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November 05, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-05

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Criminology Classes Study Co
Inspection Tours of Michix

O +
Final compilings upon the en- One of the latest projects of the In the
rolment of University of Michigan O1students of Criminology under Prof. building.
Extension courses have been an-. Arthur E. Wood, of the Sociology cases. To
r[uneed by the division with a to- ---- department, is a first-hand study the reaso
B1 F O KLE D EIN[ E uOF 1500u STuD E S tal imber of 707 men and 1220, Notd Economist and Historian of convicts, convict labor, and pris- bilding
women enrolled in the varioulbiI1 LcN on conditions. Last Saturday was go throug
- ~~courses of the department. The WlLecture on dative :devoted to a trip of inspection "'te con
"As Long as Religion Is Devoid of Ethics' extension bureau which staned Govcrnnicnt Today. through the Michigan State Prison various k
.at 'fourteen years ago with a program - -- - at Jackson. Ing, ston
It aC~ Vy xpiains ,of offering University credit courses WILL DISCUSS POLITICS The prison itself is a gloomy binding t
Saginaw Minister to the various citins df the state ostructure of red brick with iron folding c
'now has enrollments in nine Mich-' \ir. F. A. Bland, who holds the'bars very much in evidence. In- Food i
"iReligion has vitality when it deep little things within one's heart l igan cities. . - side, the offices very much resemb- of the pri
fuses an ethical advance with an and the wonderous, beautiful The demand for adult education terne the offices of a business firm. pound lo
'intellectual advance," the Rev. things that-lie outside. has grown rapdly/ throughout ministration at- the University of Through four iron doors, one ed every
John C. Schroeder, of Saginaw, told Ethical Basis Necessary. Michigan as a result of nation- I Sydney, Australia, will speak today, gains entrance to t h e lobby. served fo
more than 1500 students of the "The discussions that students! Wide niOveilehts in that direction.,at 4:15 o'clock in room 1025 Angell On either side doors lead to the cell' must bal
University and townpeople Sunday have in their rooming houses re-' These courses are open to all per-'hall on "The Australian Common- block and straight ahead are the meal the
morning at the second of the fall garding religion are usually stop- sons qualified to pursue them to wealth." Mr. Bland will emphasize other buildings of the prison. One pounds o
series of convocations. ped short of a solution because the advantage. Credits thus earned in his talk the part that the con- of these is a new prison, which when ' e on a c
"As long as religion is purely in- students do not consider the ethi- are placed on file in the office of, stitution of the Australian com- completed. will hold 5,000 convicts. or taking
tellectual, is devoid of ethics it; cal bases. They place religion en- the registrar at the University and monwealth plays in the political. At the present there are 2,300 in he must
lacks vitality. The intellectual| tiirely on an intellectual basis. are available for the student whensocial, and economic problems of the building all of whom are at The pr
basis is necessary, but there must Now that it has become divorced he matriculates the state. He will not only outline worK on the structure. All the la- itself. It
also be ideals, accompanying it, from myth and mystery, man has the form of the constitution, but bor with the exception of the brick- hall, ath
before the purpose of religion, that become comblaceent, adopting the PLAN MEETING TO will also explain why the document laying is done by convicts. its effic~
of closing the spiritual gaps be- attitude that he is satisfied with is and the method by which it '------ ------.-- -----_---
tween man and man, can be ac- an idle definitioir. FORM HI-Y GROUP works. I Ed iunds Appointed d cr
complished," the Saginaw minister i "Religion, during the periods Mr. Bland is well known in the Std ~roisadat
stated. when it was most vital, was more' Believing that the needs exists field of economics and history, as to StudyNarcotc to raisea
"The history of religion is than intellectual. The intellectual for the formation of a Hi-Y group well as public administration. He 1_ex-actor
anIalagous to Athat of the industria' progression has been merely a on the Michigan campus, the Stu- was trained in the University of Dr. Clarece W. Edmunds of the their re
revolution. This movement has a eries of crisis, and for religion to dent Christian association is spon- Sydney, where he took hi work in department of pharmacology has iwho gets
its story the closing of technicolog ichieve its purposes, that of clos- M sorin a meeting for those interest- arts and law, and economics. His been notified by the chairman of ten cents
teal gaps. When one increment o ng the spiritual gaps between man ed this evening at 7:30 o'clock in post-graduate work was done at ihe National Research council that fund. T
speed was introduced into the tex- md man. it must b? more than a the auditorium of Lane Hall. the London School of Economics. he has been appointed a member of fluencef
tile industry, there arose the ne- itle for a tat, it must possess an Although the Hi-Y groups. In explaining his previous work, he National Research council that actor to
cessity of speeding up the systerr thical basis, there should be mercy branches of the Young Men's Mr. Bland said that, since 1916 in is to study the subject of Drug Ad- ever her
at other points. So the revolution ind sympathy. Christian Association, have been I New South Wales. he has been As. I diction. 'ment.
which started with one invention "Jesus' conflicts with his genera- heretofore confined largely to high sistant Director of Teutorial classes. The work of this committee has ~-
as not p utere had n he said, schools throughout the country, In Australia, much of the educa- - een made possible throu p
foas no opeeutlteehd~iwere not with what bhe said!sibe trogh an ap-
