- - - ~ , - LA \~ ~ iZ. i t 'Xa ai4 ~fL /iv W4LV1uCa = ~_ ~r1 A. L L- 1,F1 a. ti T hir ty Ftesh~in ti r Receive Ftootball ue J 1 F s t t i, I C t FISHR INOUCESL iDRE AMEPLAY FEATURES GRID BATTLES OSHR IOH 0M L TH4ANKSGIVING DAY CONTESTS ' into YEARLING AHJ ARDS1 intramurail Items LEADSeil lltf m"ineh:inifl hn ltei ____________________________________________________________ -' j iiiiiw T hi-~t' fl P !'iV i15 t i - "1 a La&kcif Outstanc~dg P erftr s~ 0 bfn HrFipro owrwsno ne Gieoc ifiut a esnOfr unior Li'ts Capture IiiFioe Oe ksA rwith Ithe honors vitfli lly k'e'i de-i be medr te1 g~of Ne-' $50C Servicaesonas fes Hairiel Fvred IwoLtgi Cadets 110 h:1..V ~.2 ,hQti~iW evtreiitro ii i h ic.S r i es a ° a t iVlyli iY~cisnll i'ills' il:i jlt ii.r2i"1. -- yu -,A.. w: AxGirs -MFgyOC 1 HughJameson #of the Histoiry de-)I Fii~i~ng ctYfir°.t,second, and sixth - WirhtIF i.,j(i i Tr. o Af.I 3f 1tth:, i tiavieP bit e pponli S I COm patment has -volunteered his ser- i heIerims rs lly~~l:I idIo Br T~B ovil,' eqd 1) iC s t epM tar~irL1tU, iKniox.took a 7-0J___ La~tte Thanksgiving clay presents vc s in p o I n" gyo nas Ic attl i n o i collf'fr flryW O1],.r O blaze utfbaind back Ta o(we -fti G eorj a Will (~v~W 14I lfl m n h h ry -$ 1, 0 am rdainhefrofafo-the Intramural Sports btidng. harrier chamnpionshilp of the LUni- In anothler ero;1errri[eat oreo, Dart - team ld lo.; 1 lll awhiile 6evllaipiumial gamne playedi be- at 6 r _.Mr. Jameson is a former Y. M . c AI v1t. FllwngthmonorT t cuh wi l te~fle !h Navy ai eorgia e ch', ; rowpantl array ti: t~ -n .1jeIwoschools. The victory ___ hal numreral of awards for 30 fresh- ,Tyia ietr n neclet eeteFehanLt owr philad(2n hfa ' 1ii sb.1,1( eirt in glTTi tiot alert,[1 ly hregS~of(cntC liiteureayoNT men "who stood out above the oth- JnTedyadTus in turn closely trailed bythe. Fresh- iaVWlory lot he ti, Giveni, whichl yar quaft artr)h, Earl Dnlap 1ti ieenKo aig 50 er fa wa erig~ ud gymnast. OnTueda and Tin the"<-an yEnooin of one of 11.s strong est teams Spsed toIa clean cut will over Aua aeLtten twon, fn orx h nfeea E gnces. fi c R ihrsbgetrb day afternoons he is on hadnierhe.;!i!recet year.Wih Al vfarsters iburn, 10.If"IT te othx etr e fplye ndwotIiv onernciSc Coach RayFse' bgetp rob- axlaygymnasium 1to coach stu- the winning team took a meet ion ire. enclh~wv~,t~vtlithe souhla danld erbil , UrO 0 p ;t~tme( Iem in naming the mten for the dens who are interested in gym Wth a ; total ol1of9n points, the other9 sparuk of the team is gone, and any- her old rival, Sevanee, as sidver- eetU TYPI2 ~awards was in drawing the line beto ain 1 nC2 poins re-t-?i Texa Agies Dfa Ponatic work. Hils hours are from set(ey.s atmihhoiheJ n g may ha.ppen n his absence,tsedby a 2>-G count vieigth ig~tuse f re tween the mediocre performance to 3:30 to 5 o'clock on the appointedf or LLita, StookCfirst h place, with In u Navy has only a fail learn this sea-~ Nebraska tWiw; Came. isinn the iester oneenesea-o -o -clv aadsan te terme- ea.maeBo I'ttviel oiirug mison. A Ha rd r ivingNebra. Ka r theSotheser cnfre