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November 05, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-05

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Upper House Censures Bingham
of Connecticut for
Tariff Framing.



New England Delegation Backs
Former Yale Professor
and War' Aviator.
By Francis 1. Stevenson,
A. P. Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. - Con-
demnation was voted on Senator
Bingham of Connecticut by the
Senate today, 54 to 22, for his re-
lations with the Connecticut Man-
ufacturers' Association while for-
mulating the tariff legislation.
Obviously wounded but still de-
flant, the Republican Senator, a
former Yale professor and World
War aviator, replied as he left the
chamber, that he would certainly 1
not resign.
Through four hours of debate,
he has stubbornly contended his
right to use the officer of the Con-
necticut Association to help him in
his work of framing the tariff bill
and to take that officer into the
secret tariff rate-making session
of the finance committee Republi-
Absolved of Corrupt Motives.
Twice the Senate had voted down
attempts to modify the resolution
of condemnation, but then Sena-
tor Norris, Republican, Nebraska,
its author, yielded to pleas from 1
both sides of the Chamber that'
Bingham be absolved of corrupt
motives. That specification wentj
into the -resolution.
As the Senate was finally about
to vote,:the gray-haired Nebraskan
turned to the tall Connecticut Sen-
ator, slumped'in his seat behind
him, to assert the "pity is that the
Senator has not yet grasped that
the action he did was injurious to
the Senate."
The text of the resolution as ad-
opted read: "That the action of
the Senator from Connecticut, Mr.
Bingham, in placing Mr. Charles
L. Eyanson upon the official pay
roll of the Senate and his use by'
Senator Bingham at the time and
in the manner set forth in the re-
port of the sub-committee on the
judiciary while not a result of cor-
rupt motives on the part of the
Senator from. Connecticut is con-
trary to good morals and senatori-
al ethics and tends to bring the
Senate into dishonor and direpute,
and such conduct is hereby con-
Camber and Galleries Crowded.
It was the first time in 27 years
tl t the Senate voted to censure a
member and an atmosphere of
solemnity prevailed the Chamber
and galleries were crowded when
the resolution was brought up by
Norris at the outset of the' ses-
sion. Members of the House crowd-
ed obout the rear of the Chamber.
Bingham, himself, opened the
discussion after the resolution was
read, presenting a lengthy prepar-
ed defense of his use of Charles L.
Elyanson, the $10,000 assistant to
the president of the Connecticut
Association, as an aide during his
work with the finance committee
majority in drafting the bill. His
friends pleaded for a softening of
the wording of the resolution.
Senator Gillett, Republican, Mas-
sachusetts, cautionad that the Sen-
ate did not have time to censure
all indiscretions of its members but
one defended Bingham's action.
Senator Wheeler, Democrat, Mon-
tana, called upon the "old guard"
to express itself and finally Sena-
tor Gould, Republcan, Maine, who
had taken a seat beside Bingham,
arose to answer.
"The Senator from Connecticut
has made a four square statement
here of just what he done and why
he done it" said the Maine Sena-
tor, and the prevalent tension was
relieved -momentarily by laughter.


Invitations for "City Haul" which
will be given Friday and Saturday0
nights at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre have been sent to all pat-
rons of Play Production, according 1IN CL1RI T C
to Valentine B. Windt, 'director, (__ _
These invitations may be enchang-IN(ted Leading Man Noi
ed at the box office of the theatre
for reserved seats. Seats may be in "Pleasure Boy
applied for only on presentation of in Detroit.
the invitation, but any individuals
who are interested and are not on'
the Play Production mailing list, COSTUMES BEING
may secure an invitation at the
Play Production office in Univer- Routines Created by
,ity Hall, Windt announced yester- in New Broadway S
The Division of English is pre- to be Employed
senting Play Production in the two
winners of the student written play Outside professional tra
contest which was held last year. be
"City Haul," by William Thurnau, been enlisted in the form
'29, and "Lelia," by DorothyAck- I "Merrie-Go-Round,' the
erman, '29, tied for first place in ion Opera with the appe
the contest. "Lelia" will be given Roy Hoyer to help with
November 29 and 30 in the Lydia of the "chorus-girls" and
Mendelssohn theatre, and both cialty numbers.
shows will be presented on as equal Hoyer is appearing in
a basis as possible so that the pub- with the cast of the
lic may judge the relative merits Bounid" company and will
of each, Windt stated. ffrom Ann Arbor to the tl
All production of the two plays ter each rehearfsal. This i
is being financed by Play Produc- imately the tenth year tI
tion from the money that has been has worked with the e
made on the general campus pre- production, according to
sentations. "City Haul" has a cast mer Shuter, director. He

