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November 13, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-13

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THE M iviC _:GAN ,



N 1823 'TANAGER' 'Paderewski Celebrates Birthday
EXPrATIN'r PR iu" 1

Forty Members Attend S. C A. to Sponsor
Chemistry Convention
Opeing of Campus

Speech Will be Given Thursday
Afternoon on Federal I
Bird Preserve.

in Lausanne, Switzertand
After Illness,


Forty members, representing 15
olleges, attended the fall meeting
f the Michigan College Chemistry
eachers association which was
eld in Ann Arbor Saturday. As a
art of the morning program, Dr.
. L. Ferguson of the chemistry
epartment read a paper on "Ele -
rochemistry at the University of
'fichigan," and Dr. R. K. McAlpine
f the chemistry department led a
iscussion on "The formulation{
nd explanation of reactions."
The group attended the Harvard-
'ichigan game following a lunch-
on served by members of the
hemistry staff.

H-i- Y O+rganization
Believeing that need exists for
the formation of a Hi-Y group on
the Michigan campus. the Student
Christian association is sponsoring
a meeting for those interested this
evening at 7:30 o'clock in the audi-
torium of Lane Hall.
Although a meeting was schedul-
ed for last Tuesday evening a con-
flict with freshmen group meetings
made postponement necessary. At
the meeting this evening, a discus-
sion dealing with the probable or-
ganization of such a group will be

