A r.._______ -- - - - -aaa ..'* &~~ U, L a , ...
+ 7it n nF 1-l n
A--- - 1
t Published every morning except Monday
during the Trlive-rsity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
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in this paper and the local news published
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Editorial ('ljirwan... .(;. eorge C. Tilley
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor...........Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor........ Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor............. darjorie Follmer
Telegraph FEditor.........Cassain A. Wilson
Music and Illrana........ William J. Gorman
Literary Eiditor.......... Lawrence R. Klein
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Night Editors-- Editorial Board Members
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rharles R. K-i a Walter W. Wilds
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Maxwell Bauer William Page
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ussell E. ,T'acCracken Vivian Zimit
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B3usiness Sc retary --MIary Chase
Assistan tS
azine ur ne itype .inander could be
that it is indeed heartenig that
Inlander is on the road, after a
galling struggle that dates back
' 11ITr ED ROL
nearly to the preceding century, to GARGOYLE BITES I
an attainment of permanent valuei THE HAND THAT 2 s'
that needless to say will be credit TWEEDS IT'
toheUnverit._ Sock! If' you've read the Gar-
PROHIBITION'S PRICE. g oyle you'll know what I mean.
The letter addressed to me and
To dry fanatics of Anti-Saloon
signed Faithless Reader had me in
League stamp the price of prohibi'- stitches for a while but now I've
tion is a small item: to them the
quite recovered and if the writer
Music And Drama The Finest
- o Chocolate Candies
Review by Mary Louise deliymer.2
Harald Kreutzberg and Yvonne foa5
Georgi have so cleverly impressed! Fresh Mixtures of
modernism upon a basis of classi-Cade
cal virtuoso in dlance that one
might easily be deceived into be- 2 5c lb.
lieigoneself in a sort of super- ~,i A
world. It is a quality pleasing! 2 lbs or 45c
enough in itself to appeal to a me-
lee such as make up most modern I( ES L Q
audiences, but the German dane- ; J H E Ej
ers have added a perfection in ex-; SUGAR BOWL
pression of the art of dancing that s })
*J' 1 U1 *!A *f~WlUU ei } Z1D . tl " It c ~ i +~U10 S uh ai
Hark To His Master's Voice!
Say in:g
tt ,
For Everything Mutsic4l
to Suit.
Play while
you pay.
Majestic, Victor, Crosley
Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell
Orchestral Instruments
Victor, Coluimbia, Brunswick
t Hi IAvi TvoM
The beip OR
The16-i5n x
traordinary that they must be re-
tamned at any cost. Sorbid money
considerations should not, they feel,
of that letter will come up to the
office at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow af-
ternoon I will be' very glad to give
obscure a moral Issue.**
I ~The program: las' evening wasj,
The average taxpayer, however, I am known around here by va-; one that would try the ability of
may well reflect on the astoundingI rious names such as Jim Jordanf the most versatile, combining the
price which the country is being! business manager; Stewart, of the strict virtuoso of the Polonaise by'
forced to pay to keep the eigh- 'sports department; and Cady Chopin, Variations of Mozart, and
teenth amendment in the constitu-Sasnalofthspsdar- the Mazurka by Scriabine with the
tion. First is the annual Congres-;Swnoasofteprsdprt, striking character interpret ations
sional appropriation for prohibition1metAlthsgu-ImanI'- represented by the Dance of the
enforcement, amounting to aboutI big enough to take care of myself Master of Ceremonies, the Dance
$10,000,000 (though this is less than# so you'd better thing twice. If you' of Salome, and the Spirit of Evil.
a third of the sum asked "for one can't find any of these gents-I which were carried over into the
honest effort at enforcement"). mean, me around, why leave your abstract in Revolte and the Angel
Next there are the appropriations name and address. of Judgment.
