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November 05, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-05

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H-umphreys Talks of Advantages
of Women on University



Award for


Scholarship for

by Smith.
More than eight hundred wornen
attended the annual banquiet of
the University of Michigan Inter-
Sorority association held last night
in the Myra Beach Jordan assem-
bly room of the Women's League
building. Dean Wilber Humphreys
was the speaker of the evening and
was presented by Jean Wallace, '30,
who as 'president of the Pan-Hel-
lenic association acted as toatstmis--
During the dinner each sorority
rose and sang a song, being called
upon in order of its establishnmenu
on the campus. Michigan songs and
a short musical skit was presenited
by~ members of the university
Girls' Glee Club.
Scholarshoi, Cu p Preset. Led,
Presentation of the scholarship
cup. was made by registrar Ira
'Smith. In malting the presentation,
-Mr. Smith spoke of the history of
women on the car1apus and of thej
history of sororities. The scholar-,
ship ,cup, he said, was given by the
Detroit chapter of the NationalI
Pan-Hellenic association to the
Michigan chapter and, is awarded
each year to the house maintaining
thne.highest se)olastit, average.
Mr Smith told ofl' the sororie s
which have held the cup and then
presented it to the winner for this
year, Pi Beta Phi. Ile commended
them on holding second place for
the two years previous to this and
dished them success for the future.I
Virginia Lbsee, '30, accepted the
cup' for Pi Beta Phi.
Miss Lloyd Commends Sororities.
Representing the office of ad-
visers to women, Miss Alice Lloyd
gave a short talk in which she com-
plimented the sororities on the fine
spirit of friendliness between each
other and the loyalty which they
showed toward the university.
The fact that this is thy~ firstt
Pan-Hellenic banquet to be held in
the League building, was the theme
of Dean Humphrey's talk. That the
present group of university women
appreciate the' advantages which
they have received and make the
most of the opportunities given!
them by, the League building and
by the, university in general, he
Chairmen of all committees of
the Women's League who have
been required to make' out a
budget will report to Hermine
Soukup, '31, at 4 o'clock Wednes-
Aay in the Undergraduate
League office for a discussion of
their budgets.

