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Tfln inunr ATIr riri n PTINTul
'Resigns for
New Post
I ~ R II~l 4SMw N I -SI.. . .. .
II .R a w l®
"Scree Reflections
Lobby Committee
Quiz William H.
_ . I
Don't Miss This One. listening in on a dictaphone to
Convincingly human and enter- scenes from real life. While slight-
taming, the Majestic's current fea- ly movieized toward the end, the Pr
ture, "The Lad Lies," is probably picture does provide a new view
Denies Charge That Varsity Men more people commenced to own the best talking drama Ann Arbor on of the problem of modern
society.-P. J. A.
Receive Classroom Favors the problems and.TparkigIhas seen in the last few month society-
problems arose, people we killed' High S 'hooI Dpcraties.
in University. I~ hgcr;nvrh esol This Screen Reflc~or can't renmm- i W,~~a Dc" heoe
automobile is still incre sing in ber having witnessed as absorbing redeeming feature in a childish,
ROBBINS WRITES REPORT numbers and they are nccw being and realistic a film for some time. ovcracted comedy, "Wise Girls," a
built so that it is easier ;o trave Dtrector Hobart Henley has the Michigan. It is but another ex-
at fifty miles an hour, or more handled a delicate subject with ample of how successful shows cantu
Participation in All Branches than at thirty. Society as deitsuch cosidrable ill ad e turned into the worst alkics 4:
of Athletics Said to be with the problems of the automo- hwhen put on the screen, nd it
Acbile not by abolishing the autor/o that little objection can be made should have been converted into aro
aged.bile itself, for the -automaailc is aI by even the narrowest-minded of two-reeler, g
Statement issued by Dr. F. good and useful thing fundaient movie-goers. Without attempting The plot concerns the two daugh-a
E. Robbins, asistant to the ally, but by making tra-hrg- to be trite, it is safe to .y that ters of a retired business man, one An
i ons and by modifying the." high-
President, expressing the atti- ways so that cars can be ..peratedthe picture has "no attraction for of whom is in love with a million- me
tude of the Adm istratio-on wayshothangarcn bhe -ipesate Assoctaisd Press Photo the adolescent mind." Nor has aire. He objects to her stage ca- tur
tueo h diitainOlwithout endangering the lives of thJohnscet X armn ia
the Carnegie report.h cJohnVanAntwerp MacMurray "eer ambitions aid she marries"
.the occupants or pedestriaas. 1 American minister to China, who "The Lady Lies" any of the smut- the plumber to spite him. In the associated Press Photo I ve
President Pritchett, of the Car- Weak Spots Not Ignoned. recently has resigned his post to'tiness and filth of "The Cock-Eyed meantime, her younger sister has William H. King ree
negie Foundation for the Advance- In other words, both automobiles accept an important position with World." fallen in love with the plumber. On United States Senator whom po
ment of, Teaching, in his preface and college athletics arl social Johns Hopkins university. A superb cast-pardon the abun- the whole the story is poorly con- the senate lobby committee has in-|ha
to Dr. Howard J. Savage's report on' facts at present. There are bad Aprote bn-structed. i e twl poal alfri- I
American College Athletics makes things about both of thp n, andwvi Library AddsnSection .i"cn"ftsu"erlatis-hnls nnteresting feature, the Pathe uiry' aiaesultofcuaerrent rortsfor
the following statement: who have to deal with tWe. athletic ay Adseceondancoupe rl avess - handlesfo
hnhsome dicult roles faultlessly.W Audio Review, shows how the fan- to the effect that the office of Sen- als
"The president and faculty problem do not intend to ignore' of Public Documents ter Huston, noted legitimate star. tasia of the musician in Ann Har- I!ator King was used by Dr. E. R. tol
have in their poWer the de- these weak spots. In tat opinion of i whose first film was "Genlemen of ding's "Paris Bound," which play- Pickrell, dye corporation tariff rep- sti
cision touching matters affect- the admiistration, boh Michigan the Press," again proves one of the ed at the Michigan several weeks reseritative. 1wi
ing the educational policy and ans other universities :ire just at Yesterday witnessed the inatigu- best scn actors. Claudette Col- ago, was filmed. S. B. C., Jr. One of the latest acts of the com- de
the intellectual interests of , present in what may blc a transi-' ration of a new section in the order .