voted out of state treasuries forsk Kreutzberg's effect would be
enforcement in states having local Oh, well, every knock is a boost 1 smudged by trying to describe his
Volstead acts. This much the pub- and there's no denying the fact I perfect mastery of the most min-
lic pays directly for forcing liquor that Gargoyle is the best colgege l ute details.. His body was constant-{
dispensaries up alleys. magazine in its price field. (It is the ly in his control, responding in-
But it scarcely tells the whole onyoethtsls o iteenstantly and exactly to his .require-;
story. Every large city indirectly i ments whether they were graceful,
pay thousands for increases in the
police force, additions to the judi- ALEMi GAI. edand nrotsqu.oolow iin±th
cial machinery, and larger jail fa- 'Dear Joe : general trend of movement hia
cilitites to cope with the new crim- H-ave you heard about the mlost head, hands, and arms were in p r-
inal element. The largest cities, popular disease in the vicinity of fect harmony.
also, as Chicago is discovering to, the Chemistry building. It is known More specifically, Kreutzberg is
her grief, are paying an amazing as "chemical thumb" and nine outI probably unrivalled in the skill
toll to the political corruption that} of every twelve (figures presented with which he portrays the Angel;
seems to be an inevitable conco- ;upon request) have it. Further- of Judgment-clever costum~e ef-
Imitant of bootleg liquor and the' more it can't be cured by Listerine3 feet, sweeping gestures and strides,
beer'racket. and besides your friends will not majestic facial expression, a per-
What's more, that element of the± hesitate to tell you that you have sonitication of ominous warning
population which will continue to ;it. from the Book of Revelations.,
drink (and it cannot be pooh-! ALL AKS. Miss Georgi triumphs in her in-
poohed as small and lawless) an-' . terpreta ion of In the Twilight.
nuly pays literally milfions to NAf aenthadaoti with her exquisite expression of
bootlegger-profiteers who in turnf y pathos and dejection followed by?
subsidize the underworld's war The Rolls Shopping Bureau did a frenzy of hope, ending in defeat.
against law and order. Bootleg a great' business in buckets of sand, The sweet simplicity of the Per-#I
prices and the notorious affluence !over' the holidays but there area Sian Song carrying a strong appeal
of bootleg kings are both impor-' still a few left at $8.50 each. One, to the senses, is perhaps as force-'1
tan itms n te picetha Amn'-free holder will be given with each fli t way as the Angel o h
ca pays for the farce of prohibi- bucket this week only. This holderLs uget u o u' o
tion. enables you to carry the sand in light in the ecstasy of dance Kreutz-!j
This picture compares unfavor- foto o iea asdu.Dntber and Georgi well selected the
ably with the Canadian. There the islip! Buy one today! And 'geie "t- IRs;i ac-i etai~il
government has gone frankly ini- ber--when not in use it mlakes an taste of pleasure and good humnzor.
to the business (despite all the ideal ashtray.
t_'me-worn arguments against thelMt GIOVAN*NI NIARINELI.J.
government in business) and found Whoops! The Student council isl
its lawlessness problem ,solved, its "Wolf-Wolfing" the frosh again for A eiwb ila . !rmn
not wearing their pots. This is get-I A Martinelli rectital sets the old
finances relieved of the enforce- tn eom.IsgesIhtte problem of criticism of snlging
mentstrinand deidely r- -~,------... , . more forcibly than do most artistc
A 11 J! 1 W"LAA ATAt1AAA '
601 East Williamu Street
phone 7515
l1Ihe sr3_atst-locl itiJ; Clpclis iShe
first to feel the keen edge of the paper
cutter .-it gives a good introduction
to the letter wi'thin . .. and when the
haper its(,-] is rich, substantial, crisp to
die touch, the messa-c rcceives pre-
fcrn'"ddunttion. Old I Ltip"lire Swx
tioncqr has all these quaities-it adds
a lm'v importance to what you write.
JbuprshirclPapcr C".). "L~e .' . irr," 1 ejrtv.caw
:youth lHsdIcy Fi', ls. :-s
gets You oOAT
oile 1wright
roof s
r IERE'S no better way to start this year' in ;your palcasaiit pursuit
of The Latest, than to get your clutclics on Paul Sp elir's newvest
Colum'bia record. The melodly maestro m akes perfectly brand dance
uiusic out of these two talkie hiits.
