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November 05, 1929 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-05

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T"r M.IiiiAN

D A 11,


4rb A r~ g Dal eat We reteat tatou teams are riot the product of po
P: U: hed every mrnring except Mond'ay cytx te-igteVz .St vcrbthBodiy; yrx herkC II
£~rlof tud ...?ulbiicatio, s. larid iixxr iifui~j3mxeit ati r: oft
iebr cf ~zt ;n fE...e z. o ditorial Ithai pra .. ioe., vwe :3 1itat iur
A.$sociation, t a Tr tilllia y xf71-1t ball- seiany
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled 1I3eCattsf they 1i, it, aiii wet, C0 101,!
to :the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited contemplate any lessening of Stu2-
in this paper and the local news published dent loyalty or of outside interest.
on the grounds of too much corn-
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor, erilstomc aaeusI'
)Michigan, as second class niattEr. Special rate mrilstomc mtuim
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-I or belief that the Sate rday fad and
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $i4.50. fetish of autumnal America has
Offices; Ann Arbor Press Building, May- g11 h a flIh Og
..Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

Good old Eiaoin Shrdlu has pinch-
hitted for us so often lately that
we are getting; a little jealous. In
fact he has entirely won over our
I uic. a~ nd we can'tstanld it.

IMusic And Drama
IThe difficulty of the pa-0t of Hjam-
let was long ago e:stablished by a
'sort of syllogism: Hlamlet is every-
man; nobody is everyman; there-



fore, no one can pltay Hlamlet. Ac-


'relp".0ne ZJm..


Editor .................George C. Tilley
City Editor...... ....ierce Rosenberg
Ner's Editor.......... ..George E. Simons
Sports Editor ........ Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women s Etito........ ...Marjorie Foilmer
Telegraph VEditor.......George Stauter
Music and Drama..... ,...William J Gorman
Literary E ditor........... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor....--Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Prank E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Buorney Williams, Jr
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R.; Kaufman
Charles A. Askren William Page
Hielen iBarc Gustav R. Reich
Louise Behymer JohnDF. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooey ,Jeannie Roberts
W. H. Crane Joe lRussdll
Ledru E. Davis J osephi F. Ruwitch
H~elen Domine William P. Salzarulo
MIargaret Eckes carcrge Stariter
Katherine Ferrin ::i'1 ~ .1 Swanson
C arl Forytlle 1foe T hayer
Sheldon C. Fullerton %Margaret Tlhonmpson
truth Geddes Richard i.. 'robin
Ginevra Ginn Beth Vaenfine
J. Edmund Glavin Ilarold 0). Warren
Jack Goldsmith Charles S. White
D. B. H-empstead, Jr. G. Lionel Willens,
J~ames C. Hlendley Lionel G. Willenm
ichard T1,.llurlw' J. E. Willoughby
Jean H. Levy Barbara Wriglht
Russell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
,Lester M. May
Telephone 21214

Assistant ManagerI
Department Managers
Advertising ....... .....follislt-r Mabley
Advertising ............K ,per fl. Ifal verson
Advertising......... er'wood A. Uptoot
Circuelation .............. oV,- r l.avis I
Acepunts ........... ...Joln R. lRo'
Publication!............... llTiatilti~l

'<<e sound pollcy of common
sense which has :marked Presidenvt
Alexander G. Ruthven 's firstc
speeches as head of the University 1
was again in evidence when he
spoke on University enitrance re-
quirements last Sa turday, in his
first radio broadcast speeh since!
his appointment to the presidency.
President Ruthven's two state-
mnents: first, that students who are
unfit to utilize the becnefit of a uni-
versity education should not be ad-
mitted to the University; and sec- j
ond, that tif such student slip
through the entrance bars they
should be painlessly removed from
the scene as soon as their defle-
iencies are discovered, are both too
obviously-'true to require proof.
To see the background of the.
President's speech on entrance re-
quirenients, one miust go back some
ten years to the time when an at-
tempt was first begun to build up
the material resources of the Uni-
versity by admitting large num-
bers of students. The step seemed
plausib~le in that it provided a con-
venient means of securing more
laboratories and buildings. When
the legislature saw that the older
buildings were unable to accommo-
date the large classes of undergrad-
uiates, grants for new buildings were
Btu t after the campus had been
improved by the addition of a large
number of buildings, it wa~s found
that -amon g 1the ti !de ot:. were
mny' who were unftL for Uniiver-
city educa tion. Amiong the uindcer-
graduates were the stup~id, the im-
moral, a.nd the psychopathic, as
well as the indolent, th-e irrespon-
sible, and the socially unadjusted.
Thc attempt to weed out these
undesirables, and to prevent their
their entrance to the University,i
was begun some years ago. It has
progressed steadily, to the great ad-
vantage of the- University.
Of late, a certain aniount of ob
jection to the policy has developed
among citizens of the state who
feel that since the University is a;
tax-supported institution, every
tax-payer may expec.t to have his
boy and girl admitted, and in re-
turn for cash paid may expect to
have some sort of ceritificate or di-
ploma to prove the filial intellec-
SThe fallacy of this obstinate be-
lief President Rutihven efficiently
pointed out, thus carrying a logi-
cal step further his admirable pol-
icy of reserving the state's hig~her
education for the fit.
In this da-,y 'of emphaqsis on ath-1
letic organization, Michigan wo-
men have taken a, significant step
in~ hrtlcinir an inftercollef'iaite "play

