w a a v a: a. ar s s u a
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year* by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor....................George C. Tilley
CityrEditor...............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor ..............George E. Simons
Sports Editor.........dward B. Warner, Jr.
" rWomen's Editor............Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter
Music and Drama ........William J. Gorman
Literary Editor...........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor,..- Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman
Charles A. Askren William Page
Helen Barc Gustav R. Reich
Louise Behymer John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
W. H. Crane Toe Russell
iLedru E. Davis Joseph F. Ruwitcb
FHelen Domine William P. Salzarulo
Margaret Eckels George Stauter
Katherine Ferrin Cadwell Swanson
Carl Forsythe Jane Thayer
Sheldon C. Fullerton Margaret Thompson
Ruth Geddes Richard L. Tobin
Ginevra Ginn Beth Valentine
J. Edmund Glavin Harold 0. Warren
Jack Goldsmith Charles S. White
mD. B. Hemnstead, Jr. G. Lionel Willens
James C. Hendley Lionel G. Willens
Richard T. Hurley E. Willoughby
jean H. Levy Barbara Wright
Russell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
Lester M. May
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising............. ..Hlollister MabI .y
Advertisi.. .......... Kasper 11. Halverson
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,irculation-J. Vernor Davis
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Publications ................George Hamilton
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James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir
Robert Crawford George Patterson
Harry B. Culver Charles Sanford
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Norman Eliezer Robert Sutton
Donald Ewing Roger C. Thorne
Ja mes Hoffer lo'. cph Van Riper
orris Johnson Robert Williamson
Charles Kline William R. Worboys
Marvin Kobacker
favor are the ones who have not
driven, while the class of students
against which the ban was aimed
have been the ones to play fast and
loose with their cars.
The University under President
Ruthven is fortunately not wedded
to universal enforcement, and sees
the experiments of the past as ra-
ther a dismal failure. The next ex-
periment, the new President sug-
gests, "might be to give permits to
certain groups registered in the
graduate schools, as representing a
large proportion of married and
mature students." This suggestion,
of course, is hopeful, but its taking
effect seems to be at least a year
off, while letter-strict enforcement
puts the ban to a final test.
The question uppermost in our
minds is how much more testing
will be necessary to convince the
Regents that while they are trying
with mediocre success to save the
weaklings , from themselves, an
overwhelming majority of sincere
students are swallowing with what
good grace they can muster a ra-
ther rank injustice.. If the present
semester or the present year pro-
duces results no more definitely
good or bad, will they reject of-
ficial requests for modification -
such requests as the one from the
dean's office which they rejected
last June?
The Daily believes after patient
and dispassionate study that it is
giving voice to the concensus of
student opinion when it recom-
mends the following platform of
auto ban modification: that all
graduate students and juniors and
seniors in good standing be given
permits to drive automobiles.
Petty thievery has been prevalent
on the Michigan campus for some
time, but it has never involved as
much property as it has this year.
Already several fraternity houses
have been robbed and members of
the various organizations have lost
money, watches, and jewelry of all
sorts. But this was probably the
work of outsiders.
Another and perhaps even more
serious situation has arisen in con-
nection with the theft of invalu-
able books, both from the main li-
brary and from the Pendleton li
brary in the Union, by the students
themselves. Last year several hun-
dred books were missed from the
Library, and it was discovered tha
one student had collected enough
books to start a circulating library
of his own.
Sodisturbing has this matter be-
come that the Union Board of Di-
rectors, at their last meeting, con-
sidered refusing to admit student
to the Pendleton library if they
carried books in with them. This
they believe, will make it much
more difficult to carry books from
the room without the knowledgeo
the attendant, and will decrease
the wholesale depletion of books
many of which are autographed by
their authors and are first editions
-boA lEnplAlput pu sa l.IAS
umes of great value have never
been placed on the shelves because
it was feared that would be stolen
Such a condition should never
exist. On the campuses of many
universities throughout the coun-
try there is an unwritten code
which prevents students from any
stealing whatever. In case an in-
stance of larcency is discovered, the
student is ostracized, considerable
publicity is given the case, and the
men involved are usually expelled
Library books are for the use of
every student and should be con-
sidered as such by all. The sel-
fishness and thoughtlessness of the
men who practice this thievery are
not deserving of any consideration,
and drastic action must be taken
against them.
I 0
The administration of the Ann
Arbor department of public works
has evidently slipped up some-
where: the pavement on North Un-
iversity boulevard has not been
torn up for more than a week.
! 0
Most of the shows in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium are free. Even on
Election day, tickets are given
Campus Opinion
Contributors a-e asked to hebrief,
confin'rig themselves to less than 300
wordy it possible. Anonymous com-.