The other pair of records listed lure are excelleut, too-hear thetu
;Mhen you hear"I'm Following You! "And if you want a dig surparisc,
hear thjeni all on the $50 Columbia Portable!
-Speak to ) our dealer about this-he'll be glad to oblige you!
Record No. 2056-1), J0-inch, 7;5c
I~I'mFouowt'a; Youl (front Motion Picture Fox, T~.ts
"It's a G;reat Life") t
I'M SA1IN'G ON X. SUMNr'x M (fromu Motion Pic. P andi Spcbt aa~t1
turc"It's a Grcat Life") 1.His Orchest
Receordl No. 205 7-D, I 0-inch, 75c
SirrTIN-ON A hiuotti EJI' FioxTreats ~'i
YOU CAME, I SAW, YOU C~ONQi'LAZLD 1c fee Wallave ndHi
Record No. 2058-I) 10-inch, 745e
., IoLLY (frow a Motion I icture"'I'heGritnd Parade"') j ul
r.FiA'.r WONDEFUL SOMETHIrNG (Is Lovi,) (from Chle snu
Motion Picture "Untaicd') CalsLwa
Columbia Record
Viv- tondl Recording - 2he Records ithout Sc rth
Classil edAds 4:
Bring Results
w...- A,A. a a a . A.,l. a a-4 . A.- A A.. .. A...J --w IA. }
Byrne iM. -Badenoclb
James D. Cartwright
Robert Crawford
Harry B. Culver
Thomas M. Davis
Norman IEliezer
J amies 11toffee
Norris Johnson
Charles Kline
Laura Codlianr
M.tarvin Kobaeker
Lawrence Luecy
'I'llorm Al uir
George R. Patterson
Charles tSanford
Lee Slay ton
loseph Van Piper
Robert Willianison
William It. Worboy
Sylvia 'Mill'-r
Agnes Davis HIelen E. Mussel~hite
Bernice Glaser Elcimour Valkinsiaw j
Hlortense Gooding IDorothmea, Waterman
Alice- McCully
CQ- nY
Night Edtcr-CHiAS.Rk.KAUVFFii11N spectable income accruing from
._.. the excise tax on alcoholic pot-j
VAE.ables. Canada is not a special
AVE AQUE , case: all of the provinces have*
AVE A'QUEdried our brand of prohibition, and!
The way seems clear for Inland- now, with the exception of PrinceI
er, literary magazine published on Edward Island, have gone back to
the campus, to be launched upon gvrmna ae
the most progressive period of its j Obevr oae elrdta
hitherto seldom satisfactory, often; there is room for about 100,000,000f
uncertain. always unstable career.I Chinese in Manchuria. But what
.._...,_ .,,... __, ...._ ., . ,,, _ w . _
i ::_ _ . _ .
The final barrier to what reason- would they do if they moved there?
ably should assure an opportunity Anhtgo ol h mt
to success was removed yesterday saei hn oayoy
afternoon when an assembled body°
composed of members of the In-' Now that the financial report of
laner taf an narl foty the ithe University. has been published-
landert nrstafd anea oty ohrinand an increase in assets shown,
studntsintresed n mintinigI some one wil surely jibe "coin-
a literary journal on the campus mercialism," and a Carnegie Re-
arrived by an overwhelming ma-I port will follow. We don't get any
fority at an important decision. The I privacy in our affairs at all, do
body voted 29-9 to admit material we?