NOTED ORINTHOLOGIST Charles . Sink, president of the a
ceived the following communication
.e Cture Has Made Research ,from the party of Ignace Paderew-e
Into Migrations of ski, yesterday, relative to the pian- ' c
ist's program January 8 on the
Fossic Birds. Choral Union series: j
Lausanne, Switzerland, Nov. 6.-
Dr. Alexander etmoe,aitd State- "Ignace Ian Paderewski, acknow-
ant secretary oe in. Ston Asociate Pi ess Photo edges as the world's greatest pian-'
Na;tional museum i Washington 'its, celebrated his sixty-inth birth- '
d 1929 esident of the American General Charles G. Dawes, ambassador to Great Britain and Secre- isn
an 199peieto;h mrcniday here today, recuperating from
Orinthologist Union, will deliver a tary of State Henry L. Stimson discuss the coming naval arms con-,p an illness."
lecture, illustrated by his own mo- ference during Ambassador Dawes' recent visit to Washington.w
tion pictures, at 4:15 o'clock on: Much of their discussion -may be conjectured from the content of According to all reports the mu- d
Thursday afternoon in Natural President Hoover's Armistice Day speech on the limitation of arma- sician, who has also been a soldiert
Science auditorium. The lecture will' ments to. the lowest possible parity. and a statesman, is making a I
cne th12"Tae"xdi-_________ _miracIlous'recovery from an oper- , sn( 1(ed Fes'Ichto
Hawaii wh er xd ation for appendictis, followed byo
tion to Hawa9 wheretHiegovern- HISTORY FELLOWSHIP TO PROVIDE phebitis in the leg. flLieutenant Commaner E. H.r
meal sew-boird preserve is located'. mtcos ~ad ffcr n h
SOne of the foremost authorities OPPORTUNITY FOR WORLD VOYAGE Paderewski was born in Pololia, Smith, coast guard officer, and the,
.n .the country on' bird migration, "-__Poland and rose to fame in his own Navy's iceberg expert, will make the U
an living and fossilic birds, Dr.jDr. James L. Lough, founder and Students on the second semester country not so much as a musician, northpole trip which is being con- 1
Wetmore's films of the Hawaiian president of the student cruise or- i voyage will leave December 28 from but as an army leader and Premier. I templated by the Navy next spring. .a
trip were shown to a recent reet- ganization, has announced a fel- New York City. Proceeding to Eng- It was he who fostered Poland's The trip will be made with the Graf
ing of the Orinthologists Union and lowship in history to provide an lad and crossing Europe to Naples, freedom from Russia and the es- Zeppelin
they created such a favorable im- I earnest student the opportunity they join the first semester stu_ tabl:shment of the republic. He is E
pression that even the hardened ;to supplement his studies with su- 'dents who have been studying the almost an exile from his country
scientists assembled at the conven- pervised visits to many historical old world towns. The combined today for he disagrees with Po- MA TTHEWS WILL I
tion used superlatives in describing places by means of a second semes- I party then sails for a three months land's present leaders. PEAK T HURSDAYs
them. According to Frederick M. ter voyage on the third University cruise through the Eastern Medi- The musician began his musical S
Gaige, assistant director of the World Cruise. The award includes terranean and the Orient, return- ,training at the age of 3, but did not - -~ e
Muesui oif Zoology, the pictures 'all transportation, tuition, meals, ing to New York, April 17, 1930. make his first public appearance in Cincinnati Professor to Discuss a
af'r of interest both to the scienti- j field trips, and sightseeing aboard Full information regarding this Vienna until he was 27. After the! Nerve Imulse Research. d
fic mind and to those who should the Cunard ship "Letitia." fellowship has been sent to the De- first performance he followed a
mr erely want to be entertained. Dr. Candidates, which include sen- partment of History by the Univer- camparatively easy path to fame, . b T Mt shC
Wetmore' received his A. B. from ors, graduate students, and fac- sity Travel Association. The faculty which included a debut in New
the University of Kansas and his ulty members, will be 'judged on of the third world cruise includes York in 1891. Since that time lhe University of Cincinnati will ad-
VIV. S. and his PhD from George their scholastic records, recommen- Dean C. G. Maphis of Virginia uni- has made 13 tours of the Unitedl dress the meeting of the local sec-
W'dshington Universify. He has dations from university officials,(versity, Dean W. H. Crawshaw of States. tion of the American Chemical so-'
rrae excursions all over the world personality, and ability to benefit Colgate, Dean NI. B. Housel of Law- Paderewski is not a rich man, for Iciety at 4:15 o'clock Thursday af-
ionce'ning his scientific pursuit. from the educational opportuni- rence college, Professors Rive of a large part of the fees he has re- ternoon in room 151 Chemistry1
The lecture will be of special in- ties afforded by the cruise. Appli- Yale, Lichtenberger of Pennsyl- ceived in the capitols of the world ibh
teest to students of zoology and 'cations will be received until No- vania, Swiggett of Georgetown and have been appropriated to the alle- building. Dr. Mathews will speak
biology at the university, for the vember 30. other prominent teachers. viation of the plight of the Polish on "Some Recent Work in the
fims, of which 2,000 feet will be i-;- war veterans and for other char- Chemistry and Physics of Nerve
show'n, are some of the best ever ! D b;some future generation inevitably itable purposes. Impulse ai
te~i of birds in their nativeI escr s will. The program by Paderewski has Dr. Matthews is professor of bio-
hauits. Among the interesting m- C,' While he is a maker of machines, been postponed to January 8 be- chemistry in the school of medi-
cidents connected with the Hawai- H umanal s .S SaVe5
iprservnewhich will bhe dHsri- Henry Ford is hailed by Mr. Deep- cause of the change in his Ameri- ine at the Universit
ing as "one of the world's libera- can tour.ht
ed au account of the method of (Special to The a) rs." He is a"preacher of serv-nati and is one of the foremost
patrolling the islands for poachers Warwick Deeping, author of toes' He isg n a a mee bio-ch emists in the country. He is
and hunters will probably create no the best seller, "Sorrell and Son," ic. He has given an a mh 'e, rdue A waits Large the author of what is regarded by
little intetest. These bird sanctu- says the most crucial problem con- sage." CYowd fOr Iowa Test members of the University faculty
aries have been made necessary by fronting modern yothe t involves the heuestion."ISthere.asbeing the most authoratative text
th2e rapid decrease in specie in cr- dangr of~ur beomin;"medin Oneasks he qustion."Is hereon bio-chemistry in the English;
',ain localities, of which the Pacific ized slaves of the machine." "The any figure of the age that symbol- I l anguagete. Pre-y
famous English writer, recognized izes the mingling of the artist and LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 12.-A anguage.,
group a e aiing the most notable. as a foremost authority on youth, the mechanic?" And into one's sell-out- crowd of more than 20,000 Dr. Matthews has been interest-
H"unters,manufacturing establish- declares masses of men fail to real- field of mental vision rises the fig-j spectators will watch the struggle! ed in the study of the mechanism
nents using these birds for ferti- ize to what degree we are slaves of I ure of Lindbergh. And what a fig-) between Purdue and Iowa Satur- (of coagulation of the blood and in
lizer, natives who seek the eggs the machine already. There is to- ure! There is something of the day, in which Purdue's chance of a the chemistry of the central ner-
and flesh as food have all contri- day too great speed "iI rushing Bayard in it of Columbus, of Ulys- Western conference football cham- vous system, and it is with this last
buted to the steady decline in the from nowhere to nowhere," with a ses. It is winged youth, splendid pionship will be in the balance. phase of his work that this talk
numbers of the birds within the tendency on part of youth to make and brave and chivalrous. It is no The last of the reserved seats has will deal.
preserve and made necessary the its hero of the speed-king, man of! mere accessory attached to the ma- been sold, leaving only a few thou-
government action. big business and super-mechanic. chine. We think of Lindbergh the sand general admissions, the saleuI
Are we to become machine-men, man, flying, not of the machine. of which opened today.
Martha Colby Delivers creatures of speed and of the ci---_- .
nema, "as alike as the carsupon'
eCtures in ermany the road?" Are we to have the 112. South University One Half Block East of Campus Phone 4191
machine "as our god and tyrant, or
Prof. Mvlartha G. Colby, of the the soul of man?" Will the young MICHIGAN BANNERS We Call for
Psychology department, absent on men of today be content to become
leave for one year, recently deliver- half-skilled "hands" in a mechan- Pennants, Jewelry, and Memory Books and Deliver
also 1[2 Ielvr,.
ed lectures in German at the Uni- ized world? "Or shall we rebel n alS
versity of Innsbruck and at the Uni- against a mass production cul- a Seal Stationery
versity of Prague. The subject of ture?" Mr. Deeping expresses his
Professor Colby's lectures was conviction that youth will revolt. -
"Child Psychology."!If the present generation doesn'tIN e w Pr c
A Good Detroit 3TUDEN;h-.rYLI !'IJKE Standard i
..o:.e l .....::":::..."._ .....
Right dowvntownclose to all D
o IDetroit's activities w ith a
.c0)h-like atmosphere. Best

