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November 19, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-19

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GA 9



DAIN KEP~ ~UIN S:TU PINCHSGG E PLEdearilsOWEArguaRnFoUL ea' LcO Y~ nth r ~ utn
1W 'DL rI udueUniversity, for years one All season long the Purde eilSTA K E N M NN S TA G M
Il IIof the weakest teams in the Westha sho viown impi ovement, buti , U N1Aeuaanonlsyarsft CacYstithato rtig
- ern Conference and the doormats until Saturday ii; had not reached !- -!ball team, Leo Draveling has been and place-kicking, in order that the
Team Sent Through Long Sig-!for titular contenders, rose in all perfection. These two successful1 Inexperienecd Group of pryers waring the bench most of the team be protected should eeither
na raieadGiven Few I it fury Saturday to beat a powrful tosses, however, were faultlessly 1 ~ T~ofGms . present season, first because of anl Simrall of Gembis be forced to th
Iowa team andl to stop those two exe zurted, and climaxed a hard sea-; isHl fGme gis nuytha t him out of the
New Plays Monday. ;;tet back~s, Pape and Glassgow, to sn'swor to brinig improvement' Str'ong Opponents. ame, and because of the brilliant!sdlnsAthuhDaeig e;
annex is its first Big Ten football 1:n the Boilermakers overhead at-j work of the first year man, Heitt,'veloped into a fairly good ki'ler,
DISPLAY NEW SPIRIT crovin. tak.SHOWS RlA I COMEBACK w1ho took his place. Draveling is Ihe was erratic, and except for one!'
____In a name replete with forward A better defense than has marked'- too valuable a man to have on the or two games during the early part
Rain, and plenty of it greetedI passes, the Boilermakers took this , he hi'de fames o th ealie IForcedtmolaMihgn i bench, however, and last Sat urday'soflsyerhantasu dte
Michigan 's victorious football squad 'hard earned victory over the Hawk- part of the season was noticeable or Varsity team from niiexperi- oen In ;lineup found him at Auers
ysedyafternoon as the mien of j ,ves, and demonstrated that they! also, the cia coming when the 'ence, green players, many of tcki post against the Gophers. 'kicking burden,
ysedyhave to be given a consideration Phelan eos:;hed outfitr held the whom weelce p#'o m Whether o r Draveling s work at end this year
ipeopndterlswek f when it comes to the awarding of Ilaw key es for clowns on its 8-yarcd campus without previous gridiron r1 o t Draveling has been overshadowed by the
practice for the season's finale, ! the National gridiron title, line. Next Saturday's game with1 experience, Coaches Cuourtright and will develop into spooe o hth a a
against-,,Iowa, Saturday. GenHareoPru hlfbck Indiana will conclude the season eendeloda aci wchagdtcker-sp mr.Nwtatehshd
Despite the confidence gained as and leading ground gainer in the; for the undefeated Boilermakers, ended its schedunle in a blaze of 1ais t 0 b e I b hne tat the willeainth t
result of their excellent showing in1 Big Teni this season, was responsi- I and could result in a victory for glory. Victories ovr lbh two ; ma 'n instjmyb hth wl eanta o
the lair of the Gophers the Wol-! ble for the pass to Woener which, thema, even thioug~h the loosiers are (strongest ie ~ris i Ei' vi rl11a sition, possibly for next year as
verines are discounting much and resulted in the only touchdown of vastly improved. Collegiate ;Gzi recYrt^ni t tofhe vtwlraahermineno hi.
are looking forward to the Hawkeyre the game. Th is heave followed a 35- 'ii additiOon to the P urdue-Iowa l and Wbesern Sate Normal andial that he was able i much more iely, however, tnat
frywt! oordesii hihyr asththdbe'xeue n h ichga-linrnesota con-t winl from the Ohio State "E," teanm to win the berth' next season will fnd im back at
bodes no good for the Iowans. with the same two men as princ- ettwo other gamses were playedI show the metamnorphosis v hch'ie ove the oposi-sen departing Truoskowlln hetskis.f h
Coach Kipke sent the entire( pies only shortly before. Two line i ltl is F Ig en. Illinois, e now the reserves went through. a: ~ to fee y~___
