1 890
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ols 9
Rev Charles R. Brown to Speak!
Before University Students
This Morning.
Series Will Continue on Sunday
Mornings for Three More
Weekly Meets.
Opportunity to hear an eaucator-
theologian of national eminence,
the Rev. Charles R. Brown,ndean
emeritus of the Yale School of Re-
ligion, will be afforded the students
of the University at 11 o'clock this
morning in Hill auditorium. The
occasion will be the first of the fall
series of four convocations nar-
"Dracula" Will Open D CAEE TALKS
at League Theatreu L L L U
Meader Will Speak
on World Language NAT COTE
Means by which all men . may REPORTS FINDINGS
some day speak the same language
will be explained by Professor
Clarence L. Meader, of the De-
"Dracula," directed by Murnau, Vium InVlum [ IuIJI i
and forwarded from the Film Guild
Cinema in New York, will be of-
fered this week by the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre in accordance S 9 I W H
with its policy of presenting an oc-
cassional outstanding picture to the Stresses Necessity of Correct
The picture has been filmed in Posture i Relation to
the Carpathian mountains, the ac- Modern Life.
tual locale of the novel by the same 1
name and is Murneau's own inter- PROFESSOR JACK SPEAKSI
pertation of the Dracula legend. I
The dircetor calls his idea of the
story, "Nosferata the Vampire," and Haines Explains Transportation
does not limit the plot and action Library in Fourth Program
to the confines of the play. Mur- L
nau may be remembered for his of Year's Series.
work in the recent German picture,
"The Last Laugh." As the first speaker on the fourth
Performances will be given at Michigan Night radio program
8:15 o'clock every night this week, broadcast through station WJR last
starting tomorrow night, and two night, Dr. Norman L. Capener, of
matinees will be given on Friday the medical school emphasized the
and Saturday afternoons. The importance of correcposture.
tinee performance will start at 230 "Modern life and the nervous en-
o'clock. As was the policy concern- "Mgy ifeand he nerous "n-
ing The Growth of the Soil", which ergy it creates," he asserted, "is
-na The Growth of the SoilJWhicht dUiin tVS i k d U.r I t. c W
parment of general linguistics, in
his speech on "Esperanto, the In-
ternational Language," on Tues-
day afternoon in Room 231, Angell
hall. The lecture will be followed
by a report on the twenty-firstrIn-
ternational Esperanto congress,
whieb w hldi ln ct A rntn i id
Upper House Takes Initial Steps
in Investigating Loan of
Connecticut Body.
Maize and Blue Gridders Fail in Attempted
Comeback When Traditional Rivals
Show Greater Strength.
Ivu UV1VV41~i~ atwasshwn astwee a th thatr ten ng woureaK gown posture.we i
ranged by the Convocations com- was shown last week at the theatre, are experiencing spinal curvatures
mittee recently empowered by the n advan e sale wil be con ductwo and the attendant ills, and me-
Student council. chanical adjustment is becoming
sot subjects will be shown. An-
Dean Brown will bring a mes- other cubist picture, The Love of more and more necessary."
sage to the students from an ex- X", directed b Flre, the Frensh First Editions Valuable.
tenisive and rich theological ana ,iece by Florey, the Frensh -
educational experience His re- artist, will be presented. A satirical Prof. P. M. Jack, head of the rhe-1
ligious career began 33 ears a o burlesque of travel lectures, "An toric department, discussed the en-i
flgious career beganu33year ao Expedition Across the Great Sag- hancing value of the first editions1
following a most careful prepara- rara" will also be offered. of modern writers. Ordinary edi-I
tion. It later merged with educa- All seats for all performances tions, he said, lose all value after
tional work, at which he was for te r ogt
17 years dean of the Divinity including the matinees, are priced they are bought.
school, now the School of Religion at 50 cents and may be purchased "First editions of the right kind
at Yale university. His subject this at the box office preceeding each of authors are bound to go up," he
morning will be "How Much Do show. said. "You are lucky if you can
You Want?" buy a first edition of Galsworthy1
YouWnn f. ILL Iayear after publication for ten
Culmination Of Old Plan. dollars. The living authors whose
The series of convocations, be- works are most in demand include
ginning today and continuing until Barrie, Kipling, Shaw, Galsworthy,
Nov. 17, are the continuation of a r irand Adlous Huxley. I believe that
plan created and adopted by stu- LIL D. H. Lawrence, Hemingway, Drei-
dents of the University four years ser, and O'Neill will become as'
ago. It was the belief of the orig- popular.
