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'Xa ai4 ~fL /iv W4LV1uCa = ~_ ~r1 A. L L- 1,F1 a. ti
T hir ty Ftesh~in
Ftootball ue
YEARLING AHJ ARDS1 intramurail Items LEADSeil lltf m"ineh:inifl hn ltei
____________________________________________________________ -' j iiiiiw T hi-~t' fl P !'iV i15 t i - "1 a
La&kcif Outstanc~dg P erftr s~ 0 bfn HrFipro owrwsno ne
Gieoc ifiut a esnOfr unior Li'ts Capture IiiFioe Oe ksA rwith Ithe honors vitfli lly k'e'i de-i be medr te1 g~of Ne-' $50C
Servicaesonas fes Hairiel Fvred IwoLtgi Cadets 110 h:1..V ~.2 ,hQti~iW evtreiitro
ii i h ic.S r i es a ° a t iVlyli iY~cisnll i'ills' il:i jlt ii.r2i"1. -- yu
-,A.. w: AxGirs -MFgyOC 1 HughJameson #of the Histoiry de-)I Fii~i~ng ctYfir°.t,second, and sixth - WirhtIF i.,j(i i Tr. o Af.I 3f 1tth:, i tiavieP bit e pponli S I COm
patment has -volunteered his ser- i heIerims rs lly~~l:I idIo Br T~B ovil,' eqd 1) iC s t epM tar~irL1tU, iKniox.took a 7-0J___
La~tte Thanksgiving clay presents vc s in p o I n" gyo nas Ic attl i n o i collf'fr flryW O1],.r O blaze utfbaind back Ta o(we -fti G eorj a Will (~v~W 14I lfl m n h h ry -$ 1, 0
am rdainhefrofafo-the Intramural Sports btidng. harrier chamnpionshilp of the LUni- In anothler ero;1errri[eat oreo, Dart - team ld lo.; 1 lll awhiile 6evllaipiumial gamne playedi be- at 6
r _.Mr. Jameson is a former Y. M . c AI v1t. FllwngthmonorT t cuh wi l te~fle !h Navy ai eorgia e ch', ; rowpantl array ti: t~ -n .1jeIwoschools. The victory ___
hal numreral of awards for 30 fresh- ,Tyia ietr n neclet eeteFehanLt owr philad(2n hfa ' 1ii sb.1,1( eirt in glTTi tiot alert,[1 ly hregS~of(cntC liiteureayoNT
men "who stood out above the oth- JnTedyadTus in turn closely trailed bythe. Fresh- iaVWlory lot he ti, Giveni, whichl yar quaft artr)h, Earl Dnlap 1ti ieenKo aig 50
er fa wa erig~ ud gymnast. OnTueda and Tin the"<-an yEnooin of one of 11.s strong est teams Spsed toIa clean cut will over Aua aeLtten twon, fn orx h nfeea E gnces. fi c
R ihrsbgetrb day afternoons he is on hadnierhe.;!i!recet year.Wih Al vfarsters iburn, 10.If"IT te othx etr e fplye ndwotIiv onernciSc
Coach RayFse' bgetp rob- axlaygymnasium 1to coach stu- the winning team took a meet ion ire. enclh~wv~,t~vtlithe souhla danld erbil , UrO 0 p ;t~tme(
Iem in naming the mten for the dens who are interested in gym Wth a ; total ol1of9n points, the other9 sparuk of the team is gone, and any- her old rival, Sevanee, as sidver- eetU TYPI2
~awards was in drawing the line beto ain 1 nC2 poins re-t-?i Texa Agies Dfa
Ponatic work. Hils hours are from set(ey.s atmihhoiheJ n g may ha.ppen n his absence,tsedby a 2>-G count vieigth ig~tuse f re
