n A T. T -N.-
WOL ,HIN [LE N .Mexiat Presidentia ; Campaign Scramble
IADD140LS Opens as Party Candicdtes AreNoiaeF
11 !ll n R uns Y ie ld T w o TQ o.ch- ':::::.....
downs in Third Quar~rtc.r
of Game.
Quarterback prints 65 Yards
to Score Initial Marker-
in ard-Fought Tilt. ~V
+T t&AM TL-TT 3Y-1--.%. 111 s-t ALPH.#. ,....... _..._.. _ ......_...,_. . ... ....SUND~AY, -OCTOBER -27.- 1929
il T-t- _,.. - -I --I-, Ir. 7r
a billity ottFarm Relict Measures jf
Doubtful, in Opinion oaf Professor Remer1 III I LILnI
crthemodfie an leave the problem exclusivelyBI[T)B[
11 nffnrrinnenio t r I in t e hands of the boar'dat lest
tion for farm relief is doubtful in
for the time being, Professor Re-
mer said. i AiI.e.t FallWart i;.l~s r
'i ,
s, <'
(Continued from Page 1, dol. 7) $ <!absent is the natura
came too late to aid the Wolverines. ward overacting. A
"Withz the ball on Michigan's 41-I picture represents
yard line, Truiskowrski heaived al IY society comedy at its
long p~ss to Hewitt, the NZIchigaljl MA ESTIC-"Three
enf grabbed the ball' fom between 1 Here is another ir
tw Illiniois players and stumrbled I growing originalityc
tp the Illini 15 yard line, where hep! picture in the comned
'j owvned. The gii ending thp,.. hardly the funniest
laf sounded as Micigan started ;; Three Live Ghosts
its next play. + Qae resPootaining talkie withs
IJ~niLaunc ()1W~ive.Jose Vasconcelos, anti-reelectionist (left), and Ortiz Rubo, na- cl.Trewrv
TeI4piniLaunched a ofensive t"tinal revolutionist party, are candidates for the office of president' young Aeria wa v
inMexico. amnpaign for the eectioAs, which are to be held in No-11cutrrtunfo
early in the second half that nettedI venber, are flow in full swing. cutyrernfo
two first downs and placed the 'bal________ _________;_______prison camp after t
on Michigan's 39-yard line. imrp F R iA - dead. Amusing com
and Walker both failed to gain, U COA S AR A I1 OUT 0 LACsut, totally unlike
and then Mills threw a pass to { IN ENGINEERS' ARTIFICIAL "riCEBO X" farce.
Walker for nine yards. ihan-______I Another excellent
held on fourth down ani l Iran l 'ir coats are not fof ~pace In'we are attempting tofind out what I some difficultrle
punted. "Gaga" Mils receive~d thi e th cold room" on the first floor materials are affected most by fro-; Dealing with the out
piurt and ran thirougii tihe (::tre; of I;ast Engineering building wiere z=en wvater.if our experiments are the inner rim of s
Michigan team, 65 yard.~ for ay experiments ar being made to de- Ins uccessful there is a possibility thatI Live Ghosts" is a di
tnceouchdo wn. The lilinee i providedI termini the effect that foe a great amount of money can beI comedy than "Ther
oncdrflwntrfereni ndlock - water has upon gravel, and other saved." Take your pick.
in1g-for Mills, as he did niot have to forms of material used in road con- profesor Emmonxds explaied ' OtherwlQ
shakeoffaasingetakc. struction, It is possible for the tEm~- that in the past the belief has ex- "light," newest aY
Woleries ryPasing Iperature of the room to reach 401 fisted that gravel roads can be kept, best of the air epics
Later in the same quarter, with degrees below zero, and an even ingo+cniin nybya 1f West premiere at t
the ball on their own 35-yard I i;"e, temfperature is assured by large fective drainage system. "But now," troit. Featured are
the Wolverines took to the air.! electric fans, 'he said, "experiments have proven I Ralph Graves, and
Truskowskvs pass to Siinrall netted "In the spring the gravel roads there is a certain amount'of moi- ingly realistic sound
a I rst down on the 4-yard ,stripe.) are in very poor condition," said, ture in the soil that cannot be effects.
