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January 10, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-10

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I f11 IR L 1[it1dJWUU~ L d L !
Professor Maintains Difficulty l
Due to Different Aims
of Learning.
Declaring that the crisis in mod-
ern education lay in the fact that
it was difficult to coordinate the
different aims, scientific learnng,
educational research, moral educa-
tion and free and liberal play, Prof.
DeWitt H. Parker of the philosophy!
department spoke on the subject,:
"The Crisis in Modern Education,".
at the last of a seras of All-Cam-
pus Forums yesterday afternoon in
Alumni Memorial Hall.
In defining a university, Profes-
sor Parker gave several definitions
that have been generally accepted.
Among the more notable of these'
were; a place for research and ad-I
vancement of learning for thoset
who acquire their ideas and after-s
wards pass them on; an institu-j
tion where parents send children
so that others may give them the


Crowd of 4,500 Fights to Attend I
Motion Pictures Exhibiting
Relativity Theory.
NEW YORK, Jan. 0-A crowd of
4,500 stormed the American Muse-
um of Natural History Wednesday
night in an attempt to see a mo-
tion picture on the Einstein Lheory.<
Police reserves were called to re-
store order when museum attend-
ants were overwhelmed.
The Amateur Astronomers' assoc-
iation, under whose auspices the
picture was shown, sent tickets to
the 1,500 members in the city. At
the time set for the exhibition
police estimated there were three
persons for every ticket assembled
a ' ~', ri at ithe en trance of the muso i .. R 1-7 .*

Thirty Seven Members Gather
at Women's League Building
for Annual Convention.
Thirty-seven Michigan represen-
tatives of the three major branches
of dentistry in the state will meet
at 6:15 o'clock tonight at the Wo-
men's League building for dinner
and an annual meeting. Michigan's
faculty will be represented, along
with the state board of examiners
and the Michigan State Dental so-
Although the annual meeting of
these three major bodies usually
takes place in the autumn, the 1930
assembly is scheduled tomorrow
night because of the change in the
time which the state board of ex-

Trawlers are shown (left) gathered about the spot where two mot
in mid-air off the coast of Santa Monica, Cal., with a loss of ten lives,
shown the first bit of wreckage brought to the surface by grappling I
motion picture director, was a victim of the crash, as was Kenneth Hawk

! :