their institution. If commer- tional stage between wiorse condi- department of the Library, a New bert as leading lady lends her Harold Lloyds yeary farce opens mittee was to make, the "sucker COl
depatmet o th Lirar, aNewg ldy at the Paramount in Detroit Fri- list" of the American Taxaers tor
cialized athletics do not affect tions and better. , Document section whose business French beauty and a pleasant ay. t's titld "We Dar." ri- leg, an the Southern Tarfast
the educational quality of an W.e are encouraging general par- it is to locate and gather public speaking voice, and we've yet to ay. It's titled "Welcome Danger league, and the Southern Tariff as-
institution, nothing does. The ticipation in athletics rind are pro- documents of significance from see a more perfect characterization A college comedy, "Sweetic" with Jocir J. Blane, of Wisconsin, a part fes
responsibility to bring athletics viding the means. Ve are not various states and countries. Hhis of a constantly imbibing gentle- Jack Oakie, opens at the Michigan. of the rcBads of investigating com- in
Into a sincere relation to the showing our Varsity athletes, be- new section, which is headed by R. man than Charles Ruagles offers. Moran and Mrck are at the Adams mitte,
intellectual life of th college +cause they are athletes,, special fa- Webb Noyes, was created so that' Briefly, the plot concerns a suc- ____----------------e--------Adams.____ ___
rests squarely on the shoulders vors in the classroom, in connec-n this type of work could be carried cessful widowed lawyr with a Gu
of the president and faculty. Ition with eligibility, or in connec- out more efficiently; it is intended young son and daughter in private mo
The, administration of the tUni tion with financial hep. We are' to supplement the work of other j schools. In quest of a birthday gift IN OBSERVANCE OF ARMISTICE DAY sp
versity of Michigan is not disposed getting more and more accustomed departments of the Library. for his daughter, he meets a beau- sp
to dodge any responsibility in con- to regard the whole athletic estab- Mr. Noyes, who is a graduate of tiful and talented young woman( "" ' "' "Let the citizens of Michigan ob-
nection with athletics which it can lishment and staff as one of the de- Bbwdoin college and of the Colum- who subsequently becomes his mi LANSING, Nov. 6. -- Gov. Fred Armistice day Nov. 11, 1929,
fairly be expected to assume. It partments of the University, like bia School of Library Service, has tress. The children return from W. Green, in a proclamation issued .
ought to be recognized, however, any other department. ihad experience in the Smithsonan school and find out all about it -Tuesday, called on the people of as world peace day and devote it
that there are elements in the sit- Athletics Not Magnified. Iinstitution. then the fireworks start! Michigan to observe Armistice day to such thoughts and deeds and
uation which are just as much cold In other words, we are not mag- D C__ as a "world peace day" prayers as shall seem most to the
concrete facts as are the abuses nifying the place of athletics MICHIGAN DOCTOR KILLS RHINOCEROS The proclamation follows: establisiment of a lasting under-
which exist in many places in this among us. On the other hand, we IWHILE ON JOURNEY AROUND WORLD 'Nov. 11, 1918, was a day of re- standing and friendship among the gn
country and which are pointed out caninot deny the existence of coc- j__ing throughout the civilircation, W
yan. t d nth e ein ce f ot.--Iworl-because it marked the endnations."
Present day college athletics arens t pressure Dr. Richard L. Sutton, Jr., '29M,, instant just as I saw ,him. Acheze of a war unprecedented in its de- ~~~ wi
Prent drayi f college lets- refrom enthusiastic alumni and o th- recently shot and killed a 3,000 handed me the "little" .400 calibre structiveness to life and property. Ann Arbor's war veterans will
not the creation of college presi-erwhcislreyrsosbefrrpet.An ro's arveaswllh
dents and college faculties. As a present conditions. e pound rhinoceros, according to the rifle and I dropped 5,000 foot pound Even to the nations to which the co-operate in the observance of ca
rof fact, they are not An preset. ondi . reports from the jungles of British of solid bullet into his left shoulder. Armistice meant defeat the mes- . a
matretr- This fad is, w believe, about[ fsldble noVi etsole.East Africa. SaeAmsieDy . 1, olorn
ly the creatiop of college students. He dropped stone dead. I have sage that peace had come brought adeision made at a recent on
They began as simple recreation to wane; but even at its, height we' Dr. Sutton and his father, Dr. never had an equivalet sensation. gladness. a decision made at a recent meet-
and amusement, such as kicking a do not thn that thedis tany u Richard L. Sutton, Sr., are enjoying It was much like the bad dip of a "It is the first holiday that is in mug of f Oeara post of the
football around the back campus ice in refusing to admit to the a trip around the world, spending roller coaster only more so." fact international. It reaches be- Voof
universeand so on. Then came the firstn an athlete because he is about three months of the time TheSuttonpartysailedfromNewyond the confines of nationsof War veterans are expected to
intercollegiate games and fin sty an athlete, or in failing, once he hunting big game in Africa and York last June, and since then has I religions and of peoples. It should participate in a program next Sun- me
the gradual growth of public in- has been admitted, to give him the French Indio-ChinaI be international in meaning as well day. Members will meet at 10:15 th