,W Playing
Lnd" 9

Class elections will be held on
three occasions this week, accord-
ing to the present schedule. The
freshmen law students will elect
their officers this afternon, the
freshmen engineering students to-
morrow morning, and the sopho-
more engineering class will choose
its leaders Thursday morning.
All the votes will be under the
supervision of the Student council,
and councilmen will conduct them
personally. The first year law stu-
dents will ballot at 4 o'clock this


.ining has
ulating of
1929 Un-
arance of!
the steps
the spe-
a Detroit
l Commute
heatre af-
is approx-
bat Ifoyer
E. Morti- E
manages C

afternoon in room B of the Law
building. Kenneth Lloyd, '30, pres-
ident of the Union, will be in charge
for the council.
The freshinen enginering class
will meet in a general assembly at
11 o'clock tomorrowvmorning for
its election. Tl:he vote will be in
charge of Stan Cochran, '30E, and
Matthew Haddon, '31, for the coun-
cil. The meeting will be held in
room 348 of the West Engineering
The sophomore engineers will
choose their officers at 10 o'clock
Thursday morning. The meeting
will also be held in room 348 of the
West Engineering building.
With these votes the class elec-
tion activity will come to a halt un-
til the freshman literary elections,
which are now scheduled for Dec. 5.
It is the belief of the council that
postponing of the election until
that time will allow the first year
students to become better ac-
quainted with each other and het-

of approximately 60 people and to appear at the theatre about a
this show will mark the first ap- month before the show is schedul-.
pearance of many in a campus ed to open and stays with the com- i
dramatic production. pany until the production. is in al
finished state.
S ome years ago Hoyer was madel
an honorary member of Mimes, hon-
Irary campus dramatie organia, I
tion .
A different kind of routine will
M be employed this year, Hoyer inti-
mated to Shuter in a communi-
Former Vice-President, Present cation received several weeks ago.
Ar . The style of dancing and routine!
ambassador to Great Britain, that Jack Donahue, Broadway!
Visiting President. dancer and comedian, has used in
his latest shows will be used this ,
WILL TALK TO STIMSON year in the opera, with Hoyer as1
dance master.
( y Associated Press)Individuals in the cast andE
choruses were measured for cos-!
WASHINGTON, D. C.; Nov. 4.--I turns Friday afternoon and Satur- I
President Hoover and Charles G. dayateo and str
Dawes, American ambassador to day. A representative of the Lester
Great Britain, meet tomorrow for I Ltd. company of Chicago took the
the first time since the formIer h individual sizes of the members of-
Vice President initiated the con- te company and after the cos-
versation with Prime Minister Mac- htues are made in the factories inr
Donald out of which grew the invi- Chicago they will be sent here for
tation for the five-power naval fittings.
limitation conference in London The Ann Arbor production of the
next January. opera will be given this year in the
The ambassador accompanied by Michigan theatre, instead of the!
Mrs. Dawes will arrive early tomor- Whitney as in the past. The show
row from Chicago, and will aguest will open on Thursday, December
at the White House until Thursday 12 and play through Saturday, De-!
evening, at which time he will pro-, cember 14. Two matinee perform-
cede to New York en route to Lon- ances will be given on Friday and
don to resume his duties. Saturday afternoons.
Mr. Dawes will confer also with
Secretary Stimson who is to head ,DA Y RADIO
the American delegation to London."
Besides the Secretary of State, Am- SPEAKERS NAME
bassador Dawes and Senator Reed, S
of Pennsylvania, and Robinson, of I
Arkansas, the delegation will con- f ncoyplihance with the request
sist of one or two members whoj of many listeners of the richiga I
will be selected by the President Night radio programs for a talk by
after his talk with the Ambassador. at member of the University cdi-
The conversations. between the h cal faculty upon the subject ofI
Chief Executive and his personal the recently discovered methods of
representative at the Court of St treating varicose veins, Prof. Wal-
James are expected to cover the do Abbot of the rhetoric depart
naval limitations subject, with Mr. merit,director of the Morris hally
Dawes making a personal report of studio, has procured Prof. Henry
his long negotiations with the Brit-IK. Ransom of the medical school
ish Prime Minister. to discuss this subject on the pro-:
An agreement on naval parity gram to be broadcast Saturday
between the United States and night.
Great Britain by 1936 climaxed I In addition, Prof. William Her-I
theseanegotiations, but details as to bert Hobbs, head of the geology de-
how this is to be applied to cruisers partment, will talk of ,his exper-I
remains to be worked out at the iences as director of the Universi-I
London confere'nce. ty's- expedition to Greenland; and
During the talk between Mac- Prof. Stuart A. Courtis, of theI
Donald and Mr. Dawes, several ( School of Education, will discuss:
1 propositions were put forward with ( "Scientific Books for Children."
I the latest and apparently the most The musical part of the pro-.
acceptable agreement, alloting 339,- gram will be furnished by a string
000 tons of cruisers to Great Brit- ensemble of students under the di-
ain on some 40,000 tons less to rection of Prof. David E. MatternI
the United States. of the School of Music.