inators that 'organized religion was Wolverines Bow Before Indian "If you must be a bookworm, be
not meeting the demands of the ian early bookworm. If you have a'
undergraduate body, and that by Attack on Ferry Field copy of the first edition of Gals-i
obtaining theological speakers of by Score of 20-6. worthy's 'the Silver Spoon,' pub-
high calibre to address all of the lished in 1926, with a silver spoon
students at one assembly this need HALL IS ILLINOIS STAR printed on the dust wrapper, that
could be fulfilled.-_ book is now worth $125. I possess!
Begining with the convocation one of the first copies of Gals-,
today the students will have great- By Adsit Stewart. worthy's Swan Song which, because
er participation in the program. A Outclassed in every department of a typographical error on page
responsive ' reading service has of the dame except passing, the 44, is now worth at least $50. So
been included, and more songs to Michigan Junior Varsity fell to a look in your library for first edi-
be sung in unison have been 20 to 6 defeat before an onslaug it tions and you, may find that some
placed on the program. A four- of massd nterference end runs of your books are quite valuable."
page program will give the words of wisely mixed with ineffective line Journalist Speaks
the, reading and the songs. bucks launched by the Illinois "B" Iem Donal HoraltnSpies f h yesterday afternoon on iFerry Dna Hamilton Haines, of the
pean Brown Experienced, F es journalism department, director of
I Field. pbiiyo niern eerh
Dean Brown is well adapted at The second two touchdowns madepublicity of Engineering Research,
speaking before student audiences by the Indian we bo e ns rr, talked of the Transportation live-
as he has been a lecturer in several by Hall after long marches down sity, a unique unitof ihet kin
universities and colleges throughout the field which were also made by Iinexistence. only one to itskind
the country. He was 'special 1(,c- men frn reas aeb.i xsec. Its function jr to
the ounry.He as pecal cc-means of runs around the ends assemble all available works deal-
turer on ethics at Leland Stanfbrd, with five men for interference. The , ing wit evyphae orkspor-
Jr., university from 1899 to 1906, first Illinois score was made by tation.r
and since has been lecturer atUseman who cut throught
Harvard, Cornell, Columbia, North tackle and then reversed his field "Many people," 'he said, "are in
Carolina and other universities. to elude both Berkowitz and Wid- possession of valuable papers or
He is the holder of 10 degrees,1 man for a 60 yard scamper down books dealing with transportation
and has written more than a score the field. j and do not realize their value.
of books, most of which deal with The Wolverines showed signs of Sometimes we uncover valuable;
modern religious problems. considerable potential power fol- I correspondence and old books that
lowing the kickoff at the beginning have been lying in attics, dust-cov-
FAMOUS AUTHOR of the second half when they car- ered, for years. The owners, for
Yied the ball from their own 25- sentimental reasons, have not
WILL LIVE HERE yard line over the goal line on a! thrown them out, but at the same
series of six smashes at right tackle time have not realized their value."
Thames Williamson, widely and a forward pass from Widman 1 Same Orchestra Plays.
known author, who recently caused to Justice for the scoring play. The Michigan League dance or-
sensation with novel, "Hunky," has 'Bauer barely missed the goal for chestra, under the direction of
come with his wife to make a per- I point after touchdown. This was Robert M. Carson, of the history
nianent home in Ann Arbor. The the only time during the entire department, played several popular
author left Maine a year and a half game that the Michigan eleven dis- numbers on the one hour program.
ago in search of a spot for literary played anything that approached and the vocal trio which is part of
work, since that time he has toured a strong offense. the band also entertained.
the country and his final selection If the Wolverine hands were laid -
has fallen to Ann Arbor. on Useman during his 60 yard run HARVARD BEATEN
He considers this an ideal place for the first touchdown of the
to settle, because it is small enough game, they were most gentle ones. INFA TCONTEST
to afford the natural beauties of He cut cleanly through the line
the country, and at the same time and wormed his way through the Marsters Runs Wild in Great!
is near a number of major cities. (Continued on Page 6, Col. 1) Dartmouth Victory.