PAe NIH[[Lom1 lub~a, 400eaeh oma il'se e FE I L FY D~g years-which CDrngtefollowed !Chate ltoIhii ry whie two moreN ME w PAO S
TH H H NCDU N W E RI400Pn elniLegeIae I the World War, the establishment are engaged in libraries in Bros-N ME O MU
4:0-Pnels ley , eauiosCave.Aerca Library school at sels. One is doin ca~taloging andj
dL. E s eir;Freshmen vs. Fs Smopho-t Soe .; ars in whose founding Miss Mr classifying in the library of the Banquet Tonight Will Honor
LEAreEs01101Keshma. n (2nd team) VS, Thomas Cages Goal in Last gart Mann, associate professor of Trocadero; two ae working in the Both Sponsors and sixteen
____ __ orly es; library sin e o k p r, offered lb ar f theI ntNewatnoniltes.
os idrdo ra motne oieyBus eonso ly a happy opportunity to those Crss in Paris, which is the head-
Dean Humphreys welcomed espec.- 7:15-University Girl's Glee Club, ; women who wished to turn to a quarters of the organization. Two
illy the new members of the sorori-, League Committee Room. Alpha Z. Delta was victorious definite profession.' other graduates are doing research Athena takes great pleasure in
ties and told of his work: as "chief 7:15-The Art Club, League Cave,! over Helen Newbury to the score of Instituted for the training, of work in the same place, while an- anucn sptosadpt
ca lek fors th ecrionshig. 7:a thnlorhloAgl3-0 in an intramural hockey game french students and foreigners in ohri assig in the special lironesses o Epsilon chapter Mr. and
Fall lowes AreDecoation. Hal. tis afernon at o~cocklibrary science, the school appealed brary of the Agricultural Institute Mvrs. James M. O'Neill, Mr.adMs
IThe tables for the banquet were J:3eaoria furhtfoofAgerdea was the starply greatly to women, who formed the a Rome. .E esoe r n . Floyd
decorated with fall flowers and redI Hall.(ply major part of the student body. Not Miss Mann cited on of the most K. Riley, and Mr. Henry Moser.
r eaves. Sorority colors desirned the I Wednesday, 3:00 --World F+ellow- er of the Alpha Z. Delta consingent many fields of work were open to interesting positions hteldl by a They will be guests at a banquet in
place of~ each b1olis . MuiiC wa.. far-I ship Committee, League Cave., caging two out of the three goals womnen, and the teaching profes- graduate of the school, that of rep- their honor tonight at the Iante(I
nished diuring lthe dinner by I en- 5° 30-Women's Aeronautical As- mlade. The third marker wassec ion was crowded. The library work resentative for a Frnchi book-sellerI Tavern.
net bi iqists oefe~t~t.Leaue ussan Ti red in the last ten iinnites of lay " drew a class of women who were in- in Ameria This ii volves numer- Sixtcei iiew mineb- will be hi
Peggy hitk , '30, wats general iRoorni2. by Sally Thomas after a hard ruh Te bdi t rga.ostrp ewe rneadtated today, an~d will shae honor
tchairmn o f the banquet and as- ' r sa,4:5--Itris lck otega.- .,.itme te ! in"Tedemand for the school canme!Ameri(a, so that pat of the repre-asgesatheanut
sisting her w *i,1'eerlas focJoo telya. Svealtim~ hebal linan interesting way;" Miss Mann siitative's tune s spent in Prs s gTuto b t.te :Iactae e
'31, who had charge of tckets, Fd - Pyt, e n v.Seir;Jnos a ruh ow tote lnly o bserved, when speaking of her part and part in this cuntry. Another I~nlr'3;Bl ~ltn 3,
nasad,'0 lrgaKte. Sophomores; F reshmen (2nd 'Newbury gonal, only to be knocked in its founding. "It was the reut of nusual lace is Mi.ld by two po-Bedr'3,Bll1cotn '3;
ninchrel,'30, deorati, aule-'team) vs. Motley Reds. for out into the field again b h having established popular libraries fi who are in the librares of Paris Lucdeine Oerg, '33; Doie ihrt,
in Prcl, 0,dcoaton, Pul :00-W. A. A. board meeting, ever watchful goal-keeper, Mary in the small towns of France during anks. 33; uieGog 3 ooh
inc, owe, '32, menu, and Hernma Fel oue Lou H~ershey. Marion Geib at fightthirealttonflwnghe_________ Halliday, 33; Eva Ilesling,'1
Grllbockynd '30,tfyDnances.tOlimpa La Mara, '31; Alice Man,
!-_____ Friday, 3:30-W. A. A. party, Fieldfulaan Doth Dnaya war. Up to this time they had not NOTICE. '3;DnaMiugn,'0 hr
I-oscenter half on the Alpha Z. Delta had libraries In our sense of the Juir0il; lydacnDwl otte Mc an, '30; uthPnt r-33
R e la tiv e_____ _w h lea mL lyeh d ,vr yi g oodin ges, d wf o rdA T e rc eu tw st ha ntw o iof anSbe h eld from 4 15 un til 5 o'clock, G ale S aun ders, '31 ; F lorence Se s,
P opulwhl e LilySa hde r, lrithisda nd fr m Am rca wet to Fanekn a dfrom 5 to 5:45 o'clock today. '31; Elizabeth Shull, '33; and Lois-
lAD N SW M LIN Reaiv oplaiy ~ etG~dndr~lfthafbak1924 tor start the school." Wear bathing ,suits. Van Dusen'30 ______
wer outtanin on the Helen Referring to the differences)L______________n___
L L vL of Waves for Women Nebr team. which~ exist between the libraries ,
! Com~pute b Lag are scheduled for four o'clock, when continent, Miss Mann said. "Tre
Instrucion wil bebyiLeaguee Alpha Epsilon Phi will meet Tri collections of Eauropean libraries
iintramiural swmmilng this yearI Finger waves are much more Delt, and Kappa Gamma will meet are far richer than ours, but the E U * . .
jo'i the lirat time The Union pool popular with University women1 Alpha Z. Delta, winner of_ today's facilities for getting at thle Vol- ~ 5 ~ I, ~ ~ E l I
N1 (O(Y )WOTu or. 0t hneihrmrel o ae ae game. At five o'clock of Wednhes- nes -indexing catalogdingand U -E S . ___
10 o'clockc n '1uisily and Thlurs- aecordin , - o sttis recently co - day, Delta Gamma will pay Apha cl siyi g- re r t er i f rit
day cveniings. Miss Grace Braunin.. piled by the League Beauty Parlor.,Pni. yours. America has gone ahead of
ger, of the physical education de- About one-third marvels to two- f I most of the countries in methods,
partmnent, will give diving instruc_ thirds finger waves are given while1 Rifle Classes Have and I believe that the reason for W T
tion from 7:30 to 8 o'clock, and water waves are a rare occasion. this is that America has had morehep b g n es o th s wh wih U i e iy w m n s e d a e n-il e tIim e E lshf rst el n u gexei e tton=c m o -
to:3 improve their strokes from 8 toi siderable amount of money an their Larger Enlisi the Amlan bageycommon
18:30 o'clock. From 8: 30 to 10 o'clockf finger nails, if the large number of C OyusdiAteAmrcnTiraya
Marjory Elsworth, '32, will be on manicures given in the Beauty .ie cass ti erae-aiwoesafi nieycm
guard duty. IParlor is any indication. On week- greater in size'E an ever before, posed of Americans, although It is
All women are eligible wto swimf ends of games here in Ann Arbor and the 75 women erllded . eialohv sm nweg Such supple material and: graceful
or# n etramancurit f be '. stl, Cptau; re iven in French, however, so itl lines that you feel no restriction in wear-
vddthe Y have u, adiis~in cardpr nexi acrs rq vD' lo{ y ntuis-i ,apt ara-inecsay htal oinra-h
which miay rbe sec aced at the }ph'I+! troit to care for the influx of bus- Cstls who is arup-r i' jth pac ncesayesaeal origertwos
sisal education oflfice, rooumn15, nes. / tices h a avery ecelent team atnIb aiirwt htIn -~ tC~cas
' Barbour Gymnasium. only grey'- In spite of~ the fact that up-to- meeting- on'4t dhesday and eie-,j Libraries in France, with very few1 And the furs so hlandsome that they
cotton suits are allowed in the pool, date and interesting magazines are mnaycasso redyadIexetos r.diitrdb igtb osdrd a n idvda
and swimmers are requested to provided, the management of the Th'dy l qimnisrc mn isMn xliebi h
bring their own, while towels may ,Beauty Parlor reports that the ma- Tus- y Al qupetisAu-mer isannrayxphlhasbu.tengtb osllrd a n tdvd
be secured there.- jority of the women study while tion, rifles, and shot, are furnish- fortunate Aeicninry placing h many of its piece rather than as the trimming, of a
___________their finger waves are being dried, ed by the Department of Physical, women students. One is now headI coat.
Friday and Saturday are thei Education. Twenty-five points are librarian' at Soissons. Another i
3iJ 0 A E busiest days. A decided increase 1ian ce_:owmntkigrfeyf hreofcide'swr.tl
GREAT WOMEN business, however, begins~ion Thugs r de owoe ain iley n' hreofcidrnswrka
GREAT Y OM~l~dday andlasts until Saturday ngt
____The popularity of long hair and - c~'
In ieentartcle Eml Ldwr, short bobs is about evenly divid-
tho he ~cterwmn b irper1ed. The long bob, however, is de- Ip-
cosstetnwmnwhom h e, creasing in popularity. aI
considers the greatest of all times. - --~- .-LIFs L - e w in
Ile says~ that he thinks I VCthe'; - MPTRART CLUB (Ay I
wrdfo thboeo ofEe.greatest because she "delivered the Mebrso henwl-ome i
but as she s not a strictly histori-
cal person he can class her only o'clock in the Cave of the Women's
with the great women of myth- League building. Usual business
ology. and plans for the year will be dis-, a h o.
Ilis choices aresApasia, the bril- cussed.
lian friend of Pericles, Catherine
of Siena, the practical saint of the Cornell-Thirty-three men stu-4."!
Middle Ages, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth dents and two women students of S it u atio n.
of Englandl, Maria Theresa of Aus- Cornell will take over the manage-5
tria, Mine. de Maintenon, Florence ment of Pennsylvania Hotel New
Nightingale, Harriet Beecher, York City, on Armistice Day. Their
Duse.an E lenrers to the manager's chair.'





