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ASK( Tremble to Appear Martial Law in Haiti Congressmen Freed
C in Michigan LeaS ar e by intPLeANS by Law From Ar
nil l ifi i---
Famous Authority on Dragon
[ies acd Expert on Iris
Will Study ,Here.
Dca n tricy Hrng eM;;-Wmild
Sign Statement Against Armed
3 Forces Overtaking the
City Affairs.
(By Associated Pr(sS) 0
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.-Many:
attorneys of Prt-Au-Prince. Haiti,
have signed a statement charging
that the deployment of armed I
American forces has thrown the
city into a condition of agitation
and asserting that they will refrain
from pleading in the island courts
util "a new order"' has been insti- ,
This was reported to Iihe S-ate
department last night by Brig.-
Gen. John H Russell, the Ampricln A sorza-ted Pren Ph,
TJxigh Commissloner, VYho simul- Brig. Gen. John I. Russell
Ceo~r.;e Tremble, Jr. 30 trcously made a, vigorous denial
Actor who takes the part of San- t chasly oad e a wers de High commissioner of Haiti, who
chez in the Union Opera, "\-t tha h eth awi Hn proclaimed martial law in that
rie-Go-Round," vhich opens his d prevailed, i country after a serious strike move-
evening at thle Midhigan theatre. diations of an improved condi- ment on the part of certain natives
Lion hovotteiln ad
Tremble plays the part of one of nthroughout the island and was perpetrated on the island.
the leaders of a band of natives nuoted prominent residents of Cape
Hatien as sain'teywPrizeel;
who made trouble for the American saying they would "wel- ruming
soldicis stationed on the inythical fw a 'fim, orderly government
island of Costa Frio. whether administered by Ameri- Play to be DiSCUSSed
cans or by their own people.
All 'assertions of the attornevs. The prize-winning play of Prof.
RussellCS OFracterized as "f.r ica" John L. Brumm, of the Journalism
and "directly contrary to the facts."derm t"
I UUInarm dfornes had caused agitation which won second place in the Na-
F dd s g in Port--Au-Prince. the lawyers said tional Drama League contest last
they were abstaining from court year, will be discussed byIris class
appearanees because they believe in "Critical Writing" in his home
Fire Oic als Seek Origin o what they termed "this brutal in- Sunday evening.
Blaze Which Resulted in i1tervention" to'be of such a nature The object of Professor Brumm'sj
as to disturb the serenity of the
Loss of Many Lives. Haitian people, because "machine class is to review critically plays,
guns are trained on the Palace of novels, and the arts of the age and
FALLEN SPARKS BLAMED 1 Justice." and because of a belief, after being entertained at dinner
that "the state of agitation exist- the balance of the evening will be
(By Associated Press) " ing in the republic cannot permit spent in a consideration of his re-
NEW YORK, Dec. 11-Authorities it to live in lawfulness and peace."
sought to learn from survivors to- In denying these asertions,2 Gen. cent work.
day the cause of the fire in the Russell pointed out that "one of
Manhattan Film studio in which 10 inter ir under wui me S wht White Renamed head
members of a talking picture com- 167 political prisoners were mur- of National Institute
patty lost their lives and 18 others ' dered in the prison."
were injured. I Naval officers here beli"'e that if Prof. A. H. White, of the chemical
Four of the dead were chorus quiet continues to prevail in Haiti. engineering department, was re-
Frl in the ad ofra sos d the 500 marines ordered there and elected president of the American
dance revi being film edby Pat more recently directed to await ttute hemic Engine at
Snde reuiweins n bPthe twenty-second annual meeting
Rninr ,icl1sine-T developments at Guantanamo, Cu-.1 - , L_^- ____,.,,__.____, _
mas vacation period, says Edward
R. Nell, '30 E, editor.
The issue features an article by'
Prof. Charles H. Fessenden, of the
mechanical engineering depart-
ment, on "Modern Steam Boilers"
in which he discusses the modern
trend toward higher pressures and
temperatures in modern power
An article by Robert A. Wolf, '32
E, on "Steam Power'.' relates many
interesting historical incidents in
the development of steam power
down through the ages.
Lewis Lipman, prominent refrig-
erator engineer, has written a val-
uable article on the past, present,
and future of refrigeration.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of the en-
gineering English department; has
contributed an article on "The
New Biography" in which he is
said to oaler the reader a reliable
Prof.FCharles Fessenlen Has
Feature Article for
December Issue.s
Power number of the Technic
will appear on the campits shortly'
before the beginning of the Christ- r
Announcement was made at the
University Museums yesterday of
the permanent position of E. B.
Williamson, of Bluifton, Indiana, on
the staff of the Museum of Zoolo-
gy as a research associate. Wil-
liamson will study the dragonfly,
a subject on which he is one of
the greatest authorities in the
world at the present time.
Although not a scientist by pro-
fession, Williamson has made a
hobby of dragonflies during his
lifetime, and is the possessor of
the finest collection in North Amer-
ica. This collection is now placed
in the museum buildngi temporar-
in the museum building temporar-
As well as being one of the great-
est authorities on this species of
insect, Williamson is an expert on
iris, having raised and cultivated
1some of the most beautiful speci-
mens in existence. He is a past
president of the National Iris so-
ciety and has blended and crossed
almost every species of the ,flower.