- tors have tended to abide by this
* * ' decision and wirk by ;eleetion.
We understand that our contem-I Pieces of Hamlet have been offered,I
poriries, Harvard Crimson and the1 each supposedly a subjective selec-
Hiarvard Lampoon have been con-1tino the part's possibilities. There
surd or uningadertseent jwas the "sweet, sad Hamlet" of
surd fr unnng dvrtiemetsGoethe who made him naturally,;
of bootleggers in their columns. enough a Wei'uher. Colerioge made
Who says that football isn't con-j him a philosopher. These versions
inercialized? The bootleggers are j have been played by great actors.
preparing fror the 1-arva rd-MIie hi= Lesser one-, have made it a "star"
part on which to dangle histrion-
gan game Nov. 1 j ic display., That all the4;e possibii -
:L'7kiI !tits were in the part w^a isatisry-
Invisible Goa Posts Would Help Us ing to t'ho se v ho ei'e content to
view Shakes.pearce's gefnius as a wild,
Dear Lary: I and romantic 03wt. Thoso wI 1l
tha th loer' gal ost Iwished to argu e that hie wa mnoie
seethttelsr'gapos critically sensitive have poal
are now officially considered as le- poal
gitiatespois o wa fortheop-beend irconcerted by the gallery ofI
pogit rotesl.f a o te -Hamlet., and the tnon-existence of
posng ootrs.the complete Hamlet - Shake-
4 If by any chance Harvard wins; speare's imnaginative creation.
the impending game, are we pre- Those who witnessed Georgej
pared for the goal post onslaught? Hae' nelien ntrreaiono
If not, I .should suggest that the;Kingeichardligenihtellave f
preentpos~ e rplaed y rb- p rophecied some sort of revelation
ber goal posts. Opposing rootersfrmhsH le.Itiktwa
would perhaps carry them away,frmhsale.Itiy.tws .
but horlyfire of the strain im- there. He certainly strove, tor thel
posed by their elasticity, let thema complete Hamrlet. No summarizing
go, nd fnd o thir mazeentepithet-amiable, violent, phailo-{
got andhindpostheirnamazementksophie-can be found for his ver-
tha theroiia postve nppd sbcan. His approach to the text w as
to teir rignal ositon.nothing short c f reverential. here
If we win (heh, heh!) the game, was a player of high executive tat-j
the question is: Who's going down ent addressing himself to a philos-
to Cambridge to haul down Ear- ophry that was not to be ranted for
yard's posts? tempestuous dramatic effects but
,Vudas : hamered out lovingly with the
* craftsmanship of the contempla-
If you recall thb matter, about tine mind. Hayes was hardly
a year ago Harvard and Yale met "blasted with ecstasy" though un-
in what was called a meeting ofI doubtedly a little too romrantic in
their "brain" teams, whic4 was a, some scenes, Thec serge and sweep
sort (f a debate of their brainy of the niglyItine gt fall artier-
meni. U seems to us that N'ichiganz lation from his deli very hilt he edoe y
could use a few men like that oln not allow the rich andl sen,;uous

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L INDBERGH, flying blind much cf thie way,
hit Ireland "on the nose" as he veinged
toward Paris. Now, as an aid to air navigation
comes the mat neto compass, a product of Gen-
eral Electric research, which gives pilots a nav-
igatlng instrument of extraordinary accuracy.
Meanwhile, two other General Electric contri-

butions to aviation have been developed--the
electric gasoline gauge and the radio echo alti-
meter. The ordinary altimeter shows only
height above sea level. The radio echo altimeter
warns the pilot of his actual distance above
ground or water by flashing green, yellow, and
red lights on the instrumentc board.




