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January 11, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-11

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f T, ? -, Um. 1 -M.1 -T 8 W t T- M


~ *~f~j~~ l tin"POT, FROH.L"
er i i i at li#I Qc gi h tdn oni
r' t)Ib5-hhed every ivorning except Monday tnc agi th Sud tCo cl
during the r'niversity year by the Board in has delivered an ultimatum to the
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial Freshman class--"'Wear your pots,
A ssociation.1 or face an 'inquisition.",
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled This is the second time in as
to the use for republication of all newsds
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited I many months that this warning
in this paper and the local news publishedeinfha ben sudaddret et,

tt ? ~ 4 ~ K 'I 74 W ~. ~ .* .* -.- >~l A :A I. A. A-%'- 11,5 A . o k A ,J~~JAJZ 1, i


Music And Drma I
Q ^0


I --.-... -.-- - - -


A Review by William J. Gorman.
Philosophers scratching brain
matter over the body-mind prob-
lem should have been irritated by
last night's recital. For these the
problem was in all its beautiful dif-
ficulty! For the art of Kreutzberg
and Georgi bears no resemblance

,w About 8Book, ~Aspects .of Religionft M.RR LL,.YNCH &CO
_______________First Baptist Church - Members
Jan. 12--Religion as Fellow- New York StockExhne
MA4STERPIECE OF FICTION." ": Jan. 19--Religion as Truth. Chcg tckEcag
God Have Mercy On Us! By Will - Fb.26--Religion Zs Adventure. Cleveland Stock Exchange
Feb 2-eiinaawaof= iam S. Stanlon; Houghton Mifflin I B Life. Detroit Stock Exchange
lCompany; Boston, M1assachusetts; J A series of timely and practical New York Curb Market
'25 discussions by' Rev. R. Edward = consCrid on Conservative Margin
. 12.0;Courtesy of Whar's Book ' . Sayles. Acut are-
Store. 201 First Nat'l l Bank Phone 4294

I f., " af7 juGU , IA 1.211 C X LI G O. b i


Enteired at the postoffice at, Ann Arbor, made against the erring first-year
Mfichigan, as second class :natter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- students, and we wait expectantly
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,k for some vestige of action on thet
Offices : Aun Arbor Press Building, May-'!part of either the Council or the1
nard Street'
Phones: Editoril, 4925; PBusiness, 272r4. Freshman class.
EDITORIALJ STAFF The plan of reporting disobedi-}
Telephone 4925 exit Freshman is not, to our way of
MANAGING EDITOR thinking, first water ethically, but
ELLIS B. MERRY 1 if it will bring results, the end may
Editorial Chairnn.......... George C'. Tilley jutf th men in hsca.
City Editor............ ..Pierce Rosenberg Jsiytemasi hscs.
News Editor. ......... .:.... Donald J. Kline In this expression of our opin-
SportsT'ditor...... ... Edward I,. Warner, Jr.
NVoinen's Editor......... .Marjorie Follmer ' ion of the Council's proposed action,
ATlegraph Edtor........Willaam A. Wilson iw ontma ordcl rcs
M4usic and Drama.......William J. ormantw ontma ordcl rcs
Lit erary Erlitor......... Lawrence R. Klein asprin nte nbe gsue
Assistaut City E~ditor. . .. Robert J. Feldman spsosonte obe g tu.
Night Editors-- Editorial Board 'Members The tradition of pot-wearin~g is
FrankeIE. Cooper henry J. Merr
William C. ('entry Robert I.. Sloss os ione of the oldest that the Univer-
Charles R. En' 'Turin Walter W. Wilds sity enjoys and should most worth-
Greyporllers ily be continued. It has come to
Reprtes ' aproxima~te an insitituition in this

