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4 augt
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VJLe. Al, U L il" a ll~iLN~ OSS* *~~V va~A t*sl* A. 1 J L.J.JJ..3JA. vv
Appointments Will Take Effect
Today; Will Carry Out
Class Duties.
ILegirslator Dies
Tilley Heads ,lass Day Group;
Jordan Leads Advisory 1
Appointments to committee posi-
tions in the senior class of the Coll- (
ege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts have been announced by Stan- J Associated Pres Phote
ton Todd, class president. Theodore E. Burton.
The committees ared toassume Noted Ohio leader, who passed
their functions immediately, day, away last night. Mr. Burton is
appointments being efective today, j mourned by his diplomatic friends
Todd said. Sixteen committees, tn m
usual number, have been appointed throughout the world.
to carry out work attendant the'
traditional senior class activities.
as follows: Advisory committee:
A. James Jordan, chairman, Ruth
Wagner, and Eawin B. Poorman; Tl I
senor ball committee: Jones B.
Shannon, chairman, Edmund V
Yerkes, Charles 6. Monroe, Rutn
Brooke, Fred Widmann, Alexander Second Year Literary Election
Ruelle III, and Richara S. Coe. wcll east Baylectaon
Mc~rde 1v;~a~nsChaimanwill be Last Balloting
Class day committee: George C. Until December.
Tilley, chairman, Ueorge Woulge-
mutn, Elaine P. rost, enevi ve PRINT SPECIAL BALLOTS
Wvougnter, hioberb u. 6huar, anJ
Evelyn WVhite; invitation com-
mitiec: Jennings Merice, chair- Sophomores of the Literary col-
man, Helen b'ewws, margaret ±ao- lege will hold their annual election
cock, James B. (s)orne, uorotiy of officers at 4 o'clock Thursday
Woodrow, Bessie Egeland, and Ja- afternoon in Natural Science au-
net Cochran. ditorium. The election will be un-
!'uoiiciy committee: George E. der the supervision of the Student
Simons, cairnau, unarlcs D. totn, council and is the last to be held
E. Jerome Ellison Louise McIntyre until the freshman classes of the
and Helen iyorris; Finance coin- I Literary and Engineering colleges
yenairmaballot about the first of December.
mittee; arry WaLlace, narMc- The sophomore vote Thursday
Tifleodore S. Long, Virginia M-will be conducted in practically the
Creery, Sally iN ieinanacr, ax . same manner as the two previous
Scherer, and Lawrence t,. Wao y;I Literary elections. The ballot boxes
banquet committee; J ackson a. will open immediately following the
Wilcox, chairman, Marian G , nominating at 4 o'clock. They will
Sidney Steensnia, Erwilii Scneinder, remain open until 5:45 o'clock. The
Tierce Rosenberg, and hIa Ingersoll. votes will be counted by the entire
Social committee: Robert E. council after dinner in the student
Smith, chairman, John W. Wati- offices of the Union.
ing, Jr., George W. Slagle, Donald Students in the Literary college
M. Vedaer, Dorothy, BecK, and Ber- having from 26 to 55 hours credit
nice Solomon; caps and gowns com- inclusive will be eligible to vote
mitto: R. Bradlord Fogarty, chair- I and to run for office. Those seek-
man, Joseph H. Woodard, Clara ing positions must also have a cer-
Mitchell, Eiwood W. Oalton, MNar- tificate of scholastic eligibility
garet Brady, and Charles A. ±enick- from the Recorder's office.
Narrin Beaus Sing Group. Special ballots are being printed
Senior sing committee: Joe Nar- for this election as there were for
rmi, charman, Fred Bauschard, and the other Literary elections. This
Lois Van Dusen; promenade com- precaution was taken so there could
mittee: Harley Kline, chairman, be no chance for stuffing the bal-
Betty Hemmnger, Waidron Tem- lot boxes.
plemayer, Lauretta Townsend, and
Morris Esman; auditing committee:EL
Charles W. Bishop, chairman, a EverymansLbrar
rington Tweedy, Valborg Egeland, 1 Editor to Lecture
Melville H. Dottenheim, Leone Belle- . of
ville, and Kenneth 0. Birney. on rgn fPlots
Picture committee: Paul F. Steke-,
tee, chairman, Elizabeth De Vol, Ernest Rhys to Talk on Relation
James E. Littel, Margaret Pollock, of CetcFl aet
and Helen Harter; pipes and canesCk
committee: Justin F. Way, chair- Gothic Romance.
man, Robert L. Brown, Charles J. ___
Josc, R. B. Wickersham, and John Ernest Rhys, novelist, essayist,
editor, and lecturer, but better
GAert,chairman,mitte:WalterDahE. known perhaps in connection with
Geistet caraAvn.D-
lem, Robert P. Walker, LaVerne his editorship of the Everyman's I-
Taylor, and Ernest C. Reif; memo-, brary comes to the University this
rial committee: Charles Marcotte, week to deliver an address on "Cel-
chairman, Sydney Cowan, Beatrice tic Folk Tale and French Romance."