tween the mediocre performance to 3:30 to 5 o'clock on the appointedf or LLita, StookCfirst h place, with In u Navy has only a fail learn this sea-~ Nebraska tWiw; Came. isinn the iester oneenesea-o -o
-clv aadsan te terme- ea.maeBo I'ttviel oiirug mison. A Ha rd r ivingNebra. Ka r theSotheser cnfre
reieaasanthotemd-afternoons. tammate h eute, 0Oi bakH (ilev(Ps will tangle creme b ack to win ver Thwo a ,dw lsol.the 'rexas Aggies turned the TYPI
ocepaeswowrashd n Thraragramay frmr ecnd Te ilerJuio i llnthle s~aTt 11sgr eauei feat-ore of ilandsclinch 1'Misui_ i 'Valhy gi ldroii fablesonrte University of Texas rite
.4rtheir more fortunate brothers. high school gymatsoPteca e r, who frshed sixth, ;A.r' :-T glsP ott
yustnastandother e amhot1 CVi, alien Texas Chrsti honors in the fature gairco lte 01 e~o eUte
haf hewet~can sudns a of srong bhid for the .nytii- 'd iddle West. The rIowans rattr
d" t icia esiret, heeD- to learn. Instruction covers Thcrsaalit oo h1d Natioalitl, it s Southern d~p ate by six straight rever.,ssme hsya n vr one
-o Mihgnrsdns he o work on the parallel bars, horizon- ffh n svnhpaewtl leMethodlist atPortWorth. The'Ibad fair to Ipset thefToVor. il'iso out by the dopesters but proved to H
triters and two from Ann Arbor tal bars, side horse and tumblilg. Freshman Engineers accounted fo ih aebe idocbt r on notela hotyatrhv h eto the argument all
being included. Illinois boys led the A yns eti lne o extpaces four, eight, and nine.hveytotatdfa.inn-
,out of state representation with TFebuary. ohr sottheri crontest that. it ut - j - _--- -_-- --. le atscoarti tuhdows h
oienueafwnes'hl fu bilps ilmetSerAlmaniuoestanding, Baylor will clash wth }}Twenty>otur LettersCty championship laurels re-
fie n m r l w n e ac hilef r n- scon a d f urt wirtr
"were from Ohio, two I e s fomIni-fin a1 mi£ Furatco heA~-a pusice at Houston. jmrained the lot of Wahington Uni-
$asgow Mtes 'oe tennis tournament,, whle Swanson Trojns Mecet WVsinit. 1ii Given at VISCO 8111 i~versity by turning back their old
°diana and Pennsylvania, and one Yad Avelrage onGCrid isslatedl to oppose Clarke inl one T etr os' etr C,(rr 1l ~,0I v s t ns ya70 h U
each froi Iowa and Wisconsin. _ qatrhiaklkItilteohrn"liins proved unable to cope with
Numeral winners: George Ab (pca oDil)wiitt fnlmth fltl t~ othrW aioniSatelosing Ion AIOXi. o.2--WlI l t heir mound city rivals and went
~ramovi z; Detroit; Stanley Benja- a IOWA CITY, Nov. 2.Afour-bachket w~einthe ter. ad Coe wilfwtheasntronesft.he(mbrsoasting o929cia "WY' aversqaaretotedowntrronefa t Rthswetfield I- t
immn, Cleveland, Ohio; LwsG.yr advance each time he carriedmth"ooksinteaterstie Trongsthoutdtson helmbesofhe129fota? sud 1m i xtre o soswpt ec
Lewsa .the dloubles mutest of tfil tte Toassol olove f theUniversity of Wisonsi, the Utah IRemains Unbeaten.
