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December 12, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-12

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a..: a..r.u. ,r.uss. .ai.:aa. v e i+a a u t.:,r

Published every morning except Monday
luring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusivelyentitled
to the use for republration of all news dis-
tches creditedtodit or not otherwise credited
an this paper anid the local news published
Entered at the i 6stulficc at Ann Arbor,
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Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones:.Editorial, 4925; Business, 212r4.
Telephone 4925


Editorial Chairman...........George C. Tilley
City Editor................. Pierce Ro! eterg
News Editor.............Donald J. Kine
S ports EditEorE..E....Edward eL. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor...........Marjoie Foliner
Telegraph Editor ......... Cassam A. WVilson
Mtsic and iDrama........ William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor...... Robert J. Feldmian
Night Editors--Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
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orris Johnson Robert Wiliiamson
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Dorothea Waterman
Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER

tions signatory to the court haver0
agreed to the fifth of the Senate 0 R flL I Music And Drama
reservations. This provision stat- WAS____
ed that the court "shall not with- 1IAVL YOU TONIGHT: eii ies of the
out the consent of the United A LITTLE U
, Michigan :Union present "Mrrie-
States, entertain any request for LAUNDRY CASE? Go-Round," the twenty-fourth an-
an advisory opinion touching any Yesterday morning's mail brought nual Union Opera, book by Donal
dispute in which the United States I the following communication which Hamilton Haines, dances by Roy
has or claims an interest." It dis- carries its own warning, moral, Hoyer, music by Lowell Love, Trues-
tinguished, especially, between dis- and pertinent lesson.dale Mayers, Richard Watkis and
x William Reynolds, staged by K
putes to which the United States Dear Mr. Roll: Mortimer Shuter. The perform-
is a party and those asked for in A word regarding the latest act- ance at the Michigan Theatre with
which the United States has or ivities of Ann Arbor sleuths in pur- curtain promptly at 8:15.
claims to have an interest. Such suit of the demon rum. It seems A CONTIBUTION.
a reservation would check to a the postal authorities have a su-
large extent the rendering of ad- spicion that Detroit students who d 1 rNt'i i lt, h 1111,
received periodical packages 'fre the b<iL r tIl 10ti ni' li vfor Vi v'
visory opinions since to practically pn ncd of sleuhn g.jrnoI bi 1'Iv 11+t- lnt
all such opinions the United States imy it rsto the reaers of the colnn)
It s m miforun toleae r To the Editor of the Music ati
could claim an interest. The reser- laundry done by a Detroit establish- Drama Column:
vation was not fully acceptable by ment that does up its finished work I take the priviiege, which your
the signatory powers of the Court, in a box that in shape closely re- invitation of Dec. 11 extends, of
so it was adjusted by a committee sembles a wrapped beer case. Im- writing a few words about eval a-
agine my surprise and consterna- tion and taste
of jurists including Elihu Root.Linadtse
tion the other day when the a-u I have learned that the one ab-!
Under the Root formula, the court thorities descended upon me with solute value we know of in this
may insist on proceedings to an fire in their eyes and badges on universe is that of the velocity of
advisory opinion to which the their vests and demanded to know light. Any other value is relative
United States may claim an inter- tof the landlady - I not being' and is conditioned by its frame of
est but if it does, the United States home) what was contained in the reference. If one critic believes a
may withdraw without implying ill packages I received with evident design to contain "many interest-
will glee every week. ing rose-bud patterns, pleasing
By the Root plan, this country The bewildered landlady succeed- enough but boring after the first;,
may not subject itself to any ad- ed in vindicating me but I was very twenty yards" whereas another
