w: .
HE[INDflrIOfl China Way Rumors )FAMOUS AVIATOR -
R LLIL BOW Meaiftaited Untrue FETED IN PARIS
Robert Chew Denies N''ew } ?.....:,...... rET
19 1DeV,0"T1, CI' ra '9f fti .'i Lete ................................. . "..:.:: ........
screen Reflectirons,
hielburne Letters MANNARBOR PLANS
Added to Clements
Library Collection BETTR AIRlPORT
(juri eltiy
for tme talking screen. Somie novel
newsreel shots also feature the pro-
gran i.
If "Thaey rexen fWtlrd
Private Papers Are Discovered.-
in Secret Compartmentt Co. icil Approp riates
-1: I-M-1for Development of
F' I.- KR S.
to r acuty vim*** .DretonbyM;n of -"ad tookcasc.
"How Much,&o You Want" is--v :' 3 D :Sli "triclt.
When newspapers vwee crammed ....L~WsoN Second of the series of silent mo-,
<; rri AETW ~4j~ inpcursteMhelslnte Private letters of Lord Shelburne,
Y g full of mrssi. an-Chnwar dope ,a sor~i~ safreg 'ou-who represented England in the 1j PLA
Pk'd~gil drt I astsumer Mr CatonWelsof (1~t ay.. t'o. bsedon he<lay'Drcaece negotiations of 1783, werei
the rhetoric department, doubted' thidn casededOthiseummer in England Ayr
Tthe probability of it all. So he sat' iVFCHI(AN eAtt.[~itf i *ptli" . XW. Minau, famed German I and brought back to the William realize
2004 ST1E~NP PR~SEN down at his desk' and wrote a let- (last dt ) ngpoewedro"TeLs LCeet irr yCrtrdvl
ter. It was to Robert Y. Chew, '27, y). ugh,"medirectedry thiuratopc tationu
"Tiu Mtiv ofKaiisGol director ofphsclutrea-heI- recently shown at the Filmn uildIu Randolph 0e.i Adamwis on his return + usvc
rtUniversity of Sod Chow, who in his fr'ost Eiuti' ulcpaes'h
S~pl fWit as undergraduate cays at Midhigan It, has been rumored That U. S. et et ra are claimed for it.Iaraleyoi
dogean are inewasat oe tmedwned by the ibrary,adti
FomrYaeDan a peien fth hneeSu-VnDiewstoe im2pro- oaeSevral short subects of a novel 1and any p'ivate &rerendnce was 1munic
"dents' club. essor of Greek. It there ,s an r trut turear, also on the program~ not knOtin to eist tentl disover d 'miles
Life is an ascending arid viden- At the time when Mr. Wells in this rumolir, then it is easier~ to whch began last ngt and con-! in a secret comartment of the i" The
ing series of wants and without theln wrote nte the letter, rr Chew was travel-j understand how his midn p ierces tfinitsc6=thrlghot the wreek. A' Pi < 1 oo~~ ~ odn ntl
no lde iepfr s iit a hi gti g n t e o t e n a t of hste m azes' of apparently misolvable ,ir'OVI ,,w il h o ud i h s ob s lctr.A a SIearned of the find! the unIryt r . T e a t o f " h a7 n u i n r ,r alct:cl m .rn tc ed i u c ai g t e; hg
it becomes dormant, the Rev. Chas.(country, in the very regions that mytr.Teato.f"h-CntgsMii n raaclm. 'dscedd nprhsn h ag
R. Brown, deani emeritus of t~le'were infested by Russian invasioni.° ary Murder Case" and "The Bishop :. J. A. papers'w~hihcoitoTSe-la-
s; cWhenis ofShe-
Yale 9schol of Religion told nearly hnh returned hiome to Cen'tral Mnurder Case" does equally welinii'- ---burne's letters, in his wife and to
2,000 students of the University andi China in the fall, hie found the let- IAssocz ted (press Photo his latest mystery thriller, "The min i Airtn his son. Hie aso bought two vol- An oo
tovspaeopal@ assembled Sunday !ter' from' Anni Arbor. Iris reply fo- Margquis de Tambiert Green Murder- Case"; Pararnotin t lffl IIL l Y unes of leters written by a favo-toc,
mklrning at the first fall conxvoca- !lows:h a etdb aiso h'talkie at~ the Vuerth today and to-II J . (SdIVUL te son, 8 years old, to Shelburne, ;effect
ioti in Hill auiditoriirm. 'I spen't the' summner," lhesays, morrw.wwachfreted tbyboy'settstosiathear M'