B~ccrGreensburgPenna.; Eric ,tebl on a scrimmage play is the .same. tournamrent play hasad- their northern opponents without:V perjsiacrcy, tLCtcics an itoy 0- Uthsnbantem oudd
glakthree-year average of Willis A. vanccc to thne finals with the a great cealt0oftPoblC _of u y' Ter. W c i Uih tah'rsnet sesflteaoro n-
Carson, Riverside, Ill.; red Cloh- Glassgow, University of Iowa half- y f Ltvn adPnt Only three other games worthy of!ttalili o for 1 teialyhobarthi t o' hi"motsesfhuAgseso2-7atFn
set, Bay City; Cecil Conrad, Ypsil- back and 1929 captain who con- scheduled to meet Phelps anda note are to be played today In 1lockc letters, was recognized and St!Lke ity The Utes were ot lgi
anti; Roderick ;Cox,- Birmgnham pleted his Intercollegiate competi- ( Cole for the championship. tiecast Holy Cross will meet its thysoa hur ih wnyifronall ithe yadaun ie ci
~WllmB DblGosePit;tion last Saturday. traditional rival, Boston Colle ge, at'ote~ robrte ncria er a hi edtraee.Dne
Leslie Frisk, Rock Island, Ill.; Stan- isObh fiil eodGaso Ninety-six entries have been re- Fna aki Bso.Tml'sys the required minimum time. Un
is rsa, aeod Oi;Rb credited with gaisttlig and Vilanova meet at Philadelphia The quartet who received this Uivesity swung into high and p-
lyGehmLaeodOhoRo-1,424 yards, more than three-quar- ceived for the handball tournament in another east coast contest, hl traditional rwr f ~-ihdo~teClrd gisi h O
ri- et Grube, Saginaw; George Hitt, ters of a mile, in 364 attempts. anwihtstelstdyfr;r- North Dakota and Lyly,.t Cl~iff zsosi were: Agust, ivacus,37 final upset of the season the Rocky Isix
Urbana,- Ohio; William Honer, The captain made Iis finest av-. ing in applications to enter play' Boenhd hi eaosisaInirtcsi ao ne;Iackus, - Mountain circuit.po
Jackson;~ Hilbert Horwitz, Cleve- erage this fall, 4.2 yards, but made (will start Monday Steve Jones,. Ia I at tteWnyCiy aat nnt~~;Jc ~ld~1 On the coast St. Marysstegh ter
'land, Ohio; William HuskeyOak the getetamount of round tin year's champion is again entered gamatheWndy _itynutes;10 ihilrt Warreok n, dn, 3t . redhrcamtoosBwlon op
aft, 41.;. Jol. IKirby, Ann Arbor; the 1928 campaign, 546 yards.Hi I tiS year and Is seeded ninibrIYttwo nCli .__Eni Nvr" afrmri A~Weefi- =n herbid~ sderationby dropping the mighty j
Arthur Kutsche, Monroe; Kenneth total was cut down this season "ly' i lie defense of his ite Eii'rie Stanfordstar, establishedt al mdi - ctrl he ,mreda t. re on team ,31-6 This proved the
"Manuel, highland Park; Abe Mar- ihis absence from one whole gE, 1for tie doubles nai tehes ;.cdath ae still 'vi , ° _ g Co'( r'tteN-i egur r"W"awards i fobalfi st occasion that the goal Inefof ~t
oryPtsugPna;Dnl anapermcfoonyabefii- being received at the lii ralmia rto t. Ilro eaguice by soring-40- were rmads t ,_n , rGerg the St. Mary team has been crossed tr
McurSuh hve;Rli evl naohr creIytm fie ponts against, the Chicago Pears. Casey, Milton Gaternbeini, 1enry, this year. 'gr
Moulton, Berwyn, Ill.; Barry New- Eighty points were soebyte Hardt, Howard Jensen William lie-; l
-man, Detroit; Art Padlewski, Deg Iaweye star, the total being CHICAGO-Gabby 'Irafiett, stia't enton -Hr rbor--enton Harbor'telaar, einnetl i Kruger, Alois Lie- Miami Beach -Germany puls to
?. ,troit ; John Root, Crown Point, Ind,;! amassed by 10 touchdowns, 17 goal receiver for the Ciicat'o Cubs, fie'- High School, af'ter 23 years of wait- than, Tlil i~r Luhatovichi, Wili, m 'omipete with England for the
;Carl Savage, gFint; Allen Suit- Iafter touchdowwns, and one ficH- ' ently underwent an operation to lug e.anlayclaim to the Michigan Lu ,y,'fryOan NllIfc t-i ,<trigt away automobile hai- BA
"" anki, Chicago, Il.; Carl Soelberg, goal from placement. Ile missed hlave his tonsils removed in an ef- ilterselmla stic f[ootball chamiion- ohn Parks, I alarld febholz, flt - i ponsip at Daytona Beach, It wasov
~iSioux City, Iowa; Don Strong, An- only five chances to score the extra fort to recover from the illness ship. The'i Tigers firnished thse sea-'sel R7ebhorlz, Larenrce Shoemaker announced yesterday. William Von an'
tigo, Wis.; John Van Akkterer, Ann point after touchdown by place- which handicapped him and kept son with sixwntote ateohaodF mih ei mtDa ez rwlldiehsonc r;
~-Arbor; J. S. Van Pelt, Culver, Ind. kick. him on the bench last season. ;dfat,- __--vii 'obias, andi Wilii~um Sheehan n the attempt.Ar
--I - ..,._ -. - -- - - --- a
'It n
ONE Who is anxiotusto) get
ka light manufacturing busl-
for himself, Does not re-
e expensiv-e equliipment -and.