r officers will be selected.

(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 4.-
Heartened by Saturdays showing
against the much-touted Alliga-
EStors of Florida University, Har-
vard's varsity squad turned its at-
F Al tention to this week's game with
Reapportionment of Property the University of Michigan at Ann
Values Sought to Secure Only light practice was in order
Equitable Rate. today due to a sodden playing field
and a somewhat weakened squad
as the result of the record breaking
SOMEA__DYEXEMPT heat of last Saturday. Morethan
twenty-four hours of steady rain
Committee Asks Aid of Michigan had soaked the field here.
Alumni in Influencing With five games under its belt,
Alumi i Infuening one of them a decisive defeat at
Legislature. the hands of Dartmouth, the
Crimson squad and coaches real-
Two proposals for reducing the l ized that next Saturday's contest
cost of fraternity property in the will virtually make or break the'
universities and colleges of the state team's reputation for 1929.
I wre adeby he ntefraernty One thing seemed certain, that
were made by the nterfraternity is that the team is showing im-
council at its meeting yesterd*,?.provement despite the poor tack-
The first considered by the coun- ling that marred part of the game
cil the most likely to be successfuln with Florida. Against the South-
erners,. for the first time this year,
is the reapportionment of property Harvard made a practice of run-
values by the city assessor for a ning its plays from a short kick
more equitable tax rate on resi- formation with marked success.
dential property; the second is ab- 'Then there was the presence in the
solute tax exemption of such prop- line-up of Wally Harper, the hard dynamo from Iowawho
erty by having a bill passed through added unquestionably to the morale
the Michigan legislature to that ef- of the Crimson machine. The
feet. Harvard offense still lacks punch
A report 'made by the committee and the interference is slow, but
on tax exemption showed that 12 Coach Arnold Horween and his col-
other states give this encourage- leagues hope that this week's prac-
ment to education, for they con- tice will work the desired miracle.
sider that fraternities fill a definite
need in housing students. Many
students are living in tax-free.
h'omes now, the report showed, and
if the Universitys plan .for building
'more dormitories goes through,
even more will be housed In ex-
empted homes. I OF NET ATTACS
Alumni to Be Listed.
The first action that will be taken Gillette Has Seen Intoxicated
for the promotion of this property Representatives in
exemption will be done by the com-
pilation of a list of all Michigan Legislature
alumni living in the state who -
were members of fraternities. Cir- BROOKHART WILL SPEAK
cular letters will be sent these men,
in the hope that they will be able (y As ciated Pess)
to bring pressure to bear on the WASHINGTON, D. C.,, Nov. 4 -
legislators from their districts. If More and more the attention of
(isAbill ist, tipugh th B tors., is being attracted by
ture, the iversity will have no charges of liquor drinking by those
more jurisdiction over campus so- who write the laws of the country.j
cial organizations than it now has. Senator Smith Wildman Brook-
The action of the reassessment hart, of Iowa, who scuttled his col-
of taxes will be left almost entirely leagues in September with an ac-
to the individual fraternities until count of a dinner to Senators at
some course has been determined' which liquor was served, gave no-
in connection with the more im- tice in the crowded Senate Cham-
portant matter of tax exemption, ber today that he would discuss
it was decided. Any organizations prohibition enforcement in generalI
that feel they are being taxed too and Wall Street booze parties in
highly should take the mater up particular "soon after the gavel
directly with the assessor. bangs tomorrow."
Committees Will Act. A Republican dry, he has' been
A committee will be appointed to subpoenaed to tell a grand jury'
go into both matters before the Wednesday what he knows about
next meeting, and letters will be the alcoholic prepensities of Wash-,
sent out to the alumni as soon as ington.
the lists can be compiled. Hardly had the Brookhart flurry
The other business taken up at subsided, before Senator Gillett, a
the meeting concerned holding the Republican, Massachusetts, inform-
annual fraternity bridge tourna- E ed the Senate he frequently had
ment, which has in the past been seen Representatives legislating in
sponsc::ed by the council. A com- { the House "under the influence of
mittee was appointed to take care !liquor." For three terms, he was
I of this matter. speaker of the House. Gillett's re-
The council voted unanmously to marks occurred during the debate
send William Farrell, '30, president, on the resolution to censure Sena-
and Joseph Shannon, '30, secret- tor Bingham, Republican, Connec-
ary, to the meeting of the Na- ticut. He observed it would keep
tional Interfraternity council, Congress busy to attempt to cen-
which will be held next week in sure all indiscretions of members,
Philadelphia. and said the alleged intoxication
Heof House members had been ob-
Ha r Pp eutg unknown "to the great American


