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November 13, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-13

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T w r m T r. N 'T r", A N A I L

,:ssa (Ec WWD r.t? ?Ir"'vf~ M lA

liv1d1aU ~ tt es of the aviator and the people; 0
evr onn y on the..ground are endangered. I ,Abo t Boo s usic A: nd Drama
durng he nivrsiy yar y te Bardin hisis especially true when large--_
Control'o Student Pblications. crowds are assembled, such as haveI
Member of Western Conference Editorial been present at Michigan's last two CRLOSS SECTION! TODAY: PaG ncr Christian, Uni-
Association. home games. More concentrated 01F AMEICA~IGN LIVE versitY organist, in recital at Hill
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled iuanibe obtaineRuwheand90,-nr audtoiubeginning prmplyat
to the use for republication of all news dis- bi cy cnb1btie he 0-Conti.utauditorRuthmd John pa.-mp
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited 000 persons react the salve s;4gns at } OSa :15 o'clock.
bn this paper and the local news published I:*
1ierein.th same time than if each of E. P. iDutton & Company, N. Y. C.
A.3 _ -these people must be reached imdi- Price $5.00ORGN.REIT1

Want Ads Pay

Entered at the posto. .cc at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
Bard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

-Telephone 4925

Editor..... ................(eoigc C;. Tlilley
P ity Editor ..l.'Perce Rosenberg
News Editor ...........(;eoigc E.Simxons
ports Fl(iorEdwad L.d Warner, Jr.
Womn' 0111(1 ., M.......~arjori e Follmer
I etlegi aph Editor ............( .a,.inA.Wilson
L ite~rary 1'ditsn.............ILawreince 1..Klein
As'sistant t. ty 'litor ......Robet tJ.Feldman

Ni' lt
Frantk R. triper
William C. Gentry
Charles R. Kaufman

Henry J. Merry
Robert V.Sloss
Walter W. Wilds

13ertram Askwith ltester iIMav
Ihelen Bare', David 4t. N ichol
Maxwell Bauter William Page
itl ary L. B~ehymuer }t oward 11. Peckhamn
Bienpaniiu1-1. llcreutsot II ugh Pierre
Allan H. Berkmnan Victor Rabiniowitz
S. Beach Conger John D). Reindel
TIhomtas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
John H. Dealer Joseph A. Russell
IIelen Doniiie Joseph RUNw itch
Margaret Eckel- Wi ltiaui P. Salzarulo
Katharine Fcrriit tChares R. 'prowl
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
S4heldon C . Fuller tou 3 ae 'hayer
Ruth I eddes £M1argaret Tlhomnpson
Gine ;lG~rinn11PVi lard VL 101obin
lack Goldsmith Flizabethi Valentinle
N~orris (Grovermlan Hiarald O. \Warren, .J
R~oss (Justin Charles. White
Margaret H arris ;. fLionel Willens
Tl~avid BIi.11emi'sf cad olnhn VWilloughby
Cllen Kenuedy Nathau Wise
.cnLv Barbara Wright
i.ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
D)orothy Magec
Teilephonp 21214