qudtruhalong signal prac- plays that placed the pigskin on the ex-ehanpions of' the conferencehse v ScWnSIr. A'e,'Hyde
tice indoors in the Yost Field house Iowa 1 7-yard line vwere all that nmade a nvliant last stand at Chain- iEuaigtermr xeil
to open up the festivities. A prum- !came between the two passes. (Coiltinued on Page 11 ed brothers, thle Vanrsity, thne -.111 D r a v e ii ng l
ber of new plays were doled out to J -- - -- - - - 'gridc'ssatdtens~s~ na 3fV fV build just fits!
the gridders for use against the I- °° - --________ Lin5 sptausc ther easo in ahe posiron, hi
Haws n.Saurays ncontr.s ihedmot ie byVI5DIlM ou mnncrPeas sxfet neic tahesion, his
&nsiderably over an hour was 'ant Normal squiad. Ae inst\Wis- I ounds enabling him to stop the
spent running through these before ch M- l w n a coisin Coach~ Co urii7"; ls men1 strongest threats of opposing backs.
Trained Hoyt, who had his eye peel-Ij fared even worsie, losning by a 7-0' Drveling is a product of Port
ed at theachanes for practice ot _________________-__score._______ ______The_ ~~~icIlini, lplavnz agame Hulron, Mich., where he attended
,ofdoos ll ftrnon, dvsadanher wile the Vn~it in eams were dgh s r chol and won six letters.
exit into the rain which athsYI arLWan.inrygvlb *hscacegistbailting~ at Criiiaiii Iw:,nt :,'i eThree of these ca me in football,
time had diminished into the pro-; It has been ax tradition at Mvinne- Minnetat, and he maide good wh Woi\'rin s (ATiil lerl(zwihi a 4wo in baseball, awnd one in basket-
portions ofa drizzle. Poh,_bce yexeine, hta!Vegaw.20Ucut all. Football] ha s been the only I
N~ew pla s co tined to receive 1Go phrer fooballeteamecahnot ibe t l e 11~ ~
attention and after an half hour jMichigarP. Last Saturday was no ex- ' ail I(, r~ ' fleni didnt at heeI iai OWXC1'\,7W IiL \wt> ni- port in which le has engaged
out of doors *Kipke waved a weary ception, as the 7-6 triumph of the iP!UY Up: to the~ standard one sildi h qa n lcnx hl tMciahwvr
and stiff squad to the showers. Wolverines brought back to Gopiher Ur ight havec expected of them. opndent Oi aat ssnwd ny a ;junior on the campus, I We are sure gi
The Varity perormers ho saw rads reembranc of th last .lunder h17-outpasyewas Ypsilantincool8- 4.scDravelingrarwill bewi available fore ornext
athenarsMityeprorime wosaw gadsetMembrapoi nce1of 6the-last thi- ) orthe fiot payenth ls amoffh eao lsFears eleven. Startng as a diamond values. They are
acton t innaplissemedtobe am atMineaols i 120 e- ie "In:au frtheGfpirswpat-of Saturday the NMichi~an sonad di,- n the rough last season, he soon
in good condition. Steinke, Bovard, tween the ancient rivals, when, ee lr'naiilytowd the fillr wak- played all the smoothness and fight' Found a niche at an end post, of the opportuni
and Hewitt spent most of the after- Michi an won by the samn escor. c ldrpdy oad h of a Varsity ageaton ncl d(VI citeming' with Joe Truskowski, this cote atbgsv
noon on the sidelines and Howard I Although Minnesota annexed the , shoiaarng'the effects of the led Western State, 137. eniccatain.Startigioutrathe
Poe did not report for practice but 19271 encounter by a 13-7 decision, uniilaouI~~owia attle of' the 1 itsa v;l~ a yar' ctin.he topeing ot therm
in each case it is assured that these ( that has been the sole Gopher vi-'I peva:s week. Sears Ans fore- Oh aeupulay dinga .o h .B~1so nteoeigo h
regulars are merely taking .a lay- tory in the last 10 games between rd to wend many substitutes team coaches showed best in the aign, Draveing soon struck his( If you have no
off. he tw team. nto te fra, ashis rgular ; " ~ . t, sride Thdencarefulsn wbuildingselofanthe '-B"l0
anDucy Simrall whose punting! _. __iwre tihin munder the pounding Wol(fsrs coredr alol the-ir woinbut forming very capably at his-new hv w
sovlalqgis h ins-IMchgnsln undi'is hl.I(uarter when several Michgan subs by1 t, n w
tans seemed in good condition and best performance of the year. jwee i the linretu Micinian~ coin- -4 o 5 o
will be ready to enter into rigid 'Duhring' the second half the Wvol- woe Cemnbis certanly deserves a pletely outulatyed the teachrs. ~ ,V oA I ,

