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October 11, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-11

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FiiE3AY 3CTy.--,.,-h


- - - --------

The Wisconsin-Northwestern game
Varsity Perfect Formations Which has assumed an extraordinary im- Junior Varsity to Open Conference
Will Be Used Against portance for a game so early in the Season Against Wisconsin I
Boilermakers season. Wisconsin is fearful of on Ferry Field
losingy this gLame and spoiling a --,


All candidates for the Varsity PERSONAL IDEAS
o'clocknext Tuesday night "Football is to physical culture
baktaltemwl eor tWNMYIA ir Fotali o sa utuic ILUUI L ll TODAY
in the Intramural building gym. as the bull fight is to agriculture
Tiring your own equipment.- says Robert C. Zuppke in a story
Coach George Veenker Van Ryn, Mercur, and Hall Among by Tom Morrow which appears in Root or Bush Likely to Take Mound
-_______---United States Players to College Humor for November. in Effort to Win Third
ALL CWin at Mexico City "It is popular because it is the Game of Series
ALL CAMPUS NE T supreme expression of youth. Ma-



In high spirits and possessed of
a grim determination, Coach Harry
Ktpke and 34 Maize and Blue grid-
iron warriors left Ann Arbor by
rail at 10 o'clock last night for
Lafayette where they will engage
the formidable Pudue eleven in the
Ross-Ade stadium tomorrow after-
The final home practising session
of the Wolverines was especially
marked by a show of spirit and
dash far exceeding that of any
other practise tllis year. The fight-
ing wolverine lived again in - the

record for )the season, and this,
coupled with the confidence of the
Wildcats, has brought about a
complete sellout of tickets.
The Badgers are woefully weak
in reserve material and Coach Glen
Thistlethwaite is very pessimistic
as to the outcome of this week's
game. He has had to shift many
players to positions unfamiliar to
them, in order to provide two or
three men for each place.
He has had to give up the search
for replacements this week in order
to point for tomorrow's encotinterj
with the Wildcats, which appears

With only one more day to pre-.
pare for the invasion of the Wis-
consin Junior Varsity, Coach
Courtright sent his men through
a long workout on fundamentals
followed by a light scrimmage in
which the Wolverines polished up
on the offensive plays which will
be used in their Conference open-
er Saturday.
The game, which will be called.
at 2:30 o'clock, is scheduled to be'
played on old Ferry Field where
the Varsity holds its regular prac-
tice sessions. All students present-

Large Drawing is Made in Fat! All-
Campus Courtj
Drawings for the all-campus
tennis tournament will betpostedl
on the bulletin board of the In-
tramural Sports building today.j

IC Asited T ss P y

turity may excel in music, the arts, A'S LEAD BY TWO GAMES
s from but not in physical combat. Youth

the United States wete victorious
in every match in which they en-
gaged in the Mexican national ten-
nis championships Sunday.
In singles, Benjamin F. Gorcha-!
koff of Occidental College defeated1
S. Legorrette, 6--1, 6-2, 6-3; John
W. Van Ryn, Orange N. J., con-



dashing, slashing, smashing Mich- to loyal Badger supporters as some- ing Athletic Association pass books
igan football squad that crushed what of a crucial spot in the sched- will be admitted to the game, whileE
the helpless freshmen at the rate ule. non-students may buy tickets ata
of a touchdown every four of five The Colgate game provided an the gate.
plays. opportunity for Thistlethwaite to Coach Courtright will rely most- e
Prior to the scrimmage which s ayand e made t ost ofith y O Widman and Mcride for
was all in favor of the Varsity, con- ply adge mae enth m o is offensive strength, with Wid-a
siderable attention was given to to judge from the length and tone carrying the brunt of the
the perfection of several defense of his talk. gg and the kicking, whilefDecker,n
formations to be used against the - Perlman, and Justice will be thes
shifty Purdue attack. A freshman VARSITY TRACKMEN main springs in the Wolverine de-
eleven were given the Purdue playsfesvpay Svra fh mn
and used against the Wolverine de- All hammer, javelin, and dis- have shown pomise during the
fense to further acquaint the Var- cus throwers report for fall past week, and with the advent ofs
sity with the problems that will practice at Ferry Field 3:30 to some new men to the squad, then
confront them Saturday. 5:30 o'clock on Mon., Wed., and Michigan coach hopes to start thep
The list of men taken to Lafay- Fri. Fall practice wil be con- Big Ten season off with a win.
ette includes as ends, Captain sidered most necessary. ----
(Continued to Page Seven) S. J. Farrell, Trach Coach
What the
University man
will wear with
brown suit
SHIRTS-low front collar
attached shirt-to pin or
button down-white or
tan oxfords, broadcloth or
madras. 0
NECKTIE-solid color- a
ed crocheted tie of garnet
or clustered stripe of gold
against purple.

