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December 12, 1929 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-12

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Conference teams practically at an ! r follow~
_____l end, it may be of interest to corn- F; I
~pile a mythical all-star eleven.
Wolvepines Entrain for Quaker based on the selection of a wide L.E.-Fesler (Ohio State)....,. 73I
City Tomorrow Afternoon; (group of critics. Such a team is L.Sleight (Purdue)........75
Roster Undecided. mor likely to be free of bias to-*G-oes(ow.....5
"srU eddards individual players, and totbe C.-Erickson (Northwestern).. 431
more truly representative of the R.G-Anderson (Northwestern. 451
DANIELS TOPS SCORING Big Ten. R.T,-Nay urski (Minnesonta).. 751,
In eteminngtheperona ~R.E.-Tanner (Minnesonta) ..58
Mediocrity of play evidenced con- In determ ingteteam the onor .Q.B.-Harmeson (Purdue)......71!
this composite team, the honor L.H.-Glassgow (Iowa)........75!
istently i early season perform- elevens of 15 sports authorities R.H -Welch (Purdue)........61
nees reached a new depth. yester- throughout the Conference wereI F.B. --Bergherm (Northwes tern) 611
day afternoon as Coach Veenker used as a basis. The 15 critics 4
drove his basketeers through a long Lwhose all-Conference teams were Second Team.
doarduoubspatesessirongha ongheconsulted were Walter Eckersall, L.^.-Truskovski (Michigan)... 23'
nd arduous practice session on the Jimmy Phelan, H. G. Salsinger, the L.T.-Gordon (Illinois) .... 34'
Yost Field House floor. Associated Press, the United Press, L.G.-Poe (Michigan) ....... . 231
Scrimmage found the Wolverine I Chicago Daily Times, Purdue Ex- C.-Kawal (Illinois).........35
team which turned in a surpris- "ponent, Daily- Iowan, Minnesota R.G.-Parks (Wisconsin).......33
ngly clean cut win over Ohio Wes- Daily, Michigan Daily, Ohio State R.T.-Westra (Iowa) .......... 42!
eyan Monday night handle the ball Lantern, Daily Northwestern, Wis- R.E.-Baker (Northwestern).... 42
n a ragged fashion and. fail to jconsin Daily Cardinal, Daily Illini, Q.B.-Peters (Illinois) ......... 18;
show much of anything with which and Michigan coaches. Five points L.H.-Pharmer (Minnesota) ... 32'
to keep the Penn machine, to be ,were awarded a player for a place 'R.H.-Gembis (Michigan) ...... 22
net og the Philadelphia hardwood 'on a first team, three points for a _.B.-Rebholz (Wisconsin) .... 26
Saturday night, on the defensive. second team position, and one _-
Hold Final Workout. point for third team mention. a n 1la d
After an hour and a half of Bill Glassgow, star Iowa back;
ractier in theu at of ban Red Sleight, great Pudue tackle, by Faculty Roughnecks
>ractice n the art ofe breaking .and Bronko Nagurski, versatile,
twy Venkgrd sen his cars- Gopher, were the only players to be By Nat A. Torium.
t h heir ast rim ageor- be picked on every one of the 15, Establishing their supremacy '
ut before the game with the East- selections, thereby receiving 75 over the Varsity squad in a bitterly
am champions. points apiece. Wesley Fesler, Buck-'conee sr ul th
eye end, was neglected by only one contested struggle, the fighting
Sending Orwig and Kanitz to for- of the critics, while Glenn Harme- faculty water polo team triumphed:
uards, Truskowski to center, and son and Pest Welch of Purdue made by an 8-5 score yesterday after-
Captain Chapman and Lovell to'13 out of the 15 all-star aggrega-noon in the Intramural pool. Al-'
guards on the Bules and Daniels 3
ind Weiss to front line posts on the Tio composite teams and num- though outnumbered 26 to 24, the
Whites along with Ricketts at cen- faculty forces showed what grit
;er and Jones anld Hudson at and determination can accomplishl
;uards, the Wolverine mentor drove
ustT merhouhabrahtaig A E in the "rough neck " version of the'
,iis men through a breath taking 1 . D -AA S ..T MES
5 minute workout. water sport.
Rules were cast into the discard
The play was listless and unin- Volley Ball. R
eresting with the speedy Weiss 7:00-Kinsman's Senior Lits as the two teams surged towards
urning in the outstanding floor in nsS lts
turnng n th ' utsandig foor vs. Collin's Jr. Dents. Schultz's each other in pursuit of the ball.

