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November 07, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-07

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VOL. XL. NO. 34




College Heads Believe Further'
Initiative on Projects Is
up to Faculties.





First Draft for Organization Was
Rejected Last Year by
School Executives.
Welieing that further initiative
on the University college project
should come from the faculties, the
conference of the Deans gave gen-
eral consent at its meeting- yester-
day morning to have the latest re-
port of the executive committee for
the University college scrutinized
by the Deans of the various col-
leges before any consequent action
is taken.
This report of the committee is
the results of the work of that body
since the first draft of the Univer-
sity college's organization was re-
jected by -a number of the faculties
more than a year ago. Since that
time, and until the resignation of
President Little last January, the
committee met weekly and revised
its previous work.
Appointed in acordance with an
action of the Regents take at their'
April meeting in 1927, the executive
committee began to work out de-..
tails of organization and establish-
ment of a University College. When
its preliminary report was drafted
and presented to President Little'
and the Regents, both approved
over the partial rejection of the
With regard to the action of the;
Deans, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assis-
tant to the President, made the fol-
lowing statement: "Though the
University college project lost some
of its immediate impetus through
the resignation of President Little,
the devising of a plan whereby the
undergraduate courses could b
better adapted to the changing re-t
quirements of the student body has
held a formidable foothold in the
attention of the faculties.
Council Ruling Gives*
Engineers Ball Position
Announcement of the alternating
of the chairmanship of the senior
ball committee between the liter-
ary and engineering colleges with
the latter school to have the posi-
tion this year was made last night
by the Student council. The an-
nouncement followed the discov-
ery of a resolution to that effec
in the minutes of the 1928-29 coun-
In accordance with this, resolu-
tion, the chairman of the engin-
eering school social committee,
Charles R. Young, '30 E., will lead
the annual senior dance. Joe Shan-
on is chairman of the social com-
mittee of the literary college and
it had been understood that he
would direct the function.
With the announcement the coun-
cil also stated that after the 1930
senior ball it would investigate the
relative strength of the two gradu-
ating classes and determine if the
engine school is properly entitled
to the chairmanship every other
Wilson, Harrison, Elsworth Win
Offices in Freshman Class.
Carl White won the presidency
of the freshmen engineering class
by a two-vote margin yesterday
morning. He was victor over Ross
'Utting by a 164 to 162 count. Other
officers .named at the vote were
Robert Wilson, vice-president; Rob-
ert Harrison, secretary, and Eu-
gene W. Elsworth, treasurer.
The sophomore engineering class
will elect its officers at 11 o'clock
this morning in room 348 of the
West Engineering building. This

vote will complete the elections in
the engineering college and also
those throughout the several col-
leges of the University until the
freshmen literary election Dec. 4.
Pollinga total vote of nearly 330,
the freshmen engineering election
yesterday was the largest yet con-
ducted in that school. The ballots
wan n mr n v vi, . n a the£ 'Y'rm i-

Freshmen Elect Bauss F
Begin Final Plans i
Election of Harvey Bauss, '33, as
captain of the freshmen for the'
fall games next Saturday morn-
ing was the feature of yesterday's,
activities preparatory to the under-
class struggle. The naming of!
Bauss was made at a mass meeting
of the more than 400 first year stu-
dents last night in the ballroom of
the Union.
Both the sophomores and the
freshmen now have chosen their
leaders for the games and are com-
pleting their organization. Ap-
pointment of lieutenants, selection
of the respective class members to
take part in the individual events,
and the holding of secret mass
meetings are next to be considered
by the class leaders.
The freshmen meeting" last
night was the largest yet held by
the first year class since Freshman,
week. The turnout was taken by
class officers as an indication of
the strong spirit that is running
through the yearlings and that will

