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January 11, 1930 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-11

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Strong Fr anktiin and Marshall
Team Will Play Host to
Wolverine Grapplers.-

Jan. 17-1xdiana there. er
J - -7to 'Ont) Y. Al. EC.A.hr
eI. 1-Al. S.C thei. ERS M[ETI YPSI
Feb. 2t-Nortoiesl t n there.
,.Mar. 1 -C'hc6go A. A. at North- Junior Varsity Seeks Scoring
w esternPuc toBa Sae f
Mar. i4-15-Conference meet at s unch to Beat State
Northwestern Normal College.

Ti # .s.' ..A I

# .


Hockey Team Plays
Peninsular Outfit
Seconad Time.


Conference titular basketball
hopes will hang in the balance this
evening when Michigan's veteran
team stacks up against Purdue's
sharpshooters in the Lafayette field
The game, easily the most im-
portant athletic contest for either
school sihce the foolball season, will
find both quintets going at top
speed to ring up a victoi'y with the
realization that a loss will consid-
erably dim any title hopes harbor-
ed in either camp.
Stars Meet.s Again.
In addition to watching the fea-
ture attraction of the Early Big
Niine season spectators will see two
tf the ,Conference's greatest play-
ers opposing each other for the
third time since they were team-
mates in high school. Four years
ago these two rangy lads, now Cap-
tain Chapman of Michigan and
Captain Murphy of Purdue played
forward and center respectively on
the state championship, Marion,'
Indiana, team. Both players were
players were universal selections onI
universal selections on the all-con-
ference teams picked last year;
Murphy at the pivot post and'
Chapman at a forward post.
When the two teams take the(
floor this evening the Veenker
coached Wolverines will be slight
favorites. Five members of the
squad which last year coasted
through to a tie for the Big Ten
basketball honors will hear the op-
ening whistle from the floor.
Five Veterans Start.
Three of these men, Chapman,
Orwig, and Truskowski, held down
regular posts last year while Kan-
itz and Lovell were first string re-
serves in the forward and guard
berths respectively. Though these
men are virtually certain of draw-
ing the opening assignments, the,
sophomores Weiss and Daniels and
the only junior on the squad, Joe
Downint, may break up the senior
Purdue's perrennially topnotch
cage representatives again show
much power despite two early sea-;
son losses to Montana Stat e and,
Butler. TheBoilermakers have
(Continued on Page 7)+

