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December 12, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-12

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_ _ ___

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St.w5Z1 S'\ R __51.5Z___
VAM m mwAvA

Fy UIeannSUDieT F R oNE esT W loM se'Sdcor'ssiteORdy sTEAct PeISy f1?As a l yRecreation" rreis the le"h NTn-b o, TePe
"NE T9N O Perhaps we have been a bit seN twelve studviil.zooms. Pr.actically B'M~i iubjfctaofiCa"riedho!hIrL
A N ED~ ~[0fish about the plans for the new all zooms is the building will be MOrA Parks, of the State Teachiers' el-1 Poery that sisti one by its h
Ghsra prtI rsn twomen's dormitory, says Miss Inez, double, and will Lave from two to lege at Indiana, Pennsy"lvania, n ti sMs Prsaetgru fOgt
Christas Sprit I PreseV.at o.orththdirectoroftof the er Lawyernd'wsthreec.windowst te ; each.sofnHofrcSocthe AdemberrentofsuHofoTheSocictyl Adud- issues isf Prks' nxtglrushof!our-
H d b 1club and director-to-be of the newv plans showv th, t the glass area is; toTrauybSevn na. Her belief is that the stu-; recreational works. Under this in
oiy at vnY dormitory, "but we have been so! 16 per cent of the floor area. Anresuy y( there are the "Cvalir Tunes" by
League Committee. busy with the mechanical side we inn resting feature ,is a buzzer inj as Waitresscs. dents of today should be taught to Browning, "Forty Singing Seamen",
have hardly had time to consider each room which will be operated - - like poetry by an introduction !by Noyes, 'The Charge of the Lght'
INFOR ALIT A FATUR anyhingelse." . Then she went' from one switch board to avoid WEDNESDAY IS DAY SET' through the lighter, more amusingoi Brgd. yTensn nda'yGO
_ onto explain that the architectural; the constant noise in the halls from - types. When once these are known' of Kipling's works. Other poems'
TreAeia hita prtstyle is to be a modern adaptation the telephonie bells. There will be: Members of Mortarboard, honor-adejye hr wl ea;aua have rhythms of sheer beauty Ther
TreAeia hita prtof Collegiate Gothic with a Colonial an~ average of one phone for 20' ,*.enoyd hrewil e ntua which vividly portra the subjecta meet.is
ryas witnessed-in mainy cases, for face brick in the exterior cdsign girls. Pressing rooms and kitchen- I ay senior socity forwgr, mn transition to the works of men like; matter. Among these are Laier's I a
tine first time - by more than thir- and'stone trim and bays of Indiana ettes have been pr'ovid2c for each1 aged the Ru sian Tea room of the! Wordsworth, Byron, and Keats. "Son~ of the Chattahoocieo."Tn- run oan
tyfrig oeno hecmusLmstn.Thr il easuknfor League builig again yeA rday Mliss Parks first discusses, poetry; iyvson's "Brook" and "Lady of Sha- ri f
whopatiipte i te upergarden~ in front of the building and The cor'ridors will bo provided afternon. ''hev ?lan to mnanage jwh..ich amuuses one through the pure' lott" Nin'es' "Barrel rgani," and De 1011 p0
wpartwichasspntsor eras a high terrace overlooking the Ath- with doors at frequent itervals tetaro vr ensa f-humror of its content. She cite ?La Mae'si "Silver." !with ru
nig ht y heo ld llwhipco m-po n soreld.Ta srete t a n e o s t a h r otwll bhii ee a n ro m . e 2 ryWunteld athr u g h ot C w e "S " o n G i n "ofM s ar s c ncu3 er a t ce a e p
nih yteWrdFlosi o-the building will be across small into small groups and the noise will thsyam iith's "Elegy on. the Death o a by advocating the reading aloud ! intrani
Mittee of the Women's League in arched bridges, directly into the not echo through the building. The wea n serving there on; Mad Dog," Carroll's "The WalrusI of poetry In order to obtain the full
thre lounge of the Women's Athleticlbisfth living room floor. Many inquiries are arising con- 'Wedisa afternoons receive the land the Carpenter," and many Jim- appreciation of it.evr1
building, The dormitory is different from cerning ap~plication. for rooms r i ~gsa terglrwi-'rcs aoisadvre ih---------- meet.
Thbouc a alydcr tedohrso incmu n. t;vhc il easwrdvryso resses and this money goes into the (nonsensical vocabularies. .Kansas Women Earn jThis
TheIongewa gilydeoraedinit is to have four dining rooms' in bulletin now being' prepared to Mlortarboard treasury to take care Next she stresses poetry which .zj al eve
Christmas colors with sprigs of hio- bIanswver all questions. However, ;ftecneto hc hyre nnosbcueo h fsha-i1Lf 1clb
