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November 13, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-13

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Dr. Gordon to Conduct]]
L d~dFish Genetic Survey
1 Myron Gordon, PhD. f Cornell
University, has taken a permnanent
j residence in room 1033 of the Uni-,
versity Museums building for the.
jpurpose 01 research study in fish
IN ITgenetics under Dr. CaaI,. _ubbs,;
- -- - curator of the divisiaxn of fishes at'
Unfolds Ideals of New Vision the Ann Arbor buicling. Dr. Gor-
of Diplomacy Between kdon':study will last tover twu
' i months, during whichz time he in3-
NTations of Wor.Id. . tends to c(ompletejthe gathering of!
---- information concerning Mexican
URGES NAVY REDUCTION fish from such institutions as the
___,Field museum in Chicago and th
Rediction in Armament Cannot Harvard museum.,
Dr. Gordon has won his B.S.,
e Too Low tO Sit the M.S., and PhD. degrees from Cor-
United States!' nell, specializing in the study of
fish breeding and genetics. Undter
(Jly Associated Press> IfDr. Hubbs he intends to supplement
WASHINGTON, Nov.- 12.-Presi- work at the eastern university by
dent Hoover apprised the world information available at Michigan.,
Monday night that reduction in Although no definite plans haveI
armament coului not be too low to been tabulated, a field trip to the
suit the United States. fishing grounds. of Mexico is being
"We will reduce our naval contemplated by Dr. Gordon in the
strength in proportion to any future. At present he is working
other," he asserted in an Armistice under the National Research fel-
day address. "Having said that it lowship, one of the Rockefeller do-
only remains for the others to say nations.(
^ h ct lnr fhn ill I t oa t l.i --


T hosands See Opening I' Tihil fl
of Bridge Celebration IM d IVIIU UUU L
DETROIT, Nov. 12- merican
and Canadian officials and hun---
dreds of tihousands of citizens on Etrasmus and Humanists' to 1i
bol #i sides: of the Droi t jiver par- 9 Ujqsed for General
ticipated Monday ir the edica- Ibo"y.
tion of the new Ambassador bridg
between Dctroit andth Canadian (SALE TO BEGIN SHORTLY
Cities. ' The ceremon 3ty whichj
recognized the settinti up lf an- As a result (if y yar's study in
other physical link across the iin Europe completed last. August,, Prof.
ternational boundary was perforn- Albert Hyman of the Department,
ed as part of thle Armistice day of l istory yesterday announced the
celebration of the cities, completion of two books, "Erasmnus
Armistice day parades in both and the Humanist" and "The Youth
Detroit and Windsor wVere r#;Out d (If Erasmus," both of which will be
so as to termiate at the approach- on sale next month. Crofts is pre-
es to the bridge. T'hee Mrs. Joseph paring the first book for Elhe press,
A. Bower, wife of the bridge's while the latter will be published
sponsor; Mrs. J. W. Austin, wife .bythe University Press.
of Bower's assistant; Mrs. J. Fo- ras ndthe Humanist,"
zard, wife of the bridge engineer, ' according to Professor Hiym, will
and Mrs. C. P. McTague, wife of be a source book of 100 pages, to
the Canadian attorn'y for the be used for general history courses.
bridge company, advanced to the Yale University has already ordered
center of the span and cut a serie several hundred copies to be used
._..____, _ ____ , .._.. _.,ser ~Iies the compulsory Freshman his-.

now low t eiy wll ;o. 1L Caiin Il.,
:, be too low for us."

As another contribution to the
ultimate peace of the world he pro-
posed that food ships should be
made free of any interference in
times of war.
"The time has come when we
should remove starvation of women
and children from the weapons of
warfare," he said, adding that he
put forward the proposition of
treating food ships as hospital
craft as a practical step in the so-
lution of a large part of the age-old
controversy of freedom of the seas.
fJfrs aPreventive


l11f~ r1CG'iVY4. .Y
"It would act as a preventive as
well as a limitation of war," he!
said. "I offer it only for the con-
sideration of the world. I have not
made it a governmental proposi-
tion to any nation and do not do so
now. -
"This is not a proposition for the
forthcoming naval conference, as
that session is for a. definite pur-
pose and this proposal will not be
injected into it."
Speaking at City auditorium un-
.- der auspices of the American
Legion and to an audience made
up largely of men who fought an
the World war, the president un-
folded his ideals of a new vision of
diplomacy in the world.
Peace Is Dynamic Duly.
Declaring that to maintain peace
is as dynamic in its requirements
as is the conduct of war, Mr. Hoo-
ver said progress toward peace
could be attained only throughI
realistic practical daily conduct'
amongst nations.
"Men of good will throughout
the world are working earnestly
- and honestly to perfect the equip-
ment of preparedness for peace,"
he added. "But there is something
high above and infinitely more
powerful than the work of all am-
bassadors and ministers, something
far more powerful than treaties
and the machinery of arbitration
and conciliation and judicial de-
cision, something more mighty
than armies and navies in defense.
"That is to build the spirit of
good will and friendliness, to create
respect and confidence, to stimu-
,late esteem between peoples-this
is the far greatest guaranty of
peace. In that atmosphere, allr
controversies become but passingI
incidents of the day."
It comes to those who are strong
but who use their strength not in
arrogance or injustice. It is
through these means that we es-
tablish the sincerity, the justice,
and the dignity of a great people.
That is a new vision of diplomacy
that is drawing in the world.
"The colossal power of the Unit-
ed States overshadows scores of
freedom-loving nations. Their re-
Tense against us is a moral de-
fense. To give to them confidence
. that with the high moral sense of
theAmerican people this defense is
more powerful than all armies or
navies, is a sacred duty which lies
upon us."

