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October 17, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-17

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1 "

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November 4 was the da
the opening games of t
class hockey tournament:
ing of the class mane rs
afternoon. Plans were
for an informal hockey sp
given at the field house O
and for the annual hoe
quet November 26.
Gertrude Smith, '30, res
position as interclass hoc
ager at the meeting and
cessor will be appointed b
Either of to-day intercl
tice or at the *ucceedin
class captains will be elec
place the managers who
elected to function until t
organize after several mee
choose their respective ca]
The seniors will meet tl
more eleven and the jui
will play the freshmanI
4. The schedule is planne
each team will oppose ea
team twice before the fi
place. It is hoped the prel
will be completed before
ber 21; if so the finals will
ed off the afternoon of the
the banquet held immedia
All teams should report
field house promptly at 4 t
noon for interclass practic(
Intramural Hod

ffISOP OMOan other activities ts occupy t
A. A. members.Thchrmnw
-- - was elected to take charge of th
Everyone wonders how it must ever done any scientific writingsM With a roll of drums the Wom- manship of Janet Michael,31.onference is Louise Cody, '3oEd.
lady,tosuddenly become the "first I y____s Athletic Association will open newly elected vice-president of th the campus activities for whi
ate set for ven says, "Of course I didn't expectn of the idea. Mrs. Ruthven, for all Emily Bates is Elected Generaltoio3ar's membership campaign association, promise that tea and first semester freshmen are elig
he inter- it, and am hardly able to realize it her interest in science is primarily Chairman; Will be Assisted lounge at the Women's Field People areinvited to drop in for a fie athlet points. Fave pr
at a meet-contemplate moving." a homemaker five athletic points. Five i
yesterday Mrs. Ruthven goes on to say that She has traveled with Dr. Ruth- by Katherine Ferrin. House. The occasion is, of course, few minutes if theyaare in a hurry, points may be earned by partic
y ht h hstrvld ih r Rt-a party. No invitations are being or come and stay all afternoon ifptino ayitrmrlpr
also made she and Dr Ruthven could hardly isued but it iexeted that p hycni ation on any intramual spor
read to be be induced to move from their own ven on many of his expeditions to TO BEGIN WORK AT ONCE rytn buta is expeted that v te cn. Bob Carson's orchestra team, by qualifying for tourna
)ctober 24, lovely home into the home of Texas, Arizona and Mexico. Her of every species and kind, will be Assocationithcsiciorfee even ments and meets, and by y ikbew
key ban- Michigan's president, if they were single regret is that she has not Results from the sophomore elec- there Association with the Athlectic five miles. Ten points may be w
not convinced that on the campus, been to South America. Summer tions yesterday for committee Association will afford special op- by passing the first W. A.
igned her they will be in closer contact with before last the Ruthvens traveled chairman for the Sophomore Caba- A. A. will act s hostesses to the times this ear for l oomingiupnthingsimm rg points argothe
key man- the students. "We are anxious to in England and Scotland, an ret, which will be given in place other women on campus. Here's among W. A. A. events of the fu-p major and minor sports. individ
her suc- know the students in all depart- commenting on this trip, Mrs. of the Sophomore Circus in con- a a W-,Ice to meet that tennis part-s n ture is the national convention ofj n sports, or for keeping a healt
y Dorothy ments as we know those in the Ruthven admits that she would nection with the League Bazaar n u hamaee lookng for the Athetioneece of scr or parciping i heam
niswhwhcwehvbens-like to have known a little more Deemer )uan 7arees beens- lookhing fr the Athletic Conference of Amer- card or participating in the dn
units with which we have been as- lietjaekow itemr December 6 and 7, are as follows:I Here' a chance for the members can College Women, a national or- drama. A chart of the Point Sys
ass prac- sociated, and we hope that they will of English history. However she For general chairman-Emily of class hockey teams tom etmtor iacgome, nfa3dm.cart ofa thsipinty
g session enjoy visiting us and bringing their says that when her home is so Bates; assistant chairman-Kath- gether. Dancin will be thex- ganization composed of 300 college ter and list of awards is prnte
prolem t us" narto helib~rysh is"gangncin.g wlbeteeer- women's athletic associations, in full in the "M' book, a copy
ted to re- problemstou. near to the librvry she is "going to ipbii
e ton r Mrs. Ruthven is not only a slip over and catch up on her arine Ferrin; publicity-Margaret cise of the hour! which is to be held in Ann Arbor which may be gotten by calling f4
are only charming hostess but also a most reading and history." It does not Thompson; finance-Dorothy Bird- Aside from dancing, members of next semester, and to which the it at the W. A. A. office on the fir
he teamsinteresting person She is the appear that she neglects her read- zell; decorations-Ivalita Glascock; the social committee of the Ath- Michigan W. A. A. will be hostess. floor of the Women's League build
itlg n agtro otradhsIing oeeb aymas o entertainment - Dorothy Feske;I letic Association, under the chair-' During that convention there wil ing.
pt a s da g t of a d ct o an d has ing, how eer , b y n e an fo r costu es-Sly E nsmi ger f ood-e - --et..1-
c o t m s lya h - sp e n t m o st o f h e r life in c o lle g e I th e tr h o m e if fille d w ith , lo v e ly e e K t m l e a d f o e w i rs -- 111-_ .- __ ._op- t w n . OI i h d sc t , h ea sI bk , a d M s . Rh v'se k a e4
nior team born in Albion and moved to Ann copies of Rolvaag's "Giants in the es-Betty Louden.
November Arbor in 1899 where she has made Earth," "Peder Victorios," as well The chairman will appoint their
d so that her home ever since. She attended as several other books such as committees at once and begin ac-
ach other the University of Michigan and has "The Romance of Leonardo de tivity on the new class project. For
nals take science. Not only has she taken all Vinci," and "Death of the Gods." several years the Sophomore Circus
Liminaries the work offered in the zoology de- has been given in connection with
Novem - Ipartment, but also nearly all that the Bazaar, but the class of '32 de-
a be play- of the botany department. She Washington Students cided to vary the program by se-'
21st and has done some research work in Establish Night Club iecting the Sophomore Cabaret for 100
tely after, zoology. When asked if she has their activity this year. b ,,.
at Palmer ------------ -A night club to be called the The Cabaret will be held in
his after- "asi c ,Clle . gSarah Caswell Angell hall in the:
e. League Will Enforce sponsored by students of the b i afternoons and evenings, in place ofOV A/fic oo ear
ISversity of Washington for the pur- the usual tea room operated by
kev usa eures More otrictry pose of providing somethnig new some sorority. The tea room will
e-1in the wa of a dane ls to the 1open for lunch and dinner, but will