been a whole series of innovations ntellectually of God, but what he numerous cglleges have started lo- tion is conducted on extra-mural propriation to the National Re-
"The same principle applies tc said practically of man," the cal clubs. In an effort to start a - lines, and the position which Mr.'search committee by the Rocke-
religion. The simple destiny of youthful pastor stated. "The ref- club here, letters were sent out to Bland has held was in directing ,feller Foundation. Dr. Edmunds l
religion has been the closing of the ormation progressed on an ethical students, who were affiliated with this work of education outside the has left for Washington to attend
spiritual gaps. Sometimes, the basis. Religion has vitality wher is organization in high school, confines of the university. ,a meeting of the committee.
gaps have been widened but, in it has fused an intellectual ad- attempting to discover the amount Since 1906, Mr. Bland has been !ne-t.nhe- --- ---------sgo
the long run, that has been the be- ane with an ethical advance. of sentiment favoring the estab- connected with the development of; -
gend of religion." "We wonder why religion lacks lishniavenent in New South Wales,
Points Out Changes. !vitality. It is because in the scien- considerable interesting has been first acting as a secretary of a lo- XAJ
-The Rev. Mr. Schroeder then tific pruning of t, we have forgot- shown and t is expected thatsoe cal examining commission which
t- ntfcpuigo t ehv o o-cleaiigcmiso hc ten about the fruit. If religion i; action on the matter will be taken, had to certify as to the quaifica-
pointed out the several changesu hgat the meeting this evening.AlL 11 o d oc ah
that have occurred in religion nothing ethical, the world becomes students are welcome. tials ain c as een aNo S wi
within the past few generations. a vast indifference. There must be IWAR. Since 191'7 he has been a le- .,pr
"If I had talked to a group of stu- a fusion with aspirations, ideals Ater on Municipal Administration
dents two 'or three generations ago. must be enfranchised to be ef- ADELPHI MEETS at the Universit. This year Mr'
Bland was appointed a ebe f
I would have adopted a very dif- fective. Badwsapitdamme
ferent attitude. Years ago re- Ethical-Lack is Problem. FOR INITIATIONGthe local goverment examining
ligion meant the believing of the "The ethical lack of this genera- 1 I!committee. He was also a roya
Biblical story of creation, the le- tion is its most difficult problem. a tcommissioer chosen to investi
gend of the ark, of Jesus walking On an intellectually sound foun- 'meeting of the Adelph House ofg r m-p'questions
on the surface of the lake, and of dation we make place high aspi- Representatives at 7:30 o'clock to-
His feeding the 5,000 people with, rations which must be braced with night in the Adelphi room on the
two fishes and five loaves. friendship with our fellow men, fourth floor of Angell hall. There
"In that time, not to believe was before the spiritual gaps between will be no open session this week,
to be irreligious. The rigid estab- man and man can be closed." but any student wishing to give - JIIT N E Y
lishnent of the cree.. necessitated The Rev. Mr. Schroeder is pas- a try-out speech before the Housef
religions being bound up with in- tor of the First Congregational. will be heard. A five-minute talk
tellectuab assertions, and to a'ccept' Church of Saginaw, and is one of on any subject is required of ally
them was to receive the welcome the outstanding young ministers ofi applicants for membership.
ofhevn h onr.The following will appear for ini- sp
"The intellectual revolution had - titation tonight: Oliver 0. Clagett,"
a distinct effect on the story of re- School B Grad.; Walter B. Wiers, Grad.;
ligion. People began to question ofBenito Lopez, '30; Earl A. Kloster -
the established institutions, the to Movies '30; Meye;^pplebaum, '31 Robert
books and creeds. Religion was onH. Zeigler, '31; Leonard Kimball, I ITIN -
shocked by the new astronomical '33; Edgar Eckert, '33; Samuel
theory, the theory of evolution IProf. M. H. Waterman, assistant INathanson, '33; Burton Field, '33,-
and the efforts of psychology in il- director of the business research and Paul Berlowitz; 33.
luminating the bases of human de- bureau, announced yesterday that All regular members of the House -
sires and emotions. the planned movies would not be are expected to be present, as im-. f
Calls Religion a Mood. shown this afternoon in the Natur- portant business will be transacte
'Religion was found to be not al Science auditoriunm, due to the tecuoidp-~ FNIT MSTNEU
bound up with creeds and institu- fact that the School of Business Typhoid fever, tuberculosis, diph-;fW ONNIEST-MOSTTUNEFU
tions. One may or may not accept Administration was not able to ob- theria and cholera are among the M A PVUE EVER POSENTE
them and still be religious Re- tain the reels. The next showing diseases which may be transmitted I'MU'IEDWARDREVERSTTTE
ligion is a mood, a dramatic ex. will take place on November 26 as by shaking hands, according to [ TITTE1
perience, not dependent upon as- planned. Miss Leila Ione Given, research stu-E
srtions. It is a belief in one judg- I-delt at Columbia University, who PHONE 4814 HORTON
ment of life, a hypothesis of life,th .ihas experimented recently with BETTY BRONSON -
not accidents, but a part of our D etoit T eatres choolchildren.
reality. ________-__-___-_______
"The sciences, as phAc ac
mathematics, however, con defrom LAFA YET TE
a certitude which proceeds from WILLIAM
one side of man, his mind, where- HODGE
as the religious certitude pro-1,
seeds from not one part bt from America's Inimitable Star
the whole, not from the mind butn Nw
from the integrated whole. It is a "HIOMICI E"
certitude from the whole personal- Nights: 50c to $2.50 TIhu-
ity, not devoid of the intellectual,! Matinees: Thursday 50c to $1.50 i '1sv, NOV . 5th , thru Thu rs., Nr. -
but having to do with even more; - Saturday 50 to $2.00
the integrated soul. ---'-- -__-