Fromm, Katherine C. Fitzpatrick, In the Natural Science auditorium
and Ailene M. Yeo. 'I h aua cec uioim
at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday after-
Ss noon Rhys will tell his audience
enate $Z88att8f@CI the influence of the Celtic Folk
Over Tariff Passage tales on medieval romance, and
will prove to them that there ar
(IBy Associated Press) only 10 original plots in the world
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28.-A pro- and that each of these plots under-
nouncement of ultimate death was lies every great novel.
read over the tariff bill in the Sen- On this continent as well as i
ate today by one of its sponsors the great cities of Europe, Ernes
Rhys is remembered as a fame
Senator Reed, Republican, Penn- lecturer on poetry, and 'Shakes
sylvania, and the post mortem that peare. Rhys achieved renown dur
quickly ensued found leaders of all ing the World War for his Shakes
factions passing the blame around perian talks to the soldiers, t4
The assertion, a repetition of a whom this greatest of England'
statement by Senator Reed in a men of letters became a reality
speech in Philadelphia over the After the War, he spoke to enthu
week-end, led to a free for all poli- siastic audiences in Holland whic]
tical discussion which saw Repub- resulted in making him Literar
lican regulars and independents Am trnmOlp2g e
quarreling over the attitude of Asterdam, 1928.
President Hoover. Democrats and In his capacity as editor of Ev
Republicans were demanding that eryman's library, Mr. Rhys ha
the President take his position on come in direct contact with th
the bill and all finally agreed that world's greatest living literary cele
the Senate must get down to se- brities, such as George Bernar
rious business and pass some sort Shaw, H. G. Wells, and Arnold Ben
Theodore Burton, 77 Year Old
Senator, Passes Without
Indication of Pain.:
Great Men of State Forward
Expressions of Grief
to Family.
Discusses Relationships Between
Central American Countries
and United States.
States Removal of Pan-American
Union to Small Neutral
State is Advisable.
( y Associated Press) "Relationships between t h e
WASINGTON, D. C. Oct., 28. -United States and Hispanic-Amer-
Senator Theodore E. Burton, of I ied isanicAmer
Ohio, died tonight after an illness lca in order to bring about a better
of several months. understanding, must be put on a
Word of Burton's death grieved basis of perfect cooporeation apd
official Washington from President participation," declared Dr. A. S.
Hoover down. From time to time, Aiton of the history department in
the President had called on the 77-
year old legislator to keep in close .
personal touch with his condition. series of forums on international
Among the last visitors to the bed- relations sponsored by the Stu-
side were Senator Fess of Ohio and dents Christian association.
Bishop T. MacDowell, of the Metho- In order to accomplish this co-
dist Episcopal church. Miss Grace operation and sympathy between
Burton, a niece of the Senator, and
a nephew, William Burton, were the United States and all of Amer-i
with him through the last hours. ica that lies to the south of thej
He had been unable to take nour- Rio Grande it is Professor Aiton's
ishment through the day. belief that the Pan-American Union
Had Relapse Last Week. d
Ever since Mr. Burton suffered a should be taken out of Washington
relapse in his long illness last week, and located in a small neutral state
messages of friendship have been such as Urguay or Costa Rica. A!
reaching his home from Ohio and paid organiation such as the Union
elsewhere. One received today was will never get far as long as it isI
from Prime Minister Mc Donald
through the British Embassy. Mr. in Washington and in such close
Mc Donald expressed appreciation alliance with the United States gov-
for the work which the Ohio Sena- erment, he said.
tor had long done in the cause of W'ants Group Intervention. I
peace, and expressed a devout wish The Monroe doctrine, he stated,
I for his recovery.,! should be made the instrument of
Death came shortly before ten 1 all the American states so that i-I
o'clock. It followed a sinking spell tervention in times of disturbancesI
which swept him into unconscious- would be by a mixed group of pow-,
ness from which he did not recover. ers such as Wilson saw fit to use in
A rising temperature and falter- the A. B. C. powers management.
ing pulse already had alarmed at- In this way, he said, the southern
tendents at his bedside, and they . countries would not feel that we
hastily summoned his physician, are impelled by motives of acquisi-
Dr. Robert Baker. Before the doe- tion, but rather by a true desire
tor could reach his residence, how- to aid them; suspicion and doubt,
ever, those gathered in the sick would be lessened if they were to
room found that he had died'. lull uprisings by intervention in
Bishop Gives Sacrament. their own areas.