and Soplxomores Plan
Traditional Fall


Contests on South Ferry Field
Will Attract Harvard
Game Visitors.
Traditional underclass rivalry
will break forth this week as the
University's sophomores and fresh-
men vie for the honors bestowed
annually on the winner of the fall
games. Saturday they will meet on
south Ferry field in the established
class contests previous to that they
will hold organization meetings,
and general "pow-pows" to bring
their class spirit to its peak.
First to definitely organize will
be the sophomores, who will hold a
big mass meeting at 8 o'clock this
evening in the ballroom of the
Union. Pep-talkshby the class lead-
ers, an address by Prof. John M.
Brumm, head of the Journalism
department, the election of a class
captain for the games, and the en-
joyment of smokes, cider and
doughnuts, furnished by the Union,
will be highlights of the assembly.
The freshmen class will hold pre-
liminary organization meetings to-
night at the union. They will meet
in their respective groups, in
which they have been classed since
t matriculation. The meeting will be
held at 7:15 o'clock in six rooms on
the third floor of the Union.
Former Captains Will Speak.
I George Ryerson, '31, . and Al
Donahue, '31, previous captains of
the underclass games will speak to
the freshmen concerning the inter-
class struggle.
Election of the freshmen cap-
tain for the games will take place
at 7:15 o'clock Wednesday evening
in the .ballroom of the nioq..P1ig
to the election Dr. William D.
Henderson, director of the Univer-
sity Extension diviiion, will ad-
dress the the first year students,
Stanton Todd, '30, 'varsity cheer-
leader, will lead the group in sev-
eral yells, aad Walter Crego, '30,
several times games captain, will
speak to the freshinen. Cider,
doughnuts, and smokes will be fur-
I nished the freshmen by the Union,
according to Kenneth M. Lloyd,
At the Sophqmore meeting this
evening talks will be given by sev-
eral of the class leaders: Leo F.
Brown, 32, game captain last year;
Edward J. McCormick, '32, president
of the class last year, and Ralph A.
Hardy, '32, recently chosen presi-

DETROIT, Nov. 4.-In the pres-
ence of Vice President Curtis, Gov.
Fred W. Green and a gathering of
American and Canadian authori-
ties, the new Ambassador bridge
linking Detroit and Border Cities
will be formerly dedicated Novem-
ber 11, it was announced today by
J. W. Austin, vice president of the
Detroit International Bridge Co.
Special trains will bring officials
and leaders from New- York-and
other large cities to witness the
event. The bridge will be opened to
traffic three or four days after the
dedication, Mr. Austin said.
Among the Canadian officials to
be present will be Attorney General
W. H. Price of Ontario. Ceremonies
are planned at each end of the
From one end Attorney General
Price will speak, while the speech
of Vice Preident Curtis, delivered
from the other end, will be relayed
to the Canadian gathering by
means of amplifiers.