After Dahlem lost 5 yards, Trus- Iprof. Walter J. Emmonds, of the eliminated, and we ore attempting I__
kowski dropped back for anotherI highway engineering deparexnent,j to discover what happens to .var- -
pass. He threw a long one towardsI in speaking 'of the work being car-' ious soils when the freezing of this R
the west sidelines but Walker ran I ried on in the "cold room," "and I water takes place."R
ina fast to intercept it, and then ra1x --- -
57 yards to the Michigan 1'2-yard _____________________________
line before he was brought down by
WroskoWski. Again the 'fine Ili- w
nois blocking showed to advantage,:A1Wlo
th'e Indians taking out tackler
after tackier as Walker reeled off Oe$
his long gainO ef
Judd Timm made 3 yards on an -
end run and Humbert dove sixPE S N L TA I ER rd]
yrds through center for a first 0 A .S A IN R ra
down'- on the Maize and Blue one{
yard line,,',"-- mert and Tilm Jncidi g Name and Address
both were stopped and the Illini 100Set nd10E vloe uc
Were penalized five yards for off-10 Shesa 10En lo s
sde. On third down, Walker took $.00I1
~the ball on a wide run around his'
odwn left end and 'barely crossed 1111 South University One Half Block East of CampUs
,the final; chalk mark with several ~ ________
'WFell? ine tacklers on bimn. Mills - '~ ~ _ ~ ' "--___
lei keO bpth goals._
Cgich. Zuppke injected many of
hs sl~ck 'troops into the fray dur- ,
verines were' still unable to make
any ) h fprthcia ains.t tIllinois i,
th'retened once when Yanuskis+,T E D Y-NV MR5
Wade two first cdowns, placing the iTUF AY.r NOVEMBER OS WAY NE
ball onl Michigan's 22-yard line. MSCL 1>~~
acre the 'Wolverine line stiffened MU IA'RV L
and Mills, shot his fifth attempted VE PR SN D
place kick of the game across the
goal line.
Modern Education in
Bfodily Technique, Plastic Movement,
Solfege Improvisation, Piano, A C E
Copostion.A CL V
Book let onRequestSE ATO
PAUL BOEPPLE, Director - '
Volunteer 1357 4 ' ""f""' 3 onts3imnh .NII
- - --j New york ILb ost on Philadeopha
Prices : Orchestra $300
Balcony First Four Rows $x.50 Stra aie
Second Four $2 :00; Balcon~y$1.50 StrdyM ie
Awful Truth" u le ia UJo. IuI. P'. 1*nieer0or f,.*..ci.*L.ct... UR s.#:VCW lz1C1KX~II
wfiTuh the economics department, who in "Another interesting aspect of With Members and =Friends
nown as Mrs. an interview entertained a kpi h iutoh otne,-s
ae owt te!the asituton" o tinuRed, *of His Family.
'ebototecal attitude toward the practica- h tiud fteRpublican. ___
sophisticated bility of this plan, and disclosed his' Party. Its traditions have made'
stage success. 'ixso hesbet
coewntainesubeca the protective tariff -a standing ' CHARE ERRORS IN TRIAL
ing and ehar- "The farm xelief controversy Ipln intslafrTh'a-
with a great , still remains up in the air," he ex- ; me 's argumnent, however, that ag- cs soitdPes
r plained1. The Senate, at present,s riculture is as much entitled to a WASHINGTON, 0ct. 26-Convict-
reunion of aI has added a modified debenture protective tasriff as any otier i of bribery, former Secretary of
oes, however, plan as a rider to the new tariff dusty,' osno em ocry' the Interior Albert B. Fall today
~s ue o te ill Th dbenurebil i it ong-much force throughout the suc- pinned his hope of exoneration
cesono'epbianamnita upon a motion for a new trial, n
ing Miss Claire l inal form had been vetoed by in. hmnwr s ihtno sit-a tfinganpeltoahhr
ni considerable (President Hoover, and was consid- bln.e answer s t n osit- edtacofrt. ,a pel oahg
Refreshingly ered to be a dead issue. ;bepa a e enowridkcut
1tendency to- "On the surface, the bill seems to give relief in the form of higheri Still to~xity maintaining his 'in-
11 inal~h prices."noectefrecaie feer
elialteto be a plausible one," said Pro- (noaenedtformn i eait oftier
ultra-m-odern i fessor Reiner; "its provision allow-' In conclusion, Professor Rerner ae n fiiginhat,'w~e
sheight. ig the farmer a sort of bounty on remarked that it is doubtful thisnhotevletil herisurocdd ayse a-
Live Ghosts" every baushel of wheat, for ex-'I whether Hoover will permit the d4-b;is hoel ersurrlyunded bfriem-
istance of the, ample, sold and exported seems ai benture plan in any form; also, it from the west.