to the skipping and mincing of the! The fictioni masterpieces winning'
old sentimental ballet tradition- publishers' prizes and book club{
mere mechanism elaborately figur- competitibns strike one by their
cd out by dancing masters and ac- ' general poor duality. All the nov-.
quired by routine. The illusion of els are "the greatest since F'laubert.
their dgncinaY, depends strictly on dropped his peal"-Hawthorne and
Imental ordering of physical effort Charlotte Bronte are inserted. for'
-accurate obedience of the inus- variety now andl then. All are e-
'e-Ies to will-messages. Suppleness! gulfing in interest" and have "f a-,
and variety and mastery of motion cility of style." So say the publish-
are theirs, representing the crea- ers, and not a few of the reviewers.
tive will freeing itself from facile' This mnsrep 1resentationa is produced
acquiescence in proscribed move-" by America's gift to civilization:}
ments, employing the classical' advertising. We hold a continuous{
routine only upon recognition of its+ firework celebration; we shootj
adequacy to their expressive pur- ; great rockets into the air, ever,
poses. They are artists- uperior making a big splurge. Upon cxarn-

Burr, Patterson and
Auld Co.
Fraternity J weleri
60.; Church Street

Orental CafeW
Fronm his famous personal receive dev'eloped after forty-
years experience.
Just Try One of His Dishes Ton ight!
Winning popularity as a healthful change from the daily
order, of 'meat and potatoes-