Scholarship prizes are being
offered by the Board in Control
of Student Publications under
the following resolution:
Resolved: That the Board in'
Control of Student Publications
shall for the current year offer
cash prizes of $100 each for
scholarship attainment accord-
ing to the following rules:
1. Every student who has
done substantial and satisfac -
tory work on any student pub-
lication or publications under
control of the Board for four or
more semesters shall be eligible
for one of these prizes. The
Summer Session shall be rated
as a half semester.
2. Every such student who
has attained an average scholar-
ship of B or better during the
period above specified shall re-
ceive one of these prizes.
3. Every student who believes
himself entitled to a scholarship
prize shall file an application for
same at the Board office in the
Press building after the opening
of the University in the fall and
before the middle of November,
and the prizes shall be awarded
and paid before the Christmas
4. No student shall be an ap-
plicant for any scholarshipprize
more than once.
5. The scholarship standing
of each applicant shall be esti-
mated in accordance with the
system of grading employed in
the various schools and colleges
of the University.
The Board requests applicants
for these prizes to fil their ap-
plications as soon as possible at
the Board office in the Press
uilding, , where application

ans Are Announced
With one thought in their mind,
that of defeating Harvard in Mich-'
igan's first intersectional game in E
several years, students of the Uni-
versity will assemble at 7 o'clock
Friday evening for their second big
pep meeting of the season.
Pep speeches by a prominent
alumnus, and by campus leaders,
yells under the direction of the
Michiganccheerleaders, and several
songs accompanied by Michigan's
"fighting band" are scheduled \as ,
features for the pep meeting.


World Cruise Appoints'
L o c a 1 Representative
A. James Jordan, Jr., '30, Busi-
ness Manager of The Daily, has just
been appointed local representative
of the third University World
Cruise, it was announced. Jordan
states that students of several col-
leges have already been granted
leaves of absence from ChristmasI
to April 20, so that they may
spend their second semester with
the world Cruise.

Three Contests Scheduled.
Arrangements for the staging of
the games themselves are now being
made by the Student council, un-
der the direction of Richard Cole,
'30, senior councilman. The games
consist of three contests, the cane
spree, the pillow fight and the flag
The cane spree and the pillow
fight will each count one point.
The flag rush will be conducted in
three heats with three flags, the
freshmen taking the attack, and at-
tempting to secure a flag within a
specified time. Each flag captured
will count the yearlings one point.
Three of the five total points will
give a class the games
Officers Elected by
Men's Education Club
John Luyendyke, '0 was named
president of the Men's Education
club at a meeting last night. Other
officers chosen were Bertus Boone,
'30 Ed.. vice-nersident, L. J. De-
Pree, '30, secretary and Leroy Kall-
rose, '30, treasurer.
Louis W. Keller, of the Educa-
tion school, addressed the club .at
its meeting. His subject was "How
One Sees What He Sees." The Edu-
cation club holds it meeting every
two weeks.
It is imperative that you make
your Michiganensian picture ap-
pointments immediately. The
business office on the second
floor of the Press building is


By Bobo.
Appropriate for week-end parties
and presenting several new slants
on how to play football, Gargoyle
will appear on the campus today
with its "Huddle" number, which is
taking the place of the usual No-
vember football issue.
Campus talk is full of the news
of the day as seen from the view-j
point of student members of the
public, and, as the reader is in-
formed, anything goes in these col-,
umns subject only to good taste
and to the editor's blue pencil.
The editorial page is devoted en-
tirely to dissertation on the rela-

tion as seen from the student's po-
sition and has also contributed;
numerous other drawings. Jerry
Ellison, '30, managing editor, has
drawn the cover design which pre-
sents three types of huddles: on the
football field, at a fight, and roll-
ing dice. The design uses blue and
yellow vn a green background.
One page is devoted to reviewing
3 some of the latest gooks, while an-
other page is devoted to some of
this months best sellers in the line
of phonograph records. The J-Hop
Committee is given advice on when,
where, and how to select an orches-


_, _ rr
i r f;
' , .., .r i

Ann Arbor will dress up ir
Crimson and White and Maize ant
Blue next week-end when it play:
host to Harvard and to its owr
Alumni. Saturday will be Home-
coming day for the University':
alumni and the campus will be
trimmed in appropriate colors to
do honor to the occasion.
"Decorating for Homecoming da'
has long been one of the tradi-

Michigan and its opponent, and of
football generally."
. A large silver loving cup will be
presented the best decorated house.
It has been donated by, Samuel
Goldman, and will be placed onl
display today in a State street
store.. Attempts are being made to
secure a cup for the second place
house. A committee of. faculty
men from the Architectural school


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