The University will offer access toD
the library, to good music, and to; Halligh Point Man (By Associated Press)>
people, he believes h for Illinois "B" Team CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Oct., 26. -
apest. -IPaper Suggests Tariff Measure
Esperanto is by far the simplest Was Tampered by Source {
language in the world, in the opin-
ion of Professor Meader. Originated j Outside Senate.
20 years ago by a Hungarian doc- ' -
tor, Esperanto embodies the im- By Francis M. Stevenson, A. P.
portant language stems of English, Staff Writer
German, and French. In his
lecture, Professor Meader will ex- WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 26-
plain the phonetical world-wide Severe commendation of his rela-
popularity. Small handbooks have tions with the Connecticut Manu-
been published which explain facturers' Associationwere heard
the entire language in twenty:|.y
explain the entire language in 20 m the senate today by Senator
pages; Professor Meader announces Bingham, of Connecticut, in si-
that these will be made available lence. The hearing marked the
immediately after the lecture. first report of ChairmaniCaraway
Professor Meader will be a con- on the lobbying investigation.
tinuance of the campaign begun In the first report to the Senate,
last year to educate university Chairman Caraway detailed the
students in the value of Esperanto, "loan" of a salaried representative
and in the language itself. Work of the Association to assist Bing-
in this connection will be continued committee while its republican
throughout the years by Professors ham in his work on the finance
Meader, Onderdonk, and Muyskens. members were framing the tariff
bill. - He said that the committee .
thought 'in view of the extraordi-
nary circumstances attending this
transaction, it was its duty to call
to the attention of the Senate im-
mediately the information'acquired
Rv Adward /,. ('an
Oct. 26-Fine blocking by a fast
14-0 victory over Michigan today in
gridf est.
The Illini tallied twice in the th
their third straight Conference def
cellar position.
Coach Bob Zuppke's boys cor
department, but it was their finet
(lirectly responsible for both Illinoi
of Simrall's long punts 65 yards
initial Illini score, while the home t
when Walker intercepted Truskowsk
International Relations Will be
Discussed by Expert on
Snanmh Cnlnnipc
u 1111n111vdiiUiu initULL I during its investigation. apa s .
ICalled Dishonor To Senate.
President of Comedy Club Says "It seems to the committee that FORUM FIRST OF SERIES
' a strike at the dignity and honor
Accord Is Missing Among ( of the Senate and would tend to Outlines of a plan for the im--
Three Major Groups. 1 shake the confidence of the Ameri- provement of Spanish-American
can public in the integrity of leg- and American relations will be dis-
SITUATION IS STRAINED islation," the Arkansan declared, cussed by Prof. A. E. Aiton of the
Submission of the report by Car- history department when he leads
Comentmg on the resent away and Senator Walsh, Demo- the first of a series of forums!
jumbled situation of the campus crat, Montana, another member of sponsored by the international
dramatic activities, Robert K. Ad- the investigation committee, pro- committee of the Student Christian
ams, '30, president of Comedy Club, voked a discussion of lobbying on association to be held at 4 o'clock
lamented the fact of the apparenL the tariff bill, but drew no defense this afternoon in the reading room
lack of accord among the various from any member of the Senate in Lane Hall.
dramatic organizations nor any reply from the tall Con- This series of student forums, one
"The three dramatic organiza- necticut Senator, Bingham, ho of which is to be held practically
ions on the campus, Play Produc a- t alone on the rear row of the every Sunday afternoon during the
tion, Mimes, and Comedy Club, chamber i his regular seat. school year, are being conducted
should each have a definite func- Discussions Resume Monday. for the purpose of bringing about a
tion," Adams said. "Comedy Club With reports tonight that discus- better understanding among the
has found its place as an honor :sions would be resumed on Monday, students of many countries who are
society putting on a limited nurn - would be resumed on Monday, attending the University. Accord-
ber of plays each year, but each ili there was speculation about some ing to John M. Brumm, '31, chair-
a lavish style. ! action by the Senate. Senator Dill, man of the international commit-
"Mimes and Play Production," !Democrat, Washington, interrupted tee, the meetings are intended to
he continued, "have failed to reach I an attack by Senator George, Dem- furnish a means for frank and lib-
an exact understanding of their ocrat, Georgia, on the Bingham re- eral discussions of important prob-
separate provinces. There is a lation with the manufacturer to lems of the day. The discussions,
need at present for a meeting of ask what he proposed to do about embracing the topics of literature,
the three organizations with the it. The Georgian said he was in- political economy, sociology, and
dramatic committee of the Univer- I terested principally in the effect on politics( will thus be varied so that,
sity in order that some definite the tariff bill of the transaction. many channels will be opened for
agreement of each field of endeavor Later, off the floor, Senator Dill one to express his own interests
ag remnfeach and those of his country on a va-
can be reached. suggested that the Senate finance
"Comedy Club is looking forward I committee "might purge itself" by rieTy of subjects.