First Two Meets With Teams
Ranked High in National
Mat Competition.
Two of th° strongest mat teams
in the country will furnish early-
season opposition for Coach Keen's
Wolverine grapplers this year with
Franklin and Marshal and Prince-
ton scheduled on January 11 and
13. These squads, which will be
met on the same trip, both boast
a wealth of veteran material, and
will in all probability be the hard-
est meets on the Michigan sched-
Face Strong Easterners.
Franklin and Marshal with six
men returning from a team which
won eleven straight meets last year
again is rated the strongest aggre-
gation in the east, this squad has
lost but four meets in five years
against the best opposition which
can be mustered. Princeton has
five lettermen back including Cap-
tain Barfield of gridiron farne, but
reports from the Tiger lair state
that several sophomore stars are
expected to give the veterans a
fight for their berths.
In the- eastern "division of the
Conference Coach Keen feels that
Indiana has the best chance to
lift Michigan's title since the Hoo-
siers have nearly their whole team.
from last year back. Little is known
of the other squads in this divi-
sion. Ohio State will be the first
outfit to oppose the Maize and Blue
this year and is scheduled for the
same week as the'Princeton meet,
giving Coach Keen two out of town
matches in six days.
Hold East-West Meet.
With Iowa out of the western di-
vision of the Conference, each
wrestling team in that section will
have one home and home meet with
one other team, thus getting in the
regular four meet schedule. The
first, second, and third place win-
ners in each division will be pitted
against the similar finishers in the
other division in an East-West meet
at the end of the season.
New York-Latest returns on the
American Professional Basketball
race show Cleveland, present world
champions, to be leading the cir-
cuit. with Fort Wayne second.

Declaring that Michigan finds it muen who will make tip the lineup! III~
hird to schedule fencing;~ meets Qf the Varsity in the meets. 'U19 i L LrII El
with other schools, Coach Join-t In the foils Captain Stolpman,
stone, Varsity fencing coach, at- 1 Madero, Friedman, Shutz, Wheel- Leading Aquatic Stars in State
ti ibuted to the lack of a gymnas-an Larae
tic te to represent aegUns- wright, and Lazar are competing. Will Compete for Amateutr
t9c team to represent tie Univer- Stolpman, this year's captain, and Championship.
sity. Most of the other Conference Lazar, last year's pilot, loom as the--
schools possess such a gymnastic strongest in this group. LARGE NUMBER ENTERED
team, and a majority of them will Gordon, Sheyer, Bourland, Ham-
not schedule fencing meets unless mer, and Braidwood form the list Interest in Michigan amateur
the gymnastic teams meet as well 'swimming circles will center about
on the same program. >mpetiton hile those in e the Michigan Amateur Athletic
Schedule Five Meets. fight fr the epee title are Winer championship meet to be held in
In spite of the difficulties en- Dowsett, Koon, Milliken, and Lov- i the new Intramural building pool
countered in rounding out a sched- ell at 7:730 Friday evening. More than
ule for the Michigan Varsity fenc- 90 of the leading swimmers of both
ing team, Coach Johnstone has Wa4Ssexes in the state will compete in
s Wildcat AtuctteaSteyrs both the junior and senior events
severalmportant contests already ponshipof the meet.
scheduled and several others pend- Four of the events, the 50 yard
ing. Four and possibly five schools dash for men, the 500 yard swim
Ambitious to adld another Nation-
in the Western Conference have Aifor men, the diving, and the 50
iben thedestwilernCoerenceihaval championship to its list of hon- .yard dash for women will decide
another meet with Northwestern ors, Northwestern's formidable the M. A. A. U. championships.
has arisen. In addition to these swimming team will open its 1929- Forty-one swimmers have been en-
meets, several with outside schools ; 30 season at Patten gymnasium on tered from the various parts of the
arenasiu bFn Istate in these championship events
are being arranged. Friday night with the Michigan and competition for.the titles is ex-
Wisconsin is scheduled on Feb. State tankers as opposition. pected to be unusually keen this
15, but as the trip to Madison Coach Tom Robinson has all of 'year.
would interfere with finals Coach , last year's great team back except The large number of competitors
I Johnstone is trying to shift the Colbath, national intercollegiate in the meet has made it necessary
date until later in the season and diver. In addition he has a num- to rnn preliminary heats in five of
substitute Michigan State on that ber of sophomores who appear cer- the events which will be started at,
date. The State contest would be tain to edge into the championship 7:30 o'clock sharp according to
held here and would not interfere class. Coach Matt Mann who is in charge
with the studies. Eight lettermen who helped win of the meet. A price of 25 cents will
f ,Illinois comes to Ann Arbor on the National Intercollegiate title a be charged
Feb. 22, Michigan invades Colum- year ago will be on hand Satur-, Two events for women and one
bus to tackle the Buckeyes on day night. Between them thesefr
March 1, and Chicago comes here boys hold seven of the eight Na- for gir he beet. n the
on arc 8 o cnclde he istof.tional Intercollegiate records for aI program for the meet. Only three
1on March 8 to conclude the list of toa necleit eod o women have entered the 50 yard
Conference teams already sched- 60 foot pool. breast stroke and six in the free-
uled. In addition to these meets, Capt. Al Schwartz, premier sprint r making it unnecessary to
an invitation has been sent to swimmer in college circles today, style
Northwestern to meet the Varsity will lead the Purple splashers in swim any preliminary heats in
late in the year. That this meety their first encounter. Schwvrtz these events. Two heats will be
was not scheduled earier was due holds all free style records for a necessary in the girls' 25 yard dash
to thefact that the Wildcat men- 60 foot pool. (Continued on Page 7)
tor was absent from the coaches':
meeting in Chicago last week.
Will Play Detroit. Distinctive
Meets with the University of De-
troit and the Detroit Fencing Club
are also pending, while the Wolver-
ines have been extended an invi-
tation to attend the annual invita- roa
tional foils competition for Univer-
sity fencers being held at the New
York Athletic Club on Dec. 21. Dd
f In an effort to discover who are
the best men in the three weapons
now comprising the Varsity squad,
Coach Johnstone is sponsoring a
round robin tournament in each
division. From the results of this
competition he hopes to find theea Scotch grain