Dtn ior nrucd h'"in Marchllri t. During that time jtwentieth annriversary of his flightorr[ow --flwhicThfr evnea h cauosendhuis anp
theme of the subject "How Much according to foreignr newspapers,, over the Eiffel tower. He was the I illinm toellacsqiedequ [~f 'Iaaigudrtnigfrhsae Ul)
Dol YouWastuwthreernce w hrawssp odto e onidr first aviator to perform the feat.!, Vance, the psychologist sleuth. He, Another valuable purchase wasaco
the Biblical story of the prodigal abl dstrbaFealngthe tiSino-!__ .--- that of four volumres of the North tion
son whose life tuirnedl to better! Russian bordora, I met Dr. ig15isupported by a good ast. Jean Famsaus D'&ct's Briton, it of the pbihrt was y
thing-s when he first "began to bn Michigan, Ph.D, '28; in M kden fArtIur duesladnrrIblT afl hitcriitio a maliDcoy 'bihe o a i'
in want." When the prodigal soh when he wtas on his way to see hr5I n ir l i whuppp! almost let the at out of lPresent at Conveftkor thor's signature in each book. otlon
found himself in need hie saw tor fat e erte'bres aie h .Poorapyi eldn'in Detroit. Among the 46 numbers is the men- cui
the first timie the true persI,5~'ive I n Mukdeni for him until he re- P and trt f j he' action is fast movit. - orable 45th1, which attakd hidt dff&(r
Anrgnai pite ut tredY.E ws te udyrod [vrLL ' Utalking comedy, "A Dto. MU iw l~~ LLERI7LECTURES governments coloriapolicy .otInn
ofrbntt th in tednatal. ~'~hre.Teo4'tig htds[TI!ii [ R 'eacoY Dame",feat uring an al vigorously than th'e olther papers The
Mlan's Di-sre ifs Constant during raining days in northern - _ negro cast, is fair Sut. It is anI Dr. flu h C. Cabitot, Dean of' the and for which Wiles was jailed. Stoner
"The trueC mot Svcs of nert are a'Coo lttro nvri nv~st eia col ManchUri i. And the time h.rf you ! '.original story by Otavius Roy Cohb-f _. The content of the vohin' es shows'teh
gosupyo wat. Le &thoutght that we wt e having fear- b i ietro nviiy 1 en, first of a series done especially nist Mdcls hol epre-, the sympathy of the mass of En;-, have
wa;; 'scaey n rni{ ~fuly disturbing times- in relationt I Bued of Apointmtentk - - - r- ented Michir n redlical men t ]s l o teA' ;cn i nd
to Russia-China relations on the -'"~l~S'd~ils fothm
in by ene'rg'y. It is thecni~jMnhuinbretoAercnb enLiion f~ lf ~ fifth International M'&cfical As- their revolution,1-ii'cs'efot -'m
a'nd widening series of wants. 'rho etu raned s tuldet o call red nte11VLLs IIUILrinbly, held 4tiro laout last week, tobreak down the p3paaida ad-
savage is satisfied with little, but as .5 Oalbli 21to25,atthe isni vanced by England's political and ILe
ma eoe oeadmr d military getnrl of Manchuria and' COMINES' .TWO OFFICE * ecooenomic25 a te asnc f,'arg
atdh &k Ior n hihr found him taking his aftctrnoon I Templeden oiVLL bDhetreenttli.ay is particu- 'full
nap as usulal'until- 4p m. What you ' 3 :j dnnsn ea fthe M CITc seb pnoo h ul
hans h sd flve red regarding seriousness of';cholof yesterdaynan-ost-Gaduat se Myasponsocyteir niost nies ts~~tuype
irrnig' totheeligiuPost- ofraduatussaMedicalos wAssociationn- _large collection of Shelburne papers accon'
lfth e?.Bonsae thtCiaRsinrltoswsper- of North America, has become the ibee" use of that Engrihmaiis In- ~~te
lnormalhe opl waen sape tite haps an aggregation on the part of rnounced the appointment of Dr. T. Open Discussion Will Psrececd greatest annual event connected' len onteTray.f183i
hugyatrrghcuhs;fr the American pess. The-upople oftLhtis Purdsigahtiiector o the on iF
unry ftr'sgodssst forsthes!China today are not the least dis- new 'University Bureau of Appoint- noteded Iniiaio w th itflndiei W. ntmernainalovet hisforesUigedht aeswoutldI i'I