lertram Askwith rester M.ay jt ehiu eas uigi iainteei ohn o h
Helen 3arc 1David Mf. Nichol as well as other schools of the oun- t ehiu eas uigi"iainteei ohn o h
AMaryL.wehyraer Wliamd Pe 'amtry, and the first year students are never subsequent to it or satisfied 'outburst but charred pinwheels and
Benjamin it. Berentsolingh Pierce usually marked by the small head with it as intrinsically of high burnt candles.
Allan Hi. Berkman Victor Ra~inowit? dcrtv pel h on o;"o aeMryO s"b
Arthur ,1. B'ernstein John D. Reindel gear that they are required to dcrtv pel h on o "o aeMryO s"b
S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts wa hogou h eibemade is not so much that they.;William T. Scanlon which won
ohonaxM.Deoe *osepliA.Russell .Iare "modernists" as "artists." 'part of the H-oughten Miff lin novel
JhILenr JoehRithIn this case, the justfication for
IHelen Domine William P. Saliaruloto Thnaueothexeinete przisneoteeIlmntd
M argaret Ecktl, (Charles R. Spinwl I the tradition and custom is inot t h affrduris or h eicth ey rizooe Raii emns one of theseilmza
Xiatliearine Perrin s. Cadwell Swanson be considered. Perhaps it aids in afodu smr ifcl fvr ok.RaLn-rmnsoeo h
Sheldon c. Fullerton lane r rtbldsrpin Theycyaeet'oe; o Allies series. It is proof of the}
Ruth Geddes \i art Thompson Ethe naturalization of the studen baltdesriptionyTheyyceatenatholeito
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. 'robin wr ol faiae om htie hteeyoycno rt
Jack Goldsmith Eliaehtizabeth Valentine who is thrown out into thewolwrdofaite frm thtda
Morris (Xoverman Harold 0. Warren, Jr. for the ' first time. Perhaps it awake in us a throng of active sen- a novel. There is more to literarys
Ross Gustin Charles White sations that our usual mode of life creation than pasting up a num-
Margaret Harris G. ionel Willens Cserves as a constant reminder thathaatoie.Tirceiosre brfkdksnpos.Oeant
David B. Tlenipstead John r. Willoughby Ihes thasid. yet toatonsmake er hisda smarhts Oincano
J. Cutllen Ken'nely Nathan Wise h a e omk i aki
JenLv abr rgt 'h ord n htjs eas e"moving" harmonies of living.~ throw together a heterogenous mass
Russell . McCracken Vivian Zirit ; ommse n ulns eaejo ode ln n aeype
Dorothy' Magee is on his last_ educational lap, lhe frs assadotins eae'fslir ln n aeyp
hasno ye bcole ma. 1 ill-equipped for things in flux,r tend that readers will understand
BUSINESS STAFFhanoyebcmea a. clinging as we do in ordinary lifeE what is being communicated. An
But s lng s te tadiionr e-
Telephone 21214 Buta lofa the trdiio r-to things at. rest as landmarks in! experience which consists of a ser-j
BUSINESS' MANAGER mainsa part fth niverity ex-the awfl chaos. The vividness andj ies of military advances and re-
tra-curricular activities for the'
7A. J. JORDAN, JR. . is tdni hudb e beauty of the dancers' ife in mo- treats can hardly be valuable when
ysitn angr's edar uh tion takes us by surprise and gradu- It is devoid of all philosophy ex-
AEXKistatMaaer spctdIa sch ally leads our own passional lives cept for a few breathless phrases.
ALEX . SCERERThe Daily throws its hearty en-
into awareness of our own latent 1 hsc is Mr. Scanlon's novel. Yet it
Depx tentManges drseenton hepla prsenedpossibilities-awareness of our own has been ttermed masterpiece, like
Advertising .....Kape f lverso abtiohn Cucl.W op htbodies Thus aware, I think the Ievery thing else publishers send
dersn.......Xerod . 'taeson {ctonagainst delinquent Fresh-
A Sherwood A. UpSo essence of the experience then be- out. Is it not time to war such per-
service.....:..... eorge k. Spater men will be forthcoming soon and coe1mah o eligorevsvrin
Circulation ..'.. .J. .ernor iDavis! oe mah o eln usle vrin
Accounts ......... J .ohn R. Rose in no, small measure.inotexpincftharss) .F.M
rtthlications .... ...... George R Hamiltn -Eptyiscranymoees n
B sin ess Secretary - Mary'-('base °y_____Empahyiscertanlymreeayand o ---
Asssants- more vivid in the art of the dance; NOTES ABOUT
Byn .Bdnc a'itKbakrC in Opinion because of the familiarity of the GOREDL N
James E . TCartwich'iMlareinceL
Robert Crawford Thomas Muir Contributors ae asked to be bie, aeix-tehmnbd.Or Somchsbenadofle
Tlarry B. Culver George R. Patterson ciuiig themselves to les than ;too tainly (as has been the consensusannthfieqltyotem-
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford words io possible. Anonymous corn-I of opinion in all the cities in which'antthfneqliyotem-
Norman Elieset' ILee Slayton 1Innicains will he ise waruded. T 'l'beha stoapari henx
James Hoffer Joseph van Riper names of communicants will, however, they have appeared) Kreutzberg tra hti oapa ntenx
4noris Johnson kobert Williamson be regatrded s cnidetal upon re' n erimk nato h sseo nadrta ti bu
Charles Kline William R. Worhoy qest. Ietters pubhlished shmtlrl not lhe I gdeorimk-nato h su o na rta ti bu
arLht nasAra eCodling Silpie=Mill fe h e nsrie lofas expaeit.gthe euitoral teda e t theat needs an aue;time to justify the contention. Fore-
rice aselenr±alkinshaw oiino h ~i.Itei sytt lrf h auemost aong the contributions to