IPayniond Campbell
J~ames E. Cartwright
Robert Crawfrrd
1Titrv B3'Olver
Thomas M. Davis
Norman Eliezer
Donald IEwing
Pames Tof e-
~orris Johnson
C'harlps t, 1",
Marvin Kohacker
Lautra coding
& rnice (laser
Uji-tense Good ing
Anna Goldberg

(.awrerlce t'Iwney
Tlhomas AMuir
(;corge l':tterson
(i'arlrs Sanford
lee Slayton
Robiert 'ut toll
Roger C. Tl'or*)e
,fosvph Van Piper
l'thert XWillIiamsoni
William R. 'N',rboys
Afkre McC~dly
i~e!!len . M',tsawhite
FI,i',r ' a';lkinsbaw
Dor'ot l-wa Vatermian

Night Edit or-C.^A. KAUFMAN
Two ,articles on football appear-
ing in the country's press simnultan-jt
eously with the Catr negie castiga-
tion leave us wondering wyhat is thel
future of ouIr most popular nation- l
al ,sport. TIhe November l' arper,
forsees a dfeline of football as, a
mania, a religion, Mnd a~great bus-
iness eiterorir ed a retuarn to
the game purely as a ga nt.. The
Nation, on the other ha nd, sees "rioj
objection to the frank~l industriali-
zation of football, for that seems
consonant with the American spiritj

its football team.
President Robert Maynard Hut-
chins, of the University of Chicago,
says that we must pity the poor
professor who struggles along on a
janitor's pay. Well, well, Dr. Hut-
chins, even janitors make a bigj
'Leave Us Out. We're a MAN'S Man!
Dear Lark:
'I am in amorous difficulties again.
Let's you and I elope and settle
everything (on whom, may I ask?)
Gosh, I'm tired of being wrought
up and worried over some man. I
was in love, really in love (note
lyric qualities here) once before.
That was last year, and it took me
from St. Patrick's Day till Labor
Day to get over it, but I finally did
(how girlish!), and now no sooner
am I over it than I feel myself slip-
ping again. It can't -be that I am
J always getting into bad misunder-
standings, for I play a defensive
i (Ha, who doesn't?) game most of
the time. Underneath the crust
(Crust is right)~ it's quite different,
as people usually find out when it's
too late.

futvene + ndevaivnesi c .n day " parti ip, ted in. by women Don't bawl me out about it. Lend,
meca!rsltn rdarcg from four Michigan college.3. In- me your sympathy because it's in
nition of the fact that the anateur ; tense athletic compet'itionobetween my nature and I have to fight it all
spirit no longer prevails in. the maw picked teams from different schools the time (What, my sympathy?).
jor sports of many colleges. The{ has led to disastrous results in the He wears glasses and is almost too
Carnegie effort to blast The Na-; health' of the women participating, short for me, but we are attractedi
tion's stand and hasten the Harr and has been in opposition to the to each other a lot, in fact areI
pees millenium is by now familiar ideal of mass participation fos- terribly fond of each other. The
to everyone.( tered by women's athletic organiza- only thing that worries me is that
Th'iw o apir n tiorts through the country. he is a Michigan man and Michi-
Thiaewsof harpers anexteC As an antidote', to this condition, gan men have such peculiar ways
Nto arsoovoilyete Iand contradictory that we are; play days have been evolved with of expressing their affection. It's
forced to conclude. that the truthi the purpose of providing naturalf quite devastating (provincialism
about football's future lies in the I competitions between women of usdbiihgnwe hywn
midlegrond Hapes sesindhefferent diferntcolleges. Ye sterday in- !!to express almost anything) to
Eastern decline of student patriot- ;suLitutions comipel ed here i both on',eceo id
ism, "fight-for-dear-old--Blank;" at- team and inda ividual sports with'the Well, I don't want to bore you
itude, and team publicity a grow- { ai'tici,211ts cutnumibering the (sorry you're disappointed), but I1
.ing tendency to regard academic i petctat )Is at lea~st ten to one. Clas.S? do wish you would settle this clues-
*achievement a s ainabIe- that1 teams of ogle school competed with I tion for me (Did it take you alla
bodes ill for foot',all's continued itea ms of the : ztnrc class from other this space to express that?), as I
popularity, It is true that even in school:-, gamnes being.; arranged by j can't sleep (Good!) from trying to
our rah-rah Middle WestQ as seen lot. The number of players in the ( decide what to do.
from the East) a loss by tha team! games brought the ideal of mass i Expectantly,
is no longer an overwhelming ca- !participation nearer to reality, and' Frances.
astrophe for the whole student keenness of competition did not
body, but this is not going to drive! suffer as a result of this. Sports-j And now, boys and girls, and now
away the colorful crowd in which 'inanship and clean play were shown ' the greatest paradox of the cen-,
the individuals "get a thrill from at ,ai]. times., and a. keen enjoyment tury. The Washtenaw Tribune is
the rest of the crowd anid the bone- ;'of play for pl1ay's safe was evi-, conducting~ a spelling'contest., And
crushing tactics on the field.' ;deried. who, may we ask, who on that pa-
On the other hand, The Nation') Mi,,higan's intercollegiate play i per will be able to tell if a word isI
proposed reduction of football to day hla~s been significant of the I spelled right or wrong?j
the professional status of our big trend of women's athletics. i*'
league baseball, with no more loyal-I . ----o-- We understand that our Michi-j
ty to the team" in victory or de-; More than $1,000,000 worth of gan co-eds, than whanm there is
loatyto the avergeDetwouldter'a onions we e shipped from the Un-4 none flightier, have taken .upon
loyaty to he iger, wuldbe iced states to Cuba last year. Here's themselves to form an air club. We
miserable flztling out of 4. great hoping that next year's shipment ! bet they call their club house the
American game. The Carnegie bul- wiii bo worth $8,000,000,000. Nose Dive.
letin to the contrary notwithstand- *