IMany Wisconsin Students Sec
Four Badger Harriers "die
for First Plaice.
With more than two thousand
students and varsity cheer-leaders
cheering them on to victory,, the
Wisconsin cross-country team d c-
featedi the Wolverine harriers.15-
52, in a dual meet held last Friday
This is the fifth consecutive wvin
for the Badgers, the, Wolverines,
having last won in 1923.
Four Wisconsin men tied for first
after leading most of the way along
the Lake Mendota, course. Twd',
more of the Badgers came in before
the first Wolverine, Austin, came
in seventh. D'Anna, showed great;
(Continued on Page 7)



ving the boys real
taking advantage
ity to buy good
At, convince your-
wrn at once. They
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practice today.
Bud Poorman, another veteran
.star, who appeared badly'shaken up
in -leading the defensive in stop-
- pinhg the driving potentialities of
Nagurski, Pha rmer, Riebeth, report-
ed to practice in good condition.
Tiny Al Dahlem, another Michigan
gridder who looked much the worse
for wear as a result of the batter-
ings of the Gophers, reported in
uniform and shows no ailments.
MADISON, Wis..- Intramural
football-real rough, tough stuff,
"Tackling 'n everything" for Uni-
versity of, Wisconsin students who
;lack the time or the beef demanded
of jvarsity and "B" team players,
will come into its own Saturday
when George Little, director of
Badger athletics, stages Wisconsin's
first intramural football day.

verine' forwards played havoc hand for the manner in which he !Morgan has been playi ng' a .sterlingI
L with Minnesota's attack, break- performed against the Gophers. He game all season for the junior Var-
ing- through to throw, the ball crashed %the Minnesota line for 33 s ity. Hie suffered a cracked yen-
{carriers before they got under' I yards ins 10 tries, and then threw tabrac during the third quarter of
Iway. The center trio of Poe, the pass to Wison that put Mich?-j this game. His absence was great-
Rovar d, and Steinke deserves 1gan in thne scoring position. B~ut ly felt for the remainder of the
!praise for the manner in which his crowning a1chievement was that struggle and hMich~igan was weaks-
it shattered the Gopher for- place kick for the extra point, enied considerably by his absence
I ward wall. Only two firstj when a great Wolverine' victory or ifo h etro h ie
downs were registered by Min-j merely a tile hung in the balance. With Coach Kipke keeping' to
nesota during that second half. This was no novel situation for him, ;squad of nearly thirty-five men onj
INo less than four games ini the past ! his Varsity list, the "B" team mienl-
'Diminutive Dor Wilson, Michi- two years have been won by thei tors had little to pick from when
gan's mignty m:-e, was the partic- I (Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 7)
ulair back who had the "Indian ?---- -__ ____
sign" on the Gophers. Although
only tipping the scale at 135 poundsI
"Red" went through the beefy Min- I y
nesota defense like a bullet for a /'
total of 61 yards in 18 attempts.
y!The flash from Jefferson, Iowa,'
1 was equally good on defense, bring-
ing down his bulky opponents with 1
deadly tackles. Wilson was one of
' the stars of the "B" team last sea- j
sson, but the Harvard contest was
1his first big Varsity g'ame: Dalemr~n


Tleam WI
Purdue....... ,...4
Illinois ......~...2
Ohio State .......2
Northwestern ....3
Inadiana ..........1
MICHIGAN ......1
Chicago .........1I
Wisconsin ........1




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