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December 12, 1929 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-12

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JfIEtfrpieeui 111 f1TfCTS PE AND GEMBIS Aquatic Championship
J N ! (Continued from Page 6) j
NINEL0,M 1JGSE 'ON oth Howard Poe and Joe Gemi- in which eight entrants have been
________________________bis who were included in the list accepted.
CoahesAr Neotitig fr ~ boke byCoch .Iaoil ~ Ijw-of football players issued invita- The eight men who hatve entee
Coachs' Ae Negtiatng fo 60 ooke by Cach Harol 11.How-the leer board (livingcoptin
or 7 Evnts ith15 acl.The ~w1eyeswij ~acompat iseb ahJmm hla owill represent the cream of the
Ak1 c dy i ooked. Lincoln against,!"tjhe Tnivesity f pieamd-etr i~ raaedvr of hes'wlte and i
Nebask. Fb. I5,a~il wll xcsleeleven which wvi la ry a n 'all- as mach as, the event il litr
GAMES SON Mor~naril q the w es~tleanisuhenteam (luring teChrist- mine the winner of the M. A. A. U.
NEED CAs holidays have accepted the in- the performances are likely to be
-~undetexrnined date. It will b3e nec- vitation, it was announced yester- par excellent.
Between sixty and seventy dual; essary to draw uLp three or four day.j
cot1sms eshdie nnn meets to roundlout :t icJsecdule.I The game which will be a benefit,
branlches of athletics for 1930 if the ; Pln ad &1pn elayMeet Iafai between th~e -twL Aal stFarI
University of Iowa teams are to ap- 1DTPni [ poiz the lThlois, Tex-wilb paydo NeU
proimtethiravrae chduesas Sutern eto~~stM~~nsoaYear's day at Dallas, Texas. The
of recent years.- Ohio E as:, and Brak~e relayy exact comipositioln of either teamitI
Simultaneously with the Saturday masf~ oto i ceue has not as ytbe eiieya-______ NOTICE
refusal of the Western Conference tt ynla ;ba nucddetthfatttalofiP SOA SEVC
to schedule contests with Hawkeye Co u.' .~sba.poa-ntedder to e fac vt atialofEsOALSRVC
teams after January 1, 1930, coach-I bl y willpbe np t a~do more th. lyr eevn niain CHRISTMAS
es ega thir uet fr cntets n!th '11C .1 takIrte'S Norehave not stated their n~letion . T OILET PREPARATIONS
estbl beashire stfor:ctestsi track,; tlledu, r Bk~ets Nt oth of the Michigan players have 'IWe manufacture a complete line
fotalbsbll aktbltrc,4Daeg oui hi ,end is ,a tc~ntative iu" t completed their last season ;of Qaiyimi rslin i QuaiyToilet Preparations
tenwismnwetig ynsis okigLrM 0 ~ h ~~ of football in collegiate circler anc~l for men and women. Face_
tni, and golf. also r±' ay imeet the Chicagoa A.' received recognition on all of the creamspwes, toilet waters,
ArgeSi Metad1 liosAC.iselections of all Conference teams perfumes, shampoos, d e n t a 1,
Most successful thus far In schec% About twenty baseball games are 11 Also both of them have been mem- creaim etc. If you want these
uMing skirmishes is David A. Arm- beig sought by Coach Otto H1. Vo- beso h icia otal qa odatfcoypics u hm
g el . H e a lre a d y h a s fo u r g m s o ega in e sc i g n f o b l q u d ' g o t f a t r r c s b y t e 1 b u t r h h s b o e oeffIf r t re e r . a h a t r . O n f o r m n
his fine dual meets for the swim- his southern trip-University of
ming team. R~e signed Washington Missouri at Columbia, April 12 Un- Ps ecPru akil tm saCrsmsGf e
gnv iyaEt oi, e.1,adiest f ea tAsi,'pi star, has turned down an offer to which costs you $1.00; at retail
arranged home and home meetsK16 and 1'7, and Washington Ulni- I'play i h nua atWs stores $2.25. Moneybakino
wihte hcg Ahei asca versity at St. Louis, April 21. Two 1 classic to be played on New Year's' satisfied.
tion, dates to be determined, Chain- games each with Nebraska,Mci a i ao f copninIi H
pionship affairs booked are the gain State, Kalamazoo (Mich.) Nor- (coach to Texas. Art Pharmer, well McCORMICnKtLABORATORIES
Mid-Western A. A. U. title meet mal, Notre Dame, and Loyola of known to the Mid-Western world !'337 Scut Main St. Upstairs OP-
at Iowa ,City, Jan. 24 and 25; and Chicago are possibilities. l for his scoring proclivities and Leo site Wuerth. TheatreI
the N' ationlal Collegiate A. A. chain- - I ukaekguado h 12 n-Phn -39
nionships at Cambridge, Mass., on Clevelan'd-~the Detroit Olympics (versity of Minnesota football eleven $10,000 TO LEND on first mortgage
Mar. 28 and 29. were handed their first defeat of1 were then :chosen. Pharmer held
at 6%f without bonus or service
No football games have been fin- the currents hockey season Monday; the Big Ten scoring lead until the cag.Poe45.1~
,Illy arranged, although Coach Burt nigh9 hnthywr bae yI close of the season when he was i_________________
I!ngwersen is dickering with posi the fast stepping Cleveland Indians, forced to shore the honors with BUSIN1ESS OPPORTUNITIES. Have
bie opponents. Penn State and Ok- 3 to 2. Russ $ergerm of Northwestern, you .$100 or more you would in-I
lahoma are among the teams which I-~-- _
dlesire .games with the Hawkeyes. YYI ' - "YY " ".l"Y.P""-'.Y.Y.-T° YP .WYY_°I._'' ~t°" ''Y -i.W"f°''V°" '_y".'i"°Y.'~'y -".°,'"...I.I.'
Five Cage Games Carded. i
Five January ind Februzary b3aa- Xf
ketball games were booked Mondla yj f~ u ~ e I o to a
by Coach Rollie F.. Willilams. His
HIawkeyes will play Drake univer-
sity at Iowa City, Jan. 24, and atI Walk-Over shoes are mace for
Dies Moines, ]Feb. 22. South Dakota Tt
State will come to the field house men fl inherent good 'taste wh c- =j N
court Jan. 8, and Oklahoma Ag-
gies, Feb. 3. Williams will take heis quire tlhat 'their IOStoksnv
team to St. Louis for a game with q
t. Loui s university, Feb. 18. Other ,Y ; ,-
1ossbiliies nclue Misour, Nosconset vative, fit comfortably and give
braska, Washington of St. Louis, ,agn extra measure of service. At theotn SaeClrd Sae
MtehranS te Cloadoe StteWalk-Over Shop businesslike shoe-
Two wrestling meets have been mnwl
TYEW~RITER telligent co-operation.
R P I IGAll makes of ma- ,. '
chines. Our equip-
mnent aind person-DU TNSW L OVR H P
nel aecniee
aogtehs nthStte. The .u13 SOUTH MAIN STREETI
result of twenty ;ears' careful
'314 Solith State St. Phone 6615
. I