to the fact that they are getting removal of Bingham from the com-S The forums will be led by pro-
co-operation from the other two mittee. fessors and students versed in the
dramatic organizations, and Mr Asked why he made no reply, particular subjects and familiar
Windt has been more than gener- Senator Bingham replied off the with the countries under considera-
ous in letting us use Play Produc- floor that he made his statement!ion-
tion people in our showstbefore the Senate previously, and. Professor Aiton, who will lead to-
"Thalso before the lobby committee day's discussion, is particularly well
concluded, "has been unnecessarily aid he rested on that. Before thei fitted to lead the forum dealing
slow in meeting the situation, and lobby committee, Bingham said with Span sh-America because of
I cannot understand its laxity in 1lthat "possibly" he made a "mis-'inmterest in and intimate know-
not attempting to remedy the ex- take" in using the Manufacturer's ledge of that part of the world.
isting conditions." I em.oyee to assist him and in put- Foreign students desirous of ad
The policy of Play Productio' 'ting him on the Senate payroll dressing organizations, schools, and
was defined in The Daily Saturday IHe emphasized that he meant j other groups in Michigan cities, are
by Windt and in further comments, requested by the international
by Widtand in nothing improper.I committee to submit their names,
he emphasized the fact that this_________
policy has been in operation for the Einasmuch as the committee is in
past year. a MIMES TO GIVE i touch with many groups who are
-- PLAY TOMORROW' looking for such speakers.
All foreign students are invited to
Ann Arbor Woman , the forum, as are American stu-
Hurt in Auto Accident John Galsworthy's Old English dents who are interested in inter-
First for Current Season. national relationships.
er, Jr., Sports Editor
Illinois team gave the Indians a
the fifteenth renewal of their annual
hird quarter to hand the Wolverines
eat and shove them deeper into the
pletely outplayed Michigan in every
blocking and interference that was
s touchdowns. Mills returned one
early in the third period for the
eam scored again five miputes later
ki's long pass and carried it 57 yards
to Michigan's 12 yard stripe. From
there the Indians put the ball across
in four plays.
The superiority of the Illini is
evident from the comparative sta-
tistics of the two teams. The Or-
ange and Blue eleven outgained the
Wolverines, registering 12 first
downs, totalling 173 yards from
rushing, while Michigan compiled
4 first downs and gained 41 yards
from scrimmage.
Illini Use Three Rushers.
The Illini alternated their ball
carriers, employing Lanum, Hum-
bert and Timm to good effect
against the Wolverines. But it was
not the rushing or passing game
that was responsible for the Illi-
nois victory. Great blocking and
interference by the Orange and
Blue players accounted for both
4 their touchdowns.
The offense of the Wolver-
ines failed to materialize, which is
evident by four first downs, one of
which resulted from a penalty. Al-
though they threatened the Mich-
igan goal line on four occasions
during the first half, the Illini were
unable to tally. Four times 'Gaga"
Mills attempted to place-kick, once
from the 15-yard stripe, but all of
his attempts were either wide ox
short. Michigan's offense did not
get under way during the first
quarter, but the Wolverines staged
an attack in the second quarter
that gained ground but did not
take the ball past midfield until
the last play.
Simrall Rushed On Punts.