1,, Critms re ndre cndewhich will be on the ground floor MisFOat saexhtipieetnftiecnetoswihteee-o n bauuulus fefsi
lyh afCritmeabs. reedrths-Oedwngcandlelo Mllbe e lischy rth ted th at ' o it i ef-Gently held here and also to take ig aduuulrhymes, suchewoen aslld i-tefive fo
per, the guests all gathered lin an apart for the employees. Thre nl ecied t atthsesdormtory! care of incidentals. UieitofKna.3pr C1 diving
inomlgopi rn ftefr-other, which is considered one of w (0 l~'Lt l lsss lc ii S ecinesays tin i lree Special + G sl~ fKna, 2prcn
plc Sn eeetrandb the striking features of the build- si sas that tie ;wrk is progr eti 1110enus of black and goid, tihe col- rne to Reserve are self-supporting. This percent-
pano e ltwee n tete by Al iin ig, is to be reserved for graduate b % rapidly and the dormnitory will' ors of the organization, with the v om nagae soe n enrollea rc5 emlo y t ed1:part Part.v
Grad., a Japanese song bytie Asa Na' students. Another point of inter- jI orocptii-ex ~l Mortarboard emnbenmon the top. tm.erle r mlydpr at
aoadIkoKuiGa.anest on this floor is two rooms which} Salads, sandwiches, breads, des- Monday night has been reservedtu.Tieeae8ho sinwch kd
Chit a ru ols unbagGrouoil.ese orpivtndndg X omnS Emanlcipatio et n htbvrgsmaeu yGane' o h ueo oe they can work for room and bordtiig
Thz iinoomomo mybMen os of Leisure. th~es>e menus. who wish to skate. Roller skating 17 positions in various offices, 25 called
the women. Later they all joined Tiico n m~lor parties.Metu L ssof eiurI Mortarboard has ten senior mem- will be featured at Granger's ev- places in the university library, 12
Ini playinlg games. tered from Observatory street or by States 'Forum' W~riter fers: Virginia A. Losce. president, cry night except Saturday, and the in the cafeteria, 20 in the v ar-I Out,(
The informality of this holiday stairway and elevator from the Marjorie E. Follner. Dorothy A. regular Wednesday and Friday night rionuneormuior.unnsklerk forIare tit
festivity is almost unknown toi ground floor with entrances onl thef Contrasting radically with ac- A. Smnith, Margaret S. Bush, Helen 1 dances will be discontinued, ac - rmnrto o nkle okfrIaee
many of the foreign students. In! West which lead from the field ee"Gr~i fflt, Ariene Heilman, Gertrude' crding to an announcement made l omzeii is a little above that paid, porting
Jaaweeonly ml oiy house across Palmer Field. Just cetdoiini hsaeo e F Fllows. Jean B. Wallace, Doro- (yesterday. Then there will be skatU- to men, 'but this is not the case in +cass~fi
of the people are Christians, Christ- iniside the main entrance is a largehlism, Miss Dearing Ward writes thyW X. Bloom, and Margaret E. ' ing Saturday afternoons, followedi skiled work. per cci
ma sntiC~rie tal nlobby and to the right, Iin the North in the Novenmber issue of the For- Ohlson. by the regular Saturday .night I ---' -
the saine is t rutein India wid Tur- wing, is a long living room11 with a u n magazine on "The Decline of Mortwrboard cordially invites the; dances with Norman Whiting and -
key. stage-like entrance enteired fromi Women." She states that in the patronage of guests. The tea room I his orchestra furnishing the music. '
Mrs. Myra B. Jordan and Mrs. HT. the lobby floor by four steps., face of the whole world, women are I has a new orthophonic victrola and The dance floor will not be dam- 717 'e C o l
A. Carter were guests of honor at! Throughout all the plans there is being rapidly pushed by men and keeps a suplply of new records. aged by the skates which will be
the party. Mrs. Carter was thei a duplicate of each feature in theI by the less profound of their own equipped with fibre rollers. MusicA/
chalrnman of the Wrld Felowship Nothn and South sections or wings. I sex out of the position which they As[k l Song XW ritrs will be fuiltnishedk for the roler'
comte atyear, Besides thei paneled boo. nook,, anid an openi havce held for centuries. Pa skating by an amplified ele~trola
30 foreign women.epato who tt eded Each livig room will have at small "Women have suddenly excang-j to Meet Next Tuesday, equipment. T'he
thtato wo 0wr ne- i porch on the West which will be ed leisure for equality-obviouslyTh
hers of the committee, nine Airer- 'glassed in in witer. There is also the most stupid move ever made in 1'i Womnen who are ii tereste d in Students in -Washington High td a
