T'-:.CIE MICHI 0.AN, n A T. T -N.- WOL ,HIN [LE N .Mexiat Presidentia ; Campaign Scramble IADD140LS Opens as Party Candicdtes AreNoiaeF BY FIGHTING ILLINI.... . 11 !ll n R uns Y ie ld T w o TQ o.ch- ':::::..... downs in Third Quar~rtc.r of Game. 1CTlWGAN IS OUTPLAYED Quarterback prints 65 Yards to Score Initial Marker- in ard-Fought Tilt. ~V +T t&AM TL-TT 3Y-1--.%. 111 s-t ALPH.#. ,....... _..._.. _ ......_...,_. . ... ....SUND~AY, -OCTOBER -27.- 1929 Ji SCREEN REFLECTION'S il T-t- _,.. - -I --I-, Ir. 7r I'Irract a billity ottFarm Relict Measures jf Doubtful, in Opinion oaf Professor Remer1 III I LILnI crthemodfie an leave the problem exclusivelyBI[T)B[ 11 nffnrrinnenio t r I in t e hands of the boar'dat lest Wheth tion for farm relief is doubtful in for the time being, Professor Re- mer said. i AiI.e.t FallWart i;.l~s r 'in 'i , .. s, <' ,'. 1. 4', s (Continued from Page 1, dol. 7) $ ~~ acre the 'Wolverine line stiffened MU IA'RV L and Mills, shot his fifth attempted VE PR SN D place kick of the game across the goal line. AMEBRLtCAN INSTITUTE OF DALCROIZE fEURYTHMICS Modern Education in RZHYTH M' MOVEMENT music Bfodily Technique, Plastic Movement, Solfege Improvisation, Piano, A C E Copostion.A CL V etDNORMAL TRAINING Students Book let onRequestSE ATO PAUL BOEPPLE, Director - ' Volunteer 1357 4 ' ""f""' 3 onts3imnh .NII - - --j New york ILb ost on Philadeopha Prices : Orchestra $300 Balcony First Four Rows $x.50 Stra aie Second Four $2 :00; Balcon~y$1.50 StrdyM ie MAIL ORDERS NOWV___V_ Awful Truth" u le ia UJo. IuI. P'. 1*nieer0or f,.*..ci.*L.ct... UR s.#:VCW lz1C1KX~II wfiTuh the economics department, who in "Another interesting aspect of With Members and =Friends nown as Mrs. an interview entertained a kpi h iutoh otne,-s ae owt te!the asituton" o tinuRed, *of His Family. 'ebototecal attitude toward the practica- h tiud fteRpublican. ___ sophisticated bility of this plan, and disclosed his' Party. Its traditions have made' stage success. 'ixso hesbet coewntainesubeca the protective tariff -a standing ' CHARE ERRORS IN TRIAL ing and ehar- "The farm xelief controversy Ipln intslafrTh'a- with a great , still remains up in the air," he ex- ; me 's argumnent, however, that ag- cs soitdPes r plained1. The Senate, at present,s riculture is as much entitled to a WASHINGTON, 0ct. 26-Convict- reunion of aI has added a modified debenture protective tasriff as any otier i of bribery, former Secretary of oes, however, plan as a rider to the new tariff dusty,' osno em ocry' the Interior Albert B. Fall today ~s ue o te ill Th dbenurebil i it ong-much force throughout the suc- pinned his hope of exoneration cesono'epbianamnita upon a motion for a new trial, n ing Miss Claire l inal form had been vetoed by in. hmnwr s ihtno sit-a tfinganpeltoahhr ni considerable (President Hoover, and was consid- bln.e answer s t n osit- edtacofrt. ,a pel oahg Refreshingly ered to be a dead issue. ;bepa a e enowridkcut 1tendency to- "On the surface, the bill seems to give relief in the form of higheri Still to~xity maintaining his 'in- 11 inal~h prices."noectefrecaie feer elialteto be a plausible one," said Pro- (noaenedtformn i eait oftier ultra-m-odern i fessor Reiner; "its provision allow-' In conclusion, Professor Rerner ae n fiiginhat,'w~e sheight. ig the farmer a sort of bounty on remarked that it is doubtful thisnhotevletil herisurocdd ayse a- Live Ghosts" every baushel of wheat, for ex-'I whether Hoover will permit the d4-b;is hoel ersurrlyunded bfriem- istance of the, ample, sold and exported seems ai benture plan in any form; also, it from the west. of the talking practical one. The technical na- 1, is extremely doubtful that Congress The verdict of the jury that he ly field. While ture of the bill deems it necessary,f can, at present, make a satisfactory; was sguilty of bribery in accepting yet pro laced,! however, that this bounty be in the adjustment for the farmers. ffomEwrdLbD.n 'is an