Simrall was rushed on his punts
during the first period, Michigan's
line failing to hold. With the wind
at his back, Mills forced the Wol-
verines deep into their own terri-
tory to give his team a marked ad-
vantage. During this quarter Mills
attempted his four fruitless place-
kicks, one of which rpsulted when
Gembis fumbled on his own 22-yard
line. Timm recovered for the Il-
Michigan's sole bid for a score
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 1)
Mills Gets 8 Points
in Yesterday's Game
Mrs. Michael Richards, 523 S.
t e h's ho- "Old English", by John Gals-I CoaSt! Guards EndI
Worthyret. s i St Joeps hs- -t--Wl ; 1 AV
SJackson Cannell proved to the foot- ital with injuries resulting from wimesth, ps resnterom -B a Cews
", TRTN LNUP orh, sto be presented is week ggC
FOO TBALL SCORES Bhinois m E linois ball world today that he has a an automobile accident last night, by the Mimes organization in the ~
aiBailey... Mosser great Dartmouth team when the when a car driven by her husband Mimes atre Sinih perform-
Notwstr 2,Wbsh0 h(3 Associated Press)
I IAT Bame undfeated reen ovrwhelme crashed into one o erated by James ances and one matinee willbegvn
Nussickle ....T ........ Blaineundefeated Green overwhelmed This is the first production of the SAULT STE. MARIE, Oct. 26-
Purdue wern 2,Cag h 'McGrath ......LG.......Decker I Harvard, 34 to 7, here in its first I Williams of Jackson, after sideswip rganization during the present The dismal isolation which Capt.
Purdue 26 Chicago 0. McEuen . ..... C ....... Schantz hard test of the current campaign. ing another car, on the Plymouth I oranon P. C. Farrell of the package freigh-
Iowa 14, Wisconsin 0. -'Langhorst ....RG.... Richardson Led by the fleet and slippery Al road. season. ter Chicago and the majority of
Minnesota 54, Ripon 0.-! Huenergardt ... RT........Bauer Marsters,Dartmouth subjected Har- - The cast of character will i- her crew had endured on the wes-
Missouri 7, Nebraska 7. Hintone.e.n.h....RE.......lJustice yard to its first setback by outplay- Our alude Kenneth White, 30, Norman tern end of Michipicoten Island
Yale 21, Army 13. - Useman......QB......Widman I ing it in every department of the W Browne, '30, Arthur Sutton, 32, D. since Tuesday night when a gale
Dartmouth 34, Harvard 7.- Entyre.......RH........Miller game. I ..--B. Hempstead, Jr., '31, Leo Yoedicka, drove the freighter aground, was
University of S. Cal. 7, Leland Hall.........LH.......Brown The Dartmouth forwards, a f ast I 30, Josephine Rankin, '30, Eugenie ended today.
Stanford 0. Schultz. .......FB . . . . Berkowitz and hard charging outfit, ripped I - Chapel, '32, Jack Harris, '32, and Wireless reports here said that
Michigan State 40, N. Carolina Officials-Referee, R. W. Huege the opposing wall to shreds and ITrusedale Mayers, '30. the marooned men were taken from
St. 6. (Marquetts) ;Umpire J. W. Moni supported Marstar to such a re- I , Performance will be given each their rocky refuge this afternoon
Princeton 13. Navv 13. ilm( mrae- . m'i -i n TAIP-In'k hn o ,nr1 th-. ,.3 i-rp " i _ I A . ° .night, starting tomorrow night and by the coast guard cutter Seminole
The Lineup.
Michigan Illinois
Morrison.......L T....... Gordon
Poe ..........LG .....Wietz
Bovardi. ......C .......... Kawal
Steinke.......RG . ...... Crane'~
Auer ..... RT...... Burdik
Draveling . . . RE .. Steinman
Sim raill.......LH ... .. ..Timm
Dahlem.......RH.... ...Walker'
Gembis .......FB ...... Humbert
Touchdowns-Mills, Walker.
Points after touchdown-Mills 2i.
Substitution: Illinois-Lanurn for
H-umbert; Humbert for Lanum;
Root for Walker; Yanuskis for
Timm; Lanum for Hunmbert; Roush
for Cr'ane; Hills for Gordan; Jolley
for Steinman; Robinson for Lan-
urn; Bodman for Burdik; Huddle-
ston for Wietz: Schumacher for
Wolgast; Chattin for Mills; Evans
f or Root. Michigan--Cornwell for
Dra veling; Hesten for Dahlerm;
Dahlem for Hes ton; Daniels for
Cornwell; Hayden; for Gembis;
Poorman for Au en;. Hudson for
Dlhem : Sorenson for Steinke.