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December 12, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-12

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PA(Jl t 1 1C II' '


'I'llUPISDA , D11,CEMBER 12, 1929

collecctionl is to be given to the Sal-)ff IUIU i ~li
P ublication In the 1; R~iri 1s ero:-.t;Lyvctite notice to al members Adu fnf cnrbtigti olArmly to augment the toys fl ULJIR IhuEQ N I
AssatWie'rs- ar ,:z)fof the University. Copy received by o the needyttotlelrCi '' this organization already has relE U v UI
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. in. Saturday) children in Ants Arbor during the i eked for distribution among thej
VO. LTHRSAY DCEBE, ;:-129tv t (thrlm'v F.e lc i dorll 'id tyr nd tCht ta.Professor Says Over Production Oaenin
VOL. L. TUPSPAY I)ECMBE1~ 1?, 929 ~ al type a~ bh~ mae andr~'-About 9t, hil ^ ..re taing patinF MuhIvtne oi
", _.._t _ , ,_ ._ -- _ ._ __ ______... _ .._ _._ __ -_.___. __ uc?' l b ~ 11,e men be.rs of1ftre op- the activity at the telephone con- az T o M c n et e tT
era!] (il:s; foi-1~f-Ce oftheMicJth p~lII 1auy plant, this being the irs':t Caused Deprcession. ,
M..'mbers of the Facult~y who desirce>etra copies (f Univer ity Bill- Tele1phlotieCo caver such a proect has been under- "-
lelin No., 27, containing Prer id 2tI-tnthvecn s s tate ment uponflcceptiiB , Th e rest; nt~ of the' giemt- taken by the group. In previous 3 vf
the presidency; "Somle Problem:; of the Unviy"my brmte ae'J1 ~pIun'dit wr-BeLoAMhwveESitmsha-AUTO INDIUSI1RY I ~
app U~~~lun h>io-ive,s205Unmay oit all. the l ,;:}.:sbc?,ia
applying at; the Office of A he p:!ol 0 niest ml.Te noast few kset.showe ee rCri~nugd asd-, W-i( i viet ht
i();12'sis;tr :a-S e\i fShvbenarigdaddS accan be mailed by the Univeisity under second lae privileges. I vi KWilWI)isevden tattheu (C
be glad to se~ that copies air e nt to any addresses furnished ni lyteuopha e o rbte yteepoc.country s a whole is experiencing I u in s.
Wilfed B Sha two-h1our worz.info period Monday The group which has been a'Utvp~aleooi ersin hr r v vi
Wfie .Shw even inv. acu rue enbr of the staff in the promoting th, ; he ecnmi eresothe rva esn hc edt he"
hitr-~bar Lais--esatin Dri~ ihrsfma 8asu:Owi~ l ~~t~hitUhto the collection. Christmas colle.ion includes Mrs. b lief that this condition will ben Ron Ir
the rush of business and to the (i)11~cs~io!1 a .fsig boithie 1 Pf4z7 e ,makinu dolls and c) 1 Ia otz. Miss Louise Kuobler,;tiort.r lived than any other do= -nrue
and thne handling *of exrcs , itar (i libraries of the country 1). veFo ,, l1( cl z ondeling scrap Mrs. Helen Hafuer. Mrs. Bessie pression inthenaion's hstory" and Vil
agreed for some year~s past. I o st;'m ?i iiOa~r-IIUW'lox 2, et~re recDe ok~ hl thr r otiu-'on Ms laWl n isA-said Prof. E. Clark Dickinson. of
her 15 and January 6. An:y p ".ionwish~iin to h : vyebooks borrow.'1 h;do l--i oy.Al-o tet---d Lbo.the ecololcs ep'rtreint while 30moter
from otthlibais o r Iy i i i r(tbt a d iold ay :U Sol onvu'c 3:01 o'clck k atura 1 IDanciug Class Vill not meet today. sneaking of the presen financial '
reques Wd to a a's fo.tea' Ia :r ",1 '.ii l a i h i= .h ssu ii ^ lib;ri __- _.condition of the country.
of teUniversity, aS 1Ce!1":'t: ?I to 'r xv rB-- i I i' Ibe .4honore td by g_ ~i.'csme t1:C a ni om38 etE2i Basing 111s assertions 0on the op- Ila
Ilost libraries (inoiwut, tne 1 i'rvy (:f t Lu:s U ivervsi!,y Faittr DecembJ '' er ic:T ,l , Jiration of certain economic laws r, :z
166ad, nilJauandi untilts-w .i iJV Jl;2hLage osePrsios:Threwllbeametwghfth cwih ovrnbsiesecnitonaltyehii
This notce is i issue u-6r ) in urdt-u:.is av alVn "IaCsi Lain ouethe countryl as il b ametig f hwellh cunrasa wl onsonoobcmey
inr tlt last two years. I~ord of REprsentatives this -afternoon in the Board roon in the League servations made of the present na-;~ omma
shadmW.IihpLbaia ~ iing,, Toe picture will not be taken until after Christmas vacation. tional problems and studies of past Ben indsey b .1
depressions, Prof. Dickinson ex- ,rrlrav~ie ct'radbe i
The roisn-Tiomnas P iv~cin Germ an p,-I to encJ v.:,r _lu'liAIs } Cleedy club tryts wTil e ed at 4:00 o'clock in Sarah Caswell pressed the opinion that the pes- FrerJvnie1d 1ad to- enW
in Herman. Essays for competition will b^ written unnde r ss02'.i ori tAigell hall, ent depression was fundamentally 1 ney of Denver. Col., who was re- fr 14 y
ean Thursday, May 1, 1930. rrhe subject of the essays, wich are to be jd___. cue to readustments taking lace tiy l el -c ..1- I. "Piau
written InGemn will be talken fronm the lif'e and works f ThlodOr,() Phi Sigma Iuets at 7:30 in 1139 Natural Science Bld. Proramn in one major industry, and because: d gan
<,tio tJU"7 r'nu cur l1CGe, ' 5of IpV- of thei
Sri.The value of the pri7vii about .50,00, ;fote sme as announced last week as the meting was postponed. oftifatasutasSuds i1)'lWcr ncxri
' ihCibefore the beginning of the read- fcessonal Imisconduct. the ste
tie raos: There will be a accrting ,Satu3'd r I 1Thin11 t 10 0Oa06~ Sigma Ganmma Epsilon will hold a joint meeting wt h Upsilon justmlent period. are donte
in ~ lc Ntual cinceau~ioz~~ir fr ra~<m, trcesled LugotinPoi- in room 2050 N. S. -Bldg., at 8:00 p. in. to hear Dr. R. C. Hussey. "The present depression is due,!?Iodac
ths ae atal inceInauditiou to1w' SPI l'S ler tic, in fliation is l.oa vrCollectiosFuni(laCtne
p r o d u c t i o i n i c a g
necessary for the Bthnreau to have,' Denn Eflncr and Dr. Bradsha-w, I Sophonmore Prom Comnmittee Meeting at 7:15 p. in., at the Uzlion the automobile industry," he said. C cg
