. s _
.-v--...--u- -u-z=
period and a few modern English ! - r ~1 wic llpr-es -k distinguished for scholarship and
S i ls es in the el of music was incor- Large Variety of Christmas extra-curricular activities and don
ers of London who will be hea d ot her it Ur dn Cards and Seals Areitoed schoashi
fdr kst[ithesch ts be p- I i a cor bDs y .aitessesi11eRsia
AsirWl ecieOe 3x muscians who have worked o t Wedneosdwraiy g m~li-ORDERS WILL BE TAKNWednesday afternoon.
UU!YWLLHU geted tonightozeby eaElsh Sier nge one. Wehri tl, ~ ~ Vrc~ f Ctsta r-urclratvte n o
fActivitydPoint.e A r als, each member of the group Although the room has been
t-t of the most iteresting and valtk
ofte ost nerestinn vaIn t Iking his full share n upbuilding Following last year's plans, the open all year with self-service, it
ELIGIBILITY IS REQUIRED concerts on the modern program. t etewhe, ac it w s Undergraduate Campaign con- was not opened with service until
cocetEoQhemdenprgamREDe~t~ of th~e art-spiritr.t whichI
In their presentation, the Eng- inspired the chamber music of the mittee of the Women's League last Wednesday. It will now be
Meeting Will be Held Before lish Singers give the audience a cighteenth and nineteenth century. wifl have a separate booth at the open; very day from 2 until 10
Bazaar to Organize demonstration of how the cultured Of particular interest for its League and the Inter-church bazaar o'clock.i
Selling Plan. Englishman and his friends used symbolic importance is th madii December 6 and 7 in Barbour gym- Every Wednesday, Mortarboard
g____ . to spend a pleasant evening in the igal by Orland-o Gibbons entitled
far away days of 15th and 16th "The Silver Swan", which occurs nasium. The general plan of th;eir assumes possession of the room and
Blanks will be sent this week to century England. A large part of in the SCOnd group On tonight's booth will be representative of changes its appearance consider-
every women's house on campus to the program will consist of Eng- program. The theme is built Michigan. ably. On those days there are small,
be filled in with the names of the lish madrigals, that form of musi- around the legend of the swan The main feature of t.he Under- black and gold menu cards with
women from the respective houses 1cal art which flourished in the col- which burst into song just before graduate booth will be Christnas ith name of the Michigan chapter
, orful days of Queen Elizabeth, its death, and symbolizes England, cards and seals, wich may be or-i
wishing to work as sellers at the ;whichh may beotam or-i 1printed on the ouse of th.
when the ability to take par in which was silent musically for con- deted. There is a large variety of folder; luncheon cloths and nap-
Women's League and Inter-church group songs and to play a musi- turies, but enjoyed a brief ren- cards in the catalogue of samples
Bazaar, December 6 and 7 in Bar- cal instrument was an accom- naissance of about seventy years which the Women's League will of- kins of5 a different color for caph
bour gymnasium, according to the plishment upon which depended I before all art was suppressed by the fer for ordering, as well as a broad table, playing up tne Russian
announcement of Helen Cheever, one's social position. The singing Puritans. range i prices and styles. scheme of the room, which is deco-
'3,cirmnofHeleCrnei rcsa sye.'chseated informally around a table, It is an outstanding achieve- Attractive little cards to accom- rated in futuristic designs. The
mitt rtee memof madrigals, with the company imert of the English Singers to have pany Christmas gifts will also be society plans to add a fortune tel-
Eliibiit reuirmets ustbemuch as the English Singers will rescued the madrigal from the text
Eligibility requirements must be grouped tonight, was the cus- books. They, more than any other offered for sale. Ail types and sizes ler to their piogram of attractions
befor the blansgu are c llted tomary conclusion to all social organization in the world, have in a week or two.
ers, before the blanks are collected functions.' n may be purchased at this booth. A complete tea-room menu is
on November 24. There will be Tu e.den'ey has been to con- a re ity on th modern concert In addition to the Christmas served every day, including salads, Proc
representatives from each house to Tewdnyhsbe ocn r elt ntemdr ocr
work in shifts as sellers at ba- sider the madrigal too abstractly stage, and they have been lauded cards, the Undergraduate booth sandwiches, pastries and fountain
arkm eachi woan s 'eeiving . n b-as a mere object of study in the I everywhere both for the nature and will offer Michigan playing cards service.