- - ------ -------


work of the afternoon although he
was unable to turn in more than
three points over the entire route,
the entire allotmentgf the Whites.'
The Blues took the lead from the
outset and held it all the way with
the defensive abilities of botih
teams relegating offensive threats
of both teams to long shots.
Daniels Peps Team.
Not until Daniels was injected
the Blues' lineup replacing Kanit7,
with Jeanette going to the vacant
White forward post, did the Blue
combination show any scoring pro-
clivities. With but three minutes
to, play the Blues swelled their
count to 12 on a pair of "dog shots"
by Daniels and' a one-hand toss
from the side of the court by Bill

Y7 a LLav. . - ~ v ssa..
Frosh Lits vs. Klivan's Jr. Lits.
8:00-Moss' Sr. Dents vs. Stein-
berg's Soph. Lits. May's Soph
Lits vs. Zanoff's Jr. Engrs.
&:30-Trigon' vs. Theta hi.
Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi Sigma
Kappa. SigmaAlpha Mu vs.
Psi Upsilon.
All-Campus Quarter Finals.
7:30 - Wilson vs. Reindell.
Boyer vs. Johnson.
Jones vs. Tietjens.
8:30-Dawley vs. Beck.,
All-Campus Singles.
7:30-Navarre vs. Greenbaum.
Moore vs. Engleman.
Wheeler vs. Chapaies.
Kedney vs. Royston.
Friedman vs. Arthur.

Play was fast and furious, churn-'
ing the water into a foam as the
players endeavored to sink the op- s
position in order to secure the
coveted goal. Undoubtedly better
swimmers, the Varsity and fresh-
men players could not outdo their
professional rivals in skill and ,en- I
Prominent in the victory of the
faculty 24 were many prominent ;
purveyors of education on the
campus, including James, Hall,,
Slawson, Brier, Guthe, Finch, Gra-
ham, Stewart, Wheeler, Adams, I
Moehlmnari, Rohrbach, Shartel, i
Bloom, Walton, and Cowan. These!
were augmented by the addition of
4 Grimshaw, Hughes, Spindle, Mac-
Mahon and Coach Matt Mann. I
LI- ____


- -


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