Chairmn o teConittcc onl Voational C ounsl and Placemennt,( "Since the automhobile industry ist City Ample Funds had chs
wil 5:0 peayk;tsrajuten ae TeNecmrsScto f h acutW omesClub rglrone of the major industries or this several
T Luthear Purdomn nonll meeting at the WSomnen's Athletic building from 2:30 to 5:3cuty, A, radjstentlmd mrni there is no ai_ peec~a- of the
: p . n. 'nece~ ary hrou h the over pro - ble sh .ortage I of m o n u A nn A r- ch alnce
KI 1-Campus Extemnpoirxnui cius peldn11f; fo at est Ca nizp ell, oi p. n i n.--ec s ry th ou h he ovrero
i re I~i:L ae rc e td , w, Lull~tu bardousid'. idtion naturally have a depres- bo, for thre coiltion of Sae or oe
Sullvan, Tobe, ad~ta "~ usIe se aI tnbadotie Chraistia 1 cience Society meets in the Chapel of the Mician Sng e Iect on marry allied Indus- Conty, Drain and UnnaiCity. TintoIt
3211 Angell trail for stbjects for final trnica, Dcember 7. League building at 7:30 p. in SeerrPveetCub.n nt ommth
"The great depresions of the ec Pv en,(1))ad it-cxuru
AllPreidetsof ti ~ ~ iil 1~1(lISi'ti~;:U' Ii('O~iN(~EVETSpast can be traced to over pzo ter taxs for the year of 129 are orf Predt
out tile contract for your' page 11 it :MS igdllem)sizi and seni it to Ieaii Paul V. MecNutt, Indiana UniverSty School of Law, recently cucions and over stocking of con-I being made at the rate of between az)et
teoffice in the Press 3(1g. .;t ow'sIt your organization has not INational Commndmer, American Legion, will speak under thleauspces of m court ,81 a .,Ioiisi eea atc hni :an u6acaanuc
received a contract card call th( olcc . the Ann Arbor Army and' Navy Club,81p.i. Friday, December 13 n i w mpratidsres, el Ernst zi, Wurster, treaue o rp
vIlme tBrorGmaimNatural Science building, onl the subject "National Defense and Limit- Pr .Dckno xland Fo n l ct fAnzroyctrv-StrigOa.
Frsmn aual~nig scsain fAmmetfomtePin fViwo teAeicnLgin' tance, tle depression following , c, sen
_n stretclths.Th-puli i iviedj1920 was severe and most of the lax Collections started Dcember Gene:
EVENTS OD21'r'Internatiouat orum: r. JohnKhalef f Pdiscomefort lexperiencscedorthenewaenc1 thndrwas essments mayentbeay madead toI prorouct
Dean's Advisory Ci-'irnnittec, Cgfflt f- f Litrature, Scienlc, and ihm openliscussioni on "Problems in Palestine," at a Forum to be held at de over Inetntiladnd heic rszr' l)olidi-I sw
Alr~s: mneetingt at 4 p. in., in Dena Effngear's Of'lcc, Lane hll, Sunday, December 15, 4:00 p. n hsdicsinx I veal r stocking of a great number of ._cludin- February, 1, 30. A pnalty!J '0
Iwith the rights of nationality. All are cordially invited.I commodities. The situation wasI of one per cent in January and twvo ,ak
VA . P.aton will Speak onl "What you Ct for a Magazine," in Nat- peiiae hni a elzdyy Uion.kle
auditorum, at :15 p. n. FrelittianWomen: ny studnt whodidhntttikeothtpostuentestrchreniptatedewen itrascrealzed percent inFebruay dis adedeafte Numer
uzrl Science . cliotoekiat :15p.tr.emeisuclc msm : Aytsuretswo ddDecemberhe o%:t1, taccordingeclui to1,Mr.odiWi t M- Wtee-;Le hh
Irepolrt for make utp at'4 p. il, Friday, December' 13, at farbor ymnas- thakiltiprersendu moerhs weescan.sta
Fctuv':itionlal Motion P'iture:. t 'x p. lou., four roll:; of motion picture iuzil).I1-gli prices which had obtainedccrS1a stns
fiilm, xyenth'ooxygen, the wil e sWw Iljremr04WEirt 1durngtheboll udbel fahow 6111iiIii11b+.IOltilittlt1042 fjlllltStii11t
Engineering building, by a re: eentire of the Ail Reduction &Iles (]biliii'eni's Saturday Moruig Rhythmr Classes wall nicct 't t:i e d because of condition of general is
company. '1The manufa eture ofoye, as well as examples of its, cs, Wormen's Athletic building,.over production and over Stocking ' O OU GLASSES R
in weldig and cu~tting metals, will bes-IoWn A demnmstration shoig in b me country became eviden~t"
t W piopnertie of liquid oxygen vrill he 11made. ficta Kappa ltbo: meeting at 8:15 p. in., Saturday, December 14,~ i = jI Lvc )01 ever noticd drat y
nil (2ib Ronam 2, Wnme's League, building. TYPEWYRITING I= water glasses full at the end of the n
The, )i) olfresIlnrati le'tI1t' Thlkvxi~e.frin en ilenl e Vninks l~duLnCu:Teewl eaSca n hyd o iewtro si h
Waeran'itcraiunat 4,asllr . hu r-ureuasiuilu.n I! .Udwat Cub Tr w4,bea ocnd 5etn o SndyDega- .1
all freshmn in the regular physical training classes, athletic suads b-n' 1, clt ':39 p. ri_ at 1Lane hall.TheFlllpno nedJapa~~nese stdet. ' 2 1IhIORAPHSIG aif drink you are srvin. Play safe-c
acid others that have been :cuiseil from these groups. of m rihian are meast cordially invited tilio at nd a neseunts ofte# i Aspcalyfo istration from your friends by servir
G. A. May. ,custalnIchi b, oatn sget fte~tenty ears.I
M Prompt service.. Experienced op- at:.
English 300: English seminary will nieet at 8:00 p. inl., in) room mIutianniatlaiOill(io~l will be) open all during Christmas vacation rators.. Moderate rates. ARBOR SPRINGS IN
408 Library. Professor Hutcinus will talk on the subject. "A Bibliogra- 1 except Chiitmas cday and -New Years day, from 9:00 a. In. to 5:30pm. .C.D L T46W uo
)hmer Abroad." .' \xwi intingj pool will be open froe 10:00 to 12:0 and 1:30. to 5:30.1 314 Souh Sate St.Pho e 615Jl " 1 lli illlj lll ~ilhlll°.Illlt1 liitli1lI
=t: M w~~r ; 4 IV ~ERRILL, LYNCH & CO. "o V ebr
171( Drki a New York Stock Exchange T°OL acto p
IChicago Stock Exchange Via ' the 1O0 'Mi1e
Diec oue-9 miles sotrta n Detroit Stock ixchaiige 1
Diret rute-59shorer hananyNew Y(.rk Curb Market
J~ ~other, Only new equipmlenat with adjust- j Acounts Carries on Conservative Mrgiu
tieyFiiyNCable 'sleeper chairs. Fastest schedule.; 201 First Nat'l--Bank Phone 4294 BF