dueper mmo aisaton t turbed by a foreign war. Business 'ments and] Occupational, inforina- Session. f(00,weprtiioser'nuibrit al ovpr It nat nied Stt ol p
nt;elective, it is olstr.When (,20 wr,"'en rmal at have acquiredi the righit to any land :1 i
not obl:'I hvendiory,(goes onuas usual." tion. ----- of the civilize! world, many of1' west of the Alleganys, but he deem-f art
tingswheni sdTere mustger ofso{C ~Medr Dr. Purdom waxs graduated! from' Popular government will be the 1o to ctv art in the con- ed it wiser that English seakingono
thin s, heis dead, here mMichiganPrines1r25Cwith a Ph.D. do-: . "subje:t for discussion at the opn Ivention program. Among these s people should settle this continent cirty o
metn fteAepi -os fo. F. ulro h nvr than French or -Spanish since it
ai dsiruaaeacgotyo. er il Dei(Letr re e. 1 rom 1921-25 he was an in- Repesentattives at 7:30 oclock to- sty of. Hamburg who delivered a' would probably mean another war
" Whenever there is a nornl per- Q clvetanto fanguage structor in the school of educa- night in the Adelphia room on the short address. Spaking before anfoexasnInatryrs'"
sistent, widespread desire for know- - -- tion. From 1925 until he came back forhfoo fAgellhall, A forum I siae rw f4000, thremed-foexasninltryr.Po
ledge, or any other desire. there' is Telling of the rapidly gainedi to Ann Arbor, he was director of; will be held on "Is democracy in Cal men delivered 2-minut e 1c . ,,
bound to be always a c.rrespond- prominence of: Esperanto ini the'Iprone tteUnvriyofMs vernment a failure? " In the tuescotiuosy fom 8:0 a. m. rtneig)cey
ingapproriate satisfaction. When-'field of languages, Professor Clar- esne tteUiest fMscoe esotenw mmesI~1 3 .m uigteetr
evrthr iPnpoes esrpfreneL. Meader, of the department'sui r udo etysdy wlwbeionae,anreonf the ' ebes!week, stopp Sing oin theal-times I 1a Diseu Researcrih Prol
a-fullness of life, for a contact with of general linguistics, will speak to- ifor Purdue Universty, where he constitution will beconsidered. Al:fo gnerisson.Dr Caotrav
someone stronife, for- higher fel- morrow on "Esperanto, the Inter-} will speak on personnel problems members of the society who have! two of the necessarily terse lectures,' Iota Alpha, engineering honorary ing re
"s' ;.., g r - ntiona Langage."The lcture to iat th' Conentio of te NatonspeanotingenWednesday teandeingridayakandWeresearchd societydreswhichsoiholwsiPhhold
spanin, there is alv. a acorre- nationalerLanguage." TheelectureetonatitheyConvuntionProfathetNationalngsnotrattendedcanyiof thermeetings
spodin'saisacatnisfacdlivredat4:1 p.mmn oomn Rooom'eserchFeerainnntis'earareexectd t b prs-dne"ideyiroule.Prvalnt eeingafo terdscusio'o reigrve
ent at the closed session tonight; Amonig Young Adults." search engineering problems, and i depar
Rieligion D&czpr th an' aced. 1, Aptngell alluwil E e fllowedth bye 'm, ean' In
"Rlgini ntreeld nmearpotonteanul seano Attesaetie ea dmn: if they wish to retain their momn- :rhe aim of the Assembly is not subects of general interest to en- aten(
"eiinirotrvaeinteIcongress which was held last Aug-I son announced that the Bureau of ! brship. oply to bring medical post-gradu -gin oring students will hold its first Resw
obset-vai-ce of organized methods, ust in' Hungary. Appointments and the Committee rThe" meeting of Adlphi are al- !'ates togther, but to present allnew meeting of the year at 7:45 Thurs- Iihacmrl etrs o codn;t rfso edr o oainlCuslhdbe asoe ovstradalwoiadane eiiebfr.te.dyngti atEgneigmd
the acceptance of a philosophical the lecture will stress' the remark-: 1 are interested are urged to come For this purpose the program in- ildinri'.