Zlortense Gooding lnornthea \Watermn FIFTY-CENT HOCKEY. of its procedure and appeal. tdurae ' snme unublished
Alice 3McCnll The extraordinary ingenuity of nme i o
"-I am a student witu mc the makeup of last night's program verses of Gerge Dillon, the bri-
_______leaning toward college athletics. could not be over-emphasized. The Iiant ana delightful young Amer-
Nidht Editor-WM. C. GENTRY ; Strange as it mnay sound, I get lit- homogeneity of the musical back- can lyricist, who is best known for
- -----~ -tie thrill watching the football or Igroundl - the feeling of unity and his mxost recent work, Boy I The'
SAUDY JNAY11 90basketball team representing thei wholeness deiig fromt the fact
University defeat, or lose to. some that Mr. Wilckens composed all theWidthcoceftePeryCa
THE STUDENT'S TOOK 'te colo h i ie music (and so well too! )-was es- for its first bi-monthlyr selection.
THE INITIATIVE. Dillor ishdoubly attractivenbe
I am, however, keenly interested!I pecially satisfactory. The music Dilnsdobyatcivbe
Whe th meit ystm aend {i hokey I on' ply te gmewas intrinsically uninteresting las cause of his youh. As yet only 231
toteUincnttto but I enjoy watching a good co-;Poal wasn't the case in last ;years old, he has risen not only
meat t h no cnttto test between teams regardless of night's recital with the composers! to a place of interest but also a
first came before the board of di- whom they represent. ;being such figures as Mozart, De- vantage point from which he com-
rectors about a month ago, it was' hsben1y a ineht n ussy, Chopin, Scriabine, etc)' mands respect. Although he is al-
the unanimous opinion of the board' Arbor, I was somewhat unpleasant-i Thus it didn't prove a distraction wasrerdtosaChcgpe,
that the initiative must come from 'ly surprised to find out, when I of- ibutt furnished patterns in music to his educatione was begusnvinlouis-la
the tudnt ody th meber offered my coupon book to gain ad-I explctanmaeietbeth
the stittancboto the gameerthere, Ia patterns in movement. Mr. Wilck- ! ville and St. Louis and completedj
the Union themselves. The boardi told the coupons did not admit meI ens has quite adequately slved a atteUieriyo1hcaoi 97
His aretag isa hppycoupling
felt-that if the merit system forI and that I had to pay fifty cents to} difficult problem. in a dance recital HisupperarnagoeSohpy lie
election of Union officers was to see the gamge.-tedaimoapalfmucofpexndoe Sthfile
with an almost never ending tra-"
become a part of the constitution, On inquiring why the coupons, and motion-certainly an achieve-i
its :success would depend entir ely on ' di'd not serve as admission tickets. ment to be proud of. ditileofpac hUersitndfphyi Is
the, support of the students. After I received no very definite explan-1 Then the last number, Potpourri, aghDlloe sa emUnet oeCh-!
that was obtained, they felt, the i ation'. I am writing to you, in or-; hilariously commenting on patterns er of the same literary group that;
board would be willing to lend its! der that someone miore versed in, from the whole recital and ending !uncovered for public view Elizabethj
ai t te roec. hi ubec my ler p ydiffi- den an exxtraordinary clever note'I
aid o te pojet. hissubectmaycler u myMaddox Roberts and Glenway Wes-'
Accordingly, a committee was ap- cuty.4 of good humor was vivaciouslyi cott. In 1925 he won the Fisk prize!
pointed by the Student council toj Two ideas suggested themselves final. ,The program was closed with frudrrdaeper n h
investigate the matter and draft? to me when I came to thing on this!Ith sy comment from the artists;1 Young Poet's prize offered by P-
a tentative amendment. This wasI rather peculiar situation. The first' that "their art was not spelled!er aaie uighsudr
completed before the Christmas' was, that the University rented the wthi too ponderous a capital A"! graduate days he founded The'
recess so that work could be be-1 Coliseum fox' the particular even-s The conception of this clever stroke I Forge, a magazine for "undiscover-
gun immediately upon return to ings of the games, and that by was quite revealing of their feelingj, ed" youthful poets. Since gradua-!
Ann. Arbor. The meeting of 50 chrgn admission, payed of te'or reaction in te uine h tion he has devoted himself to lee-
representative students which met rent. The other idea was, that the variety of mood in their recital tures on poetry and readings of his
Tuesday night backed the amend- management of the rink agreed to made our reactions verge on an or- work.
'm ent unanimously, and after- some give it to the University with the j deal; in the humour of the last 1 Dillon's work is particularly sit-
discussion, decided to circulate 25 1 understanding to split the gate re- number we forgot about our sense ?e d to Inlander. He is a recent un-
petitions about the campus asking ceipts with the Athletic Board, of strain.i dergraduate and his work shou
that the question be put up to the Now the' question arises in my; Though it is probably odious to( be an interesting example of whaI
Union membership for a vote Al- mind, why do students like myself compare, Mr. Kretuzberg was the heights can be reached by a coI