imagery to act as tinder. for anE
emotional bonfire. His m'ind does
not leap quickly and romantically
from peak to peak of thought. He;
moves. to the conclusion with the;,
honest gravity of- the. relentless
thinker that Hamlet was.
The result was a Hamlet close to
what most people believe to be the I
true one, akin to the one emerging
from Coleridge's criticism. This is:
the tragedy of a:ri intellectual'-
caught in the meshes of a physical
situation---a civilized person aske-d:
to solve a barbarous problem. Ham-
let is a philosopher. A moral situa-
tion is presented him--the problem
of his murdered father arid his
wanton mother. This moral con-
flict certainly does not have im-I
plications subtle eilough to explain
Hamlet's profound reactions. It
merely starts Hamlet in a long
train of philosophic contemplation 1
that hinders all action. His speech-1
es bear the weight of long-accum-
ulated feelings a)bout the world;
that explains their obscurity and
their unnaturalness in so primitive1°
a situatio~n. Hlamliet cannot bring
himself to the point of action; a I
primitive act of revenge could not
possibly appease a mind trembling
with the shock of life itself. His
3madness, his oc tasional outburst.,
of levity, his daring way of acetus-
ing the king all constitute emno-
tional relief--t4he acts of a philoso-
pher with a fantastic sense of ir-
ony. He refuses to rant. His rage
does not; take the form of impreca-
tions liketh~at of Laertes; he in-
tellectuali:.es it.
Thus Georg~eI-Iayes' Hamlet is
more thalr an "ea~rthy" Hamlet
prey to the excitements of the
blood-a case of "engine trouble"
at the nerve centres eliciting path-
ological commiseration. He makesI
it a more serious tr'agedy of a man
who ponders too much, who be-
comes entangled! in a network of
his own complex intellectual re-
actions. H-amlet becomes a tragic I
figure solely because of the obverse,i
'profound qualities of his sensitive-
ness. "Undoubtedly this version
"raises Cain" with the play as aI
whole. There is too great a dis-
crepancy between H-amlet's emo-
tionsJ and the situation that calls
I them forth, Hamlet's reactions are
too sophisticated for so primitive
and sirm ple a moral situation;
hence they become obscure and a
little irrelevant. Shakespeare has I
managed to express heis idea, of)
1Hamlet; in the tissue of words that
1 make up the part but he has not
justified it in the other dramatic
values, plot and motivation. Very
likely for his reason the play is, as I
jT. S. Eliot calls it, an "artistic fail-
ure." Yet wve(are g rateful to MayesI
I for having made the part pretty I
I near an imaginative reality- :a un-


Evcoy ye r hzwlldrt'd; fef cohelgetrained mn men enent iee lxcpiOymienf
General Electric. Research, similar to that which developed qes"' fir li nc fly-
ing, is onew of thte many fjfelds' of endeavor in wIkich /they play' an imjortant part.

.r+- natioQUr


f =j

Th~is / an1 fA~ /eS paper1%





ing, there is left on our football 1 Spain is considering thq e tab-

According to a newspaper report

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