THE MJC -.1. I~'-.1 'Y TTLt. V~~
rAt,;x IMPF-T
[Plaze in Manhattan. MotIon Picte Studio
w: o '.Fakes Tolof Ten Lives; Score Overcomc
r RnO nayM#TRFMI h
Tilson, Republican; and Giarner, Democrat,T AAi! ~in
Will be Leaders of Parties During Session! IiLL1VLl
- p~fllt~m WINVrifT
._.._. . . . . . . . . ..... .1}4G , Pe", " '"<t;r.QiVr"
i oenDsgni.Bu ndi 3 f .amo' ~ s High 1b ark. c<.
Goi to G iace Front of New........................... i COLLEGE/. y yEADS S3 rprA
Year Book. ry.
___J A 3rsiey, 0Cm :'of'.Studi s, 1
MEl ADE ,( y yy" DRAWS ETCHINGS hasretrne tohisoff .AaftrtaVI CI
'k:O""'" <ki }Y," ?C4 ,'week's tip to New York City, Wkt
New Section of Book to be ..?kz ::". :'°wereheattndd metng.ofth
(wher he ttitdd snetihes odthen
Given to Intramural Sports National Intrfr territy conferencethfo
and convention: of the AmeriCAn mIent
Department socity of Mechanical Engineers day ti
Us ing a tranguiar name plate, ' ,.'.r and of the .aylor soieyan orceas fa
for the motif of the cover design, ganization affiliated with the A. S. foreI
te90Mchgnnan wlbeM. E. and particularly concer1ned j Auv>vWak
One 1of3thechhiannsian wof bthe;it
bound in a blue leather cover with problems of spntsnalemvI. :: .N Japan,
gold lettering on a triangular plate,!K\ y} iOeo h i
it wa.s announced yesterday y terfraternity meeting vwas a debate der o
George E. Leonard, '30, managing ;w between two undergraduates of Jhn(lftAssociated pres Photo night}
editor. Th~e design to be used at; Dartmouth university on the value. ep JohnM.GarnTi lef Democratic representative from Texas, and on th
> X ep. ohn . TisonMassachusetts Republican will match wits as meet
the top and bottom of the cover o to the fraternity of alumni mem- leaders of their r espective parties in the present session of Congress.poce
will conform to the border art de- proes hrewr ojdgs n -~-- .~-~cner
sign which will be used on -the in-I the question Was nomptoothtPY IChH V
side pages. The cover will be mod- \<&N' cnenc for a votYoSheIeat SHOPS HA E IMVPORTAT mnh
4- JQP IA! AdAAprincipally ope, soI the debateTh
ern, but not modernistic. seived ricialyto present two JOBIN ANU ACT RINLEQ IMEN ' Th
Eight etchings are being made by~ pit fve nthe tiesti., ;--- played
Wayne Meade, '30A, of the eight .[.Dea nBrsysadetray Probably few tu an i o h ho osss of the laeshtpepo receive
ne esruidngsnihdcm uen.. t s one di nele e i n gdun r campus, other than those directly preisad y s ein csion machines, allo era ed by Spotse
These etchings will include the'.'. rsdns fclee n nie-Cnendwthtewrraie
new Law Research library, the Wo- ! (*:-~: iisspk nth eaio ewe the extent and completeness of thei exert German mechanics. These Jp
Woe',t fraternities and their colleges. The shops maintained by the physics workmen all spent long periods of benat
man'sbulag, the Intranimialfor"nluedPrsiet amltndeartment. Practically altea-tann nGrayadtetp ir8
bltigp buildingiin i eran ndth thecur
buidin, te usem, ngel all .~.Dolt of Rollins college, PresidenM 1 paratus used in experimental and} of work turned out reflects thesad
and the Architectural building. Marinefseergrcahhnitn th-e1aid
PlanAssargetSsniorsSection. versity, Chancellor Flint of Syra-! in the shops located 'in the West !characteristic painstaking care ta l
Following this 'view section willtoah
come the senior section, which willi The above photo, taken while the blaze which razed the Manhattan icuse, and President Lpton of Physics building, and it is said by typical of German workmen. I.ion in
members of the department that The glass blowing room is ain ees
contain photographs of each senior Studios and the Pathe Film Exchange in New Yok was at its height, (Maine. itrs
wh as arranged with the 'Ensianr shows the burning buildings in which ten persons lost their lives and Secretary Roy Lyman Wilbur, of j the work turned out is as of fine charge of a German glass-blower, Waka
and has been photographed. Themore than 75 were trapped. The dead were found by firemen justi the department of the interior andI quality as can. be obtained ay h sasse yasueto nr
picture of thecasofersith inside of the main studio entrance not more than 30 feet from the l president of Leland Star ford Uni- where.1 half time. All the intricate lass the tri
various colleges of the University doorway. versity, was another of the speak- T'he equipment of thre machine apparatus used in the physics work ret be
will precede the senior pictures, - v--" ------- eswoadesdtecneece ____________ ----!s made in this room. Mercury va- London