Caxman' Dee Barnes of Nash- j
vrille, Tennessee, sixteen-year old
author of "School Girl", a novel of
boarding schaool life, has been dis-?
mi** d from Gardner school in New
York'' because 'her book is so popu-1
lar among the students.
FriedaIHempel, the well-known
priMa-donna who has recently reC-
turned from Europe, asserts that
she was pleased to note that ions'
skirts 'are becoming more ana more1
the mode. She says she always
thought short dresses becoming to
s6 very few women.
furs and Fur Coats I
Makeup, Repaired, Re.
tmodelled and Relined
Prices Reasonable
E. L. Greenbaumn
448 Spying Street1
X ~Phone 9625s

--Rather it is several new flnes on
the Fashion situation. On the one
side we find a great interest in the
princess silhouette-a fashion that
finds favor with the slim girlish
figure, who needs not fear the hip
accent. On the other side of the
fence. we find the nipped in silhouette
--most successfully presented in the
tuck-in blouse suit. This" is particul-
arly becoming to the- girl who has
a waist line she can afford to accent.
In any case--these are the leading
lines for 1929.30.° Their variations
are almost endless in our many new
arrvals.4 The girl : of taste can find
many Viles here in the prevailing
modes that. will suit her individuality
at moderate prices.


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$4950 to 15O

This is the, Band you want to Imake
your party a big success.




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