gall Games Captain,
for Underclass Contests'
be expressed more actively next
Saturday morning or, South Ferry
3auss won the games saptain-
ship ovtr Roderick Cox, James
Jenkins, and Charles Lindhaut. The
victor had but a small margin over
Cox. The keen competition for the
leadership did not split the class,
however, as it immediately united
to make more detailed arrange-
ments for its part in Saturday's
Prior to the election the fresh-
men were given several pep talks.
The principal one was by Dr. W.
D. Henderson, director of the Uni-
versity Extension division, who took
as his subjet "Down Sophs, Up
Frosh." He pleaded for class spirit,
and stated that he would in the
future consider himself a member
of the class of '33. He likewise re-
lated several incidents of previous
underclass struggles.!
Walter Crego, '30, several times
captain of his class in the games
also made an appeal for class spirit
and told the first year students of
several tricks that had been used
with success on previous occasions.
Official plans for the fall games,'
being made under the direction of
Richard Cole, '30, for the Student
council, are rounding into final'
shape. The games will start at 10
o'clock Saturday morning with the
sophomores and freshmen forming
into groups at 9 o'clock at the
Waterman gymnasium and the
Union steps respectively.

Battle Creek Minister Will Give
Third Sermon in Series
of Convocations.a

Causes Laid to Speculative Orgy)
of Recent Buying; Morgan
Issues no Statements.
Prices Drop $10-$30 a Share;
Curb Losses Range
By Stanley W. Prenosil, A. P.
Financial Editor.
NEW YORK, Nov. 6.-An unex-
pected and somewhat mysterious
break in stock prices, rivaling in
extent any heretofore recorded but
lacking much of the hysteria of re-
cent reactions, threw Wall Street
into a turmoil again today as it
was struggling to get back on its
feet after the wild sessions of the
previous fortnight.
Prices Drop.
Prices of many leading issues on
the New York Stock Exchange
dropped $10 to $30 per share, falling,
below the low levels established inj
the spectacular decline of October!
29th, with a sprinkling of inactive1
specialties losing $31 to $100 per'
share. Similar declines took place
on the New York Curb Exchange..
First National Bank stock dropped
$1000 per share, being quoted at
$5000 bid, and most of the other
New York bank and trust company
shares fell $10 to $120 per share.
In accordance with a ruling an-
nounced before, the opening of
Monday's market, the Stock Ex-!
change closed at 1 o'clock today in-
stead of 3 o'clock, but the final quo-
tations were not printed until one±
hour and forty-five minutes after
the closing gong had sounded. To-
tal sales for the three hour ses-
sion were 5,914,760 shares, which
contrast with 6,202,930 shares in the'
full five hour session on Monday.
The Stock Exchange was closed
yesterday, election day, a legal hol-
iday in New York State.
Opens Heavily.
The market opened heavy as
blocks of 5,000 to 25,000 shares
were dumped at initial declines of
$1 to $6 per share. Losses were
gradually extended as the session
progressed with trading orderly1
until the last few minutes, when
prices of several issues broke $1 to
$5 between sales in a mad rush of
selling. At no time, was there any
indication of a general rally, al-
though a few stocks made moder-
ate recoveries on final sales.

Fletcher hall dormitory for male
students on Sybil street, will be va-
cated by students living there be-
fore Monday, it was announced last
night by F. B. Wahr, assistant dean
of students.
Dean Wahr would make no com-
ment aside from his official state-
ment, which read: "Fletcher hall is
closed for student occupancy from
Monday evening, November 11, un-
til the end of the present semester."
Jasivant R. Gandhi, owner of the
dormitory, which was built some six
years ago, said last night that he
knew nothing about the action
taken by the University in closing
the place to students. He would
make no other comment.
Fletcher hall was raided by city
police Saturday and a quantity of
liquor confiscated.