Bishop McDowell, who was among Under present conditions, Prof es-
I his visitors tonight yesterday had sor Aiton explained, the Monroe
Farm Bureau Federation Helps Project
,for Montana Water Power Development, PCLT RY
Gray " W he el1er appeared in project [ O
Gray Praises Wheeler Proposal against the tentative award if B
as Aiding Reducing Cost cense for the project of the Rot .a w mT
IJhad been made by F. E. Bonner, OUU M I II IIL
(Oy Associated Press) executive secretary of the commis-
WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 28.- hson. He told the cabinet members Net Decline in Active Issues
TheAmeica fam brea feera Iwho formed the commission that he
The American farm bureau federa- proposed to well electricity to a Runs from $10 to $60
1 tion came to the support today of number of fertilizer manufacturers per Share.
Walter H. Wheeler, Minneapolis en- at a price of $16 per horse power
gineer, in his effort to obtain from year.pE BEAR ATTACKS RENEWED
teFdrlWheeler aso said he planned to BERATCKsEE E
the Federal power commission a pay the Flathead Indian tribe, on
preliminary permit for the develop- whose reservation the development Bankers Refuse to Make Formal
ment of a tremendous water power is to take place, a rental of 35 per Statement After Meeting
project at Flathead Lake, Montana, cent higher than that offered by with P. Morgan.
iwhich he declared would make pos- his competitor.
Gray said that if Wheeler were
sible unlimited production of cheap, able to sell power at $15 his devel- By Stanley W. Prenosil.
high-grade, fertilizer. opment might result in the tearing NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 28.-A
Chester H. Gray, Washington re- down of the present structure of NEW YOK N. Yn t. 28.-
high electric rates all over the further collapse in stock prices ex-
Spresentatives of the Federation, country, which he said were main- ceeding in intensity last Thursday's
asked the commission to give the tained through "over - capitaliza- demoralizing session took place to-
Wheeler 'proposal earnest consid- tion, double capitaliation and inter- day as Wall Street continued to
eration. He said it embodied the locking directorates." weed out its weakened speculative
first proposal in ten years that accounts and placed its house in
would make possible a reduction in order after the wild orgy of spec-
fertilizer costs to the farmer. He ulative advance which has taken
recalled the Muscle Shoals, Ala- fl G U PU place 'in the last five years. Net
bama, controversy as one "tied up decline in many of the active is-
in politics so deeply it may never sues ran from $10 to 60 a share,
ge t untangled." Cheap fertilizer pro- with the market closing practi-
duction was a strong argument of TR cally at the bottom.
proponents of the Norris resolution Total sales were 9,212,880 shares,
for government operation of Mus- Union Underclassmen Committe which have been exceeded only by
cle Shoals which was pocket vetoed Announces Group Rally the recording breaking total of 12,-
by former Preident Coolidge. for 894,600 shares last Thursday.
"If we can get Flathead River de- orNovember 6. Leading New York bankers met
velopment in ahead of Muscle in the officers of J. P. Morgan &
i Shoals," said Gray, "if we can get COLE TO LEAD MEETING Company after the close qf the
on the market from Maine to Cali- ,4market to canvass the situation, but
foria, from Mississippi to Minnesota 1 Group meetings of all freshman no formal statement was forthcom-
a high concentration fertilizer at a groups for the purpose of makingj ing as a result of the conference.
price which is not prohibitive, we tentative seletion for captain at the Hope to Steady Market.
will be very happy." Fall games will be held Tuesday Unofficially, it was intimated that
He said his interest in the Mon- night, November 6, at the Union Uthe conferences took a more hope-
tana project was "but a continua- lit was announced by the Utider- ful view of the situation and that
tion of his ten year's interes. in class committee yesterday. Music, nothing had been brought to their
Muscle Shoals." free smokes, cider, and doughnut.sI attention to indicate that any stock
will be provided for all of the guests exchange house was in trouble.
Uand matters of consider~.blc im- I ecag os a ntobe
anETtOrsofcosierNT i-Their cooperation in maintaining
Sportan e to the class will be dis- an orderly market was assured.