visory opinion but, on the other much put out by the whole affair. thinks the design "superb," why
hand, it could not block the court While I can probably make up to the fuss? The problem is not one
from rendering such opinions. The my landlady and restore the in- of school kids arguing over sums
Senate reservations, in their ef- tegrity of my soul, I positively to which there is only one right
feet on the United States, have know that it will never be the answer. Both answers may be
been practically una'ltered by the same between my laundry and me. right; the difference may lie in thev
Root formula. It is their effect on DMS. frame of reference. I 'A' does not
the functioning of the Court that * * 'think it "superb" and he has in
has been revised. Such a plan is a' Tough luck, DMS. I know how mind the similar form handled by
mast practical adjustment of the it is when one gets estranged from Beethoven and Brahms, is he to
dispute, consequently there should his laundry. be condemned? (For what termin-
be little protest against its adop- * * * ology would he use when he talked
tion and the adherence of the BULLETIN. about design in Beethoven and
country to the court. The long awaited animal house Brahms)? If B' thinks it a superb
President Hoover has signified has at last been thrown open to design, thinking of Debussy, thatf
his favor by having the Berne the gaze of a public which has is good .enough. Even if both A and
charge d'affairs sign the necessary been getting more and more scep- B used the same frame of reference,
protocols. However, that means tical. . First, some of the animals say Mozart's or Haydn's treatment
little as far as the opinion of the died; then the wire enclosure had of the variations, there would
counitry in genieral is concerned to be sent back to the factory; and still be room for amiable .dsa gree-
for Hoover has always agreed, in finally the weather prevented the mnent. God bless the variation o[e
willy-nilly fashion to United States housing of the few animals that finds to be the dominant charac-
entrance, despite any reservations, remained to enjoy their new home. teristic of similar biologic units. I
that have developed. * * * say this unreservedly as a student
It is the Senate, however, that The B. and G. boys are to be con- of the biologic sciences.
may block the adherence. Though gratulated for having come through If one finds in a critical coldmn
its reservations have been practi- in such good shape. frames of reference hic lare de-
cally acquiesced in by the signatory * * * quate in our constant x of mud-
powers, the antagonistic forces are According to yesterday's story er values, good; if one fnds the
already mobilizing and they need four racoons are among thoseram of reference and the con-
but One-third of the Senate mem- present. comitant terpretations excellent
Ilu n-hr fteSnaen~-peet and sound (I find them so in thisy
bers to defeat the proposition.
-.column), the better If one dis- 1
Whatever the Senate may do; I hope they have a good pad- column), he btter.Ione ds-
there is need for the United States lock on the animal house. Ann agrees here and. there on a oucs-
entrance. Without the adherence Arbor is a tough place for tion of taste and interprotation
- of this country the World- Court racoons.. -(I have), recall the variations of
will not have proper authority tod d tf
arbitrate widely the policies, laid This is the time of year when the aemptato eactea ond ffl.
down in various peace pacts. postman must keep on his toes, Shakespeare teaches one that.
principally the Kellogg - Briand but if somebody doesn't throw Sincerely,
treaty, which remains a sheet of some sand on the sidewalks the C. M,, '3i
- Ipaper, unt'l It can be enforced by Xmas card carrier will most cer-!0
e a Court. Furthermore, the en- tainly fall down on the job. "TihE PIGEON"
e trance of the United States will * * * Review by Ch es . As r
bring to the Court much needed Productions to its present position
respect which is necessary before o ameu
an international court can becomeIsEt S0l with traditions of Comedy Club!
e a vital part in the movement for d Mime, ias ben te e
- the reduction of arms, and the in- attitude to regard the frts of
crease of peace, which is now the other independent and amateur
- major interest of the world at lrproducing companies with a pa-
e g ternal and tolerant eye. However

