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November 07, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-07

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THE M A It 1t'ilrf

D AlLy


a s a. MICr-a aN fl r+ka t.Y aTa.r t~fA O~M~R 112

nmi innrin nw uri I 14Ml llk

SENE0 [N NF Aged Mother of Mexican President Halos 5DI l10NP1 N Senators Brookhart and Blease Deno;
A E PP N E TOPlane, Flight on First Trip to LosAngele Politicians in Capitol Enforcement
CBMMJTTEIS Carnival Will be Climax of: ri
___.: National Glider Week, :?3
Charles "Young, Chairman of ".s Nov. 18-24. r f:
class' Social Coninjnittee, Will 14MNT ATCPT
Leadl $ehior gall.r
APO M NSMD DETROIT, Nov. -Plans fora
- - --txo-day glider carnival, to be held
LWCby, MIcDottald, Wheeler, atFr Airport, Saturday. Nov. 23.;ad°thMuiplArotSn-<T-?
:,;I.id., enalMc-dy, Nov. 24, were completed ata
1,Roberts-Are Chairmen. ". meeting of the campaign commit-'
r kie. ______tee of the National Glider Associa-
Committees for the senior class tion at the Book-Cadillac Hotel oni?::x a '
of the Engineering college were an-z Tuesday.
niounced yesterday by the presi- About 14 gliders are expeted to: "
dent, Richard Gretsch. Nine groups; participate in the program. making
were selected ind have a total' it one of the largest glider exhiL
membership of 43 prospective.; bitions ever held in this contry.i Asociated ZPress Photo
*gzaduaites.,! The program will be the same on
Charles R. Young was named as each of ,the two days. It is as: Senator Smith W Brookhart,: Senator Cole. L. Slcw
,, - follows: . iight) whose tstimony before a'Carolina, (left) charge
chairman of the social committee; . . "-,,ii+.ny: +lyiiin nf.n.

ince -LTNMLE
Quarrel' LETN#ILE
Sp)cakcr at Third Sdnday Morn-
ing Service Is Expericnce.l
Among Undergraduates.

(Continued from Pad;, 1)
Miller wvent abroad in 1924 and
spent some time in treking through
the Near East.
The Battle Creek miinister ha.s
made aviation his hobby. "About a
year ago I learned to fly, But flying
is like golf," he says. "It is some-
thing you must do every clay to be
good at it. so I boast of no profi-
ciency as a sky pilot."I
Aviation is his only hobby. the
Rev. Mr. Miller states, though lie
also says that he frequently fishes
------ with Dr. W. D. Henderson, director
s.of SouthI of the University Extension, service,
edl that liquor! as they spend the summers at the