to the \ magazin~e that came from _____1
writers outside the University and o---- z_______________
make that addition a continued O iioI
feature of the magazine. CampusOpno
This action means and does not I Contributors are asked to lie biner,
mean several things c . It means that confining themselves to ls than voo
words if possible. Aun)ony us coum-
instead of being the organ of an muincations will be, disregarded. Th le jC
of tudnts names of. eounnunnlicants will, however,
unersnaiegroup o tdns be regarded as confidential, 01011 re-
the Inlander will expand to in- quest. JLetters published should riot lie I
construed as expresisng the editorial
clude the literary work of promin- opiiiionn of The Daily.t
ent men not necessarily connected 'd
with the University. It means that. "IMMORTALIZING THlE SPIRIT g
the appeal of Inlander will be OF HATE IN STONE."l
broadened. It does not mean that To the Editor:
Inlander will become a "profes- If a University of Michigan flag
sional". magazine. It does not is sent to the restored library of
mean that student witig will be the University of Louvain, Belgium, i
crowded out by a preference for would it not be possible to send s
the outside work, with it some word of protest against 1c
The result of the action means !the much discussed and long fought a
that superior writers who have be- over, incription on the balustrade 1:i
fore shunned Inlander because of of the library? Aniy gesture of C
the continued appearance - within friendliness is soinewhiat handicap-d
its pages of a certain interested ed by having the word "Destroped If
few (primarily the staff: see the by German Fury; Restored by Am-,t
results of its various contests and erican Generosity" in a coinspicu-;b
the bulk of its ordinary material),; ous place at the front of the build- II
writing an nadeqluate and inferior 3 ing to which the flag would be sent. '
quality of poetry and prose, willI Since the inscription is there
!ac.oepns rsl mefh~ since, obviously because off his su-
$1,000 and pay every other frosh a pebtcn!leupe~,lei
bonus-say tncents a day --pfrb tcimpcan. eThpent., lemis
werig kis .h briefly, i the old conflict between!
The Ann Arbor News reports the music and singing -- a distinction
~unconsciously reflected in the pop-
first robin, seen Wednesday, it is al- ua haelg hc a tta
leged, on Geddes Avenue. Well, I a ntuatls samsca
hate to be pessimistic, but I just and a singer is a singer. The most
looked out of the office window and rdclslto fi stepooa
t d~cldd tht tat brd ust aveof some aesthieticianis to call sing-;
been the last, not the first.; ing an art in itself rather a branich
* *of music-a cut ~cus ramnification
since instrumental music grew out
of singing.
The issue, as I see it, is how firm-
ly one believes the first business of
a singer is to sing--that is to pro-!
duce beautiful tones. Martinelli
has flawless production and gen-
(The kitty represent~s Old Maim erally (though not always last
Winter). I night) Perfect breath control. But
his tone-quality is ea'rthy, heavy,
I've just received the following often harsh. Deliberately without
letter, and even as I copy it, a tear a doubt, hie employs aill his techni-a
is slowly creeping down my cheek. cal resources to make his tones as
It comes from Anin Arbor (the let- f hard as steel. He certaily lacks,
ter, I mean).i vocal color, his lyrics beig dull and
Dear Joe: I'm1 kinida in1 the dumips' monotonous I think. The compen-;
todaiy. I want a nice chum- a girl sation,. of course, is his power--l) s
chum'l-but none of the girls I've appeal to devotees behind the rail.
met seem to ned me. I'm awfully In the end, he has projected no-
nice and rather pretty, amid I ftiing but profun-dity of tone--
thought beng anl editor and a colemn, sober sonorities w:Uth a
"Michigan Mt)n" you might know wealth of emotional and dramnatic I
quite a few nice chummy girls..- appeal. Thme result is that beauty
Please answer soon.( of tope has been sacrificed to
A ILonesomec Coed, emotion.