vidually.. From the advertiser's1 The catchwords of American civ- Palmer Christian, University or-
standpoint this situation is high-1 ilization~ have, ever since the con- , ganist, has arranged a particularly
ly desirable.! elusion of the World War, drawn I interesting program to be given
But the spectators at the games sundry and variou~s comment. Most Ithiis afternoon ini Hill auditorium.E
who feel that every minute may be! of it, from men like Sinclair Lewis!
their last, are not so well satisfied. and Charles Merz, has attempted! Mr. Christian is generally a very
They are entirely powerless to to potray the country in theE conscientious program-builder, be-
remedy their precarious position clutches of an artless and dallying ing careful that his recital each
and must trust to the aviator's middle-class immersed in o me- week contains one or more work: of
steady hand and an unusually runj lange of business, bustle, golf, and outstanding importance in organ
of good luck., liquor. Other opinion, like the literature. But his program this
For several years there has been quite intelligent outlook for Amer- ! week: is of unusual interest, con-
a law on Michigan's statute books ia uuera hog h oo cerning as it does the "Passacag
prohibiting flying lower than 1,500 coeo t ieaueb ei
feetaboe te goun whre anyMichaud, presages an enlighten- lia and Fugue" by Bach.
peopl areassebled Jus rec ntl ent and culture that will know i Probably no single work for the
a federal statute was passed mak- no bounds,.'organ displays to better advantage
ing this height 1,000 feet and thus To John and Ruth Vassos Amer-I that instrument's claim to the cap-
overulng he tat la. ca means Electricity. Advertisinig,I tion "Kling of Instruments." 11n this
The Department of Commerce in Skyscapers, Subways, Prohibition, composition Bach gives lavishly ofI
Detoil hs senthenee (or hdJews, Traffic, Radio, Department his admiration for the instrument
first time, to our knowledge) of en- Stores, Psychology, Markets, Avia- I of which he himself was a master
foringthi la. Oe plothasbee *ion~, Resorting, Sports, Cinema,! performer, and expresses through
agrougtisw nde o e piday s beenof'Washington, Tabloids, Religioni, his technique of writing ideas
gronde fo te das bcaue o ;Subdivisions, Science, and Modern which had hitherto been deemed -
an infraction of the altitude ruling Art. They fabricate their work unutbefrtatisrmn..-
an h we-ndo heOi-with~ illustrations and accompany-, "The Passaglia and Fugue" j
Michgangame whle everl csesing proses etchcs, both designed toj stands as the apex of Bach's writ-
of, an even more serious nature arec express "the staccato rhythm al - ing for the instrument; it is played
now before the commission because 1 ilost like a riveting machine thatI by only a few concert organists notI
of unlawful flying over the sty drum; exists nowhere else in the world", only because of its dirnecusty but
last Saturday. which is the American Tempo. because it demands an organ of
If the punishment meted the one America, Mr. Vassos is sure, has I outstanding capacity for its perfor-
pilot now grounded is not enough1 shaken free from the shackles of1 mance.
to discourage others from repeating 'the Victorian lackadaisy, anld itsj Recently the "Passeaglia and
the offense, the penalties will have road to glory is illumined by such Fugue" has been brought to the ait-
to be increascd either by imposing1 torch-bearers as Manin, George telltionof rceta auens
fines on the offender or by totally G ershwin, Sherwood Anderson. andthog itbrlantascpin
rescinding his license.! Robinson Jeffers. Quite obviously; by Leopold Stowkowski and its per- (..
r--0o - Vassos believes that Anderson and -forznane by the Philadelphia un-
Gershwin represent contemporary der his direction. Onl the occasion I
American spirit, for there Is a force of Mr. Stowkowskifs visit to the De-
Camnpus O..pinion f p agau desperation ini all his cre- t' ylpoyOrhsr 1s er
Contributors are asked to he brief,; ationl)S i r. Vassos still carries the dir. Christian was invited to assist
S confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous corn- I55.1110faulnt noticeable in his illus- at the performance of tiis Ivork.
inunications will be disregarded. Tbhe I ta~igo oueo sa id o'ta i aiirt n on
names of communicants will, however, tatgofavlm ofOcrWle othtisfmirtyndo-
S be regarded as conidential, upon re- p)oemns. His figures' extremities are prehlenion0 of the comlposition
S quest. Letters published should nt be fatostbyalstukdetohudbeusa.
r construed as exare~ing the editorial frtosubams'bly u osol euuul
e opinion of the Daily.' his insistenlce on forshortening an Mr. Christian's comajplete programz
-°.~---- extended limb. followvs:
To the editor: For the most part, however, the f{ni k'

Rain wear
%~V YEWS Froa Brand Slickers havce Waft-
lish M RI l~iareput~at(ilon onthe comps ts
among well Idrc,,'wd rco rmn and womrna
..hetre rains garntentI~of good appearance as
,elas long life are "~senial.
:w-y er Alicke are all igood-look.ing. roarMy,
wellI-rut garmsets. guaranteed to keep }ott
absolu~tely dry and wsrn and are to be had
liurd or unlined. b~uttons or clasps as }vil
prerfer. to a wide vaiet of stirs% for every
ipurpttf. !our ch-oce ofcolor.. $4haps eret ?
swlhere tarry them.
5.r '~ . N. V chrao. IM. S+. I1,--n.. r.ANt. 5Ter.'