vest with a growing Ann Arbor 'PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776. i
urivfnttiittrngcop c(ern, ISS Victor Allmendinger. The Stein-; FOR SAID
ing a guara-nteed re"(irn ofi 12- way concert artist tuner. Office
possibly more? A limited num-1 at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. FO SAErec
ber of local people will be given 234F OlorE-etchnsha
an opportunity to accept this' 2340 colordetchngsa
very unusual offer. If you have' A WONDERFUL way of puttingl prices. Call R. Van
the money and wiznt complete1, your self through college. (In-1
information addrress Box 115,' conies guaranteed). Address Box ; - __________
Michiga4 Daily. 113. 234561X3 A NUMBER of meal
WILL the geialeiit i o t "o IWIi TYPING efficiently prepared. Uni- ?rrTompso An'setauranr

Sepia and
Tuyl, 9774.
tic kets fcr"
it at special ,

icianed the 1iit e, k i ,..I
please return it 1303 liornian C?
ini the Library Sundayrig.
CALL 5604 or at 1009 Granger for
clean washing and ironing. Also

versity Typing Service, 718 Mon-{
role. Piouuie 21474. C
TYPIING-Thescs a specialty. Fait
rates. M. V.' Hartsuff. Dial 9387.
' C

9587. Evenings.12

for house cleaning. .,
$10,000,TO LEND on first mortgage
at 6%' without bonus or service
charge. Phone 4356. 135G
THE GYPSY INN, 712 Hill St.~ LOST--White gold Gruen wrist
Just off So. State at your service' I--wadtc homnampuFinderopleas.
for meals; special parties by ap- 1 ____________ atcWh, fom ampusitoeSouthaU.
pointment; short orders. Five!I_______ dial 3018. Reward. 34
Dollar Meal Ticket for $4.50. F 0 R S E N T-Rooms, including I
_________ -completely furnished housekeep- LOST-Alp Omicron Pi sorority
SERVICE AT YOUR SERVICE ing apartment for two girls. pin on Dec. 16th between Wo-
W. H. Clark, life time experience in Dial 8544 or 9714 422 East Wash-; men's League and 1052 Baldwin.
making shoes, riding boots, spats.! ington. 123456 Phone 4318. 2.1
Six experienced workers to wait
on you. Largest place in the city., BEAUTIFUL Woodland Club House, LOST-Plain, gold band ring. Fri-
Factory 534 Forest Ave. Branch; available to rent to Fraternities dlay or Saturday. Finder notify
1113 S. University. Yes, we do! and Sororities on reasonable Box 114, Michigan Daily. Re-
repairs. C terms, only 20 miles from Ann 1 ward.*23 4
- -- Abr alo rt r ees!150 TUTORS-ALL SUBJECTS Randolph 4447, 408 Detroit Sav- LOSS"-A white gold wrist watch,
MACK TUTORING AGENCY jing Bank Building, Detroit,i Monday, Dec. 9. Reward. Frances
310 S. State St. Phone 7927 Michigan. x Summers. Phone 7117. 23
1 23c

sveral short lots
of fineshoes at
alex ndrInc.

state street

over catkins

starting t is morning greenwoodan lgr

wijt bgina cearnceof fall and wne


reductions as low as 33'%

will be




clothing and overcoats, one special group of'
neckwvear--formnerly $2.50 now $1.25
included in this reduction are mnany articles, useful as chr stw
suas is-in vle of the drastic red wtion we are offering, we
u that yo visi#the 1ns sho p at your e arlie tx oppor-




ov -r calkln;-

E __ _..

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