Professional Will
Scores for Firsta

Time in

The Rev. Carleton
minister of the First

Brooks Miller,l

al church of Battle Creek, will de-
liver the religious address at theI
third of the fall series 'of student
convocations next Sunday morning
at -Hill auditorium. Session to Work up Spirit Before
Said to be a keen observer and a Harvard Game Scheduled
close friend of high school and for Friday Night.
college students, the Rev. Mr. Miller
is especially interested in the prob- LARGE CROWD EXPECTED
lems of 'the younger generation, it-
is announced by, officials in charge Judge Frank Murphy of Detroit
of the convocation. He has an en- will be the chief speaker at the
igfitening and pleasing style of de- Harvard pep-meeting Friday night,
livery, it is said, and is much in de- in Hill auditorium if present ef-I
mand as a speaker before under- forts of the Student council, are.
graduate groups. For the past eight successful. The Detroit judge, who
he has annually given the is an alumnus of the University,
years e anuadeytgrad- has all but definitely agreed to
bacculaureate address to the grad- make the principal speech, and it
;uating class of Battle Creek high is probable that he will be here.
school. With the pep-meeting coming
The Rev. Mr. Miller is a descend- the same night as Black Friday, a
ant of Roger Williams, and was hernout ofth sphooe s
bor in Rhode Island. He came to and freshmen with separate bands
is expected. Although class spirit
Michigan, however, for his higher will predominate throughout the
education, matriculating at Hills- campus that night and the follow-
dale college in 1913. He received his ing Saturday morning at the fall
A.B. degree from that institution games, loyalty to Michigan will be
four years later. While at college the prevailing spirit at the pep-
he edited the "Collegian," a campus meeting.
publication. He also received hon- Besides the main pep-talk, theI
ors in debating and public speak- affair will have all the accessories
ing. of a thorough-going pep-meeting,
Further educational pursuits according to council plans. Michi-
were cut short for the Battle Creek gan's "Fighting Band," after1
clergyman by the entrance of marching up State street to favor-
United States into the World War.; ite Maize and Blue tunes, 'will' play
While in the service, he was a "top- in the auditorium.
kick," as he says, with the head- Stanton Todd, '30, will have his
quarters detachment of the four- I crew of 'varsity dh.eerleaders on
teenth division at Camp Custer. hand, and Ernest C. Reif, '30, presi-
Upon leaving the service he was dent of the council, will be master
called to become minister of the of ceremonies.

Production of Opera.
Composers of the score and lyrics
for "Merrie-Go-Round" the 1929
production of the Union Opera
were announced yesterday by Roy
Langham, director of the orches-
tra. More than 20 numbers are in
the musical score for the produc-
Lowel Love, '30L, assistant con-
ductor of the orchestra and
present the choral conductor, is re-
sponsible for 15 numbers in the
score. Love has had considerable
experience in the army and was at,
one time a director of an army
band. The -military atmosphere
which the book calls for is said to
be embodied in all of the numbers
which he has composed, and he has
made use of all of the various or-
chestral instruments.
Truesdale Mayers, '30, has written
three character numbers. His ex-
perience as a character actor in
several campus dramatic produc-
tions has been embodied in the
rythm of the music which he has
written for the production.
1 Two dance numbers have been
contributed by William Reynolds,
'30. Reynolds has been with the
Opera for the past two years and
this year trained the choruses until
Roy Hoyer arrived. -
Richard Watkins, '30. has con-
tributed a jazz tune for the score.
Watkins has had experience as a
pianist on the campus, and wrote
the only jazz tune that the book
calls for.
For the first time in an Opera
production professional assistant in
the work on the score has been en-
listed. Harry L. Alford of Chicago
has built the orchestral and vocal
Lyrics for the production are be-
ing written by Donel Hamilton
Haines, author o- the book, and D.
B. Hempstead, Jr., '31, who takes
one of the character parts in the
show. The lyrics are to be used
for the most part in the three char-
acter numbers and are, being fitted
to the music by the author and
impersonator of the parts.
"Freedom and Command of the