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
SMusic And Drama
I WE WIN IA Review by William J. Gorman
GARGOYLE IS The truth of the matter is that
STILL BAD the truth about Blayds was entire-
Some days ago in this very space ly too momentous. It was prepared
we made the suggestion that this j for so skillfully, the moment of dis-
year, due to weariness on our part, closure was so vivid and so unfor-
we might lose our past laurels to gettable that what followed could
Gargoyle, a pseudo-humor maga- not quite recapture our interest.
zine on this campus. We were real- The truth is that Blayds carried the y
ly worried until Gargoyle came out play along to the grave, together
two days ago. Now we can write with his masquerade. As Blayds
most anything. Iwas the highlight of the play so
* e was Robert Wetzel of the produc-
It is not our purpose to run tion His few minutes of appear-
thiscolun inthe orm f a ance presented a difficult task. He
this column in the form of a had to convey adequately the child-
review, so we cannot cover the like delicacy of the old man, yet
subject of Gargoyle to the the lurking shrewdness of a suc-
length it merits. But this col- cessful charlatan, and over the
umn, review or no review, is whole figure, impalpably haunting
not going to let Gargoyle get Iit, the stern pressure of remorse
and the need for confession. Wet-
away with their puerile editor- zel did it vividly with a fine makeup
ials, even if they are not worth and extraordinary voice variation.
mentioning. It was a perfect piece.
* e * .Isobel was the fluttering bird en-
Below is the type of editorial that tangled in the too rich foliage of
Gargoyle will probably run in their the glorious mythical tree Blayds
Gextgisyue: r rhad built with his stolen poetry.
next issue: She was indignant at her decep-
boo tion, so talked nobly of the debt
"Well! Well! Well! Here we are she owed Jenkins. But she finally
again, out today in our brand new iadmits the futility of being so hon-
jacket. Isn't that swell? This is orable and so honest and takes up
the much belated business of liv-
the muddle number. With due ing by accepting a charming pro-
apologies to Webster, let's venture posal. Florence Tennant does this
(we Garg men will venture any- part well. She has a fine face for
thing) the definition that anything torture; that has been shown be-
fore; so she carries off the second
all bawled up is a muddle. Clearly act splendidly. She was clever, too,
this is the muddle number. The in getting off all the drivel Milne
old boy told, you all that Garg gives her successfully; admonitions,
would be different this year, and romance, indignation are all ren-
here we are, all dressed out in our
t ne jaket Wel! Nll!Wel! Idered by her in a pleasing tremolo
new jacket. Well! Well! Well! and voix celeste.
"Have you noticed our new type? The mutinous grandchildren too
You see, boys and girls, we put all Te ut nquatg.dHlen o
the titles -in lower case, or small are quite adequate. Helen Work-
letters. That gives the paper a man stumbles with her bold, sen-
modernistic touch. Wo don't know sible lines about their rights; she
what modernism means, but we'll is not sure of her manner, whether
give it a modernistic .touch anyway. she should be more bold than sen-
Nothing ventured, nothing gained sible or vice versa; this was a first
you know. Of course, even though night error. Harry Allen has fine
we have that E. E. Cummings touch, stage presence, makig his part
_ the rest of the magazine is just very interesting with a variety of
I th aea thsbe o h of stage business, fondling with his
the same as it has been for theclothes, etc. Charles Holden at-
past fifteen years. The same old
make-up, the same old jokes clip- tempts the traditionally difficult
task of being convincingly stupid
ped from other magazines, thean sucesotoowl.Ti
same old cartoons, and the same and succeeds not oo well hs
old double-meaning jokes. And was the only part in which Milne
here we are again, all dressed up dared to use a little satire; he is
in ur w muddlge, acdet.ell! pfairly ruthless in depicting the sort
1in our new muddle jacket. Well!
Well! Well! But just because this of literary parasitism that William
is the muddle number, don't be get- Conway represents. An experiene-
is ed actor. glories in such a part for
tng 0the idea that all Gargoyl gives I-un ti opunty to in-
is to go ground muddling things.itgvs-isheoprutyoin
Gargoyle is still actively engaged c fuse his own witty comment on the
sin the art of character he is representing into
the portrayal. But Holden as the
solving mysteries. manager of Blayds, Ltd., deter-
mined to out-Boswell Boswell, is
"It is Gargoyle's avowed purpose very ineffective, his gestures being
to offer solutions to practically ev- too conventional and often contra-
f erything that goes on around here. dictory. -Mildred Todd does an in-
Of course, when we meddle (that's teresting bit of character work
, a Gargoyle pun on muddle) with which occasionally shifts, at bad
so many things, we are frequently moments, to caricature. Robert
and to be quite frank, most often Adams' part was quite colorless;
wrong. But that never worries us, he had difficulty with the drivel
as any one can tell by glancing at Milne gave him.