League activity point for the work, evolution of musical form. It is a the success of their efforts. The and pillows in maize and blue,{and
ALeage tigypon for o the sellrk. difficult art, relying for personal brief and amusing digests of sev- Women's League maps. r'i ~~l ~U
Aviii be heldn Weday, tDecoem-ys expression on a most impersonal ileral of the numbers, given by Mr. The entire bazaar, so far as the Ujflmfli ILHIVlr
~i la D m edium, that of a polyphony. At I Cuthbert Kelly, are as entertaining Wonin's League is concerned is a
4,to organize and pa the pro1 s i
ork Frth oies todp this effectI first cultivated solely for an anti- as many of the songs. project for the Undergraduate rrU S
work. Further notices to this effect paign-fund,!towh-chth-Satur
will appear in The Daily later. coeds of the bazaar will go. How- LScin
Anyone wishing detailed infor-~seedslof ever it has been customary for the _ _ was1
mation concerning the blanks iUndegraduate Camp gn commit- Purd
which are to be sent out, may callltee to have charge of a booth. Ptice Qualifications Will be sity I
Helen Cheever at 7891. Her com-T which would be typically represen- Reduced Due to Fall IHi
mittee assistants are Anne Ter- tative of the purpose of the bazaa, Weather Conditions steps
hardt, 32, Margaret Morin, 31, and it is with this purpose that the *_was_
Demarhis Cornell, '31, Frances Bu- -- Icommittee will have the booth this Two women from each Sorority have
'tine, '31, Jane Ycarnd, '31, andg To omeror each or oity:e tio
MroLab'3.YugrCide Fom'T'ird AllUivrityWoic Inldigjy ear. Iland dormitory house will constitute~cr
Maio.Lmb 31 iune Lziurn:om tuf 0 ~iVr yVOf~l IL xi f ~t in"", ire f------ .n.-.4 .r. - -- tum1e ........
Selected to Fill
New Business Post
Board in Control of Publications
Recently Inaugurated Position
Following Petition.
Mary Chase, '30, has been ap-
pointed to the position of women's
business secretary of The Daily, ac-
cording to an announcement made
by A. J. Jordan, business manager,
yesterday afternoon. The position
has just recently been created fol-
lowing the acceptance of a petition
which was presented to the Board
in Control of Publications.
According to the conditions of
the appointment, the new oflice was
filled by an appointment made by
the business manager. The duties
which will be assumed with the
position will be the supervision of
all women tryouts on the business
staff, and the cooperation with the
department heads in arranging
work for the women. as well as the
responsibility for all such work
Any women who are interested in
trying out for the appointments
which will be made next spring;
should call at The Daily busines
office today if possible to see Miss
C hnr b tm it There will also be
Mahry (C:l,1s-
eedings for Registration
Outlined for Benefit
of C ndicltes.
uase a u, 1. 1 e VI U t
iiversity Brea4 of Zppoint- a meeting for these persons at 4:15
versiy Bueau 0 App Int this afternoon.
s held a me;;iig o next year'st
pective teachers at 10 o'clock The Y. W. C. A. o Pennsylvania
rday morning in the Natural State college has established a
ce auditorium. The meeting question box for the use of all wo-
presided over by Doctor T. L. men in the school. Answers will be
om, Director of the Univer- furnished to all queries on tradi-
Bureau of Appointments. tions, customs, and the like, per-
s outline of the necessary taining to Penn or to any other
leading up to registration college.