Now as yo, in'ttha- pig-Ths certainly makes Mar tinelli
NowI ak yu, snt tat pog- hemop~e a creative artist. The
nant? As to the answer, Lone-a deliberate metallic hardness of his ('
some--well, if you wanted a boy tone and the mercilessness, almost
chum, perhaps-but then your prob- brutality, in his attack or vocal
ably don't. And as for may know- method-about which I think there
ing a few nice chummy girls be- can be no doubt-constitutes an
cause I'm an editor . . . No, that emotional attitude of his own. And
dloesn't qualify nie, Lonesomne. The his attitude is vividly coinuni-
fact ii that every since I started cated. The procedure bears closerj
this business of writing Rolls I've resemblance to per-foryw:-mce in
been losing my, friends steadily. chamber or symphonice music (or
I'in nearly as bad off as you are, even in literature) where interpre-r
Lonesome, so I'm afraid I can't tation (meaning attitude) is also
help much. Have you tried Doro- all-important. That is what I meant
Sat., Last Day- Don't Forget
Again you can buy furniture at Chas. Wuerth and Co. at less than wholesale cost, You
benefit by our un~usual purchasing power. Whenever we can buy GCOOD furniture at $10 a
suite we'll sell it to you for $12.50 even with everyone else in the country getting $50 for
the same thing. Here are a few specials (listed below) that will save you almost the same
$200 Suites for $84.50
Think of it! Your choice of four fine walnut bedroom
suites, bed, vanity and chest. at way less than wholesale p~rice.
A special cash purchase has made this en rinous saving
oessible. Act now and save ,$115.50 by an investment of
$8450 and get as fine a suite as you could ask f or.
Bed, Coil Spring and Mattress
--all sizes complete
Coil Spring, 100% :felted
cotton Mattress and metal wal-
nut finished o bed.
CHAIRS{ ri _
Living Room
2 Piece Mohair Suite in
A nice selection of living r
niture in mohair or moque
$ 100
$365 Moh-air 2 Piece suite
itnported silk and linen revel
mahogany hand carved fra
Others at like reducti<
is. WUER]?
Entire Stock of Fine
DiniigRoomi Suites 1-31 Off
If you're interestcd in a fine dining room suite
c~mie in at once. We have 7 or 8 sutites from
mtatched mtahogany to all walnut in 9 nileces that
:ire iiiw-ossible to beat. We're selling these at
cost. If you want the finiest that mioney can
buy, this is your chance'.
taupe or
Even thouigh all manufac.
roonm fur- to Hers have advanced prices,
tte at less
we are offering you the old
P Nice less
swith an
rse. Solid 20%~
"ame nowfor a short tim e only.
Regularly priced from
phone 6511 $42.50 to $47.50-while
they last
have an added incentive and in-
spiration for the publication ofI
their work in the campus inaga-,
zirne. Further, because the periodi-
cal will then have a greater read-
ing appeal and because its con-
tents will be of a higher quality,
it can soon be put uponi a self-sup-
porting, paying basis.
The poll yesterday indicated
that those on the campus who real-
- '- --r ...... ..... . ........
5 ., 1.. L....... .. ,. ,. wr Trs _t. .----- .r._ 1.
only because Mr. Whitney Warren, thy Dix?
the architect, won hi's suit against * 5
the university, it seems that some A D. 0. B. notice the other day
expression of regret that an Amer- stated thlat common drinking
ican should have insisted on "ira- glasses are a menace to fraterni-
mortalizing the spirit of hate in i ties and sororities. So are the con-
stone" would be appropriate. Asj tents, Doc, but even individual
the New York World said, "The cups won't correct that.
first clause expresses the base emo- I-*'
tions of chauvinism and vindica- I That headline:
tiveness; the second clinks Ameri'- MIDDLE WE~ST GRIrPPED,
by the problem in criticising Mar-
tinelli. He is certainly less the
singer andi more the artist. Per-
sonally I prefer Martinelli (cer-
tainly as a dramatist and even as
a lyricist) to Crooks (with a facileI
unimportant sort of beauty in his;
tone) amnd Roland Hayes (whose$
tone is so beautiful it's sentimen-
tal)-both of whome are superfici-
ally befit- ite ine fl_ ut, tfo i>i ,c-
Regulbif, prices $55 to
$62.50. Closing these
out at
Only a few left.
113-115 E. Washington
A. S. Schmidt, Ow
V 4------ -