_--- FRIDAY, - -OCT4l 3' SI i92
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SFR URE SdelineChatter
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By Edward L. Warner ; Coach Phelan nightly sends his
(Contintied from Page Six) Offensive strength seems to be charges through their paces.
Truskowski, Hewitt, Cornwell, Sik- Purdue's chief asset on the grid- Although they scored a 26-12 vie-
kenga, Daniels, and Jones. The iron this year, as Coach Jimmie tory over Kansas Aggies last week,
tackles are Roach, Hayden, Poor- Phelan has a wealth of good back- the Boilermakers revealed a de-I
man, Auer, Bergman and Gitman; 1 field material. Harmeson, Welch, fense that could stand considera-
the guards, Poe, Steinke, Sorenson Prvis, Yunevitch, Deutch, White, ble improvement. To this end,
Samuels and Parker BKissell, Risk, and Chasey comprise Coach Phelan has been sending his
Three centers, Bovard, Brown, a group of ball carriers to warm freshmen against the Varsity us-
and Smith, made the trip. In the the heart of any coach. ing Michigan plays in an effort to
backfield are Simrall, Hudson, and bolster the Purdue forward wall.
Holland at quarterback, Dahlem, 1Pest" Welch will he watch-
'Heston, Wheeler, Wilson, Wills ed intently by Michigan fans at New York-Sergeant Sammy Ba-
Gembis, Morrison, and Lajunesse at nLaayette. He established a ker Veteran was stopped by baby-
fullbacka name for himself on the grid- face Jimmy McLarnin in the first
The whole squad is in excellent on in 1927 when he aided the round of their scheduled 10 round
condition and every man will be Boilermakers in downing liar- battle. Baker, who is a veteran of
available for play in tomorrow's yard, and since then he has i many fights, took the count of 10
game in case he is needed. Poe is been rated one of the bcst after meeting with two terrific
wearing a special face guard, but Iacks i the Big Ten. tights.
is not inju ed enough to prevent his . .
playing against Purdue. . Calling signals is the job as- New York-Mayor J. J. Walker
As far as con be ascertained from signed to Glenn Harmeson, veteran I and Sir Thomas Lipton, Irish
the surface of things the moral quarterback and erstwhile sharp yachtsman, will share their alleg-
of the Maize and Blue squad is as shooter on the Purdue basketball iance by spending one-half the
good as its physical condition and team. His court ability probably game in each cheering section atj
while the players were not particu- has aided him in becoming an ex- the N. Y. U.-Fordham game at
rally "pointed" for this contest the cellent passer on the gridiron. # which they will be honor guests.
grim optomism of the team seems Yueicaspo resj
to have reached the crest whereby unevit pomoe, May Lose Hand.
they are likely to "tear things loose" rated at fine fullback, while My AosraeHd.s
in tomorrow's game, wingor lose. Deutch, a line smasher of note, HONOLULU, Oct. 9.-Private ad-
While particular stress has been is also bidding for that posi- vices from Sydney, Australia, say
aid on defense all week, Coach t r Psanot sop 1Dr. Paul Withington, anthropolo-
Kipke has been drilling the teama ity with his open field run. gist and explorer, who has been
quite extensively in its offensive suffering from septicemia, has
play with special attention being nin. reached that city and that ampu-
given to the aerial end of the game tation of his left hand may be
which seems to indicate that Pur- dShifted to end after holding necessary.
due will have to withstand a bar- down a backfield post last season, I
rage of Wolverine passes. Caraway is making good at theAF E
rgofWveiepse.I flank position. This, will 'give Pur-LA3S1FIEi
due a fine ball carrier to use on
'MURAL HARRIERS the end-around play. The center ADVERTISING
of Purdue's line is made up mostly__ __
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NOTICE - Boat Club Restaurant TWO SINGLE ROOMS-416 Ben-
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Dinner parties and dancing.
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FOR RENT-One suite for married
couple or for men students. 308
Thompson. Dial 6116. 124612
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FOR SALE work either temporary or perma-
nent, may I suggest that many
FOR 8A1LE--All electric Hadiola. students of both sexes have earn-
Reasonably priced.1100d ill. Dial ed scholarships and cash suffi-
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Color screen; two tripods and ested write or wire for details. M.
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What can give a better feeling to one man than the
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Ankle-Fashioning, exclusive with
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gapping at the ankle and uncom-
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suit:.Nunn-Bst oxfords look bet-
e ter and feel better.
Marathon aspirants will have an
opportunity to display their ability
this semester in four cross-coun-
try meets to be held in the latter
part of November. The All-Frosh,
Fraternity, All-campus, and Inter-
class runs will take place from the
18th to the 25th of the month.
Eeveryone desiring to compete
will be required to report to Fresh-
man coach, Hornberger, at Water-
man gym and to cover the course
at least nine times.
So far thirty fraternities have
decided to enter the competition.
It requires three men to make up
a team. Last year Tau -Kappa Ep-
silon won the fraternity cup, while
Crane was all-frosh champion, O.
W. Lowmaster was all-campus
champion and the Sophomore Lits
were inter-class champions.
(Continued from Page Six)
ly in the first game. Walberg's ef-
fectiveness against the Bruins is
a question, however, as Chicago
likes southpaw pitching, that is,
with the exception of Bob Grove's.
Wednesday's game was scarcely
of the type of most series contests.
It was more in the nature of a
runaway for the American leaguers.
Led by the big bats of Jimmy Foxx,
Al Simmons, and Jimmy Dykes, the
Athletics pounded the offerings of
Pat Malone, Sheriff Blake,' and Hal
Carlson all over the lot' to amass
a total of twelve hits. Only Art
Nehf stopped the Mackmen, and he
pitched only one inning.
On the other hand, Earnshaw
and Grove held the Bruins well in
check, with the exception of one
inning when the Cub attack be-
gan functioning as it did during
the regular season. For the sec-
ond time in succession 13 Chicago
batters struck out, making a total
of 26 strikeouts for two games,
undoubtedly a record for two suc-
cessive series' games. Only Hack
Wilson and Charley Grimm' have
done well against the Athletics'
l'mrlirig stars.
San Francisco-San Francisco's
Mission Reds easily defeated Hol-
lywood's stars in the first game of
the post season series for the Pa-
cific coast title.
A feature of Purdue football
this season has been. the in-
novation of holding practice at
night. Under the glareof flood
lights arnd using 'a ghost ball,
Russell Sauer will meet all
men interested in Freshman
wrestling in the wrestling room
at Waterman gym this after-
noon from 4:00 to 4:30.
Clifford Keen, Coach
215 E. Washington Phone 4310
TAILORING-Men's suits made
strictly to order, from select fab-
rics, by an experienced maker and
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