Coach WHi Address!
Journalists' BanquetSTE CONVENTION
Record Attendance Is Expected
for Three Day Session
by Officials.
Sunderland, Reeves, and Caverly
Will Give Addresses on
Friday Afternoon.
Registration for several hundred
of the nation's newspapermen and
delegates to the eleventh annual
convention of the University Press
Club of Michigan will begin at 9
_8 o'clock this morning at the Union.
Advance requests for accomoda-
Ha,/G 1/ 3" tions at the three-day session in-
Michigan's veteran Varsity men- dicates a record breaking atten-
tor, who will address the delegates dance, according to Prof. John L.
of the eleventh annual convention Brumm of the journalism depart-
of the University Press Club of ment, secretary of the club.
Michigan at its banquet tomorrow Among the highlights of the
night. Professor Yost will spek on completed program, announced
"Men and Athletics." last night, are a symposium led by
Through the courtesy of Director laembers of the department by
Yost and the Athletic administra- mers o dpatmen fo
tion, the members of the conven- journalism, on "Edueatio p
ition and their wives will be the Joraim"ndsvalS
University's guests at theHarvard- by faculty men. At e gener a
Michigan football game Saturday sembly Friday ndxif", e Law
afternoon, which experts say will soSulad of-d
be one of the most colorful of the school, will speak on The Judi-
season's intersectional tilts in the cial Council of Michigan. Prof.
West Jesse S. Reeves, of the political sci-
ence department, will address the
afternoon session Friday on "The
Press and International Relations";
this will be followed by a discus-
sion of "The Tax Situation in
chigan" by Prof. H. L. Caverly,
of the economics deparment.
Group Lunches Today.
I.After the registration of dele-
Adrn:mistration Statement Says ! gates this morning group lunches
Education to Saner Ideals for those interested in specific
fields of journalism will be given at
Is Now Necessary. 'the Union. The first general as-
I sembly will open at 2 o'clock with
LAYS BLAME ON ALUMNI a roll call and an address by Louis
.A. Weil, editor of the Port Huron
Responsibility for much of the Times Herald, president of the
commercialism and professionalism Press club, on "Our Goal.' 'This
inoinercolegia te an thlreticas will be followed by a speech on
in intercollegiate athletics, as "Training the Reporter" by W. S.
charged by the authors of the re- )Gilmore, managing editor of the
cently publishe: Carnegie report, ,Detroit News. Then will come, the
was laid at the gee: of "enthusi- symposium on education for jour-
astic alumni ani tli public gen- nalism, and a general discussion.
erally" by the Administration in The balance of the afternoon will
the first statement made from the be devoted to visits to points of in-
President's office since the publi- I terest on the campus..
cation last month of the Founda- At 6 o'clock this evening, the
tion's findings. ,{Regents' dinner, which is compli-
The communication, prepared mentary to members of the club,
by Frank E. Robbins, assistant to will be given. Professor Brumm will
the President and approved by be the toastmaster and music will
President Alexander G. Ruthven, ; be furnished by the members of
was issued in reply to the charge the Student Journalists' club of the
of Dr. Henry Prichett, president of University. John D. Dun, editor of
the Carnegie Foundation for the the Toledo Times, will speak on
- Advancement of Teaching, under "The Editor's Window" and an ad-
the auspices of, which the commit- dress on "The Romance of Report-
tee headed by Dr. Howard J. Sav-. ing" will be given by Charles B.
age conducted its investigations, Driscoll, of the McNaught Newspa-
that "the responsibility to bring per syndicate, New York.
athletics into a sincere relation to The program for the balance of
the intellectual life of the college the week follows: Friday morning
rests squarely on the shoulders of the general assembly will be ad-
the president and faculty." dressed by George H. E. Smith, ex-
"The cure for the present ills," eeutive secretary of the League of
continued the President's report, Nations association on the subject,
'"is not more rules, but education of "Sifting Propaganda." Then a se
the alumni and public generally ries of five-minute discussions will
in a saner attitude toward intercol- be conducted by A. L. Miller, editor
legiate athletic relations." (Continued on Page 8, Col. 7)
President Ruthven's message fur-
ther declares that while "we are DEAN WILL GRANT
encouraging participation in ath-
letics and are providing the means, DRIVING PERMITS

we are showing our Varsity ath-
letes, because they areathletes, Applicants Must Present Letter
special favors in the classroom, in From Parents; Car Record
connection with eligibility, or ina e
connection with financial help." ; --
The Carnegie report characterized Students who are qualified to re-
Michigan's method of handling her ceive special permission to drive
athletes as an "intensely organiz-automobiles. during Home-coming
eI ed, sometimes subtle system." week-end, Saturday and Sunday,
e The statement did not mitigate may apply for permits today at the
the weaknesses of the present ath- office of the dean of students, it is
letic situation in the universities, announced by Walter B. Rea, as-
but it termed them merely as weak sistant to the dean and in charge
but itermof automobile legislation