On Wednesday night, November One banker' present at the con-
7, a general meetng of the entire frnepiaeyepesdteve
P L. freshman class will be held in the that important investment inter-
Union ballroom in order to elect ests, which had been standing on
the captain for the games, which the sidelines until the storm blew
Orchestra Under Direction of will be held on the morning of the over, were prepared to enter the
Gabrilowitsch Presented Michigan-Harvard game, Saturday market immediately as large buyer
Sby Coral Union 'Nov. 9. Richard Cole, 30, will preside of high grade stocks.
oover the meeting and other speak- In the absence of any adverse
ers will be present. news developments over the week-
IPROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED Organization for an intramural end, and in the face of the optim-
sports program will be brought up istic comment on business forth-
As the second of the series of at this meeting after the election coming in the closing days of last
Choral Union concerts, the Uni- of a captain. Also, arrangements week from President Hoover and
versity Musical society will present for a band composed of freshmen leading industrial and banking ex-
Ossip Gabrilowitsch and the De- to lead the class to the games will ecutives, Wall Street's only explan-
troit Symphony orchestra tomor- be planned. A leader who has some ( ation of today's decline was that
row night in Hill Auditorium. experience with the baton will be a careful checking up of accounts
This is the Detroit orchestra's needed, as well as a good number over the weelend disclosed numer-
fourteenth season of musical activ- of men who play band instruments. ous weak spots, which had been
ity and the ninth under the con- ( Speakers for the group meetings I over-looked in the hectic sessions
ductorship of Gabrilowitsch. During of Tuesday night have not as yet of last week, and that brokers im-
this period the organization has been selected, but will be soon. mediately proceeded to clean these
built itself solidly into the activi- Cole says that a large turnout at up. There undoubtedly was a re-
ties of the musical world in the 1 both meetings is hoped for, to up- newal of "bear" attacks against
city from which it comes, and is hold old traditions. some of the high priced issues,
supported by the Detroit Symphony judging from the demand for stocks
society with a membership of thou- Senate is Plannin in the loan crowd after the close
sands. and also some sellings of stocks
The program to be presented is to Censor Bingham temporarily bought for supporting
as follows: ftpurposes last week.
Overture to "Rosamunde" .ega Decline Unexpected.
..... ..........,N Nb" While today's decline lacked some
. Symphony in D Minor.....Franck Norris of Nebraska is Expected Whie tyseine ackedpaome
of the hysteria which accompanied
I. Lento; Allegro non troppo to Offer Resolution last Thursday's break, it was viewed
i( II. Allegretto!
Tomorrow. with even greater alarm in some
III. Allegro no nitroppo
- ( tropo quarters. Wall Street generally
Serenade for Wind Instruments (!by Associated Press elieved that stron buying support
r in E flat Major, Op. 7......... wo(Bd be suppliedress) ghsuppok
............. R. Strauss WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 28.- I would be supplied over the week
- Symphoni c Dance in Basque The dire promise of a resolution nd and that the low rices reached
. Styles from the opera, "The proposing censure for Senator l Ty probably would hold,
s Venus of Basque"........Wetzler Bingham of Connecticut filled a at least for some time.
n First Rumanian Rhapsody in A.. 1savage verbal exchange in the Sen- Instead, the .market started to
- Major, Op. II.............Enesco ate today between the Connecticut plunge downward from the open--
- Concert goers are respectfully re- Senator and his accusers of the loby ing gong, and closed practically at
- 1 minded that the program will be- jinvestigation committee. the bottom. A slight rally occured
1 gin in time and that all should be IAn expected quiet came over the ; around 1 p. m. when reports, which
y seated promptly at 8:15 o'clock. stormy sea when Senator Norris of later proved to be unfounded, were
g Nebraska, one of those who came circulated around the financial dis-
MIMES WITHHOLDSunder Bingha's assaultannounced trict that Morgan brokers were
a that he intended to offer a resolu- heavy buyers of stock and that an-
n F IR S T OFFERING tion tomorrow. It will be the first other conference of bankers was
d ;1time in 27 years that the Senate being held in the Morgan offices.
Illness of Student Cast Members would be called up to censure a T h e selling increased intensity
- Causes Postponement of member. h when financial news tickers printed
The resolution had not been a statement quoting Thomas W.
Galsworthy Play. drafted tonight but it was indicat- Lamont of the Morgan firm as stat-
- ed that it would ask the Senate to ing that no statement would be
C DuC to illness in the cast, "Old denounce the use by Senator Bing- forthcoming as the situation did:
S li h which was to be present- ham of a salaried employee of the not warrant it.
adminstered the sacrament to the d
dying man at his request before he t
lapsed into the unconsciousness t
' which lasted until the end.
