enteredmaoarisbuafethewre
joys wthn h prs sivtd h tournament remain in the com - ' Notice maeorifarmies utatr thOesuer Bowling alles of the Women's iu17~a
at el s poe o; wil arti'ci- petition. This series will continue -Mbes o he B ad of te m e M . Hines went to the War Field house will be open to men and p t , .,M rbis o h oad o he e atm n t W sh nt n an o e ro o 9 Mo d y n
WIie ae ebuaywih inl ~alwWomens Athletic Association willI there delved through inense vol- Wednesday evenings. InsttutioI iji
the party will return to' the Field scheduled for March 5. meet for their Michiganensian p-! umes to find the details of various by members of the physical educa- I UYYn
House, where an open fire will be! Following are the scores of this ture at 12:15 o'clock Monday at! uniforms, down to the smallest tion staff will be provided. There
ready to warm the guests. Re-! week's games: S i1 ap l pedding's.- - ibuttons on the sleeves. In this and will be a charge of 10c a string. i
freshments will be served in front AlhImio i1,KpaA--
of the fireplace.p-;r
Dorothy Elsworth, '32, outdoor pha Theta 19, Delta Gamma 18;
manager of W. A. A., is responsible' ouzens Hall 21, Alphra Epsilonf
for the affair, and promises more Ilota, 26; Martha Cook 15, Delta Del- -e
parties like it if there is enough in- to Deltai 10; Chi Omego 24, Betsy; ,
terest among the women students,.(Barbour 18; Independents 50, Theta's c/-1
"With affairs of this sort," says Phi Alpha 0; Pi Beta Phi 2, Alum- .
Dorothy Touff, '30, president of W. nae House ; Zeta Tau Alpha 2, 2-
A. A,"we hope to arouse interest Alpha Delta Pi 0; Alpha Chi Ome-.".v_-_
in winter sports among the women 7ga 2, Phi Sigma Sigma 0; Gamma r
ideal winters we have in Ann Ar-" Kappa Gamma 2 Alpha Epsilon =' even in the best regulated cli
bor, there is no reason why activi- Phi 0; Helen Newberr-y 2, Alpha _ mates. But don't let that make
ties of th'is sort should not be ex- Gamma Delta, 0; Alpha Xi Delta 2,5,5~ n atyo or ize
tremely .popular." 'Adelia 'Cheever' 0. o___wh a2 ny art fishoBra izSles
-llllllllllltglllllllllllil = eillllllllilllllllillh om fortble, chummy sort of'
W " -I garment that makes good
- times posible regardles of
y storms and showers.I
WI tt -You car, buy a genuine Irish X
-- Brand Slickr almost any-
I= where for the price of a couple
H A T S9 -' of theatre tickets. A. J. Tower
? _f Company, iBoton, Mass.
Students hold coupons worth $1.00 -
which entitleth m o he tei
__ I =Michiganeiisiaiis for $4.00
_ A r-
r _

- -i
French -1 If so mail or take your coupon to -
- oo 'the Ensian Office in the Press Build- _~
r=s aThis
-Y ---
Nown' and we will send you your flly aMAS JR
E2paid up receipt.- OUR electric meter cu
" crrent consumed in yo'
=accurately measured your i
- ..,_ important-unless your lighi
Value to 25 -the current you pay for is no
s All of our better hats included. Hats by Hylan T;whherfortoredligmeterg
Hogd'Audre, YvettwhetherPyorrotoreheimhttn-
_d Wvte n art.Tems have your lighting inspecte
w popular successes of the winter season. Many large - Edison illuminating enginee
2 head sizes. Included are felts, soliels, and velvets. 2 = hrue price a GET YOUR t ENSIAN BFR E -+ and make whatever ecomm
And of' course the season's most popular colors. At THE; PRC0 OST 55 , mrv orlgtn.Ti
T E P I E G E TO $ .0this price we must make all sales final with no returns, is-Call Raudolphn21o-As
:. anrtalrn -ases 3 Ti

Request Preparation of Dance,
Song, and Monologue From

Those juniors who have rcceived
cards requesting that they return
during the early part of next week
for second tryouts for the Junior~
Girl's Play are asked to come on
the day to which their numbers
have been assigned., The hours will
be from 3:30 to 5:30 each afternoons,
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Those whose numbers range from
1 to 50 will try out Monday, Jan. 13;
numbers from 50 to 100 will come
Tuesday, while the rest, from 100
to 160, will- try out Wednesday.
The preparation of a dance,
song, and monolog is requested of
each tryout. It is, asked that the
notification card be brought.
Those for whom it is impossible
to try out on the date set are asked'
to call Ruth Van. Tuyl, assistant.
chairman of the play, in order. to
make other arrangements.


The Modified Version of the
New Silh! ouette
t f $16.50
1Our New York stylist sends us the
I best of these fasqhions.
l ~ 221 SOUTH MAIN

vrately measures the electric
>ur store. But have you ever
ilumination? It is equally
ting installation is adequate,
'producing maximum effect.
arcs intensity of light, scicn-
w'ork. It tells you definitely
tis good or bald. You may
:d' without charge by Detroit
:rs, who will study your store
ciendations are necessary to
sis part of our service.
Isk For JLighting Division

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