as follows: Each person must
at least three recommenda- N te
> by faculty members. A pic- o ces
of the prospect must Oe sub-
Group Under Direction Members ofIntra-Muralan SPEAKER PRAISES 'tournamentte
MANAGER TALKS I{of Sylvia Adams. Class Teams, Invited.I CPA KEU THA TRE urna nent i
ONMARIONE TTES i2M1, a t o i
OOStarting this week, a new rhythm With the close of the inter-class FOR EXPERIENCE weather condi
"Marionettes are as old as civili- class composed of children of four and intra-mural hockey season, the tce qualificati
zation," said Mr. Charles Searle, and five' years old, and those six annual hockey banquet will take "College women have the best ment will not1
manager of Tony Sarg's Marionette I year olds who have had no ex- place Thursday, November 26, at chance in the world to succeed in In case of ra
show; "They are found in the ruins perience in this field, will meet the Field house. All women are in- I the field of dramatics," said Dr. be done on the
sho. The ae~foud n he uis ite, otonly members of classI Louis K. Anspacher in an inter- wise !o thers mate]
of Egypt, and in Greece and Rome. from 10 to 10:30 o'clock every Sat- vid r
!and int ra-raural teams. The af-,j view Thursday night following his uos. A tot
In Italy, marionette shows have urday morning in Barbour gym- fair is sponsored by the Woman's lecture in Hill Auditorium on "The be shot. A roun
been given for many centuries, or- nasium. Fallowing the meeting of Athletic Association. Spirit of Modern American Dra- feet, and one
iginally in churches and cathe- the "baby" class, those children of Awards for the present hockey ia." In my opinion, he contin- consttute the
drals. Small copies of the large I season will be given out, as well as ued, there is no better training Scores will b
werthe ages of six and seven who have point awards, which are won by school for the theatre than campus total points of
carried in the church processions already enrolled, will have their those women who have earned a dramatic organizations and the one organizati
and were called "Little Mary's" to ! class in the same place until 11 certain number of points in all courses which put on plays as lab- 2 o'clock Tues
distinguish them from the large o'clock. They will be succeeded by their W. A. A. activities combined, oratory projects." archery class,
statues. This was the original the older group, composed of chil- and not only in hockey. o- - shoot duringc
meaningridA sheet will be posted on the Coming Events If the athle
14r. Searle has been with Mr. dre'n from eight to twelve years of bulletin board at the Field house ____;house, or anyf
Sarg for 12 years, producing mar- age. upon which women planning to at- nament are in
ionette shows for the last 11 years. I The requirement is that the tend the banquet are asked to sign November 19-November 23 detail they m
He supplies the voice and manip- youngsters should be on the floor in ip 'uesday-3:30 - Pi Lambda man, '30, arche
ulates the strings for Rip Van Win-, the regular costume, which is a tTheta, Kalamazoo room, Lage.
kle. Speaking of the play, Rip Van wool bathing suit, ready to work at'ier Women of
atke hc a rdcdFi-I- rn o e r League cafeteria.1 college have or
Winkle, which was produced Fri- the specified time, as classes will L 7:15-University Girls' Gle tere gros
day night, Mr. Searle remarked that begin promptly. According to Miss Beauty to Intelligence club, League Committee room terest groups,
it is an ideal play for a marionette Sylvia Adams, of the physical edu- - 7:30-Portia Portia room An- ie a outle
show, as it lends itself to the fan- x__ ivd note
tstic atmosphere, sand tsince itn iscaton department, who is conduct- Intelligence is just about the last gell hall. , soaintet.
iitself gtsqure, itd inot ake ing tihe classes, there are over forty thing a Princeton freshman likes to 7:30-Athena, Athena roomsonthemtchool
members enrolled already, and be- find in a girl, if any generalization Angell halls
the presentation seem unusual. Mr. cause of tic crowded enrollment, can be drawn from a vote recently A nehag
Searle made the figures and cos- ? o h rwe nolet anb rw rmavt eety, Wednesday-7 :00 )--Pegasus msfrtetrepasta ti meaieta h okb ae mn 9 rsmn h onih ie ulsnssa
tuesrlmd the thgre pays that it is imperative that the work be taken among 490 freshmen. The moonlight ride, Mullison's st~a- Fusa
gven. y executed exactly according to sche- vote also indicated that, to the bles. Furs a
were give dule. 1mass mind, constancy is rather a 7:30-A. A. U. W. Adolescent
" ----~~Hence forth, the meetings will trivial consideration and that if a Group, League clubroom. Makeup,
s;E i id t.T i girl is beautiful; a good(ancer, or Thursday- 4:00 -- Freshmiande
in Mndelsso n Lobby waiting room on the rsre i a ready conversationalist, she can Girls' Glee club, League Cave.