t '
1 '


Matches Postponed;

at Week-end

ILL WjV Wt. fl t VIJUSJS l t CUS.,
ances campus. Many novelties, specialty
dance numbers and stunts have

Will Play Friday House rules "of the League have been planned for the opening.
not been carefully observed duringh night. For the present, dances will
the week-end dances there, due to' be held Saturday nights only, and i
Intramural hockey games which ithe large number of guests attend- they may be extended to Friday
were cheduled for yesterday after- ing who are unacquainted with the 1 night depending on the reception
noon were postponed until Friday. rules. Neglect of observing them given the club by the students.
Oci account of the senior and sopho- _has lead to the necessity of stricter' Notice
more elections yesterday. enforcement.o
Alpha Epsilon Phi will oppose Smoking is prohibited in the There will be a meeting of the
Delta Delta Delta, and Betsy Bar- ballroomor i the Ethel FounI World Fellowship Committee at
hour will play Alpha Gamma Delta tam Hussey lounge on second 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Cave of
at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, and floor. No men will be admitted to the League building.
the A. O. Pi-Pi Phi game will take the Ethel Fountain Hussey lounge
place at 5 o'clock. at any time, as it is reserved ex-
The next series of the tourna-clusively for the women. An at-
The extseris o thetouna-tendant will be stationed upstairs
ment is to be played off Monday hereafter for the purpose of di- New models each week for Felt Hats
afternoon when the two winners of recting guests to the proper lounge made on the head-Velvets or Metal
last Monday's contests are matched I during the dances. or the new Turbans made to order.
and the two losing teams play. The floor of the ballroom has
Thus Kappa Delta will play Kappa been greatly improved and a new McY Hat Shop
Kappa Gamma, and Delta Gamma effect A new combination of peppy 227 South State Street
Helen Newberry at 4 o'clock;at5'ktheSigmaK .5(musicians, directed by Bob'Carson,
olok nthe Sma Kappa Martha is booked for the season to play
took and the Zeta Tau Alpha-Chi o'clock, and on Saturday from. 9 ---r-
Omega grames will come off. to 12 o'clock. Tickets may be ob-
tained at the main desk of the
Ohio State University: Rushing League or at Wahr's bookstore, up-
among sororities does not begin on the presentation of a Union
until October 4 and lasts until Oc- membership card or introduction
tober 13. from a member of the League.

be turned over to the sophomore
women between meals.
University of Tokyo: Japanese
' women are beginning a campaign I
to obtain equal educational facili-
ties with men. Many Japanese uni-
versities, according to, them, ad-
mit women to their class rooms as
visitors but they are not regarded
as students and get no credit foi


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'f /

Blanche Wilcox Noyes Discusses Aeronautics
at Aviation Day Program of Detroit Exposition
"Time flies, so why don't you?" I unit of the Women's Aeronautical
said Blanche Wilcox Noyes, using Association.
this as the keynote of her address Mary Von Mach of Detroit
on the Aviation Day program of stressed the importance of having
the Woman's International Expo- , communities paint their names,
sition last Tuesday at Convention and arrows indicating the direc-
Hall, Detroit. Mrs. Noyes recently tion of the nearest airport and,
took fourth place in the first air emergency landing fields, in large
derby for women. letters on prominent roofs.
Several other participants in Opal Kunz, the third participant
the recent Women's Air Derby {to speak, also stressed the import-
from Santa Monica, California, to ance to women of this derby, and
Cleveland, Ohio, were on the pro- the future which aviation will hold
gram sponsored by the Detroit for women who fly.
We have engaged the serv-
ices of Mr. Fabian, Bobbing
You may obtain and Finger Waving expert,


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