of the talking practical one. The technical na- 1, is extremely doubtful that Congress The verdict of the jury that he
ly field. While ture of the bill deems it necessary,f can, at present, make a satisfactory; was sguilty of bribery in accepting
yet pro laced,! however, that this bounty be in the adjustment for the farmers. ffomEwrdLbD.n
'is an enter- form of I. 0, u's from the govern- Whether the farm relief board can "before " executing rmtn; the famouL. lease
an English lo- ment to the farmer, the value of improve upon the methods pro-' on the Elk 'Hills naval oil reserve
lterans, one a' which must be specifically used inI posed by Congress is questionable. to a Doheny company was followed
nted in this payment of duty on imports. The1 Meanwhile the government has a closely by the motion for a new
n a German natural conclusion is that excessive, nation full of farmers waiting for ( trial, advancing reasons which tke
being reported speculation' will result in the sell- : some form of direct financial aid. defense counsel considered as j usti-
iplieations re-j ing of these I. 0. U.'s to import- i-- j Eying such an action.
the ordinary ers, Hoover evidently forseeing The motion made numerous
suh cndtinan nt cn-I GREENL D A Tz:AI charges of error on thepato
puhracnd tiandnty con-.I-L-VpLrtVof
cast 1alc, icdo h ratcbltfte O K C N I U SJustice William Hitt, Who presided,
s faullely.e nte fteire scheme, vetoed the meaure,"rig he iewn eyn i
,e rather tthan In discuissuig the action of the ( 1Ssert roingef that _eswe tohi
society, .'Three lsenate, Professor Romer Said that Work on the publication 01 thie'jury by "improperly rilpoelry and, d lth-
Ioewsteicr I Hobbs observatory data, the reseltllyagungth cse and i -
f'rent type ofIthre surpr'ise oftheewyers'hwokiincherGren-fullireging,'ilecein,in fee-
Awful Truith" (pcrating of the modified debenture oftreyas1r nteG e~
plan inlthe new rpoe tariff mill land camp, is progressing rapidly! prpsdudrtedrcinoi.P eg-ng and driving the jury on ques-
seafter the original plan had been uneh drcin fS .-Feg tions of fact which were solely and
nid one of the; defeated, and after a similar plan, son, a member of the United States .xcluxsively within the jury's fuinc-
ha isMd'the McNary-Haugen bill, had fail- Weather Bureau in Washington, I tjon to decide."
ha t Vi-,D. C. Although two or three weeks I ~ adto, Fl' one
ie Fox in De-; ed of Presidential approval. A'Iwsatfrt huhtt(e si Ien addtontthe lscouru nsad-
JcHotadfarm relief board has been ap-wsa is huh ob ufcet hre httecuterdi d
JkHotadp-frsome exceed- pointed, and it may well be Hoov-fo the completion of the mianu- mitting evidence of the transaction
. and talking er's contention that Congress srpivle aaadosra ywihFl leased Teapot Dome
B. J. A. 'should allow the matter to drop ,flog reports will probably keep( naval 6il reserve to Harry F. Sin-
- --- Ferguson and his assistants at Clair, and also in comm~renting on
- - -i work for another fortnight. ' that, evidece in its charge.
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3 tANCEolves
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F ~cI~eI Ca An P~ Iicto
The comedy drama that rocked the the-
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screen as an all dialogue with sensation. Jf Attractionl
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