Associated Press Photo
Justice Peyton Gordon
Of the Federal court, who ruled
that Senators Cole Blease and
Thomas J. Hefflin were free from
arrest. The congressmen had been
arrested on the charge that they
refused to tell what they knew of
the death of a policeman.
guide through the great mass of I
hetrogenous biography which has
suddenly appeared in the literary
world. '
The cover design of this number
will be done in green, and shoes
a modern 'power dam. designed af-1
ter modernistic archi'tectural prin-
ciples. It is the work of John J.
White, '32 A. The frontispiece is a
pencil sketch of the new Bell build-
ing in Chicago, by Roland E. Wil-
son, '32 A.
___. _ .
hat most uni-
are not above'
their dealings
can they meet
ng their enor-E
hout winning+
they have win-
ut subsidizing
ad me. Field-
.n in this mat-
i be. If I have
,ss at Michigan
isfactory work+
btletic depart- /iuu au jI.
mptly suspend "Two theories for the cause of the
until his class fire were advanced.
Witnesses told officials of the
leap fire marshal's office that a glowing
unI spark was seen 'to drop from the
ae honest uni- carbon of an arc lamp a moment
idicap?y before a mass of scenery and drap-
athletes to put es burst into flames. They said
mne in practice the burning particle fell into folds
eademic sched- of a velvet drop.
the pretense. Peter C. Spence, chief of the fire'
e the, college prevention bureau of the fire de-
or eight-year partment, said he believed the tire
study, and let probably was the result of a sur-
they earn for reptitiously smoked cigaret.
thletic teams." He said an order for the instal-l
Ided that he lation of a sprinkler system in the
lege athletics old studio building, which is located
-tenth or one- in Harlem at Park Ave. and 134th
umber of new St., had been issued last May, but
lege they are because not more than five reels
acting. Those j of film were stored in the building1
ttend an insti- at one time the department was
athletic pres- powerless to enforce the order.
ally those who
on an athletic First Round Completed I
in Additions to Airport
iscusses A 12 by 20 foot lean-to, an ad-
pointment dition to the airplane hangar at
the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport,
ied Works for was completed yesterday, says 'E. A.
ir Duty. Gallup, Superintendent of Parks.
The lean-to has been erected for
C., Dec. 11- A the purpose of housing the heat-
vith President ing plant for the hangar and a
o today before small repair shop.
nmittd as bfone Plans and specifictions for the
nmittee as one heating system to be installed in,
Ie employment the addition are now being pre-
*k by the Cuba pared by Prof. F. A. Mickle, assis-
>r a low sugar tant professor of the department of
i bmechanical engineering.
tariff bill. Action on the plan for providing
as given by H. a passenger station and adminis-
of the 'Cuba tration building at the airport has
the friendship been referred to the budget com-
mittee of the city council. It is
n "would cause practically certain that nothing will
sympathetic to be done on this matter until next
1 by Shattuck." spring, said Mr. Gallup.
ba, will be retuirned to theia Tniter1
of the society held in Asheville last
The latest outbreak of endurance
contests occurred at the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology
when a group of students staged a
non-stop pinochle game.
Detroit Theatres
"Journey's End"
Nights: 50c to $2.50
Sat. Mat.: 50c to $2.00
Thurs. Mat.: 50c to $1.50
Telephone Cadillac 3705
In the Musical Circus
Nights $1.00 to $4.00
Thursday and Satirday
Matinees $1.00 to $53.00
States within a fortnight. Orders week
went forward yesterday to the
tU. S. S. Wright ,which is tran- PRINCE CAROL REFUSED
rorting the force, to out in at, ENTRANCE TO RUMANIA
Guantanamo and await orders.()
1BUCHAREST, Rumania, Dec. 11-
See Troubles Ended. IJAn application of Prince Carol, the
POR AU PRINCE, Haiti, Dec. 11. former crown prince of Rumania,
-Martial law has been strengthen- to return to his native land was re-
ed here by a curfew regulation re- jected by the government today.
quiring everyone to be indoors at The defrec of Ferdinand, late kingI
9 p. i., save for military police. of Rumania, banishes the errant
President Louis Borno, comment- son until 1936, it was said.
ing on the situation, said: "We,- -
have little to fear for the future. - --
Shy and bashful freshmen are LAST TIMES U
aided in finding a partner by the
frosh dating bureau. The dating MONTE
bureau' has a list of every fresh-
man and the complexion, height,
weight and preference of each one, DAVE
so there is ample field for a proper
Twenty-fyrt b Annual Production
"Merrie- Go-Round"
A Few Good
Seats Remain
Curtain at
8:15 o'clock
Michigan Theatre tonight through Saturday
Matinee Saturday
We have all makes.
Remingtoi, RoyRIS.
Corona, Underwood
Colored duco finishes. Price $60.
314 South State St. Phone 6615j
Ann Arbor
Comm unitsy
Fund Chest
Is Still Open
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Just pour milk or cream into a brimmin
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