The aged man died without ap- t
parent pain. Drugs had been ad-
ministered earlier in the day. For t
the last twentyfour hours, he had v
been unable to take any nourish- S
l ment and his weakened condition a
(late today had brought the state-
ment from his physician that the t
end probably was not more than
twenty four hours away.
Arrangments were made tonight
for a public funeral service for,
Senator Burton in the Senate
Chamber on .Wednesday. This is c
an unusual plan, but the friends of 1
i the Senator, who is unmarried, felt a
l that the Capitol building in which t
lhe spent so many years, should pro-£
perly be the place for his funeral
services. The Senate service will be 1
precededby a brief service at his
residence. t
'Land of the Soviets' Alights
at Dearborn; to Fly
East Tomorrow.
(By Associated Press)
d DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 28.-The
e four intrepid flyers of the Russian
plane "Land of the Soviet" were
- greeted today by Henry Ford after
their arrival from Chicago at the
n Ford airport at Dearborn. The au-
t tomobile manufacturer congratul-
d ated them on their achievement in
- conquering the storm of the North-
- ern Pacific ocean and placed the
- facilities of his airport at their
;o disposal.
s dThe Soviet airman were guests of
- the Engineering department of the
- Ford Motor company at a luncheon
in the engineering laboratory.
sy Today it was announced that
' they would continue their journey
- to New York on Wednesday morn-
ing. Meanwhile they will be feted
i by various Slavish organizations of
e Detroit. They will be presented
r with ten farm tractors which will
be shipped to Russia to be used in
- uitivatin the :oil nf the nviet
octrine is merely a shield by which
he United States does all of the
thankless work of intervention,
any times protecting British in-
"If the United States did not in-
ervene," he said, "Great Britain
would, and then the antagonism of
panish-America would be directed
cross the Atlantic. As a matter of
act, it is better for these countries
hat the United States, a country
f non-imperalistic policies does
Calls Congresses Fruitless.
Any lasting sympathy between the
Americas, Dr. Aiton stated, must be
cultural in nature. Only in the last
0 years, he pointed out, has any
appreciable translation been done
of the works of Spanish-American
authors into English and vice vesa
There has been no flow of student
ife south of the Rio Grande, and
only recently have any of the coun-
yries, especially Mexico, encouragec
foreign students to come to thei
institutions. The South American,
he said, pictures us with a mechan-
ical civilization; not a cultural one
Those Pan-American congresse
which have been held have beer
controlled and swayed by propa
gandists ,yielding the congress use
less as a medium to better under
standing, Dr. Aiton averred.
Newspapers, better than any
any other agency, could brini
an amicable attitude betweenEng
lish-America and Spanish-America
by presenting unbiased reports o
both sides of the political an
economic problems that arise.
Fundamental differences in his
torical background, race, religion
and culture necessarily give rise t
political clashes between the Amer
icas, Dr. Alton pointed out. Th
black legend of Spanish cruelty
arrogance and imcompetence has , W L W_ _°I Connecticut Manufacturers asso-
colored their whole national de-1ed by Mimes this week has been ciation to assist him in helpingto
velopment.Notwithstanding this postponed until the week of Janu fame the tariff bill.g
charge, the Spaniard was not cruel ary 13, E. Mortimer Shuter, director
to the American Indian and as a announced yesterday. , C ro Bar Inv
result he has a great Indian prob- D. B. Hempstead Jr., '31, is con- C iaor n vites
(Continued on Page 8 Col. 6) fined to his bed because of a severe' Sunderland to ConferI
(case of tonsilitis, and Norman
Browne, '31, was taken to the Uni- Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the 1
-e erMa1 versity hospital Sunday because of ',Law School is in Chicago today, up-,
a case of the mumps. ion, the invitation of the Chicago
aSubstitutions could have been IBar association, to confer with a
I ubdeithe cast, She le committee of that association as
made in the cast, Shuter explained, to ways and means for bringing
but at such a late date he deemed to wayscamplmeansvfornbrdngin-
inadvisable to attempt to change about a complete revision and mod-
it 0"/ - - _ __ - ________ .,Prni7.atioflof the court machinery
Campus Dial Service,
Arrangements for the operation
of the University's new dial tele-
phone service which serves practi-
cally the entire campus were com-
pleted Saturday.
Telephone installers have been
working since June on the installa-
'tion of the new system, which is
said to be one of the largest pri-
vate branch exchanges in the state,