Ig Climaxes More Than
r' Months of Intensive
Drills, Rehearsals.
)ntiiu d from Page 1)
uhbahi em at the post and in
White, grad., Is the corn-'
of the miltary garrison,.
[hamn Brown, '31, takes the
his wife and the step-
of Mary. Norman Brown,
Lodlc eC;the x illaious ele-
dition there aro seven oth-
io cast and a squad of eight
ty- d<ancers wvho provide the
This awkarclsquad" is!
ded by Charles Moyer, 30L.-
ntire production is staged4
Mortimer Shuter, who has
ith the Mimes organization
years. Roy Hoyer, of the;
e Bound" company return-t
n~ this year to take charge
dance routines and to set+
ps. Tihe routines this yar,
e in time Jac Donahue styl
ares arcelby Lester, Ltd., of
). Tis5 company has has
arge of Opera costumes In,
previou~s years. The setting
story gave the designers a
this year to spread the col-
the entire production.
lavish coloring carries over
e sets, which have been
eted under the supervision
- Rebman, Mimes' master
,r. Tfhe one large Spanish
i'd and thg two curtain
vere all built on the Mimes
aidl painted by Otto Schel-
eery artist.
rzil chairman of this year's
ion is Robert W. Manas, '30.
assisted by John R. Effinger,
,as stage manager. Paul L.
, general manager of the
is treasurer of the show.
us assistants and commit-
irinan complete the technP=
of of the production.
our guests leave their,
nical? Do you suppose .:
tasty of the particular
)batnin complete admin..~
ig pt ~e Arbor Springs
Phone 8270 1!llli11~lillilllilll
cials Going East