which means that he will lead the Pris hsoldp. .oDmostrtiosiontwinashingontonniiunD.iiC.e
annual Senior Bal, as the chair-': Senora Alberta Portes Gil, left, She made the tpfr.the Mxiliesbhn airplanes. The gld-; netaosdasnaintruh ssldoel nWsigoD .tri
the trip fromb i the enierig;exi s will be towed to a height of out the country, when hie chairged adwl rbbyb alduo o1fcly
in~nsipwil e n heeninerngMother of President Emnilio Portes can capital by air, accomnpanied by 3,000 feet and released to drift to members of the United States Sen- furnish information urponl his is a wa
college this year and every odd;V te field.atwihdnkgatinepris.cag
Gl of Mexico. is shown in the ;Major Louis Faril, a member of atiit rikntahine pris.care raduat
year thereafter, according to a;,above photo as She appeared when the president's' stal, and Snora --__ . .. ..._._. _ in his c
resolution passed last spring by the "m:0kp.in. REEDn Antetera
Smdnacucl.king he first visit to Los Angeles. Farell --30 P. m Durrimryatai ion cnter s fo 'REE ,B O A E T 'T E D M E fe
cotudent TcounRACTI. shock cord launching. Winner's cup OF MUNICIPAL LEAGUE AT 'CHICAGO r Min
Miembers of the various Max i-.E fA T D tV S $ A IVP A TC ier m
tees are: J1 IL UL A I donated by the aviation division of frti
ScaYugchimnHar ON CASES IN SMALL MODEL CLINIC the Adraft club.. Several members of the political, A. W. Bromage land Prof. T. H1.1frti
y ---- --2:30 p. m. Duration contest for science department are planning !Reed of that department are amongofou
Col, Ralph Abbott, Stan Cochran The University's dental clinic isi By April, 1930, over 500 daily may secodary tra ining gliders from aI to attend the annual meeting of thoe who will go to the meeting. onssecn
adiand Hgmowndomte.b~avr oplrpae n hr' be taken care of by the student- shock cord launching. Winner SCU the National Municipallaut ! fso ee so ev fi o
Carps adgwscmiteRo"'reason. The work room is not only dentists. A nominal charge is made ;donated byr William MaeGrudcr. be held at the Stevens Hotel il absence this year, bing onnected vocation
erg McCoy, chairman, Fred Bab- ! the largest of its kind in the world,! on all cases, and expert asistanttcei Jones. Chicago, Nov. 12, 13, and 14. Pro:.' ih amncpldvlpet tno
cock, Donald Richardson, Lawrence but the lightest, and best regulated is given toeprcingbth 2:50 p. in. Exhibition flight by Dir. league in St. Louis, Mo. Dr Up-
Johnston and Charles Staff. Efor humidity and heat in the coun- dental college faculty. Wdolfang Kemperer. chairman of LIBRARY OBTAINS i son, of the Detroit Bureau of Gov-
Class day committee, John M. try, professors in the school of; - the technical committee of the Na-IAdl
Donald, chairman, Seymour Che -: dentistry assert. PO EA D A E tional Glider association, in the Ak-mith.IdirectorIofNthe Michiga Seveit
a d AtrWilo.' ore than two !hundred patients; ronl Condor. Dr. Klenperer soar-- CHILDRENS'BO K Municipal league, will also attend
daily visit Michigan's ."practice" R A ERE D-dfr-0mntsreetyi te____the conention. Sever
Cane Committee. room for dental care. The arrange- FOR FALL "GuAA/ES Condor, which is said to be on oft
Cane committee, Ward Wheeler, methsbenmd hreyecthe bst designed gliders in the; Two fart children's books have! The annual meeting has been the me
i. oad cuceneniorastudentaod hasrat yleasttc h atth -nnalFllgae b country- otetfi' rmecently been purchased by the! called for the discussion of meth- of Rep
chhairman nal M3utp.on in.lo Durations a leWilliamTht hL.nnuClFllmenetse library.raton Botsthoroecs:Wiora Lthemenimlbrrovemeh;nts fofte gprv-met o societyity
ivn Wanless, A. F. Stormn and- cases each "working" dlay, and as tween the, sophomores and the ondary training gliders launched by- are first American editions, pub-! ement. especially in the field of There V
CaarHenin'.nhering.12 Seioshieths yar'efrshmn wllbenadeassumae tehatosowigeethd.!innrresisedaftewteiRvoltioaryWade jbeterhdmnisraton'f mnoc-ieag tr
Athltic ommitee.JohnWid-dental class, the dental output atl a melee as possible is evidenced by i cpsdnated by Capt to. L. M. Wool- Ii"History iof Ltl od w-plgvrmn.Ohrntoa theh
man, chairman, Ed Grodsky. R. B. the clinic is higher than the usual an order received by the Buildings; o Shoes," one of the books, was ex- organiatos interested fin the field ceremo
Herbert;, and Albert G. Nygai'd. 200 daily, and Grounds Department which'sn traordinarily popular and its au-; of local government will co-operate on itsi
Memorial committee~ Freeman Trhe clinic room is the largest requests that *'one of the poles to,~~~ hrhpi trbtdt lvrwihtentoa uiia oy efn
YndaWllicam an, ertGrnowigle space devoted to cliniic den- be used in the flag rush be re-;Bt .ie ek~~et Goldsmith. ,And the wood cuts are Professor Reed will address one next we
and illam owstt.tal work in the world. There are placed and that ten sledge hian dles, for Victory in China asigned to Michael Angelo. In of the luncheon meetings on the hs
P'icur Committee. 180 ?iairs and a aged, cashier's1 shaped down. be0 provided",____ fact, when the printer returned the subject, "Regional Problems." Dr. last nig