__'of white ribbons emlemtcof e tory course. Professor Hyma states
'"' - . Asociated Press Photo last barirer. - that his second volume, "The Youth
ollowin the cuttig of the rib-l of Erasmus,"'will be a 350 page
TPThis newly developed Robot pilot horizontal and vertical gyroscope, development of effective flying un- F boos tete was a spontaneous rush historical biography. Awarded a
was enthtusiastically received fol- measures 14 by 14 by 10 inches and der conditions of weather and alti- ons thereows ao nteo rh histori bioah A rdesa
. ' yY ittudle which would make human of spectators to the center of the Guggenheim scholarship, Professor
Ilowing its recent test, when the tri- can be carried under the pilot's .cntro imposble k o bridge which ended only at the Hyma spent an entire year in Eu-
motored plane shown above, was seat with great economy of space tend to mimize the dangers of the gates marking the international rope, under the scholarship, to pre-
flown most of the way from Cleve- over former experimental machin- air, increasing the efficiency of boundary. __this companion work.
Games Expected to Draw Close land to Washington without at- cry. night flying, and long cruises, both 'Speakers at the dedication in-
to Half Million by End tention from the pilot. The perfection ,of the device is of which have proved great short- Icluded Gov. Fred Green, represent- Chemical Engineering
of The Robot device, consisting of a expected to aid tremendously in the comings of ordinary travel. ing the United States. Gov. Green sI -dets Hold Dinner
I fSeason~ _ . ___ _ ___ __ _____--'alled attention to the unfortfied tridueflo~ irri
frontier between the United States
SELL-OUT FOR HARVARD' Vahlable Collection of Airmail Covers Dean Sadler Leaves r and Canada as a symbol of peace. I Sixty people including members
to be Exhibited at StampClub Meeting Engin ' Cof e"While others have been setting of the staff of the chemical engin-
If predictions as to the probablet b Ete tpC bt gineers On erenCe up plans for the erection and en- eering department, and graduate
attendance at the two remaining - ------------- joyment of permanent peace be- students of the engineering school
games on the Wolverines' schedule Robert A. Brooks, Fenton lum- Chamberlain, and other men who Dean Herbert C. Sadler, of the tween other peoples of the earth, I attended the banquet at Huron Hills
game bne gar eas c he ernhave made history in aviation. gwe Americans and Canadians have Country Club. last night held in
mayy e b ge redegardedae, hasermacadrantre, thef ,h Berrmans and townhertor ofngineongec ofethfe eftrdnginneejryigng uncrlhlegesnglenftofthenswerrddaeytuent
Other letters will tell the story of been enjying it under the blessing honor of the new graduate students
Maize and Blue eleven, despite its I amost complete airmail cover col- an airmail plane which crashed, I for New York where he will attend and protection of God," the gov- of the engineering school.
three defeats so far, will far sur- exhiit nearly 6000 covers of his perhaps killing the pilot, by a little the annual meeting of the Society ernor said. Dean G. Carl Huber, dean of the
pass the record of drawing 464,000 collection at the next meeting of cachet applied by the nearest post of Naval Architects and Marine En- Charles McCrea, minister of graduate school, was the, principal
spectators during one season which the Ann Arbor Stamp Club, to be office. gineers. Dean Sadler is vice-presi- mines for Ontario, spoke for Cana- speaker of the evening.
eastern statisticians have picked held in room 408 of the Romance .Mr. Brooks will give a talk on 'dent of the organization, and will da. "The Ambassador bridge," he - - -
Languages building Saturday eve- airmail and the collection of air-tactive . . s said, "opens today as another link According to recent statistics,
the Army team to set. ovember mail covers to explain and supple- take an par in discussions in the friendship chain of the peo- about one-third of the radio receiv-
The Army, with an eleven game ment his exhibition. He is one of on several topics that will be ple of the United States and Cana- ers handled are made in Phila-
schedule, has four contests yet tto Mr. Brooks throug coe- the foremost authorities in his brought before the society. da." Idelphia*
play to make up its total, while tion go hand airmail te nd his airmails are valued
the growth of the .airmail in the______________________________________________
Michigan, with six of its eight United States. His collection is di- u