1fficial Discharged Atthough the Hi-Y groups,
branches of the Young Men's Chris-
for Jailing hii dren tian asociation, have been hereto-

{I Assi'\M eCiated Pre~ss)
MEXICO CITY, Nov. 12-Charged
with having jailed.300 school chil-
ren because they refused to par-
icipate in a parade he had organ-
zed, the mayor of Canatlan, Du-
ango, has been discharged from
ifice by order of Gov. Terrones Be-
Police, reportedly acting under
istructions from the mayor,
arched the children fromtaCan-
tian primary school to the city
ail, where they were held until
ey paid a fine.
( tBy Associated Prss
CARIO, Egypt, No. 12-The ob-
ervatory at Helouan today record-
d a fairly heavy local earthquake
t 9:38 a. m., with the source of the
isturbance estimated at some 470
Hiles away. The shock was felt in

fore largely confined to high
schools throughout the country,
numerous colleges have lately start-
ed local clubs. In an effort to dis-
cover the amount of sentiment fa-
voring the establishrhent of such
+a group at Michigap', letters were
sent out to students who were affi-
liated with this organization in
high school.
(1 i"A"ifoeiated Prefix)
CHICAGO Nov. 12. - Mayor
Thompson'es election slogan was
'" Throw away your hammer and
get a horn." Sunday a fellow threw
away his hammer - threw it
through a store window-and got
two horns.
The window was in Harry Brooks'
music shop on South Wabash ave-
nue. The horns the got were saxo-



Everything Musical
Want. We Have It


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of' all-the rates are low.
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Wiliam C,. Lee, Manager
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One Tie Cleaned with
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HT1-CIS new Fada is complete, convenient, 'compact
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S " All the glamour and thrill of visiting
strange lands, seeing strange people
and studying at first hand their art, literature and nation-
al customs. Deck sports, gymnasium, swimming pools,
interesting social programs and dancing for recreational
hours aboard slip.
The "Letitia " sails with a complete
college faculty, headed by DeanCharles
G. Maphis, Director of the Institute of Public Affairs,
University of Virginia. Mary B. Housel, Ph.D., will be
dean of women. A wide variety of college courses is avail-
able to all who desire academic credit. Also special courses
in world markets and foreign trade.
The world becomes your classroom.
A broader outlook, understanding and
appreciation of international events will be of inestimable
value in later business and social life.
The cruise sails from New York De-
cember 28th, under experienced busi-




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