I. . Thisr lot + f
IE o0 n e r ac k of dresses offers won--
I SP=A dresses -s ty l es derfu buys to .your._
- SPCA . sood- l h hyaeall new-
1= A fine assortmnent of-'all serials. for this special
- linen handkerchiefs -of- eln.s
14fered at this sale for- Y/2 Price "-ison
4 for $1.00 thne-
and Rubley Shop
5.for $1.0.0 NICKEL'S ARCADE _


- - --

H-ave You a House?

1 .



Use Classified Advertising
ffice: Press Bldg. on Maynard
Phone 2-1214




II 1

Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ........... ...HIollister AMabley
Advertising.,........... Kasper It. Halverson
Advertising............. Sherwood A. Upton
Service ...................George A. Sp>ater
Circulation .................J. \ ernor [)avis
Accounts.............. .....John R. Rose
Publicationis.................(eorge Hamiltun

Perymanent Wave......$5.00
Finger Wave and Shampoo. $I.00
Marcel and .Shampoo......$L.00
Manicure - - .--.50
Openi Evenings Call 21478
625 E. Liberty Street
Upstairs over Flower Shop


tamn apel Luisa IneLue t has been but two years since I nltiolO . and sweep olf inlsUEaLV*ii'
Jame B. art rigt Thmas£41 irI are excellent, especially, that of the
Robert Crawford George Patterson tabftthoiUnveriewsphanipefrn,_whlerein lie
Marry B. Culver Cbarles Sanftord 1 reputation), where I spent most oftalodIewpaer
Thomas M. Davis Lee Slayton I - catches thme tunein rlo
Normran Eliezer Robert Sutton i lmy tille workieng as a Daily ,editor thnern rl o
Doalde 1-Toffe Pogerpl.Thran ier protary, hi'4m speed press with its
JaesDonaldewig Joerh.Vats hRier and newspaper correspondent.
Norris Johnson Roubert Williamson Thus, as you must necessarily ai. the-Ioe olr o h ik
Charles Kline William R. Worboys tiiae 1evrosdvlpet Ite, and green tabloid papers.
Marvin Kohacker ti whe tevrou eelpet
-- ~of the University of Michigan - There is a lovely curvature inl it
Laura Codling Alice Mctully bodcs a adoIy vryn that neatly symbolizes his idea.
Bernice Glaser S A i lu iller bodata admb vroeI Thepar agraph word-sketchies by
Ho)rtense Gooding lHelen E. TMusselwltite WhVIo had the slightest inkling of i ah i
Anna Goldberg 1:leaior 1V 311 inshaw onhvepovn iRuth Vasso~s acconipany ec l
I)rte aenai Iwhat wasrgoiln hvepovnto
________ - - ----- ----f-fe time greatest surprise. It seems ,1t'.iol h uroe spoe
Night Editor---WAV.TE R WILDS # that The Michigani Daily, as well as ito eAteid te syinbolisni or sug-
___---- -I e i Im de I he da in . I
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1929 the Michigan student body, has gsIonm~d ntm rwn.I
slwybtsrl-ece htpr the reverse order is the case, it is'
ticularly low level of anl easternapiyfo th odrisn f
______college.. Joln's drawings is cleaner-cut and
STIIGFRADIndeed, heaving failed t~o develop than ~~st~et the sbetmt
ST RIIN FOWAD a football teamn that can even meerit ter,~ for all its miodernismn, ta h
It would seemn that thme Student I notice, and failing furthermore to rather forced tomn-tom prose of his
produce anything that may cause p~artner, who, after all, only affects
council, that muc-h-malignied po- arpouto ftecneprr
litcalbatleroud, s t lst e-the public to oawakenand realizeiapureprodut in hrofe ontmoar
litca batlgromi. i a lat e-the existence of te once famned ipulseetab e posetlthnbVsso
ginning to conceive itself as some- University of Michigan, thrtdn ti ertal htteVso
thing more than an honorary in- body (ABLY SUPPORTED BY THE'' twain have merely skimmed the
stitution invested with certain rou- DAILY)1 has attempted to gall ufac)o American life and pie-
tinedutes. lrol astat ofLu-recogniitionl through a s'eries of Fi)- ituned the brusqiue and harshcx
tine utie. Frm distat of u- gI terior,. Modern literature is oit-
tility amnd enervation that reached1 torious articles on drinking-boui~,tes. Sine-snt eldoe-n
limax l'st i' te 1 hasfirst class gentlemen booticggcr"s, Itd cec sntwl oe n