the files for fifteen years back. The production was interesting,
"Gargoyle this year is after the quite suitably and promisingly op-
r ban fanatic, the boy who is al- ening the season. It is at Milne
ways harping about the bans. Of! that most people will be annoyed.
course, last year we ran an entire There was a current of ideation in
issue devoted to razzing the bans, the situation of the death of Blayds
but this year we are going to re- that might have carried him to a
verse our policy and razz the man great ironic comedy with the theme
that razzes the bans. That issue about the undesirability of tearing
last year wasn't very good, anyway. down a charming falsehood or the
Well! Well! Well! That is a little function of falsehood in softening
inconsistent, isn't it? But wasn't,! harsh outlines of truth or some-
it Cervantes who said that consis- thing similar. Instead he lets his
tency was the hobgoblin of little play trail off into sentimental bosh
minds?" -charming Milne bosh, of course-
* * * but bosh nevertheless. He has
GO TO PRINCETON AND DRINK written a good one-act play.
MILK *< *
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Laura Codling
Bernice Glaser
Hortense Gooding
Anna Goldberg
Night Editor,
Alice MCuly
Sylvia 'Miller
Helen :. Musselwhite
Eleanor Walkinshaw
Dorothea Waterman
Many students have expressed
surprise and chagrin at the most
recent official interpretation of the
auto ban-an announcement that
permission to drive an automobile
does not include the privilege of
carrying other University students.
Surprise at such an announcement
does not seem to be entirely war-
ranted, for this interpretation is
quite in accord with the Univer-
sity's present policy in respect to'
the ban-a policy of literal inter-
pretation and strict enforcement.
Although this policy may be, and
doubtless is, instrumental in caus-
ing serious inconvenience and irri-
tation to many students, that at-
tempt would be distinctly mis-
guided which would make it a
shibboleth in a students' rights'
campaign, inasmuch as this year's
brand of strict enforcement is pri-'
marily an experiment. President
Ruthven recognizes that the auto-
mobile provides a safe and desira-
ble recreation and time-saver for
most students, and that adminis-,
trative limitations on its use havej
by no means created a satisfactory;
The still inchoate nature of the
automobile ban is evidenced by a
brief review of its history. At the
beginning of the present decade an1
inquiry sent to certain parents who
would be prejudiced against stu-
dent automobiles elicited a senti-
ment in favor of a ban. Eightl
years ago, in 1921, there was a dis-
cussion between President Burton
and the Regents as to the advisa-
bility of an auto ban. The Regents:
had reached a favorable conclusion
by the time of President Little's in-
auguration, and when he approved'
the plan in its general aspects, the
ban was officially established.
President Little was heartily in
favor oT the modified ban of 1926-i
27, which required all student-own- i
ed cars to be registered, but its small!
.1 \
{ I
She may not know the difference between a touch-down and a
touch-back; she may wonder on which side the referee is playing.
But if she's the kind of Lorelei that gets invited to the games, she'll
know that GOODYEAR'S the place to go for cute sports clothes.
And she'll do her bit to provide the proper background for her
chrysanthemums. We know, because our scouts who go to the
games say it's like home coming week there are so
many Goodyear clothes!
Dear Lark:
We noticed an ad in The
Daily which advertises that
"There are few pleasures finer
than a group of friends. . .
a cup of tea. . . . and the at-
mosphere that draws out good
talk." Now as a matter of fact,
we've never been on a party
where the "atmosphere" was soj
humid as to draw out good
talk. It usually took something
a little more damp than the
atmosphere to put us in that
Granted that the difference is
fanciful, rather than real burning
leaves in spring have a more pung-
ent, infectious odor than burning
leaves in fall. The distinction is
subtle, of course, like that whichI
differentiates the lover's sigh from
the lnver's vawn.
A Review by Margaret Thompson 1
Palmer Christian, University Or-
ganist, gave the third concert in
the Twilight Organ Recital Series I
yesterday afternoon. The program
was well arranged and aptly dem-
onstrated the technique and finish
of Mr. Christian's playing. The,
opening number was a Rhapsody in
D by Saint-Saens based on folk
tunes of Brittany. "Kammennoi
Ostrow" by Rubenstein was the.
next selection followed by "Sonata
No. 1 in E Minor" by Rogers. The
four movements of the Sonata, the
majestic allegro, the soft adagio,
dainty scherzo and the heavy music
'of the fugue showed the wide range
of the artist's console. Soft pastel
music followed, "The Legend of the
Mountain" by Karg-Elert. Mr.
Christian interpreted it with a fine.
sense of its poetic value.
A well known composition by
Grieg "In the Morning" was the
W _
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