First Congregational church of
Battle Creek. This was in March,
1929, and he has remained there,
continually from that time. I
Seeking to- gain first hand geo-
graphical knowledge and informa-
tion about the peoples of the coun-I
tries which formed the background,
for the Biblical stories, the Rev. Mr.1
(Continued on-Page 2, Col. 7)
Ruthven, Huber Attend
University Convention
President Alexander G. Ruthvenj
and Dean G. Carl Huber of thej
Graduate school left yesteray aft-

One of the major campus prob-
lems to date-how to find the ad-
dress and telephone numbers of
your friends-will be solved today
when the Student Directory ap-
pears cn thecampus for sale for
$1. This sale will be imited to one
dlay, after which the remaining
copies may be bought at the offices
of the 'Ensian.
The cover this year is a dark
red and makes the book more con-

Scholarship prizes are being
offered by the Board in Control
of Student Publications under
the following resolution:
Resolved: That the Board in
Control of Student Publications
shall for the current year offer
cash prizes of $100 each for
scholarship attainment accord-
ing to the following rules:
1. Every student who has
done substantial and satisfac-
tory work on any student pub-
licatioh or publications under
control of the Board for four or
more semesters shall be eligible
for one of these prizes. The
Summer Session shall be rated
as a half semester.
2. Every such student who
has attained anaverage scholar-
ship of B or better during the
period above specified shall re-
ceive one of these prizes.
3. Every student who believes
himself entitled to a scholarship
prize shall file an application for
same at the Board office in the
Press building after the opening
of the University in the fall and
before the middle. of November,
and the prizes shall be awarded
and paid before the Christmas
4. No student shall be an ap-
plicant for any scholarship prize
more than once.
5. The scholarship standing
of each applicant shall be esti-
mated in accordance with the
system of grading employed in
the various schools and colleges
of the University.
The Board requests applicants
for these prizes to fil their ap-
plications as- soon as possible at
the Board office in the Press


Seas," is the subject chosen by
George Young for his lecture today
at 4:15 in the Lydia Meridelssohn
theatre. This lecture will be th
first of the series sponsored by the
University which will be held in
the theatre of the Women's League
h,,;.3ivrr /l. ~n~lcr'hstiiisc h int


ernoorr for New York where they spicuous in fraternity houses,
'will attend the sessionsf of the 1 where the directories have a habit
American Association of Universi- I of disappearing into rooms of the
ties and Colleges being held this 'members. There has not been a

week end. Dr. Ruthven will return
to Ann Arbor Saturday morning. I



Ohu rWeather anL


aI r

cover of this color for some time,
so there is no danger of confusing
the 1929-30 issue with any of pre-
vious years.
For the benefit of the men, a list
of the sorority houses alphabeti-
cally arranged has been included,
and is followed by a complete list
of the sororities and their num-
bers. Those men who are too indo-
lent to thumb through several
pages need but turn to the house

buldcing. mr. Young; besides being; sports. . 1W .1b~d G44vV1
UULLIZ~. ±±[.I ULi1~ JJIU~Uti1~ ~JU1~ ITwo' chief requirements prere-
an author, served for twenty years, quisite to obtai is speca
in the diplomatic service of his Pediatric Physicians permission are a signed letter from
country, Great Britain, holding F d the student's parents, requesting
various distinctons and represent- I W ll Convee Friday the permit; and a record of the
ing England at Washington, Ath- . Imake, model, and license of the au-
ens, Constantinople, Madrid, Bel- With many eminent physicians tomobile which is to be driven. No
grade and Lisbon. listed to speak, the eighth annual permits will be granted to students
During the course of his official meeting of the University of Mich- whose applications do not meet
duties in Constantinople, Young igan Pediatric and Infectious Dis- both of these requirements, Mr.
published the "Corps de Droit Otto- ease society will be held at the Rea says.
man," which is at present the University hospital Friday after- Special permission does not in-
standard authority on Turkish law. 'noon and evening, Nov. 8, and Sat- volve the privilege of using cars for
His literary work is quite broad. urday morning, Nov. 9, it was an- indiscriminate social purposes, it
One of his best known works is a nounced yesterday by Dr. John J.! was pointed out. It is necessary
book written in conjunction with IParsons, secretary of the organiza- that the students either have one

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