nuinnuuim nnu nritin


moral training that they them-
selves are too busy to give them;
a trysting place for young mn and
women of marriageable age; and;
finally an institution designed to D
provide students with four years of
play time before entrance into Scientific Literature Dealing
business of life. - With Process Marks New
When asked what the advatage i
was of four years of play, Profes- Development.
sor Parker stated that he thought ~~~KL~
this to be one of the chief functi'ons BOOKLET IS PUBLISHED
of a university since every side of
a person's nature was developed, How far the process of chromium
which might otherwise be cramped plating has progressed during the
by strictly professional training. past two or three years is proved
"A student upon entering a uni- not merely by the fact that very
versity must divest himself of the many American cars are now using
idea that he came to be taught- i chromium instead of nickel plating,!
he must educate himself since he but in the -change in the scientific
is thrown largely on his own re- literature dealing with the process,
sources. He should be careful of the most recent addition to which
his selectiqn of studies so that he is a circular just issued by the de-
will be prepared for the profession, partment of engineering research1
he is contemplating entering upon of the University.
graduation. He should be equally This booklet, officially described,
careful in the selection of instruc- among the publications of the de-
tors," he stated. I partment as number three, "Com-
In addition to pointing out the mercial Chromium Plating" by
weaknesses of the present educa-- Richard Schneidewind, instead of'
tional system,:Professor Parker dis- being of the highly technical form
cussed the many different phases characteristic of previous publica-
of undergraduate .life, approaching tions dealing with this new subject,
each phase from various view- is an attempt, not to present new 1
points, material of which it contains a very!
__small amount, but to condense into
PLANS MADE 'FO R simplified form such data concern-
PLAN MAD 'OR ing appliances, Qquipmeit,and pro-
A U T 0 EXH$ITON cess as will be of immediate assist-
ance to the commercial chromium1
De roit Convention Hall Scene plater.
Not only is the technical material
of Annual Car Display. assembled in convenient form with
slight additions simply presented,
Decorators and electricians will but a chapter of the 60 page circu-
start their annual job of convert- lar is devoted to "trouble shooting."
ing Convention Hall at Detroit in- Extremely valuable to the commer- I
to a beautiful show room to house cial shop is a chapter on costs, be-
the .two million dollars worth of lieved to be the first presentation of1
cars and equipmen to be exhibit- this phase of the process made
ed at the automobile show from since its widespread commercial1
Jauary th tomb 25th r use. This booklet, which will be in
J or thn 12000sq e ft general circulation within the next
More than 120000 square feet of|few days, is profusely illustrated
exhibition space in Convention Hall I with photographs of apparatus as
have been set aside for the passen- well as numerous graphs and
ger cars and the number of differ- charts. Mr. Schneidewind, its au-
ent models to be shown will be the thor, an investigator in the depart-
largest in the history of D. A. D. A. ment, has already published two
shows. -of the best known technical works
The retail automobile trade of dealing with chromium plating.
The s eta ilauobe il e tra ofi n ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
the state will bein Detroit.on Aboard S..S. Geo. Washington at
Wednesday for Michigan Day at Sea: Jan. 9.-Bearing the American;
the show, as the Michigan Automo- delegation to the London .naval
bile Tiade Association will hold its: conference the steamer George
9th Annual Convention at the Ho- Washington was headed toward Eu-
tel Statler on that day. Homer rope tonight on her third peace
Guck. _ _voyage.
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Article by Worley
on Transportation
Appears in Alumnus
States That Present Time Marks
Tansition Toward Merging
of Transport Aids.
"As the result of the vision of a
group of men in the country who
have the energy, the scientific
Itraining, the education, the cour-j
age and character which was nee-
essary for the creation and opera-'
tion of the present railroad sys-
tem, we are in a metamorphosis
from the art of railroading to the'
greater art of transportation" stat- I
es Prof. John S. Worley, of the
transportation engineering depart-
ment, in a recent issue of the Mich-
igan Alumnus.
"The old order of transportation
was with us in its pristine charac-
ter only ten years ago, and possi-
bly as late as 1924," says Professor
Worley. "Railroading from its birth
was a self sufficient, self sustained,
exclusive enterprise and business.'
The goods and passengers of the!
country could only be moved over
rails by locomotives. For a railroad'
man to think otherwise would beI
committing treason. However, with!
the coming of the automobile, the
passenger bus, the motor truck, and
the airplane there has been a!
change in the views of these -men,
and ,they are looking forward to aI
greater era of transportation."
In addition to railroading, rail-
road c.-mpanies of today are in-
cluding in their field financial in-
terest in the operation of passen-
ger bus, motor truck, and airplane
transpor tation agencies. Statistics
are also available as to the railway
interest in airplane operation, a-nd
various companies such as the
Pennsylvania lines have beco m n, " i-
terested in aviation companies par-
ticipating in co-ordinated rail-air
( By Assocuiate', ]'t'--)}
HAMBURG, Germany, Jan. 9. -
Blohm & Voss., shipbuilders, today
announced they had received an
order for the largest yacht in their.
experience.- The vessel will be 410
feet overall and have a speed of 18
knots. .