acialatyer,th counci hs and all else morally degrading. botli the prose bit 'and the drawing
about-faced under new manage- I motaB hrtesIto romanticize it almost to extr'eme.
ment and earnestly entered upon ,dcto sasgmn ftecr
the task of miakinag itself a power- could recall several parti ~ (0ta is liis ilig.Goemnti
ful and respected campus organii- acl ihntelmiain fteT another. Seemingly the Vassos are
that at that time the studenst bd timrists who hold that nothfng in
The first idcto of the coUon- stood for principle in this regard.
cil's changed attitude toward itself I 1 .to eann life is more deep-sea-tedI
Cr~e nani MIHIGN ws rot o lor important than advertising and
and the campus was its handling of I be defamed at any cost. And '.leetelmElcin l h pe he Dal atclrysodisg'i~elL .K
classes without a single recount, re- 'in the light for .reputation. L..K
election, or suspicion of crooked
dealing. This was not due to acci- Unfortunately, all tli i seemis to: MODER.N LIBRARY
dent or a dying out of party feel- have passed in the background. I NOVEMBER ADDITI1ONS
fig. It was the result of a sincere The Daily barely takes cognizance Striding imnto a domestic field too
effort on the part of lee couzncil of the fact that a horrible repot-.- I little touched in our contemporaryI
to lift itself above petty partisan- tion is beimng made. Still further,! anthologies, the Modern Library
ship and appear in its true func- the administration seems to have has added Ani Anthology of Amen-
tion. of representing the entire stu- host one of its few virtues-that ofI ican Negro Literature to its already
dent body, dictating to correspondents for fine bouquet of classics. The Vol-I
Since time elections the council jmletropolitan newspapers a fewNv ne contains short stories, dramas,
has been busy securing to itself the ikionciad rules about what stories novels, essays, and sociological re-
control of all class functionis, ill- may, and ma. ny not, leave thme realim search work dlonee by Negro literari
eluding the filial approva l of class of tihe University.; and scholars.
dance budgets, and the exercise of I do not mean to comiplain. Yet,. 't'he second additiont is ratiher a
original jurisdiction in :student dis- Ito walk down the street of Eal aye- L aded blossom i, being Hernmann Su-
ciplinary matters. By these acts it rage city proud of the fact thatI I cerman's ponderous novel, The
seems, to us that the council has graduated from the University of Songs of Songs.I
abundantly proved its ,serious pur- Mich igani now stannps nin as a I L.t.
pose, its ability, and its- right to; lunatic. Ludicious, to be sure. Bu-! t: ' 5
i I tit
govern the student body. to be constantly hailed as one of ii "The Meaning of Culture,"
We are eicouraged by time for-I the brandy boys- and to gainie John Cowper Powys lays clown this,
ward stridesN it has already made recognitmion only as a chamepion or defiiuto of culture:I
this fall, and hope to see it becomeI anti-Volsteadisin-is hardly a el Culture does not take uip anyI
more and more time chief nerve- -ing worthy of commendation.. dot natic attitude with regard to:
center of thme student body. We I hate to coendenin; yet 1 caItiott the e ii:;tence, or the non-existence,
hoet e tbul psc ep-cnoeteDal oiy f (od or' of time gods. It recog-
hoetIsei bidupsc arp- odneteDal olc. ~-irrational lhopes anid fears.
tation for integrity and honest re- It is well nigh tides that 1The ;It takes accouint of many rumnors
presentation that its pronounice- 1 Dily policy assert Itself and plaiCc to assn itdo nn
ments will be accepted as final bothealittie pressure upon general coin-tmecd a.o
by lie' sudet bdy nd y tne oices had nsolitary places, o
bytesuetbd n ytePus activities. The Un i ersity of I ntyre-lsovrtagew-
Unjiversity's administration.1 Michigan m-1ay not be dead or dy- ~ eefblsoesrneW
0 butI'1 arIt _.-rt allows sfor queer secoznd-
1-g-rme wt 110 _*Voiit and for startling, nys er -