enter- form of I. 0, u's from the govern- Whether the farm relief board can "before " executing rmtn; the famouL. lease an English lo- ment to the farmer, the value of improve upon the methods pro-' on the Elk 'Hills naval oil reserve lterans, one a' which must be specifically used inI posed by Congress is questionable. to a Doheny company was followed nted in this payment of duty on imports. The1 Meanwhile the government has a closely by the motion for a new n a German natural conclusion is that excessive, nation full of farmers waiting for ( trial, advancing reasons which tke being reported speculation' will result in the sell- : some form of direct financial aid. defense counsel considered as j usti- iplieations re-j ing of these I. 0. U.'s to import- i-- j Eying such an action. the ordinary ers, Hoover evidently forseeing The motion made numerous suh cndtinan nt cn-I GREENL D A Tz:AI charges of error on thepato puhracnd tiandnty con-.I-L-VpLrtVof cast 1alc, icdo h ratcbltfte O K C N I U SJustice William Hitt, Who presided, s faullely.e nte fteire scheme, vetoed the meaure,"rig he iewn eyn i ,e rather tthan In discuissuig the action of the ( 1Ssert roingef that _eswe tohi society, .'Three lsenate, Professor Romer Said that Work on the publication 01 thie'jury by "improperly rilpoelry and, d lth- Ioewsteicr I Hobbs observatory data, the reseltllyagungth cse and i - f'rent type ofIthre surpr'ise oftheewyers'hwokiincherGren-fullireging,'ilecein,in fee- Awful Truith" (pcrating of the modified debenture oftreyas1r nteG e~ plan inlthe new rpoe tariff mill land camp, is progressing rapidly! prpsdudrtedrcinoi.P eg-ng and driving the jury on ques- seafter the original plan had been uneh drcin fS .-Feg tions of fact which were solely and nid one of the; defeated, and after a similar plan, son, a member of the United States .xcluxsively within the jury's fuinc- ha isMd'the McNary-Haugen bill, had fail- Weather Bureau in Washington, I tjon to decide." ha t Vi-,D. C. Although two or three weeks I ~ adto, Fl' one ie Fox in De-; ed of Presidential approval. A'Iwsatfrt huhtt(e si Ien addtontthe lscouru nsad- JcHotadfarm relief board has been ap-wsa is huh ob ufcet hre httecuterdi d JkHotadp-frsome exceed- pointed, and it may well be Hoov-fo the completion of the mianu- mitting evidence of the transaction . and talking er's contention that Congress srpivle aaadosra ywihFl leased Teapot Dome B. J. A. 'should allow the matter to drop ,flog reports will probably keep( naval 6il reserve to Harry F. Sin- - --- Ferguson and his assistants at Clair, and also in comm~renting on - - -i work for another fortnight. ' that, evidece in its charge. ES EVE A SEAT INV 200 CHAIRS S adtWne lock North from Hill AuJitoriim T eP ro kfast, Lunch and Dilnnev 1 sb 4$8.00 per' weekSO h We Deliver Every Y andl Dinner, $6.50 per week Evening0 After I: ~bctVc LAFAYETT AND LAFAYETTE, DETROIT SHELBY AND LAFAYETTE, DETROIT Presents BEGINNING TODAY FUNNY GEORGE Ameac's Inimitable Star I D WILLIAM (IN PERSON) INHJG ER AMERICA; COMEDY ! In a New Play 31 "HOMICIDE" By Milton Herbert Grooper and Edna Shery SECOND WEEK . rhrils-shivecrs--Shakes -Lai ghs and I lodge : 75, $1.50 Nights: $1.00 to $2.50 Nights: 50c to $2.50 Sct 20 Matnes:TEirsd 5Ho $1.0;CaDI day80co$20 1 I «: { _i f I a ;. 'r,. .. . I Yi I;, I ;I 3 tANCEolves WrLLIAM PO WELL leads you on the -baffling trail of a mystery killer! MVore -thrilling than ,~the Canary M pr d er Case'"' All-Talkinig! "THE GREENE MURDR CASY .4 Praunt Picture IMES THATR Week of Oct. 28 1 t MATINEE SATURDAY (iiI Byi JOHN GAl 1WOPTHY F ~cI~eI Ca An P~ Iicto The comedy drama that rocked the the- 1111 A Ujnitedl Mgers of the world with laughter now on the fl Artists screen as an all dialogue with sensation. Jf Attractionl GREATST TH " T m r NOW SIHOWING INA CLAIRE, (Mrs. John Gilbert) "THE. AWFUL TRUT H" A Great Broadway Star in Hier Greatest Stage Success On the Stage "H SEVEN NELSONS