creed.upesataeanyotime eand btakelepartncinmadedbedspernto cobiaddressesoficeatgfosm he Prof. P G.. G. Brownn ooftthehech
ondvancesanmadelibyn EiperantIou combinedme in toneportfncerito aformsethedagno--statet
oy te en& elgo lisn within the last 29 ,years. Professor new Bureau of Appointments and ; h eae l e tdnso he 'c clinic, symposia, and scientific ! al engineering department, will
deep inward divine experience of' 'Mead er wil also discuiss the fact I Occuprational Informtation of which' campus arc eligible. Applicants for demonstration's. Leading manufac- discuss the economic poblem of' The
the presence of God, as revealed in that Esperanto has been accepted Dr. Purdorn has been named di- 1 membership are required to make turers of medical products donated Imotor fuels and premium gasolines IUnive
r~pnet i rsec' nhatb h egeo ainteI-rector. These two committees fun'-; a five-minute try-out speech on elaborate equipments exhibits on aretdtongine performance. soer
felt devotion, enriched by fellow- { International' Labor Office, the In-+ tioned as separate units last year, any subject before the House. display throughout the Masonic; The meeting will be open to allant
ship. hdaln ternational Telegraph t Union; and1 but were combined this fall. The The following nine members will temple. graduate enginering students. tand'is
Rev. Brown has ha alnge is now being broadcast daily from aim of the bureau is to obtain be initiated tonight: John Clagett, ,ods
perience in theological work, enter-1 44' radio stations located through-"placements for the teachers who,; Grad., Earl L. Koster, '30, Benito All road houses in the county IMvecmrejpoorpe
ing the ministry 33 years ago. Sorm out the world, graduate from the school of edu-' Lopez, '30, Meyer Aplebaum, '31,1 the UniveiityofoIotbMvil ame be~ph tween&
tim~e afterwards he branched into ; cation and literary college, and also 'Leonard Kimball, 33, Edgar Eckert urrounding teU tiy fIw rh e newotbal Unga eretee
'educaional ork, bcomingin 191 to secure business appointments.; '33, Paul Berlowitz, 33, Burton ire required to close at 11 p. i., tw wekag.Aeraunfa
edeatn halkecDivinincoo R ceDreIiledtw orweham and. Nfer Yorunivesft a
en o -". the Scho l o e i iit o e - n AuoH its R a i The nw ofie ojte og niain Field, '33, and Samuel Nathan- even on special week-ends. o far week in two theatres, t efl ithe o ,th c olo Rlgo . S v-We t film will fra d1iro 01 ao alisn 33 ee h s be n n ei usi fa=+ b rs ne " ot eN . .Aurn
bring him hero before, but Sufi- WOODBRIDGE, N. J., Oct. 28.- ( 1- 'ta - Jn of the rule. Association for filing.
day was the earliest possible date. I broken steering arm was blamed ~" _ _ !-
Three more convocations will be oday for the death of John Rohr-I ' '.
held this- fall, coming on consecu-- ,r, autom~obile race driver, whose!