R 't'!t" " ( ll1



,. ,; " 7 1 7

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Szs,
Miin., Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, D. D.
Associate Minister, Rev. Samuel J.
Harrison Student Director. Mr.
Ralph Johnson. Mrs. Robert Win-
ters, Advisor of Women Students.
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
I"OUR CRISES," Dr. .Stalker.
2:00 N.-Three Discussion Groups
under the leadership of Prof.
George E. Carrothers, Prof. S. F.
Gingerich, and Mr. Ralph R. John.
6:00 P.. M.-Wesleyan Guild Devo.
tional Meeting in charge of Prof.
W. D. Henderson. "Religion and
7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship.
Mr. Harrison.
On East iHuron, west of State
Rev. R. Edward Saylee, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
9:45 A. M.-Bible School mneets in
all departments. The University
Students' Class at Guild House,
503 E. Huron.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Mr.' Sayles will speak on the topic,
5:30 P. M.-Students Friendship
Hou rs. "Ears."
6:30 1P. M.-Students' Devotional
Meeting. Topic for discussion,
"What shall we do when loyalties
conflict?" Leader, Miss Barbara
Hewitt, Grad.
(Eivantgelical Synod of N. A.)

H-uront and Division Sts.
Merle 11. Anderson., Ministe~r
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadweil, Counsellor
for University Womeh..
10.45 A. hl.--Morning Worship.
Sermon: "New Paths ;to - 0OId
12:00 'N.-Sttujenr Class. Teadce:
Prof. H-. Y. NicCiusky.
5:30 P. %,.--Social Hour I'or Young
6:30 P. M.-Younig People's Meet.
ing. Leader: Rev. Merle H. An-
derson, D.D. Subject: "What, Doest
Thou Here?"

615 F. University Dial 3779
7:30-Chapel in the Michigan
League. Ra~bie Leon: Fram of De.
tr'oit will speak Sunday services on
the topic: "A RA 661 looks at
Russia." Rabbe Fram spent the
summer in Russia.


Su~nda~y zuig S~rvw.
her a44"t ft..,.
"T lw Etroit Civic 7Th.oa'
11.30 A. Ea Ftem uiwd.Tim*i
10.30 AAL. cenal St mi..runw
(I5fgiaaiag Jan. 9, 193)
Souitig forth the Prwicipl~a by which
watt Mayi uti.14 witwe big life the
JH(eatl, Peace and Prospeuty wkhich
G.d leas providod.(
11.05 P.M. llauitt .Sia d. Tim.
111:05 PJ1L Cauiral Stand,. Time

state and William
Allisqon Ray IHeaps~, Minister
Sunday, Jan.. 12th, 1930
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "Science andth
Unseen World" Based upon the'
Swarthmore lecture by Prof. Edd-
ington of Cambridge University.
5:30 P. M.-Student Fel lowship
6:30 P. MI.-Talk by Ira N. Smith,
Registrar of University, "From
Home to College."




I I _ _ _ . _ _.-


Division and Catherine Sri.
Rev. H enry Lewis,' Rector

Fourth Ave.. between Packard
W illiamt
Rev'. 'heodore R.. Sclinale
9:00 A. Mv.- hi1,t School.