chicrecomitt~le, -rant M1icll, office within the large structure. The -replacement of the pole s (F' .:\ia.: anuscript to its owners he ex- Upson, who is connected with the Grad;
chimn elMcogahiL W.; and the double-saw tooth roof ;made because the former one was.pesdtews hti ol eapoiia cec eatetadEr
Posse, Ludkig Emde and N.'R. New-. which was built in123weth deemed by officials to be too sivery' SHANGHAI, Nov. 5-A National- resstheishMrthAgeit would aoitialcenctesdpatn tad eaeilrl
buidindwa rwodled, ealong with adthtshpngdwn f h st government communioue s-gethlifM.Aeowudotngvs ctesntate-
lulngws eoeeandte"hpn lon ftl brush up the cuts since they were partment, will also address the gar El
Inxitation committee. Erward hg idov nth w uer sledge handles is to insure the pr sued today stated that NationalistLaua,'3
Nell chaKirn, .Dcsean landedges, give more light than here ticipants in the cane spree m- troops soe eiievictoryTeeoindistintmitis aid. n
W J Km, J F. c~asrs ad +zs in any other comparable clinic muniy from "splintered" fingers. I iles west of Chengchlow, Hoiran Thseodvlm isatn . . . . .. '---..--- __
GogBer.in the country. -- p rvne Cpurn 000sliers'Bible, written .expressly for chil-
Fiac onmte, dadRb-pr"- i lb oithe,"Kpurinchunri opdiers dren by the Rev. Mason L. Weams, a' E d t r
In12,wentedna siolM h wkV le lb ry sathe biographer of Washington who St Iw d t r
erge cHaibrman, hrlesipadiellbeIn 1921, wen thf oe detalnschoe ,a~~ ry.A esl h umn
GereHlbok halsWddl.bga t yse- f n er nte Formed by Students I chun forces are wthdrawing to the is said to have -originated the_ E A T
and Allen Forbes. literary college as a prerequisite, ___ west and the Nationalists are ap- cherry tree story. This book too is;
the verae nuber f seiorsadorned with quaint wood-cuts.1"
-grthedveae nubeofseniors University students from Utica,i proaching Loyang." Apparently i so vngetr
" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~n hsTECHNIC STAFF gautdwsaot10 n hs N. Y.. have formed the Mohawk' The Nationalist claims of victory i so vngetrG r e s R S
continued until the present class rValley club, it is announced. More followed receipt here of dispatches, value than formerly supposed, for
AWA~ r1 PR ZES!whch s lrge beaus ofthe Ythe biographer of Weams, Paul A Suirprise -Ini Store For You-Rt
AI/A EDP IE wc is arerbeaueifnh than 20 persons attended the first] from Japanese sources reporting;~
caginprerequisites made in' etn Monday night at the; that the rebellious Kuominchun ceicester Ford, in a three volume Daily Luncheon 55c -3
The Michigan Technic, student 11I926. The former method of one Uno. Ofcr!lce ee ocshddfae ainls account of this Bill Sunday-like161asWiiana
publication of the engineering( year in the literary school was in- Charles Greenidge, '30A, president' troops east of Chengehow, a rail-!'character denies that Wears pub-MU I
school, won two prizes and was gv- !creased to two years. three years Richard Gurstenberg, '31, vice- road junction point in Hoan prov- hihed such a Bible, From this MU I
el honorable mention by Willard ag o, although the actual amount Ipiesident; and Harold Vyner, '31.1 ince. mnay be inferred that the Cements
Merrihue, national chairman of! of time required in the professional ertr-resrr hserCak__________ library has the only -copy in ex-- -
the Engineer's College Magaine as-' college was cut down to three years. y ppiteKhirnn-fte -henmbro-be-i h-ae sec . .-.
sociationi, at the annual conventioni One hundred amd four freshmen w pone' cara fte h ubro esi h vr
Ifteascainhl tPrdewr ditdti al program committee. Meetings will age hive during the time of stor- ,
las wek;h nme fdetlpt eb held on the first Tuesday of ing surplus honey is between 50,- the 710,
R. E. Dunn, '30 ., business mana- at the clinic jumps fromi the 2001evry-ont.-00-nd-5,00. or . j' hi S4"S
ger of the Technic attended the mnark to well past 400 daily as the FotalPrie qC~Oj8
convention and presided as gener- !year.progresses and the seniors AFREALalSEPartieCAR Z L, err' j 04 h
al chairman at the meetings. 'ganpractice in actual efPerience. $25.00 f o r a YFXL'Pac a.Tliand Novel-'S ERVIC CAR p "i ( p. ot
lost Key I can't hi bothetsm towmyraa rP. G ( A1~k4
work brougOh HOS epac. s tlitmeyow Repar ties Gifts an rizes for Guest. 4 kT P
FOUROt S7HOM.WoS Remember now it isagodtc
W23.30-7-9 to buy your Christmas Persona
Cards. 1 !
e'Ue 0g F iXu K WAKU5
-SO P H I'y iiU iKE KRor any artice worth rpairing that I cin[rtir a ~nd mke as stong The Art & Gift
Lastof he R d Ijo4 ~4anasFrei repair for any item that I cant nam its occupation
your everasting con fidnce 218SotASatWtre
keys manufactured from~ the first on to the last Rduced rates
H O Ni uniisGtnynrc o auteFaente n ooiis M K Y T O N ' key for your auto, your alyartyet hoaxcs, stores, olce, trunks, ___ - -- -- - -
m~lboxes, suitcases, hand bags. vanity cases, desks drawers, lockers, pad- -____
-. Sophie Tucker makes old men young and young men old!" Hear A. REAL, f
her sing TiJni Doing What I'm Doing For Love""tie's A Good Man Master Mechanic f
To Have Around" 'and her newest red hot rhythms. 440 out State Phone 9200® st'c ui
J a 1"n y -aJ Air ~ I ~ L'~ L