whic wil b folowd b phtosNo resolutions or recommends-
wf hce il eolowe d byass phictrs TELEGRAP H COMP ANY INAUGURATES tosrgrigvtlphssofr- Press Club Will Mail por pumps, and neon signs are fact t
oion thelowe classsoficers.-
A pictorial review of campus H N ET P E Y TC E Y T Mternity olicy were adopted this BulletinhoftJougnalismtturnedbout here.nTh
events during the school year ar- _CAN EOPE DYTI year by the conference, as itehas= B lei fJunls onr Y T M .----tre u ee h
A iklpaigzo smi-+ranged Chronologically will be in- (iyAhsoci.ted rcs been cone at timnes in p .tyeaS lctdlit---chol-ndei-sanickheel lain oomiaai- ione
eluded, as will a section devoted to NW YuR~K, Dec. 11-A $4,500- the new tickers were installed in prnBrlysi.trso h onr ilreev ntuet aetinctheachinhe
athletics, another to f'raternities, 0100 program involving nation-wide the financial district of New York, President Angell of Yale ad- University blei ntena u hpaence ltdbfr e
sororities, organizations, adw- intallationan of new high- speed City after the New York stock ex- dressed the meeting of the Society tore in which are printed profes- ling used. According to Prof. R. A.
men. An entirely new secin will! stock tickers has been inaugurated change closed Monday afternoon, of mechanical engineers,lie spokej sional articles by Prof. John L.' Sowyer, of the physics department, °
be given over to intramural sportsI by the Western Union gTlegahNwtceswr isaldoe-a( notsdrloiga h nBrummir and Prof. W. H-. Maurer, the German workman likes to give
with pictures of the winning fra-I Co. in rsponse to the demand f Nightcseringeroeriaed offe a ainee ringt profession.g;a h n both of the department of journal- his woktefnl oc fp rc
entytasad snpot ofbusiness men, brokers and the gen- were in operation Tuesday mor- - - - ism~r, and by George C. Milton, of. tion, and the nickel plating pro--
ot reeCie oIou o ral public for greatly speeded quo- y Rool Tourney Players th Chattanooga News. Css helps to supply this.
and Coisordouies.whi tation servide to keep pace with theI ning. The bulletin is sponsored and f-
Fratorni'~s n ooities whi new era of 6,000,000 and 12,000,000 f To prevent discrimination, the to Enter ]Final Round nanced by the University Press club ciuiscaefr sae in awor nmter
purcas ilie 15 r mree coyopies of ther share trading days. = e tickers while capable of 5001 of Michigan and puiblished as a dprmn.
'Esa ilrcieafe oyfr This is 'the largest change in Only eight participants now re- I means of furthering the policy ofdeatn.
thehose T dte tos ogai-market quotation facilities in his- c rcesprmiue r en main to compete for the champion- the club in solving problems con-
zain hihwl rciefreC~'tory and culminates three years of oprtdattesmesedaste'ship of the Union's annual all-cam- current to the profession of jouir-
ies are: Alpha P'hi, Alpha Gamma lbrtr xeietto and d- I old ones until all ofth the oonr av enld tielckers pool tournament, the first~ nalism,
Sigm a, mmeixa Phi Beta, Kappa vielo ment, six months of training ;Some 3,000 new 'tickers will be in-ru offwihhv en lyd---
Alpha Thet,kIappa kappta Gain- technical personnel in especially es- stalled on Western Union circuitsof during the last three weeks. Abec ofC rsintif a es
ma, Lambda Chi Alpha,". 'lil Deta tablished schools in five cities, con- ofn The final r ound is in the form Abeceo Crsta11h bs
~~~~i bu orChi, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Phi, So- srcinof 5,000 miles of new city- inNewYork Ctsyx inat oger arudrbn ahpae oChange ra eia
rosis, and Theta Delta Chi. The tItwiemapnofuers mont A.A es ixmnh og r pa
name of the fraternity or sorority to changyies apn wirnuerstal le essa thcourywtokcm' participate arruddin bs,,even anmatches, othe Ora it I
wil bepitdi odo h oe.circuit willnbesnecessryrto rush work winner of the largest number to, Because of the death of his fath-
tions in 350ecitiesland townscfromLion, indicating the operation of receive the first prize which is a er, Palmer Christian, Universityy ceanin
Co h apsitale ilt ecodcedcaayo os and fro th Giil tickers at high speed in the United silver loving cup. Five dollars in organist, has been called out of theI
a andnonce- of Mexico north and including parts
for the stietodays o States and. Canada in about 10I trade in the billiard room will o city, and will be unable togiea
Saow, andtFiday, 3itbuiwaso Canada, and an enormous months. !to the runner-up. organ recital this week.