ion picture CUp1 .1,wi , Vrashed -e d Irm S-,ily 'Pr oto aminers chose to come here for the
sank into the sea. At the right is Eight uhiformed guards were Charles C, Eberhardt, semi-annual student tests. The
looks. Max Gold (inset), assistant- sent among the crowd to announce remaining bodies represented at the
s, well known director, that preference would be given to Nevly appointed minister to convene are composed of twelve
those with tickets. Jeering and Costa Rica, who was picked by members of the executive council of
hooting the guards, the crowd ,wrg- - President Hoover to succeed Arthur the state dental society and nearly
ed forward, sending those nearest twenty faculty incumbents.
the door against a grilled iron gate. Schoenfleld, who reslgned the post. The idea which inaugurated the
T C ET LThegate was broken down and Eberhardt is from Kansas. first of these tri-society meetings
the mob pushed its way into a in 1916, was the result of an effort
room devoted to Alaskan Indian on the part of Dean Marcus L.
data. At the far end of a pas- J TWard of the dentistry school to
sageway between glass cases of bringthe three major branches of
Mr. Bittinger to Conduct Second specimens, the crowd encountered;the profession in Michigan together
Tour With Professor. From k a heavy wooden, door leading into once a year for the purpose of talk--
. a .e . -the auditorium where the picture insover policies, ironing out mal-
Ohio State University. was to be shown. The door burst IJUUJ IlY[LU 0IlLadjustments, and providing a gen-
~~from its hinges. eral clearing house for state den-
WILL SAIL ON JUNE 20 Museum guards, helpless against Prof. MSihts Meteor tal problems. The executive branch
the stampede, called police reserv- M - of the meeting is taken care of by
For the second consecutive year, es. After a 20-minute battle order on January 3; Reported the state board of student exami-
Ross '. Bittinger, instructor in de- was restored. ? ' Seen Elsewhere. ners. The "training" branch is re-
corative design in the College of Two showings of the film were __ resented by the Michigan faculty,
coa~v eini h olg f:given to accommodate the throng. 7'hile the professional side is taken
Architecture, will conduct a sum- gnt _acmodt hgHOPE TO TRACE FLIGHT - mmbers of the Michigan Den-
mer tour of Europe. With Bittin- oeietv
ger at the head of this year's trip GEOLOGY FACULTY j hri Friday mornin- ,imrv 3. m ino wl follow directly
will be Prof. R. E. Monroe, of Ohio VISIT CONVENTION Prof. D. C. McLaughlin of the as- after dinner which is scheduled for
State university. tronomy department, observed an I:15 o'clock.
A special feature of the tour will Professor Scott Delivers Paper unusually brilliant meteor passing
be the Passion Play at Oberammer-! on Lake Michigan Sanddunes. near Ann Arbor in south-w'er>I Furopean Psychologist
gau, Bavaria. The Passion Play, in I ___ -direction. Since the time reports io Give Lecture Here
which 400 adults and 250 children Eight members of the geology have come in from localities as -
participate, is a religious pageant and minerology departments at- widely separated as Chatham, Ont., Speaking on "The Development
commemorating the life of Christ, tended the annual convention of and Western Pennsylvania, noting from Play to Work," Dr. Charlott
and is given only once every ten the Geological Society of America its passage. Buhler, eminent European woman
years. at Washington during the holidays. The Astronomy department re- psychologist will appear here Janu-
The party will sail from Montreal I Edward H. Kraus, Dean of the ceived a letter from a man in De- ary 11, at 2 o'clock in the University
June 20 on the S. S. Aurania. Dis- school of pharmacy, as first presi- troit who had seen it while on his High School auditorium.
embarking at Plymouth,its members dent, gave a review of the history way to work, stating that it had Brought over from Vienna this
will visit London and the Shake- of the minerological society during, lighted up the entire city and sum- year by the international Congress
speare country. .. the first ten years of its existence. rounding area as brightly as day- of Psychology at New Haven in Sep-
Brussels, Amsterdam, and the Prof. Walter H. Hobbs gave two light. No one else in either Detroit tember, Dr. Buhler has spoken fre-
Rhine are next on the itinerary. papers, one on "Interpretations of or Ann Arbor has as yet, however, quently to audiences in this coun-
Thence the party will go to Munich Earthquakes" and a second on made any mention of observing the try both on this and previous visits.
and Oberammergau, where two "Conditions in Greenland." phenomenon. , Mrs. Buhler has made deep re-
3i 1ht -. illhb t-.-.4- ni i .h Prof Irving D. Scott g g r a- "It is a rare occurrence" Profes-,q, r4-c ntn ,, ,.,4tfh
-- - - - - '-' * ,~~~~' ~ IV) ~ 1 I ~

nigns wi De spent wirnessing tne
Passion Play. s
The Swiss lakes, Milan, Venice,
Florence, and Rome will next com-
mnand the tourists' attention. They
will visit Naples and Genoa, from
which they will entrain for Nice.
After Marseilles and Avignon,!
where the famous "Pont d'Avig-
non," immortalized in French po-
etry, is located, the members of the
party will proceed to Paris, where
one week will be spent viewing the
b n ies of th French capital.
S&King from Cherbourg August
16 on the Berengaria, the party will
arriv in New York six days later.
T 1formation and particulars of
thc tour may be obtained from Bit-
BERLIN.-Electrification of Ber-
fin's suburban railroads resulted in
increasing passenger traffic by from
14 to 326 per cent. In the year
since their change from steam 125,-
000 more tickets were punched on
the belt lines than in 1927-28.

t V..ti lr, . p ~~u a u o
per on "The Sand dunes on Lake
Michigan." Prof. E. C. Case, direc-
tor of the museum of paleontology,
as vice president of the association,
also attended, as did Professors W.
F. Hunt, L. S. Ramsdell and A. B.
Peck of the department of miner-

, ea 10CeaiV .~Gt4 vU tl ls io e CSUU jeC 01 ner
sor McLaughlin said, -for such a lecture and has published exten-
brilliant; meteor to be seen." He sively upon it. She has made re-
added that, with the observations;searches in the activity, language,
he took at the time it might be | thought, and social adjustments of
possible to trace its line of flight if j children.
some other observer can be found ' The talk is to be open to students,
who has any similar data by which i faculty, and others interested in the
calculations may be made. subject.


d. ..



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