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November 05, 1929 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-05

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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929_ .{.. _ _.._. _


M I C H I A N D-1 1



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Thought Likely
of Nobel Prize


Thirty Fraternities Are Taking
Part in Newly-Arrairged

Professor Pawlowski W r i t e s
Article in October
Other Schools, Especially in'
Europe, Having Fostered
During the past year the glider'
section of the Michigan Aeronau- Associated Press Photo
tical Society has made extensive amssB. unedPrsP-
progress. Several gliders were built,
men were trained in gliding, the Professor of chemistry at. Cornell
first glider pilot licenses, issued by university, who is regarded as the
the National Glider Association, most likely winner of the Noble
were won by members of the Mich- prize in chemistry.
igan society, and' several prizes'
were taken at the First National First Number of Year
Glider Meet held at Cleveland in Issued by Law Review
Other schools Interested. Entering its twenty-eighth year.
Michigan, however, is not the the Michigan Law Review will ap-
only school in the world that has pear today in the first number of
made progress in this line, accord- the year carrying features written
ing to 'Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski, of by well-known lawyers.
the aeronautical department, in Among the leading articles is
his article "Gliding at Michigan one on "The Sanitary District of
and Elsewhere" in the October Chicago in the Supreme Court of
number of the Technic. "Gliding the United States" by Gardner S
attracted college students in Ger- Williams, consulting engineer of
many some time ago," says Profeg- Ann Arbor who acted in the ca-
sor Pawlowski, "and it soon spread pacity of advisor and expert wit-
all over Europe, and is now spread- ness on the sanitary matters in the
ing in this country due, chiefly, to cases discussed in this article.
the enthusiastic efforts and gener- O. John Rogge, Chicago attorney:
ous support of Mr. E. S. Evans, a has contributed "Damages upon
prominent Detroiter, who created Rescission for Breach of Warranty,'
the National Glider Assocation. and Learned Hand, judge of the
Gliding Made Safer. United States Circuit Court of Ap-
"Many people think that the peals in the second circuit is the
glider has served its most im- author of "Is There a Common
pOrtant purpose, and that it now Will."
remains only a plaything. This op- This volume, which carries more
inion, however, is not , just, for than 100 pages, is completed with
gliding is serving as a most fas- the usual sections by the studei
cinating and safe aerial sport since, uembersof e Board of Editors:
due to the inherent stability of a recent important decisions, book'
well-built glider, an entirely in- reviews, and books received. In
experienced and unskilled person, the book section is a review dfj
after ladnched in the air, can al- Prof. E. C. Goddard's new casq1
ways get safely down to the ground book, "Outlines of the Law of Bail-
by the simple expediency of aban- ments and Carriers."
doning the controls. The glider al- - .
so serves as a iiiethod of learning hours. Experiments in taking an!
to fly an airplane, thus shortening airplane above mountainous regions
the period of training in the pow- and flying them as gliders has,
ered machine. proven successful in judging the
"New domains in the usefulness disturbances in air currents, pro- I
of gliders and gliding are discover- duced by the configuration of the!
ed, "Professor Pawlowski says. ground below, and it has made it!
Lieutennt Thoret of the French possible to anticipate the effect of!
Army Air Service originated glid- sudden and unexpected gusts of
ing flights with the engine shut wind, and to utilize them for the
off, and in that way established purpose of staying aloft and clear
new records of between 8 and 9 of obstacles."
For Rent!


Wth the third. of a series of Fra-
ternity-Faculty dinners to be held
,tomorrow -evening, the program.
will be halfcompleted, announces
Fred Bauschard, '30, chairman of*
the committee of arrangements for
the Fraternity- Faculty dinners.
That the plan, meets with thel
whole-hearted approvalof both theI
members of the facuity and thel
fraternities is shown by the factl
that over 30 fraternities and a like'
number of the faculty have been
taking part in the two previousI
Fosters Closer Bond.
The purpose of the meetings is
to bring about a closer understand-!
ing betwen the student body and
their instructors. Believing that
this can be accomplished best by
having the faculty members be the!
dinner guests of a fraternity one
night a week, the committee has
worked to that end. Some have
had the erroneous impression that
the faculty man will either deliverI
a speech or a lecture. His visit is,
merely Qf a social nature whichj

NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-The stock
"There he is!" dred feet, the cord was pulled and'market, reopening today after the
This was shouted by about the large chute opened, abruptly three-day holiday, was swaped
three thousand, persons late Sun- checking the fall and drifting
day afternoon when the crowd at eastward in the strong westerly with selling orders, which carried
Ann Arbor Municipal Airport sud- wind. Bob made frantic efforts tos
denly saw Bob MacMillan, young) land on the airport. Nearly all the........................tonearys$2pashaet woen
parachute jiumper who is attend-! way, down he was pulling on the. igbustogbynsporwa
ing Ann Arbor High School, .cords at one side, causing the quickl supplied, and recoveries of
plunge through a bank of clouds chute to "side slip" in order to de- $1 to $6 a share from the low levels
more than a mile above the ground' scend more rapidly and thus avoid were quite common before the end
fall approximately twelve hundred being carried, off the field. ur. Blocks of 10000
fall apritely The wind was too strong how- to 50,000 shares were frequent in
feet and then float gracefully t-Iteinitial transaction.
ward the eatth. ever, and he soon was east of the h Governors of the New rYaork
Sunday's jump was announced State street road. He made aGornr f heNwYk
as a "delayed" leap. Lieut. Leon- graceful landing in a cornfield just stock exchange voted that the ex-
ad Foplinan e ckbeyond the tracks of the Ann Ar- change shall be open for business
ard S. Flo, piloting an open cock-'bynthtrcsoteAnA-i between 10 a. in. and 1 p . m
pit, three-place Spartan biplane, bor railroad, and after gathering epnda . T . and Fri.ay
climbed to nearly six thousand feet up his chute he was back at the otdsek, Tndrsday bedcFrid
before signalling' to Bob to. jump. airport soon after the crowd had 'kd
At that time, the plane was hidden started homeward.. * all day Sa.turday.
from the crowd by clouds, and few . While Bob was drifting earth- Assoc ated T r i.P The New York Curb market fl-
if any saw the young man actually ward, Lieut. Flo easily overtook Julius Rosenwald. lowed- the action of th. "big board"
leave the ship. him with a power dive, and after Chairman of the board.of Sca s, 'and announced that it, would oper-
The crowd obtained its first circling the jumper the aviator Roebuck & company, who pledg' d ate on the same schedule'for the
glimpse of the hurtling body as it entertained the crowd with sev- his personal fortune to guara i- remainder of the Vweek. Tuesday,
emerged from the ' clouds, and eral loops. He followed Bob to his1tee the stock market accounts of election day, is, a he liday here and
then, after a fall of several hun- landing and circled over the corn- the 40,000 employees of his com- the exchanges will -be closed.
field. It was dark when he brought pany. United States Steel common,
Future Armament Plan his plane to a landing. which opened at $8.25 a share lower
tlied byM usson Another jump will be made Twelve hundred freshmen at tie at $85.25,quicklyraled to $191.
yt snext Sunday. The demonstration Pennsylvania State College ha re Sharp recoveries also took place in
has been announced for an earier, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Amer-
ROME, Nov. 4.-Benito Mussolino, has be anoud for a e- organized a unique band consis t- ican Can, Interna tional Telephone
Italian dictator, told Italians Sun-e scended rapidly Sunday afternoon. ing entirely of harmonicas. aid other leaders.
day what would be his probable # A wall of black clouds came out -
course of action in the event Italy, ss
is nvovedin noter ar.Theoc-of the west, just as the jumper left.
casion was theeleventh rannver- the plane, and befor he landed 2 00 f A. REAL'S SERVICE CAR;
sary of the victory at Veneto, whichwas almost dark. - for an ' "FIXALL"
m nar r aof th e vict ory at V e n t roL w h b h. _ _ _ _r__ _ _ _ _ _ _ t Is th e sam e lo w ra te as ,

carries that personal touch that marmie in theier 01 Wole a tLiali
! rmesin the World war.
heretofore has been lacking. "History teaches us when there
A few excerpts from the letters
A fewexcepts rom he ltes are serious crises it is arms and war
received from members of the which solve them," Il duce said.
faculty show their desire to co- "If I had the terrible responsibil-
operate, along with their opinions,
ofpthier a . a m intsthed apnds ity of governing a country in war-
of the idea. I am terested and time I would make a clean sweepl
feel h ni f of all sowers of discord and de-
meeting students informally. I sin- featists. I would impose stern dis-,
cerely hope that every effort will fe behind tie war front.
be made to make the fraternity "I would eliminate the spectacle.
students feel that faculty members to soldiers returning
are fellow students of "somewhat ome on leave from muddy, bloody!
older standing." The program ap- trenches of brilliant carefree merryI
peals to be as a plan well worth 'life led in the big cities.
trying to secure more intimate re- "I would take from war factoriest
lations between students and mem- all able-bodied slackers who think1
bers of the faculty. I should wel- it more useful to manufacture hul-
come more extensive acquaintance Ilets, shells and bombs than to shoot
with students and shall be glad to and throw them."
take part in they arrangements you The premier said there was en-
propose." tirely too much talk about peace
Series Half Over.i and disarmament.
Although the series is half over,
there is yet a chance for fraterni- The University of Wisconsinmen I
ties and faculty members to take eating at dormitories and res-
part in the program. Fraternities taurants eat three -cents more
will be, given their choice of fac- worth of food than women eating
ulty man they would like to enter-I at corresponding places, while!
tain insofar as it is possible. Those fraternity men's appetites cost
interested may get in tuch with them four cents more per :lay, fig- V
the committee in charge at Lane ures compiled at the university
hall. there indicate.

Union Member


! Q81

Are Obtainable by Mail
Men students may now obtain
their Union membership cards by
mail if they will send the following
information to James E. Thayer, re-
cording secretary of the Union:
Treasurer's receipt, Ann Arbor ad-
dress, telephone, home address,
class and department in which they
are enrolled, and a self-addressed,'
stamped envelope for the return of
the membership card and the treas-
urer's receipt.

fey can *A" work} broughtto my Repair
Replace. :Shop.. Open 7,A. M. to 9

For any article worth repairing that I can't repair and make as strong
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Free repair for any item that I can't name its occupation.
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locks, etc.


No membership numbers will be
assigned unless the application is
accompanied by the Treasurer's re-

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