scheduled tilts over, has already vided into groups containing first His specialty, is Canadian covers
I and this collection is witholt a
played before an estimated total of I flight airmail covers, covers com-Ipd.tpresentin pre ing t
350,000 spectators, while 120,000 to memorating some famous flight,IeeApesenaheistpeligto
130,000 are expected to see the wo airport dedication covers, and spe- end envelopes on a first fight trip
j remmm p p from Edmondton to 1$ mounted
remaining games. cial covers. His covers range from pomeomoto f t hmoftr
The Albion-Mount Union double- the famous balloon post letters sent above th sarcticnsi rcthem ar
header drew about 50,000 to the from Paris during the Franco-
new stadium, including in this to- IPrussian war in 1870, to the latest
tal a large proportion of unpaid airmail flight on the route recent-
admissions, while the Michigan ly opened from Detroit to Toronto.
State contest a week later called On all first flights, the different
a like number of cash customers postoffices apply' cachets, or can---
to Ann Arbor. In the next game lations, of different colors to the ,
the Wolverines filled the tiny Ross- letters, and these cachets, distin-,A GORILLA
Ade stadium with 23,000 fans at.the guish them from ordinary airmail_-
Purdue homecoming and in its covers. All commemorativa and TR iNED T KILL
other away from home game the special flights of all countries are TO
Michigan eleven played before an provided with cachets far the mail II One oI the thousand trllls 4n
estimated crowd of 57,000 at the flown on them. W aer Bros ensational mys
11ini homecoming, despite the Among the 6000 covers shown tery melodrama.
counter attraction of the Army's will be letters flown over arctic
invasion of Urbana two weeks la- regions, over the Atlantic, around _
ter. the world, letters flown from ships -
The sell-outs for Mlie Ohio and at ,sea to hasten delivery on landI
Harvard games crowded the new letters' from flood and snowbound Have Urooms t1orent?
stadium to capacity, with an esti- districts, letters carried by Lind-yo
mated attendance of 87,000 to 90,- bergh on all his good will' trips,I
000 each time. The Ohio tilt set a letters on almost all the first!j/'Have 'iou lost anvthin ?
record for the number of tickets flights of United States contract !
taken by the supporters of the vis- routes, and letters commemorating
iting team, the Ohio partisans us- memorials, aviation achievements,H
ing over 22,000, while the complete aero shows, and dedications of air-
sell-out of all tickets for the Crim- ports.
son contest over a month before - Have you anything to sell?
the game set another new mark. tory of the development of aero-
According to advance estimates, nautics from a commercial and of-
over 50,000 will be attracted to Min- a mail carryig gstandpoit. Do ya"" want to buy something?
ne0polis to see the Wolverines play graphed by postmasters pilots and
Minnesota at their fourth home-gcelebriti sc asCrles Lnd-
coming, while the brisk sale of ebrit captain EckenedClarene
Iowa tickets promises another nearbugCpan _____ lrec
capacity crowd for the final game TURKISH WOMEN SEEK VOTE. I eWARNE R
of the season. Conservative fig- (y Associated Press) ,OUISE FATENDA
ures based on these predictions give CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 12.-A I CtAUDE GLLINGWATER No matter what yOur needs may be they can
the Wolverines an attendance mark bill granting the igunicipal vote to JOHN MItJAN JACQU E tO LGAN
of40,0 polefr h egtwomen comes before parliament in, °°R °°~1HLL
WARNER BROS PRO T1 be satisfied by the use of Classified Advertsing.
games, an average of nearly 10,0001 Angria this week. Kiazim Pasha, , 00,0~E RS RP41'1M
per game more than the Army is president of the assembly, says he
expected to draw in its longer sea- expects unanimous passage of the LAST TIMES TODAY
son. measure ___..._.______Pay__t____Use_ _.
N Here's a show with stars
you probably never heard of
and a title that meansLr
nothing! Take a chance???
_ _ Now Playing to
Capacity Business I
i ro
-SC I c ign 1
2Clf OLOC i1 4C11' u:No Advance
Thae'-Garibaldi Musso- rSo I a il
h + dy 'gBrdy caravanA " a'BenHur.n Padu a, cK
- ture to take its place. alongside them r iv_
I 3,4\\ .: as mleson in th anal ofth

' , g p as a milestone inY the amals of the ;
on's Great Play I -'<<c reen. / _
rne~I \ ,.- \ v j MARIo1AV1ES " ,\, .
<,rj: e, 'a/ ~NOM~EPE c
c a < _# ~WLiAM AINES , <.
~b.inze " yJOAN CAWFOPO
SALLY ' waiBea .ALL SINGING /f1'






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