ir. 22-Wisconsin here.-
r l~Harvard.A
Cliff Keen's Varsity grapplers, --Faced xith the problem of d- Old hockey rivalries renewed last
champions of the Wcstern Confer- HOOSIER CAGEMEN veloping a scoring attack that will; sight on the Coiseum ice when
ence last season will open their TO I PLAY CHICAGO pierce the Ypsilanti defence, the the Wolverine pucksters crossed
1930 campaign tonight at Lancas- MichiganJunior Vasity basketball sticks with Michigan Tech will
tePnnyvniwente tk ecai r4 Thu Dale team will meet Michigan State Nor-) s again wime into play when the
ter, Pennsylvania, when they take;" ,01~I ea vi me icia taeNr Technicians oppose the Varsity
the mat against one of the strong- BLOOMINGTON. Ind.-Indianamal ege tonight in a game on skaters in the finale of the two
est collection of mat stars in thc opened its Western Conference bas- tiame sers at 7:30' o'clock this
east, FranklIn and Marshall. ketball shedule tonight at Chicago With the offense that has show- evening in the Michigan rink.
, ~~~te' early sason contests, the Mich- 6 Te aeli>p4wihstre
This team, boasting a record of when~ it meets the Maroons. In di ccd a deplorable lack of punch iin ~ Theg sam tneup which sarted
seven straight victories over ma- cations are that the natter team i th ars last evening are expected to take
or competition in 1929, will pre- stronger than in several years. igan five should have a hard time Art Nchf, veteran hurler of the the ice at the opening whistle.
sent a solid front of veterans to+ The Maroons do not have much in conquering their old riv'als. whQ Chicago Cubs, has announced his Coach Lowrey anxious to hainlg
the comparatively green Wolver- height but they are reputed to be will take the floor with an almost retirement from basebtlo, following awin ey econd gae ofthe
the comparativlyhantlers.nSironey Yateslfoompletel awrevisedelineup gfromothat
ines, suffering the loss of only two clever bal handlers. Sidney Yatesnpetely revised lineup from thakd
th.at y a'Kut u siue of ls e r a ed w i h satd(a an t t e A u n a conference with P ±esi~ ent Veeck (series xvill send his top string forces
regulars from the last year's out a substitute of last yearhasledsagast the Alumni against the upper peninsula stick-
fit Michigan will send only three (the team in scoring so far this recently. of the the Cubs. He will devote his inandlers.
lettermen into the meet, but these I season and will appear in one of Several regulars have been c'rop- time to business interests. Nehf Michigan's puck chasers look
three are among the best in the the forward posts tonight. Captain pod from the Ypsi squad by Coach; has been in the big league for 13 more formidable than last year in
country in their veights. Harry Changnon, center, the only Elton Rynearson, while a few oth- years. spite of the setbacks at the hands
Captain Hewitt at 128 pounds is letter man, is an all around floor ers have been sent to the bench in of Yale. The greatest weakness of
in all probability the cleverest man but is only 5 feet 11 1-2 inches. favor of former substitutes in the Wisconsin Puckmen the Wolverine hockey cause ap-
Swrestler at this weight in the mid- Harry Ashley will probably ap-; hope that the newcomiprs will + pasi h ako eev
die west and should be able to gar- j pear in one of the guard positions. show some fight and pep up a team Play GOphers Tomgh strength. Schanderer and Courtis
(ner points for the Maize and Blue Paul Stephenson, from Elkhart has of veterans that had apparently are the only two capable forward
,*s total against any competition. Un- shown much promise in early sea- gone stale. pe i toThei y) spares that the Varsity puck roster
Associated Press reto defeated last year the diminutive +son games and will start in one of Pre-game dope seems to indicate MADISON, Wis., Jan. 10.-In an ;can show while Lowrey has no ca-
Bob Chapman Michigan leader is chiefly known I the Chicago forward positions. that Giles and Gabel will start at effort to strengthen the attack of cpablo defense alternative vhich
Will stage a personal duel with for his performance at the last iMarshall Fish, a substitute on the the' forward posts for Ypsilanti, his University of Wisconsin hockey means that Hart 'and Bryant, vet-
Stretch Murphy of Pudue when Olympic games, where he went to team last season, is holding down Rice at center, and Leach and Cap- team, Coach Johnny Farquhar may eran defense duo and Tompkins,
the two teams meet tonight. Team- the finals before being eliminated. the other guard position. tam Whitney at the guards. Sev- goalie have to operate ovei the en-
mates in high school, now opposing; Otto Kelly, in his first year on Coach Norgren's game in pre- eral other players have been show- move Art Thompson, veteran de- tire gruelling sixty minute route
captains, these two men will jump ! the Michigan squad was looked up- conference tilts appeared somewhat ing up well in practice, however, fense player, to a position on the route
center against each other. on as one of the outstanding con- ragged as he emphasized the quick ( and stand an almost sure chance forward line, he announced today. Tompkins, a sophomore, seems to
tenders for the Conference title in breadks and short pass. However, of breaking into the battle before Thomsen's rugged build and years be developing into a first class
Badger Football Card the 148 pound class, but was unable his team is rapidly rounding into the final gun barks. Arnold, one of amteur hockey experience be- goalie. The front line is composed
dto go to the championship meet. shape and will probably keep In- of last year's freshman stars, has fore he entered the university of Langen at center and Nygord
for Next Fall Finished However he won over the winner I diana on its toes. shown up well and probably will make him a power in the defense and Joseph at the wing posts. Lan-
of the Big Ten title at the Nation- Disappointed but not discourag- see a lot of action in tonight's bat- but Farquahar must find another gen, a burley sophomore is a hard
AISecial to heDa >Badgeral A. A. U. meet later, thus estab- ed over the 30 to 29 defeat here Ie, while Mittlestat, a veteran of handy man around the nets-at skatei whose play should add
gridiron card for next season s lishing himself well up in the ranks Tuesday night by Notre Dame, last year's squad, has also been least until such time as co-Captain punh to the Wolverin'e attack.
of the most attractive the univer- (of the 'western grapplers. This year Coach Everett Dean has worked his going well lately. Korzuck and Gil Kruger is again in form. Joseph, whose exhibition of poke
sity has had in several years and Kelly is competing in the 158 class. men hard this week and believes i Muellich are the second choice Against the Chicago Athletic asso- checking showed to such good ad-
comes nearer to being a logical one, iFranklin and Marshall also has an (they have an even break to turn guards. ciation sextette Monday night, the vantage last night, teams with
from the standpoint-of the develop- exceptional performer slated to !back Chicago. At the same time, it appears that! Badgers worked the puck up the "Slim" Nygord to form a brilliant
ment of the winning team than work the 158 pound division with -- --- the Michigan "B" team will under- ice beautifully, only to "blow" their offensive combination.
did either the 1928 or 1929 schedul- Horner, boasting a record of never ANNAPOLIS, Md. - In spite of go a drastic change in the lineup chances for scores by bad shooting. Schlanderer and Courtis, the duo
es. It is as follosw: I having been defeated defending athletic differences the Army and in an effort to , instill a scoring At that, the C.A.A. goalie had some of spare wingmen, look flashy and
Oct. 4-Carleton and Lawrence ;his reputation against the west's Navy will probably meet each other punch and better all round team forty "stops" to about half that show ability to carry the puck.
Coleges at Madison a threat, this winter in boxing and gymnas- play into the squad. Jennett, Wein- number which bounced off the am-- However a tendency to lose their
Oct.11-Chicago at Madison Ray ParIer, the last Wolverine tics as both are members of the two stein, and Torrell will probably be ple form of Art Frisch, Wisconsin feet in fast play is evident on the
Oct. 18-PeSylvana at Madison (Continued on Page 7) bodies governing these sports (Continued on Page 7) goal tender. part of both of these performs.
(Homecoming) - °
Oct. 25-Purude at Lafayette
Nov. 1-Ohio State at Columbus1
Nov. 8-South Dakota State at
*tNov. 15-Northwestern at Evan-
Nov 22-Minnesota at Madison.











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