reieaasanthotemd-afternoons. tammate h eute, 0Oi bakH (ilev(Ps will tangle creme b ack to win ver Thwo a ,dw lsol.the 'rexas Aggies turned the TYPI ocepaeswowrashd n Thraragramay frmr ecnd Te ilerJuio i llnthle s~aTt 11sgr eauei feat-ore of ilandsclinch 1'Misui_ i 'Valhy gi ldroii fablesonrte University of Texas rite .4rtheir more fortunate brothers. high school gymatsoPteca e r, who frshed sixth, ;A.r' :-T glsP ott yustnastandother e amhot1 CVi, alien Texas Chrsti honors in the fature gairco lte 01 e~o eUte haf hewet~can sudns a of srong bhid for the .nytii- 'd iddle West. The rIowans rattr d" t icia esiret, heeD- to learn. Instruction covers Thcrsaalit oo h1d Natioalitl, it s Southern d~p ate by six straight rever.,ssme hsya n vr one -o Mihgnrsdns he o work on the parallel bars, horizon- ffh n svnhpaewtl leMethodlist atPortWorth. The'Ibad fair to Ipset thefToVor. il'iso out by the dopesters but proved to H triters and two from Ann Arbor tal bars, side horse and tumblilg. Freshman Engineers accounted fo ih aebe idocbt r on notela hotyatrhv h eto the argument all being included. Illinois boys led the A yns eti lne o extpaces four, eight, and nine.hveytotatdfa.inn- ,out of state representation with TFebuary. ohr sottheri crontest that. it ut - j - _--- -_-- --. le atscoarti tuhdows h oienueafwnes'hl fu bilps ilmetSerAlmaniuoestanding, Baylor will clash wth }}Twenty>otur LettersCty championship laurels re- fie n m r l w n e ac hilef r n- scon a d f urt wirtr "were from Ohio, two I e s fomIni-fin a1 mi£ Furatco heA~-a pusice at Houston. jmrained the lot of Wahington Uni- $asgow Mtes 'oe tennis tournament,, whle Swanson Trojns Mecet WVsinit. 1ii Given at VISCO 8111 i~versity by turning back their old °diana and Pennsylvania, and one Yad Avelrage onGCrid isslatedl to oppose Clarke inl one T etr os' etr C,(rr 1l ~,0I v s t ns ya70 h U each froi Iowa and Wisconsin. _ qatrhiaklkItilteohrn"liins proved unable to cope with Numeral winners: George Ab (pca oDil)wiitt fnlmth fltl t~ othrW aioniSatelosing Ion AIOXi. o.2--WlI l t heir mound city rivals and went ~ramovi z; Detroit; Stanley Benja- a IOWA CITY, Nov. 2.Afour-bachket w~einthe ter. ad Coe wilfwtheasntronesft.he(mbrsoasting o929cia "WY' aversqaaretotedowntrronefa t Rthswetfield I- t immn, Cleveland, Ohio; LwsG.yr advance each time he carriedmth"ooksinteaterstie Trongsthoutdtson helmbesofhe129fota? sud 1m i xtre o soswpt ec Lewsa .the dloubles mutest of tfil tte Toassol olove f theUniversity of Wisonsi, the Utah IRemains Unbeaten. B~ccrGreensburgPenna.; Eric ,tebl on a scrimmage play is the .same. tournamrent play hasad- their northern opponents without:V perjsiacrcy, tLCtcics an itoy 0- Uthsnbantem oudd glakthree-year average of Willis A. vanccc to thne finals with the a great cealt0oftPoblC _of u y' Ter. W c i Uih tah'rsnet sesflteaoro n- Carson, Riverside, Ill.; red Cloh- Glassgow, University of Iowa half- y f Ltvn adPnt Only three other games worthy of!ttalili o for 1 teialyhobarthi t o' hi"motsesfhuAgseso2-7atFn set, Bay City; Cecil Conrad, Ypsil- back and 1929 captain who