tive Sunday morinings in Hill aud- I 'ar, broke through a guard rail - 1j
itoriumi, the Rev. John Schroeder, Sunday and fell down a 30-foot w
of Saginaw will be the' speaker at embaonkmrprtnt uir " r at the
the convocation neat Sunday. Evans half-mile' board track at-teTObAY ONLY' '' NOW SHOWINGI
ivw iu a eiwThe Living Sreen Presents;
Bii Meeto a t Nlo r m r{
i Y l alPoitly the fish es anl most ,a'helii-ig o11aldramatic farcE's. N i:R
Mvembiers' of the boar'd of editors ( J I [ ~U jYo'll falit ts love wth each "ive ghost" treed trsx over!
of the Michigan Law Review will (Mrs. ,john Gilet)
!told ear luncheon at noon today in ' r"
teLwesclub' todiscuss -orgi
'ation of the work for the coing, t" ''.If
issues- of the review. I T E A F LT U'='
'Prof. J. . Waite of the Law j'
S6hool Nwill addirM8 the-28 members GreatB1di-
oif the board on the policies o1' the AGratffoawa Sa i Ihi"GUaT'
FlyingI Fied
Arbor took a step nearer the
tion of its plan for airport
Qmt6nt When, by anl ani ii-
to of the city codncil, $2,500
.ppropriated for the ulse of
epartment of Parks to make
onal impr-overnents at the
:ipal flying field, located four
soeuth of Ann Arbor.
money is to be spent for the
lation of a heating plant in
angar, the scaling of the
r, and the construction of a
;o at the flying field.
ther reconmmendation made
tneil by the committee to the
that thO dwelling. on the
-t groun~ds that no' houses
leratpr of the Steere Farm
na station be converted into
ibined rest room, flying sta-
and administration building
withdrawn when counciiren
hat the proposed recommiend-
in its present form ould
uncdue friction amriong the
eylt boaiefs, of the elAy govern-
Water Depart-ment Coniis-
s, who niow own and operate
)we, stated tha1t they outld not
thewir Gpel'.1orVacate r lntil
ge dwolling be eerecter for
uteat Leonard C. Flo, to
;e of th11 airport, explainefd
est room faclities weIe woe-
lacking at " he port at the
it. time, anid that in order to
imodlate t h e crowds that
I at the flyingt field, especially
otball game days, son !action
c be tfkdn1. ,letenan~rt Plo has
e d olt all e{teaive lrOV-ra1
rlwt.developllleji i, whlichl if
'd oni,, will Annl.Abo
if the best air terini, for a
If its size, in the country.
fe- *ssrs Attend
Meeting in Chicago
I. A. E. White, of the engineer-
search department, Prof. W.
ood, and Prof. Claire Upthe-
both of the metallurgical
"tment, are in Chicago today
ding a meeting of the Utilities
rch Commission which is
up of representatives -from
eo companies throughouft th'e
of Illinois.
engineering school of the
rsity has been carrying on re-
hi work for the commnissbo,
'he conference is being held
cuss the pr'ogress of the work.
ena ional YsfLer,.
leadyIs you ton the
Wafiing trail of -a
mystery killer! Mor
pubilication . ®______________ -tg uc'
4 ~~ On the Stage U
WLLUION" T E SEVEN Acoa, an lsft'y tist
tU e Oyyly Iasatieus5^. I1 UPtNO JANE And the cat reads like the who's who it l'.4 WestApinmner el Y .4Pn W dcart"
OtieP r'T$ !f B . ldgMyni 3Cd FY. of A GUN" G lreBhaTshalwy'v y , n nciiije ___________________________________
yPHONE . PARAMtiOUNT SOUND t~ctrehs een headlined along te
HO V SIIEN'N4814 ' Great White Way ii a lig sage hi. I".-1
Phone__14, ___AND__SILENTNEWS
.^--'y'-- --'--'---- - - --------'- --«-'- -u c '""- -""
Cana r y' M ur der
C;;se!" All-Tarking!
~4Paramount Picture
r rs'ra'=r rrae rarr~a raar .rarrqr rj
Ph2 X7' I2FrJ1 - Mpa
f *--
, t is
Frkl-dy Matinee 25
i. - ,
III iw - w LI'pl-'Rmm