tegaulgotofpbiinsame sympathetic help in hisFrnhndohia visited numerous countries. Upon as ina origatteG.A
terst in collegeiaie sports. same ai eain h his In te letter recently received' arriving at Mombasa, the members as in physical fact. To be o it Sunday morning at the G. A. R- br
Public Responsible. sonal problems that we want to from Mbulu, Tanganyika Territory, took a train to Moshi, and thence must have a common, world-wide rooms in City hall and march in a of
The public more than any other give pryls tet Te cure fo where the safari was camping, Dr. via automobile to Arusha and significance. Only as a day devoted I body to Trinity Lutheran church. h
factor is responsible for the form ihe peeny t ilsesnt mo re ruls 'Sutton said, "Coming back to camp Mbulu. The safari, consisting of, to good will among nations and 'There Rev. R. N. McMichael will"f
of college athletics at the present but educationofthe amnieandafter an afternoon hike, we saw a porters, personal boys, cook, gun the perpetuation of peace can it I deliver an address. of
of ollge athetcs t he reentI ut ducti n o t e aum i a d be a oliayworthy of the obsev- A 1oc lock Monday morning 1 no
time. This is an actual unescap- public generally in a saner attitude .hino. We went after it, going to a boys and scouts, 90 in number, , acero thi wordy Liebr A Leo'arock Fonwiy make a o
able fact and it is just as impos- towards intercollegiate athletic re- heavily wooded little valley, but started from Mbulu, a small town.L
sible for any president or faculty lost all track. At 6:15 o'clock we with about 20 white inhabitants. th th; eleventh anniversary o'flight over the city with the chap-
of an institution to attempt to deal lations. gave up the search as it was al- Elephants were spied the second the Armistice that ended the great- lad of veterans post. Flowers wil du
with the public attitude toward ready quite dusky. I had dropped day but were frightened away be- est and worst of wars, the peoples be dropped on the graves of lacive
collegiate games as with'the public A canary bird, known as "Big j the subject from my mind, and the fore they were at close enough of all nations have greater cause cmte y in honor of the soldier ime
attitude toward, let us say, automo - Kernel," has developed into a radio ' bats were whirring around our ears. range to shoot. Lions and elephants than ever before for looking for- dead and on the Huron river inIGe
biles or electric lights. These star as a result of programs broad- It was almost dark when over the were the game most eagerly sought, ward with determined hope to an honor of sailors who gave their tw
things are all parts of the social cast over WMAQ, the Chicago Daily saddle of a hillock on my right ap- but according to reports received era of peace esthablishedonirm u 'lives in past wars. th
structure. News station. The little fellow as- peared the beast looking for us, in- so far the rhinoceros, a buffalo, foundation. With a wisdom and a
The automobile furnishes a very sists Joe Rudolph, pianist, during'a st-ead of us looking for him. He was and a few kingoni eland, reedbucks, will unprecedented in history, the
good subject for comparison.- It morning pianologue at 11:30 o'clock about 20 steps away, when I first and gazelles have been the only leaders of the most powerful na-
began in a small way, more and' CST, each Tuesday. saw him, silhouetted against the beasts which have been broughat tions have dedicated themselves to
sky, facing us. He stopped for an down. the cause of world peace.
z1 - - - . I t- , - - .
ofessor From Johns Hopkins
Is Authority on Properties.4
of Organic Molecules.
Prof. Donald H. Andrews of
hns Hopkins university will le-
re before the student body at
15 o'clock Friday afternoon in
m 303 of the Chemistry build-
. The subject of the speeh,
ording to an announcement
ide yesterday by Prof. Leigh c.
derson of the Chemistry.deparC-
nt, will be "The Mechanical Na-
e of Valence Forces."
Professor Andrews has had a
ry interesting and brilliant c-
r, and he has held several high
sitions in the past few years. He
s been connected with the chenir.
Lry departments at Yale, CAli-'
nia, Leyden Holland, and hs
o been affiliated with the Bar
foundation of the Franlli
tute. His present positioni
th the Johns Hopkins chemical
partment although he is lso
mnected ,with the General o-.
s of Detroit as consulting chem-
Some of the fields which Pro-
;sor Andrews has been interested
are thermal properties of or-
nic molecules, specific heats at
v temperatures, statement of
long and Petit's law for organie
lecules. and the calculation of
ecific heats from molecular
Colonel H. W. Miller of the en-
iering college left yesterday for
ashington and Fortress Monroe,
. While at Fortress Monroe he'
li geliver a series of lectures on
mat are termed "high pressure
nnon". The outstanding ex-
ple of this type of cannon is the
ig range gun used by 'the Ger-
in Army in 1918 in bombarding
e city of Paris from a distance
seventy-five miles.
The more successful develop-
nts since the War in increasfig
e ranges of cannon of all call-
es have been along the principles
the German guns. Those guns
uich were so commonly termied
eaks" were but the forerunners
the cannon which we are only
w beginning to adopt for future
Col. Millcr 'has spent much time
ring the past ten years in in-
stigating the - characteristics,
rits and achievements of the
rman guns and has prepared a
o volume work describing all of
e details.
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