he made during; spare hnonts
Pour, own home. Market g1lar-
ed wit . big profitsq. $3,00o
Ireqluired. Ph11one 22757. 5G
3NN) RFU L v~yy-f pilt tnilg
rself through college (ii-
'es guaranteed) AdXdre ss- Box
01 TO LEND onr first( fno irt-gae
G: Without bonus or service
rgre. Phone 435G. 1;150
CE-Opening special on ,all
e repairs.. 25',,off the reguilar
e. !try us. 1H. W. Cl a rk, 1113
t nlversity 'Ave.
N'lO efficiently prepared. Uni-
;ity Typing Service, 718 Mon-
Phone 21474. C
Nd-O-Theses a specialty. Fair
Ps. MI.*. I-artsuff. Dial .9387.
veYou a House?
U'tse: Classified Advertising
e: Press Blidg. on Maynard St.
Phone 2-1214
RtW~T ' 'Furnished roomsTfior
t h ouekeeping. Rear of the
apus ' IMorist., Also single
in.Phone 7813. 1115 South~
l versity. 356123
RNT-A room for a lady.
windows; southwest ex-
lure; storm windows in win-
; awnings9 in. summer; garage
!,ion d;' near baus. 1230 Ol1Ia,
onei 2-2045. 3f
RENT --Especially warm t-
Xtive roM for two or three
Is.*.'team,. heat. Also garage.
al 8544.. 422 'E. Washington
JTIFUL Woodland Climb House
zilable 4to renit to Fraternitiet
d, Sororities on reasonabll
ins, only 20 miles from sAnr
bor.. Cull or Writ Mr. xPet!,rs
ncldoljh 4447, 4038 Dctroit SGay-
Bank Building, Detroit
WJ (
Fancy Dressed
11 W. Liberty
To you--Steward of the Fratem-xity t use
To you Mngranager of the Boarding House:-
-To -vo - --Merchants- of Ann arbor~
We want Von. aif to khow that thea Market payee is Your page, it was de vloried for' yoir °riittiial lit'ncriit.
T iii~t dic' thrif'y aial yet iscriminating steward may have a reliahI t fli cirtich~afl(5 %idth lw~tiii ley Oerviiigs.
[t .ti a wise polcy to
tirade with yourf neigh-
borl'ood grocery and
meat market. where
cleanliness and quality
-Ite supreme.
~That tie enterising m uercritA-of AA r ,bo i i,jy hve. luedalimi t dLh iI w-ih i t lit« 1lc'knoiwr w(laif
a niddtie , stfCiAd op p 4:r~t jasiti s nu c rtt in g ood .q p
Thwe MICtIC AN fATLY11.39, fetisiip 1the M-..rk( Pale a i5 ei ii1fow Iuelifhe,sto Iiit 7'Ises V~ We wari y'ouii
as olidh a riedilim will tindoubitc-di be of joeat help to you,.
tit 1i~ pie~td1cr
mate CA o ~
Phione 4251
M lII I ______ _
.- - I I I - M
Fine Flav'ored -
Ann.Arbor Dairy
'S~ralto Pocahlontas
Kentfuc'ky and West Virginila CoA
Solvay and Gas Coke -
ThiBbusess as eengrowing ever
ice it was- established. The secret-
iiLiving absolute satisfaction to our
customers." W~e believe it pays to do
business in a friendly way. If you
think so tao.let's get together.
Ifts .quality is alway -thme same.*
or !brick form it's always, uiniformi.
varies. No wonder Ann Arbor DArm-y
-o Yca (lli
t ini llhII
Ice Crc'uiiu
n.... 'y:.s^ .
I :,1
I .