Across Strect from 41,!al'

Campus Travel Bureau
Chudb JHouse (12)to6:10)
Side Desk of Union (12,30 to 2:.30, 4.30 to 6:30)

o" - - --- - - -- - - -

s4 uggestions
Mich igan Favorite College Songs, $4.75,
Michgan Seal Book Ends, $2.50, $3.50, $5.50, $8.00, $3.50,
Michigan Blankets, $11.50, $12.Q0, $12.50, $13.00, $13.50.
Michigan Pillow Covers, $3.00, $4,00, $5.00, $6.00, $10.00, $12.
Michigan Memo ry Books, $1.75, $3.00, $4.00, $4.50, $5.9, 6.
M1chigan~ Seals on Wooden Shie lds, $2.50, $5.50, $, $8.50, $9.
Michigan Banners, Pennants, J ewelry, Stationery, Souvenirs.
Michigan Official Calendar Wr apped Ready to Mail, 75c.

Iir -
'TONIG T p ns0
A 607 E. Huron St.
E Lvery E~vening (except Saturday) 7:30 to" 10:00 4!j
Saturday Afternoons 32:00 to 4:30 1
- 50c per person
Skates Furnished By Us .
'i Dancing, 9to 12 on Saturday Night
Norman Whiting and His Orchestra 1

D~ual Inside Running
Motors Biaggage Racks Water
( i'wo Parlor Seats
TFables- I1aters !-lead Rolls
Information at the Parrot
338 S. State Street Dial 4636

3 16 State Street

Main Street opp. Court House

I .



rA _________ _______ - - - - - 1

rp k N %o 1 1A t the MICHIGAN


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