,X'. 1 CU t4 UL. tLC Was *S111111
aveil acquainted with other
nen of the University, and
rm friend of several under-
:es who, while at home are
the address of the Rev. Mr.
Sunday morning there will
but one more convocation
fall. That will come on the
g Sunday. A similar series
convocations to be held 'on
tive Sundays in the spring
being arranged by theI Con-
nis committee, leaded bay
iTodd, '30.
:phi House Admits
ni to Membership
Zmembers were initiated i1att
Feting of, the Adelphi HoI.jse
esentatives, campus forensic
Tuesday night in, Angell hall.
,vas no open session, but sev-
rout speeches were heard, by
ruse. After the initiation
ny, the House went to work
new constitution, which wNIll'
ily adopted at the mireetinig
e admitted into the House
ght were : Oliver O. Clagget,
Walters B. Wiers, Grad.;
L.Kloster, '30;' Robert H1.
'31; Burton Fields, '133; Ed-
kert, '33, and Samuel 'Nath-
;eal Home Cooking
teak Dinners $5c--50c
* -



"K60iy on the all-talking screen!
The mnerry Nugcnts i«
their romance of marriagablc
daughters who wanted ca- X
reefs!I Youth! Love! And -
Laughtr! }

Hear! ,'


The .Living Screen Presents

Can't help Loving That Man!


LI FSi'!§


' ' 3

Ll V




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