!-clan womareen.,.. i 'ffhvuuf students, also mnen- another lrelvn omilec history by a privileged class," avers (writingl music or lyrics for the Ju- schools may be refused diplomas':I ea
bers' of the committee, acted as ;wing. Miss Ward, a daughter of Virginia. i for Girl's Play are invited to meet if their necks are dirty, according; i
hostesses. _ Just off the lobby on the first! Supporting this opinion she a ddg l with Marjorie MClung '31. chair- to a report of the rules committee i1, ; A~
--------, for proof the case of daughters i man of music for the play, between, of the board of education.
- Om nE cla a ofL teT earswhose mothers had about 22 free 2 and 3 o'clock on Tiesday in the -- - - - --I for Bobbed F
Women Ecel asHeads f Litte Theares, houri's out of the 24, are now pro- Cav;et the Lague building. 'Those ~oEs oA
Says Assistant Director of Play Production IParing in colleges to practice law or who are unable to be there at that UE s toA
___--- --.~ ___ ._._. to be private secretaries to fat tune may call Miss MClung at 5534 Furs and Fur CoatsCa be athdi
"Little theatres will comrprise hran increased the classes Iin play l bankers, laboring to be men's to arrange for another tine. iCa bem thdi
thle legitimate stage in a few years" production in the colleges and unlyfi-} Ih author of this article furtherI techiicalo knowledge f musaic in Comep, eparedqRe
offs the belief of Miss Florence Tei-; varsities, and today the work ievstaaocmesraegi'odrt rtesns isM ~n modelled and Relined thae m. a
Piroduction, "and it is this field that higher calibre than heretofore- of women which can seriously be comoselO the tunes, but unable toTPrcsR soal
women are most successful as dra- Students are learning that there offered as a balance for the loss harmonize them may submit the C L
matic directors," she stated. "The ! are other things besides the mere # f l~isuea inqaiy.uns lne L . GreClnuaUin
talkin~g pictures are ruining the! acting; that it is necessary and al- Miss Wa'd believes equal rights _______12 pigSr td ad H l
theatrical business and in ime' so of great interest to know how asrospblmthtisoud- ---- - -625 448 NorthgUniversit
only those groups interested in pro-' to design and light the stage set- I be retracted from the statutes andPhn4631 77NrhUiest
ducing plays for the artistic value tings, to collect props, and to do that women do not want rights, MICHIGAN --AR--____m -- _scaolgrop n itl.teohe motn jb fte u eey rvlgs "oel~n
theatre groups will be giving dra- theatre, she said. must be done quickly to save forI BEAUTY SHOPPE
matics. In New York the only pro- Naturally, the large percentage I the female sex the remmnants of in-a
'ducers that are making money are of the directors in these schools' equality and leisure," states Miss ofr
putting on cheap, sensational plays. are women who are trained in el- Ward in concluding her article.ofesC,
Very few high class, artistic pro-I lege, and who find a pleasure in ~ I
ductions are on the stage at pres- producing they can not findh in thie Women and wine have sharedD
ent." Producing college and little I classroom. itihe power of making the Frenchi rerma net Wavingharplyiswmnsok:n!pele httey reodac
the directing field., - - cording to Dr. Messinger, a French aan
In the movies women arc suc-; NOTICES. physician. jin esu eiai ietr.Thr I TyusfrJno il'Pa -
are my women who are becom-I yusfrJno il'Pa
Iwill be held fromt 3:30 to 6Al Contour Haircuts
ing well known in this field and'Al o'ERIC cock today Iin the Lydia Mn- ALA~ e k
there will be a greater demand for n Irie delssohn theatre of the League Al6iuocriGit pieda cs
p oeso asi thsln . W liii buli g Wo e wh ha e nto beare also filling the position of stage already made appointments MRS. H. . Mal308K
managers. should call Ruth Van Tyl at Olen Eveninxs 9 h rS. --
Under new teaching reqluire- 90774. -- -- ------ -----
ments Iin several states, it is nt?' j .. na~r raa~r - dir~az ,
cessary that, those who direct jun - j Fresh manx basketbal practice -- f
for high school and highi schlool will be from 4 to 6 o'clock to
prductions must have a- college I dlay in. Barbour gymnasium. N ere oadwihsm ok!
degre, owad wichsom wok li Ioue else wil practice today.
draatics has been done, Miss .__________________
Tennant pointed out, This in itself, ---- iIIL. 1 WO EN'