Swhere parents and guardians may be a nitwit for all that it matters 5:00-Board of Representa- I Prices
w et the chlren after the class i to the first year men. tives, League Committee room,
Miss Amy Loomis, who is I n e t They were asked to name the 6:00 -W. A. A. !o I M'eVin E (
charg of the Lydia Mendelssohn uslwl "most essential quality in the ideal Fielcl House,
thea.tre, announces that Paul Lend- . girl," with results as follows: 74, ' 8:30-Mu Phi Epsilon Lce 448S
ler will exhibit masques belonging | Frieda Hemphill, another Irene physical beauty; 65, less aesthetic- Committee room Ih
to and executed by Steven Nastefo- Castle in the fashion line, has just't ally inclined, personality; 45, ability -
gel, scenic designer at the Bon- returned from abroad. The decided Ito dance well; 34, good sense and
stelle theatre in Detroit, in the lob- trend to longer skirts in evening good humor; 31, interesting con- 111Il1iilIIIll IIIIIII IIIIII llIIIIIIIIIIt
by of the Lydia Mendelssohn the- gowns which was everywhere evi- versationalist; 29. constancy; 24, I
atre. Nastefogel's painting, "The dent, appeals to her aesthetic sense. brains; 18, money; 16, abstinence
Still Life," won first prize in a She admits that it was always hard from drinking; and 9, abstinence
state art contest and is now on ex- for her to understand the mode for from smoking. Sixty-five gave up
hibit in an art museum in De- 1 short skirts. Their extreme brevity determination of the ideal girl as
troit. often appeared to her as grotesque. a bad job and did not vote.
Thp )v iixU~I , ~ -, r ian n-nd - __.- _-__----- ----- __ - - --.-_ _ - -- -- ___ __
mntra-mur al archer_-_ _v--; Te itaulswm ng
hicr-wi ehcrey mitted and, after the alove two; The intramural swimiin
hich wili be held points are completed, the candidate meet will be held December 12.
clock Thursday, Nov.; must come in to the Bureau at 201 in the Union pool. Entries should
4d house. Because of Mason Hall and be interviewed. be made at the office in Barbour
tions this fall prac- Doctor A. . Critten den, Advisor gymnasiufn before that time.
ons for the tourna- for students in the Literary school Contestants must wear grey tank
be considered. and Doctor C. 0. Davis, Secretary suits.
in, the shooting wuill of the School of Education, both
indoor range, other- idgave short talks of advice to the Pegasus moonlight ride has
fh will be conductedistudents. been postponed until 7 o'clock,
tad of 72 arrows will At the end of the meeting, ap- Wednesday night, November 20.
nid of 36 arrows at 30 I
of 36 at 20 feet will Ipoitment slips were given out so Members of Pegasus and all
tournament. rthat the students may come to the othrs who are interested in be-
e figured by the sum Bureau and fill out the necessary coming members are asked to
the entrants of any information for registration. For sign up on the bulletin board at
on. Members of theI late registration there is a fine of Barbour gymnasium.
sday and Thursday $1.00.
who are entered may
class period.
tic managers of any
entrant in the tour- UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE
i doubt about some
ry manager, at 23225 For Everything Musical
P nPianos You Want. We Have It
Pennsylvania State;
rganied personal in- Radios
with faculty mem-
, to attempt to pro- . P1i nographs
for the various per- a
s of the :co-eds of Iecoi ds
i Violins
d Fuur Coats BanQ os
Repaired, Re.
d and Relined
Sqring Street
s-. rat ,i H rn s
Pby Vbd~ ~ Nusic Books
Or Money Back
Pianos Rented
Lowest rtes
601 .'-V e . Phone 7515
one a62n'
.e exxzt Vegani yesueruay Ulm
will last two weeks. The masques
are decorative in nature and are
made to be hung on the wall. Since
the masques are for sale, a- woman
will be in charge of the exhibition
and she will have the price list. I
OILL GE l-I U M O is
seeking your reminiscences
and will pay regular space
t ates for travel articles from col-
lege people. Have you been in
the West--on a dude ranch, in
the mountains or at any of our
national parks? Have you gone
through- the Orient or taken a
Pacific tour? where are those
snapshots of your collegiate tour
to Tu rope (the ones of the
famous beer garden in Vicnna) ?
An acceptable article on your
ravel experiences in any one
of dhese places will be welcomed
-- .____ ..
r. a
ff (evet'ly interpreted in this
wondetrful presentation of what's
correC( for winter. Trint
K wQ(le5 . . soft silks .
gleaming satis .
Clinging ciitons and rich mc.
talks. You'll fuid many other
Stt r ' fst i rg garm en ts on ',ourY-:" ': . j;2,,
rf:shiom floor. Well made and -
featured at prices surprisingly kY. }
low. Come in and see
- k or:3
..-< ..;r- . + ".: .j,- :..-.e
Fountain Service
Toasted Sandwiches
0U -i x nrirA -% 1LT ItUhI T'4 tr% 'u r-