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January 11, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-11

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U T PR Group of Diplomats Chosen to Represent Italy in Approaching K TE P E Tr R Commander in Chief
Wodd Power Naval Conference at London for Armament Settlement' U Kidnapped by Bandits
Forchead, Cheeks, and Trunk Four
Found to be Warmest ±H
Eminent European Psychologist Sections of Body.
Will Reveal Researches TEST GOITER PATIENTS EE
on Child Adjustment.
_ Dr. Charles L. Brown, associate In a
POPULAR AS LECTURER professor of medicine, assisted by coH. H
Dr. J. Feigenb um, found some new _ngine
Lecture Open to All Students . facts in regard to skip temperature hatth
Interested in! the Work I through observations made upon ment1n
normal people, goiter pat4nts, andFreates
patients with myxedema who have'. tes
_. :-"r. <>..: ' s t <. ,. :the las
Lecturing on the topic, "The De- thyroid glands 'which do not func Colone
velopment from Play to Work," Dr. :on as much as is necessary. It
Charlotte Buher, eminent Euro- was toun that te forehead,lly t
pean woman psychologist will ap- ches, an or ae te wn'armesp
patofanra persons body.«t:
pear here at 2 o'clock today in the Patients with toxic goiter were sult th
University High School Auditorium. ..;found to differ from this in that needed
On a visit to this country promp- heir fingers and palms are the conges
ted by the occasion of the Interna- warmest parts of their bodies. The Assoc'atcz IP vs t o ' to con
tional Congress of Psychology at patients with nyedema were Adm. Yang Shu-Chang dividu
New Haven last semester, Dr. Buh- found to differ even more, theiri Who was kidnapped by bandits ways b
ler, has consented to speak in Ann -,**whole body being colder than the from a dinner in Foochow. Adm. the del
Arbor.sociatd s POtO body of the average person. The ang Shu-Chang is commande New
Has Made Many Addresses. ountry resePgtodifferent skin temperatures were chief of the Chinese navy. in g, to
On previous tours of the country Foreign Minister Dino Grandi Signor Bordinaro Baron Ferdinado Acton measured by a thermo-electric ap- - arrang
Mrs. Buhler has addressed many Who will comprise the Italian delegation to the London Naval Parley. The group will be headed by paratus, which measures changes feature
audiences in various localities and Foreign Minister Dino Grandi. The interests of Italy, a rising naval power, will be represented by this dele- min skin temperature instantaneous- Ge nw Trid ors fyear i
her lectures are reported to be of gation. Ily. A remedy for the patients with G tN wTldFOr iii
great interest to those interested ----_ myxedema consistsoftheusewd oier
In the subject. Doctor Buhlr has DR. HINSDALE RECEIVES PHOTOSTAT ROYAL COUPLE dried thyroid glands of animals. Continuing its efforts toward ef- tus an
written extensively on the topic of O JTI.TI AT-ATTNI~ 'When this medicine is given to tilegItciency and beautification, the UrIi- the, en
child psychology and has made OF OL D XBR ITISH-INDIANL LAND DEED; TO HONEYMOON patient with myxedema, the ten- versity, through the Buildings and Engine
many researches into the activity, perature of his body becomes nor- Grounds department, has had the floor.
language, thought, and social ad- Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, custodian of mile above the small river called - mal. floor space in 20 offices in Angell ing to
justments of children. r :ea' ,ss* jfoohalltetird20foorcoridorsAndllndt
u Stmenes I ien. Michigan archeology at the Uni- Pine which flows into the Huron, to ROME, Jan. 10.-Crown Prince hal the third floor corridors and and at
In her studieso hes. j versity Museums building, has re- a mile and a half below." This Humbert and his pretty young Action of Government bacteriological laboratory in the ment i
in enatuies of these subjects1 ceived a photostat of the oldest area of two and a half square miles bride, the former Princess Marie - East Medical building and the see- TheI
aority wfhere she has donBuh rI British-Indian land deed now in was one of the many gifts which Jose of Belgium, Saturday will start Causes Mine Uprising ond and third floor corridors of the for ma
maor e rewortMr. Bhaerpossession of the museum of an- on their honeymoon. Since their East Engineering building covered standi
has acquired a reputation that thropology. The original manu- were bestowed on the British and wedding last Wednesday they have with a layer of tie of durable coe- the w
makes her everywhere a popular script which is kept in an English French army officers by unsuspect- been here in attendance upon cele- SYDNEY, N. S. W., Jan. N- Re- wit a a tr tie decn- the o
lecturer. museum was photographed by At- ing Indian chieftans. The enor- brations arranged in their honor. 'senting th e gatile, called Moutile and man- work i
The lecture is to be open to stu- torney W. L. Jenks, member of the mous size of this and other land The couple will seclude ther- moving two trains of coal fro tilealedby Mouhiag nmans jor di
eseden te subje. hstate historical commission and the deals of the time was due to the selves at the royal hunting lodge Rothbury, 10,000 miers were mass- apalt composition containing ants co
ested i the subject. pdssessor of one of the best private utter ignorance of the white man's at San Rossore, near Pisa. After ed today at various centers intend- shalt composion m ning ants c
historical collections in the middle- mode of measurements with the several days there they will go to ing to march into the town. A de- esdame asbestos nde inh squares I drawin
Registration Started west. It was through his courtesy resultant driving of the Indian far- Turin to receive the welcome of tachment of 70 police was des- ids c ein nine in sre s awid
R Trtion that the Ann Arbor museum was ther and farther west, according to the city, which is the official resi- Ipatced to Rothbuy fom floor of alternate color of gray and that D
for Uin Tournament able to secure a photostat of the Edward J. Stevens, who is now com- dence of the prince and is seat of President Hoare of the Miners' chocolatera structi
valuable deed. pleting an exhaustive archeological the 92nd infantry, of which Hum- federation hurried to the scene hop- chcolaee t
Registration of men students who I Dated "July 27, 1768," the docu- map of Michigan. bert is colonel. ing to avert a collision. A crowd This same kind of the has been study
wish to fparticipate in the Union's ment is of great importance in At the present time, the Muse- Princess Marie Josie brought as of 4,000 miners surounded Aston used throughout in the last three ifound
annual all-campus billiard tourna- completing data concerning early uim of Anthropology has in its pos- her dowry, it was said in diplomatic Fields colliery, stripped two non- C buidings erected at the University in proi
ment is now being held in the bil- Michigan land transfers. Accord- session many such deeds, written circles today, 50,000,000 Belgian unionists who recently gae evi- I of Chicago and 40,000 square feet technic
hard room of the Union. Play will i ing to signatures found on the deed, in both French and English, and! francs, or about $6,500,000. dence against a labor official and of it were installed last year at of the
begin in about one week. No charge two Chippewa chiefs called "Massi- dating as far back as the 17th cen- burned their clothing. i Ohio State university.If the ma-
is made for registration and the giash" and "Ottaw" gave a Lieu- tury. This one, however, is the old- At the height of 45 miles, it is s" te measures up to ieved
charge for tables will be 30 cents tenant Patrick Sinclaxr, member of est English document which has i calculated that hydrogen composes Photographers' "hypo" injected the Building and Grounds depart- hied
per hour, one-half the regular fee. the 60th British regiment, 4,000 yet been secured. The Indian sig- '50 per cent of the atmosphere, at into the veins is an antidote for meat plans to lay more of it nextcharge
A silver loving cup will be pre- acres of land in St. Clair county on natures represent two animals, an 60 miles, 96 per cent, and at 87 arsenic poisoning, according to year. a reg i
sented to the winner, while $5.00 in the present site of the city of St. official sign of each of the chief- miles, over 99 1-2 per cent. British physicians. Cricket is becoming ry popu- above
trade--in the billiard room will go Clair. The land transfer was "in tans. .__d__a__Ae___nenta
to the runncC lip. Those interest- j recognition of friendly services and --" An almanac one-quarter: of an America's first oil well is said toIliar in Argentina, internationalI
ed are asked to register early so hohorable dealings" with certain The female alligator lays from 30 inch by one-half an inch in dimen- have been discovered on 'a small games being played with Brazill In t
that the pairings may be made and members of the Chippewa tribe, to 40 hard white eggs, about the sions is owned by an opera singer mountain farm in Wayne county. and Chile, and a British team will crop
the play started. iand icluded "the land from one Isize of those of a goose. of Elberfield, Germany. Kentucky, in 1829.t