by SmuelAtkns, 30,busiessamount of other preparatory work, 1____________________ ______
manager.,'none of which has heretofore been -inAn A bo
made public.WWrnAn b(
1NtThieves Steal Checks. Equipment for 82 automnaticrmC rsm sS vr ae ttosad1,0 ih
______ ~speed tickers are in process of mnan- =-n h
(1W A~sorSaeadrese ufacture and delivery and now all I- w- n h
WASHINUdTON, Dec. 11.-Christ-' is ready for the rapid installation__
etas saving fund fund checks of tickers to begin. The first ofd
mailed to subscribers by various--"
banks in the capital, have become F ILeat . .%esi..9
the object of a band of mail box! Early Shopper' Takes xesv!
looters, Many complaints have been TFree From Back YardI
received at police headquarters, m
principally fromt the apartment' That a few individuals haveossetn."
husasctions.nerfitrsadopted the slogan "Do your .
hrcivastasnhekd uterfeites IChrstmas stealing early" was evi-11 TPHAT'S What nine of ten of o
area~tielso ad hepolc s denced yesterday when it was re- w
srted that on band is "plastering I ported to local police that a Christ- - -mwen they see our work. And
the town" with the illicit checks ot mas tree had been stolen fromn the. White Swan Fiter-a equipmeu
a prominent bank, ( back yard of H. M. Jerome, 1919 !rclain fluid, so that t nothing bLr
The trail of complaints indicatedI Geddes avenue. A neighbor de- Aet eF U Dcntuhyu amn taytm
that the stolen, counterfeited and dared that he had seen two men!
forged checks are generally taken load the tree into a Ford car and ytenws n eti r lai
to downtown department stores.I drive away. right in the pages ofj a visit, anytime. Then look at2
oWakatsuki Remarks oni
thcominr Disarmame nt
(Fly Assoiatd Press)
r'ORIA, B.C., Dec. 11--Reiiro
suki and Admiral Takarabe,
g the Japanese delegation to
rthcoming London disarma-
conference, asserted here to-
.at their country would go
toward reducing its naval
s any oher power.
atsuki, former premier of
and Takarabe, minister of
vy, arrived with the remain-
f the delegation Tuesday
from Kokohama. They are
eir way to Washington to
President Hoover before
ding to London for the
nce, which starts next
Japanese delegates, dis-
interest in radio dispatches
d at sea telling of the pro-
affiliation e the United
with the world court.
an favors co-operation of
ions in the world, as it has
ctively engaged in the world
for some time," Wakatsuki
"I feel personal satisfaction
ie United States has decided
ere as it has in a corpora-
iwhich our nation is uchel
atsuki said he did not think
of the United States into
:bnal would "have any di-
raring on the forthcoming
t. conference but the very
iat the United States haq
his step is to be felicitated,"
former premier said his
y desired to keep suab-
S as a naval weapon.
House of Art
213 S. State Street
mr customers declare
no wonder-the new
it re-distills its Own
t crystal clear liquid
If If you want' to see
g equipment, pay us
our low "Cash and I
Frederick Alexander, Conductor
200 Voices; Children's Galery Choir 150 Voice l
Old Noels' from Ronen, Goventry, Provence and an English "Wait"
Choral Music from Purcell, Mendelssohn, Grieg, the Russians, and Old
Prance. Choral Miniatures celebrating Birds Songs, M~oonlight,.a Poet's
Love Son~g and French coqucitry of the 1 3th Century. Vi giai i :rmusic
played by. ,joh n ChallIIis.
PEcase Aciditorituin, Ypsilanti, 'VONI1-' .1.
50 +cents; 110 r eser ved seats
IDoors cdosed for .PreludIe 8400 to 8:30) p i1
]la rk To 1-1s Master's Voice! SViii
Do Your Shoppn
lj Nowpng
Before You UGo Home
The few days you have ai
home are precious. You don't
want them to pass away in con-
g ested stores and Iii battling
hectic rno ajs
yy I. t1Ti , c y
Rte . iti!? :d'+ V ia Fl¢4 F : 1::'a3