con- scheduled to meet Phelps anda note are to be played today In 1lockc letters, was recognized and St!Lke ity The Utes were ot lgi anti; Roderick ;Cox,- Birmgnham pleted his Intercollegiate competi- ( Cole for the championship. tiecast Holy Cross will meet its thysoa hur ih wnyifronall ithe yadaun ie ci ~WllmB DblGosePit;tion last Saturday. traditional rival, Boston Colle ge, at'ote~ robrte ncria er a hi edtraee.Dne Leslie Frisk, Rock Island, Ill.; Stan- isObh fiil eodGaso Ninety-six entries have been re- Fna aki Bso.Tml'sys the required minimum time. Un is rsa, aeod Oi;Rb credited with gaisttlig and Vilanova meet at Philadelphia The quartet who received this Uivesity swung into high and p- lyGehmLaeodOhoRo-1,424 yards, more than three-quar- ceived for the handball tournament in another east coast contest, hl traditional rwr f ~-ihdo~teClrd gisi h O ri- et Grube, Saginaw; George Hitt, ters of a mile, in 364 attempts. anwihtstelstdyfr;r- North Dakota and Lyly,.t Cl~iff zsosi were: Agust, ivacus,37 final upset of the season the Rocky Isix Urbana,- Ohio; William Honer, The captain made Iis finest av-. ing in applications to enter play' Boenhd hi eaosisaInirtcsi ao ne;Iackus, - Mountain circuit.po Jackson;~ Hilbert Horwitz, Cleve- erage this fall, 4.2 yards, but made (will start Monday Steve Jones,. Ia I at tteWnyCiy aat nnt~~;Jc ~ld~1 On the coast St. Marysstegh ter 'land, Ohio; William HuskeyOak the getetamount of round tin year's champion is again entered gamatheWndy _itynutes;10 ihilrt Warreok n, dn, 3t . redhrcamtoosBwlon op aft, 41.;. Jol. IKirby, Ann Arbor; the 1928 campaign, 546 yards.Hi I tiS year and Is seeded ninibrIYttwo nCli .__Eni Nvr" afrmri A~Weefi- =n herbid~ sderationby dropping the mighty j Arthur Kutsche, Monroe; Kenneth total was cut down this season "ly' i lie defense of his ite Eii'rie Stanfordstar, establishedt al mdi - ctrl he ,mreda t. re on team ,31-6 This proved the "Manuel, highland Park; Abe Mar- ihis absence from one whole gE, 1for tie doubles nai tehes ;.cdath ae still 'vi , ° _ g Co'( r'tteN-i egur r"W"awards i fobalfi st occasion that the goal Inefof ~t oryPtsugPna;Dnl anapermcfoonyabefii- being received at the lii ralmia rto t. Ilro eaguice by soring-40- were rmads t ,_n , rGerg the St. Mary team has been crossed tr McurSuh hve;Rli evl naohr creIytm fie ponts against, the Chicago Pears. Casey, Milton Gaternbeini, 1enry, this year. 'gr Moulton, Berwyn, Ill.; Barry New- Eighty points were soebyte Hardt, Howard Jensen William lie-; l -man, Detroit; Art Padlewski, Deg Iaweye star, the total being CHICAGO-Gabby 'Irafiett, stia't enton -Hr rbor--enton Harbor'telaar, einnetl i Kruger, Alois Lie- Miami Beach -Germany puls to ?. ,troit ; John Root, Crown Point, Ind,;! amassed by 10 touchdowns, 17 goal receiver for the Ciicat'o Cubs, fie'- High School, af'ter 23 years of wait- than, Tlil i~r Luhatovichi, Wili, m 'omipete with England for the ;Carl Savage, gFint; Allen Suit- Iafter touchdowwns, and one ficH- ' ently underwent an operation to lug e.anlayclaim to the Michigan Lu ,y,'fryOan NllIfc t-i ,