thouh bu 200signatures werei buy coupon books? I believe it'sJj e ltrymawhnporm-
needed to call for this vote, two pe- c pusr.Bttiecopons so supreme that he consistentlydimi)fee. fIlne st
titions alone came in with 261 sig- are of no value to me since I at-gaeteilsoofpnaetyf continue its policy of bringing
natures, and the total of the en- tend no football, basketball, or' xrsin:Teewsadeiea-Iproiet ieay people to the{
ti~re petitions was well over 1,100. bsbl games. In other wards, I' } ess, often' an uncertainty, about j University to lecture, Dillon should
The initiative has inded come bsibllotiutn h s ftei Miss Georgi s motion that gave us ai be seriously considered.
from the students -themselves. They I book without realizing any mater- glmsjfhrwl-ht s iin .i.i
promlgaed he rojct nd ill! ia reurn Tothi, Iobjct! of Miss Georgi conceiving the dance
proulgtedtheprjec an wil sA etun. o his I bjet! in the workshop. Her "Waltz,"
back it untill its successful conclu- The suggestion that appears tothuhwoladibeasgterInalisitniybyerre ln,
deioad tis thsu ebarde of di- mest fasbltioo the ni'- Ito the eye and stirring of the sen-; shivering body and torturous panto-_
dhlertsaued beauepfphorrstyt paY teCoiemaa suous blood, gave me the feeling of? mime. Their combined conception,
whoeharedsupo-treceived on gemen a definite sum for the useI over-dancing, of inflating some-{ Bad Dreams, vas Freud in all his
all sides, evidenced particularly by ? of the rink, and to allaw us stu- wa mt eniet hreshro uta acIi a oe
the 1,100 signatures.! dents entrance on our coupons.I there was a fine economy about all what impure :since it relied too ex-
At noon today the board will This, it seems to mne. ought to beof rutbr'cnepis-h cusvloghe rtsqnssf
meet 'to decide details of the pro- possible financially because of the inner conflict, expressed in almost the costuming, the faceless masks
posed amendment. It can hardly! thousands of coupon books sold at ugly curves, and then resolved into and droopinggscarfs for features.
vetoe the merit system after its beginning of the year. Perhaps a the aspiration amid spirituality of The recital is the most important
demands have been so thoroughly ! Might readjustment of the Athlet- a straightly stretched, soaring body event locally this yeamr. The present
complied with, and the main por- ic budget wyould be necessary; I (The Angel of the Annunciation,; trend in the theatre to emphasize
tion1 of their time will be devoted think that ought to be possible. ! certainly one of his best numbers).j the visual aspects of theatrical:
to setting a date for the balloting This change in administration ofs The old story of the melancholy xproduction cultivates a desire for
(which must be at least ten days 1 finances would give us who ordi- jester mad at the irony of the de- .equallv adequate group compiosition

10:00 A.
tza ice."

N.-Morning Worship.
"The Br-iver's Inher-

11:00 A. M.--Germnan. Service.
7:00 P. Ni-Young People's League.
Wasiington St. at Fifth Ave.
F. C. Stellihoril, Pastor

8:00 A. M---oly Coturnricn.
9:30 A. M-Holy Comn'iuon.
(Student chapel in Harris }Mall.).
9:30 A. NI-Church School. (Kin.
dergarten mneers at 11I o'clock.)
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer; ser.
mon by Mr. Lewis. There will be
a special Christmas and Epiphany
6:30 P~. M.-Student Supper in
Harris M-ali. Talk by Inspector
Kunath of the Narcotic Squad,
Detroit Police Dept.
7:45 P. N.--Candle Light Service.



1' '4

409 S. Divip,,on St.
1o: 30 A. M.-Regular Mlorning Sri'v-
ice. S'~rion topic: "S.\CRA-
11:45 A. :vL.-Su~nday School follow-
ing the morning service.

(Missouri Syuod)
Tbird ajjd West Liberty Sty,





110:30 A. NI.-Morninig Service

wick "

12:00 M.--Srudent Bible Class.
5:30 P. M.- '-Student Fellowship iand

C. A. Brauer, Pastor
9:00 A. M'.-Gertnan.
,11: 000 A. M.-Bible School.
11:00 A. M.--English. Sermon:




7:30 P. Il.---\X Tdiiesclay



11 11

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