Year Period of Increase
as Stretched Facilities
to Breaking Point.
statement recently issued by
W. Miller of the mechanical
ering department, it is found
e enrollment of that depart-
ow exceeds 800 students. The
t increase has come within
st four years. according to
1 Miller.
a rapid growth has nat-u-
xed the facilities of the de-
nt to the limit, with the re-
at a new instructor will be
before long to relieve the
tion of the classes in order
tinue the policy of more in-
il instruction which has al-
een rigorously followed by
paint and interior decorat-
gether with a complete re-
ement of working space has
d the incoming of the new
ithe blueprint and drawing
ni of the mechanical engin-
department. The appasa-
d drawing rooms now occupy
tire long wing of the West
Bering building, on the fourth
Here can be found, accord-
Col. Miller, the most efficient
ractive blue printing depart-
n the United States.
largest machine in the world
,king blue prints is an out-
ig reason for the quality of
rk which is conducted on a
r basis. All the blue print
a the University is done here.
n men with student assist-
)nstitute the working staff.
nteresting feature of the
g department, which is lo-
n the same floor, is the fact
ental students are given in-
on in drawing before they
technique, for it has been
that drawing is advantageous
ducing better mechanics, or
ians, because of the quality
work done.
aurora borealis is now be-
tobe the result of' a dis-
of electricity through the
hin a tmosphere existing in
on from 50 to 100 miles
the earth.
he United States the honley
mounts to more than 55~-t
pound, annually.

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