Prelude to Lolicligr hi . .... Wagnmer 1..
Caprice Heroique ......... Bonnet
Up tihe Saguenay.......... Russell
Pejnsec d'Autolnn~c........ .Jongen
Aln Autumn Sketch....... Erewer
Ave ]Maria ........ .... ...Reger
Passeaglia in C Minor ....... Bachi
The introduction of theieEghiit
Singers to the Chfloral Union Series I
this year provides anm interesting di-
version fromtile ordimnary ,schedule,
for borth their offering and their'
presenitation are unique. These
nusicias first began to work to-
gether a, dozen years ago with but
little idea of the wide acceptance'
they were to receive. They attract-
ed much attention in London with I
their frequent informal appear- I
ances and soon were' in demand
throughout Great Britain. Finally,
tours on time continent were ar-
ranged and insistent demands
brought their to America, which i
always eschews novelty. They left
a pronounced favorablei inpression C
on their first appearance mnA Anm
Arbor and their return this year
shmould be popular.
Thmey have arranged an itinierary{
thits year that shiould rival the ever-
wandering, Pacewski's. They
stop in New York for several con-
certs. On their way he-re, they
take part in time Toronlto Festival,
one of the most important musical
events of the year held at thse
sumnptuous Royal York Hotel. De-
cemnber they will ,spend on the 'Pa-;
cific Coast. January they sail for
a ten-weeks' tour of the- Orient,
visiting China, Japan, the Straights
Settlemecnts, Burma, Ceylon, India
and the Philippine Islands, return-I
ing to London in May.
'Their programs arc unusually
varied, including inadrigals, bal-
lets, canzoncts of the ElizabethanI
period, Italian and Spanish street
cries, folk ,songs, modern English
and French part songs. Tlheir par-
ticular field of specializatiomn, how-
ever,, is the music of the colorful {
days of Queen Elizlabeth. Their
developnnmemt of unacconlpanle(I en-
semble singig is eomiprelhenstive
andi complete and leaves theln
Iwith(out rivals in this interesting
l by-way of musical art. 'Their man-
ianer of presentation is unusual, too.;
IThmey strive for interesting pictorial
effects. Tlhey sit upon the concert
platform" . around a table, just as
though,, they had finished an elab-
orate menu and~ were in a happvy
frame of ninld. Suddenly one of
them bursts out in svono' and grad-
ually themes~t j llnhlnuntil gradu-
ally with delightful informaity a
Imusical prrogranm is evolved. Mr.

drizzle . .

aa a- .a a....a ad : :..~~ a . ...1


IT's bound to rain sometimes,
even in the best regulated cli-
mates. But don't let that make
any party of yours a fizzle.
A Fish Brand Slicker is a
fomfortable, chummy sort of
garment that makes good
times possible regardless of
storms and showers.
You car. buy a genuine Fish
Brand Slicker almost an7-
where for the price of a couple
of theatre tickets. A. J. Tower
Company, Boston, Mass.
r WFi

Gordon . V-Jine and. Gordon Narrow IHeel are accessories of dis-
tinction-the, unfailing choice of the woman who knows.
There are artistic reasons for their style.
for the V-Line was designed by a fatuous artist to enhlance the
beauty of the ankle. by stressing the natural shadow.s. It is t r~acefrd An
feminine, the perfect choice for the afternoon or evenmn frock. $2.00.
The Narrow Hjeel, with its trint, smart line is umtch better adaptedJ
to the modern silhouette thana the unnecessary width of the old s~quare
heel. $1.50.
Both designs are available ih chiffon for afternoon atnd evenig,
and sheer service weight for street a.nd morning wear.
I- losiery Section---First £'1.; r



a 2 SUI1 ANSlRfi IL~ElIN.47
'Subscribe To The Daily



IMj -T11


The English inigers

Flora Mann
Nellie Caron
L-lliaw Bergr

Cuthbert Kelly
/Norman Stone
Norman Notley

THE ENGLISI-1 StNGERS5 gather around a table (thus
reviving the custoins of Queen Eliz~abeth's England), and
wvithout the slightest riretaaration or ceremony, pour frozem their
throats the gay, ligfit-hearted Folk Songs, Madrig;As and
Carols of those h~siy 'lays that tnade the crit11try faimous
throughout the world as "Merrie England."
Hill Au dijtontim, rn,esda Evening
r 1 4 f o r I1 a

II I ~


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