The Rev. Mr. Schroeder then!'MEN'S
pleaded to his audience to "close! CASSLADIE
their books and look beyond the Suits Suits, Dresses
scientific interpretation of re- GO. SIDNEYL g
ligion. Look out into the vast "KIBITZER" Ca song Coats
realm of space and obtain a com- Matinees: Wed. and Sat. 75c, $1.50 1_O'oats (Inc. Fur Trimmed)
plete, and integrated view, for re-,NCleaned a-zd Press-d
ligion must make fusion of the Nights: $1.00, $2.50 Cleaned and Prcsscd
Called-for and Devered Clled for and Delivered

nvrcts I hrough
gan State Prisons
old block, the original -
are 1,300 of the hard
quote one of the guards.
fn they aye not in the new
is because they would
;h the walls like squirrels."
victs in the old block do Briefly
inds of labor, license mak-
e cutting, the making of' Mi -igan: -The Love Doctor." a
wine, aluminum ware and fairly amusing comedy talkie fea-
hairs. turing Richard Dix and a new lead-
s one of the big problems ing lady. Not as funny as previous
'ison. Six hundred three-
aves of bread are consum- Dixian efforts. Last day.
day. If doughnuts are' Majestic: "Madame X", excep-
r breakfast .the bakers , tionally well-acted melodrama
ke 4,500 of them. At one y
prisoners consume 1,200 - based on the famous stage thriler.
f meat. The food is serv- Ruth Chatterton and Lewis Stone
-afeteria plan, each prison- I give remarkable characterizations
as much as. he wants, but of difficult roles. No happy ending
eat all he takes.
ison is really a city within - to this all-talker. Last day.
has its own libr-ary, band Wuerth: "Sonny Boy," unusually
letic diretor, and even witty farce arriving here late. - Da-
ency man. vey Lee, Al Jolson's little partner,
mittee of fib-n-executives Edward Everett Horton, and Betty
rs are working on a plan Bronson provide many laughs.
Part-talker, closes tomorrow.
a fund to build a home for Big-time vaudeville, absent for
s where they may spend some- time from Detroit's downtown
clining days. Each actor theatres, comes back with a bang
theatre tic-kets free gives at the Oriental, along with talking
on each ticket toward the;films Five or six acts are changed
he committee hopes to in-
every testimonial writing weekly, while the current picture
turn into the fund what- feature is Reginald Denny's newest
receives from the endorse- ! talking comedy, "One Hysterical
{Night." B. J. A.
"Oh, Doctor, do you really think its seri-
ous?" "No m'am, there's not a serious
moment in the entire production," says
On the Stage
in in
Pathe Sound News Fox News
A Song Cartoon
If You Find That

i is because your account is
not clear oa our records.













The Living Screen Presents
Aw r

If there has been some
If sent with a garment in the same class to be
Cleaned and Pressed at Our Regular Prices --misunderstanding call at The
L A N~ --Daily Offc-omil us your
check and your Daily will
SUITS SUITS Istart at once.
(inc. Fur Trimmed)
Jhin of fer holds only on a cash basis



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