fim~e you ive dI
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Alonch a/ant
A complete line of Derbys
,for 71en ccSince i&aX








To Insure the Crippled Children a Merry Chris az ?
~ 4 .
& } IFisWr yWera a
k JY
th3enft fth ripedC ilrno f the
Gae' Diefr nvrst opia.e
YorLstCac t epIsTdy
It i'sDiefrthWoei o h rppe lrth eo Tag



Tonight the Michigan affirma-
tive debating team will meet Pur-
due in Hill auditorium; at th
same time, Michigan's Negativ
team will debate the University of
Minnesota at Minneapolis. Witb
this program, all activities of the
team as far as meeting other Con-
ference schools goes will be at au
end until the second and last com-
petition of the team sometime next
The debaters work long and dili-
gently gathering material, organ-
izing their speches, and practicing
constantly, yet they have put twc
opportunities to compete in inter-
collegiate debate during the en-

f . , I !. .J t .8 '! 'd 'J J 1' r '. 'rJ2. .d. ' "'r . 1a'_t J 2i ?


I i

--- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -



Claiming that the recent stock
market crash ended the myth that
'prosperity is synonymous with the
Republican party and its adminis-

However, snow is prf
and if it snows hardc
nobody will be able to fall
(Note photo taken earl

1 down.
ly this

tire school year. It is evidentfom tration, Dr. Lindsey Rogers, profes- ''is is going to be a great week-'
the nature of their work that the sor of public law at Columbia, stat- end. The Soph Prom, the Opera-
debaters have but scant possibili- ed recently that "statements link- ah, there is something. It starts to-
ties to gather the fruit of their ef- ing prosperity with Republican night. The title--in case you've had
forts when they are allowed so rule, used so fluently by Republi- sleeping sickness or shave just re-
few chances to demonstrate their can campaign orators, are mere turned from Northern Siberia--is
abilities. catch phrases which lack specifica- "Merrie-Go-Round." The depart-
It is generally conceded that de- ,tion and the support of competent meint due east of here will no doubt
bating is one of the most valuable ! economists and statisticians." run several reviews of the opus be-
of extra-curricular activities and A fine smoke screen if publicity tween now and Sunday but you
one most closely related to the i material seems to have been spread won't have seen anything until,
University in a scholastic way. As over the country by the White this department crashes through
far as showing the debaters, how- House officials in an effort to keep with one. The review will be unbi-
ever, that their work is appreciated, the nation financially sound. Pres- ased, unprejudiced, and unneces-
the University is not enthusiastic. ; ident Hoover's recent meetings sary,!
The student body cannot be blamed with industrial and financial mag- * *
because 'it fails to support debating nets were apparently held in an And if I say that the production
as wholeheartedly as it supports effort to convince credulous Ameri- has "subtlety, fluency, and a pe-
other activities, for it does not see ca that the prosperity "bug-a-boo" culiar liquid sweetness,' and some-
enough of its debating team to be- was not a myth, but a reality. body writes in and says I don't
come really interested in the re- How far Dr. Rogers is right in as- know what I'm talking about, why
sults. serting that this myth of Republi- I'll just tell them they went to sleep
As matters now stand, no action can prosperity has overshadowed at at early age. Thanks, Bill, for
has been taken in favor of enlarg- 'Republican records of corruption the tip.
ing the debating team's program and malfeasance, we are not will- I
and an undercurrent of opposition ing or able to say. But the catch There has just oeenm a stormy
to this plan seems to be halting words used in the intensified cam- meeting of the Publicity Ethics
any positive action on the matter. paigning and in the elections, do Board of Rolls in which it was de-
Debating as a campus activity have a considerable power in cided that Rolls will not be used
should rank as high as any other, catching.. votes of the populace. tfor publicity purposes.
and it seems up to the University And fine pieces of oratory, whetherI * * *
to recognize this fact by providing based on fact or fiction, do salve ( That is why, when we state that
a fuller schedule for the team. over many cuts that might 6mart Joe Parker's (whilch used to be a
o _if exposed. saloon) ' is now headquarters for

well founded this attituidei may
have been in the past, it certainly
cannot be applied in ay way to the
most recent examnple, the Hillel
Players' presentation of Crais-
worthy's "The Pigeon," whicm play-
ed last night in Lydia Menldels'ohn
theatre. The Hillel Players ably
demonstrated that they a t least
are able to rank with the best of
the campus theatrical ora a iz
Of course, in praising Uie Players
it should not be forgotten that
their efforts cannot be rated on a
par with professional performarce;
and that in the field of campus
dramatics standards set tip mvius
be of an entirely different nature
It may have been said that the
Players were over ambitious in se-
Ilecting Galsworthy as a I-layriglt('
to exploit their talents, but thi-
choice is made defensible by their
sincerity iii attempting to.d the
ambitious thing. Galsworthy is an
author demanding either adep
subtlety in imterprehatiodi or lse
rather bold and detnite charac-
terization. In choosing the latter
interpretation of the problem play
the Players showed exceedinig good
taste and jUdgmen. While a ,t4i Ile
ambitious they were at iie same
time aware of their lhuitations and
so perhaps did better litn tiH
themselves e spccted,
In brief, the acting of the "Tlc
Piegon" was very cunmpetct-ily
handled amd in, as I have said, a
rather bold and broad manner,

Hi-Hic-every bo dy
- -IA




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