izedJ Houses Will Compete
kruiual Swimming Meet
Set for Tonight.
annual intramural swimming
in which all organized ouses
o~pus, may compete, will be
t tonight at 7:30 at the Un-
oh. Athletic nmanager s slps
.ames 07 the womlen whlo will
art must be handed in at the
rural office this afternoon by
house which is entered in the
meet is an annual intra mu-
int. Each house is represent-
two members in each of the
r'ni races, the relay, andi the
contest. The horse haviigr
Lost points8 wins the meet;
lnal scores are not counted.
ipauts in tue meet ara
to be at the~pool at 7 o'clock
t. Tho? first event wll be
at 7:30.
of the 2,092 students enrolled,~
University of Oregon, 1,963
;her all or partially self-sup-
~while only 92 conic In a
cation called less than 10
;nt self-supporting.
any shade,
r Shop
Phone 21212

Christmas iSUPPLIES
Presentst for all wakes of I~
JAMES. FOSTER I ypewr iters.
Rapid turnover, fresh stock, isuresL -
314 South State St. Phonec 6613 4
AnUnusual Ofein
____ -of New Models
at the remarkably
FRIDAY low price of ~
Pimps 1)Suedes
Straps IEU Kidskins-
Oxfords PpatentsTurdyOl
Ties Satins -Ura Ol
ore-Go L'.7ho Brocades -

pi large Variety At
Main F1loor


Serviceable, fAlhiollablc Spot
and Novelty patterns.
50c to $1.25 Pr.
Main Floor


that he will surely appreciate.
55c pr., 2 pair $1.00
Main Floor'

cY ; Z .



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