With a field composed of 78 en- quered Luis Lopez Llera, 7-5, 6-0,
tries the tournament should pro- 6-2; J. Gilbert Hall, South Orange
vide prospective varsity talent a N. J.. eliminated M. Lozano, 6-3,
chance to prove its worth. 2-6, 6-0, 6-1, and Edward Berry
The winner last year was Bob defeated M. A. Maestre, 6-3, 6-2,
Beal and the runner-up, Fred 6--1.
Brace. Recently Brace replaced Hall and Frederic Mercur beat
Beal as no. 2 in the ladder tourn- Juan Delgad and Juan Roldan, 6-
ament for the varsity squad. 12, 6-1, 6-1 in the men's doubles;
Bunny Field from Jackson, Rob- Van Ryn and Gorchakoff eliminat-
ert Clarke of last year's freshman ed Jorge Fernandez Allendara and
team and Swanson, AMA winner, Mario Lopez Llera, 6-2, 6-4.,
are favorites to cop the trophy this Three American players scored
fall. Clarke and Swanson are easy victories over Mexican oppo-
making bids for varsity court con- nents Saturday in the first rounds
sideration this year while Field is lof the national tennis champion-!
a yearling. ship of Mexico. Van Ryn, United
States Davis Cup star, defeated
Chicago-Nick Altrock and Al Alfredo Guzman, 6-0, 6-2, 6-2.
Schacht, Washington's baseball co- Hall conquered Fernandez Almir-
medians, gave their usual comic ante, 6-3, 6-2, 6-3, and Gorcha-,
performance before the crowds at koff defeated Manuel Abascal, 6-0,1
the series game in Chicago. 6--3, 6-3. .

plays the game to satisfy the urge.
give expression to the feeling of
prowess and complete the dream
"Football is like grand opera,
only cleaner. There is no fat bar-
itone to steal the fat soprano wife.
IGrange was as aesthetic as Pay-
Iowa, and his runs took more cour- ;
"And this, delivered in one sharp
burst of breath, accompanied by
prodigious stridings to and fro, is
Isomething of the Zuppke idea of
football," says Morrow in talkingI
of Zuppke.!
E "The Zuppke mental musings are
stormy. Interviewing newspaper- .
men have been known to walk
miles and miles before the first
comma is reached, fall far behind'
ere the period hasrcome and swoon
with fatigue before the paragraph
is attained. His mind is agile acd
leaps from ought to thought as
swiftly asr tcomeliest mountain
I goat confro d with a thorough
first division mountain."
New York-Bill Wambsganss of
the Indians in 1920 made the only
triple play ever recorded in a
world's series game. He made the
play unassisted.

With two games already com-
pleted and the series apparently in
the grasp of the Philadelphia Ath-
letics, the two teams representing
*he American and National leagues
treked to the Quaker city yester-
day preparatory to playing the
third game of the present World
series at Shibe Park this afternoon.
Although they were routed com-
pletely in the second game of the
series which was held at Chicago
on Wednesday, n'tembers of the
Chicago Cubs are still hoping to
rally and wipe out the lead which
the Athletics have taken. To do
this McCarthy will probably send
either Guy Bush or Charley Root
against the Philadelphia sluggers
in the third contest.
It is a question who Connie Mack
will select, since his startling up-
set of starting Howard Ehmke in
the series' opener. It may be any
of three twirlers, Rube Walberg,
Jack Quinn, or Ed Rommell. Quinn
and Rommell should both be effec-
tive, as each pitches on the saine
style as Ehmke. Rommell is known
as the master of the knuckle ball,
which fooled the Cubs so complete-
(Continued to Page Seven)




Vt~r~rEA 7

tyl-7A PSRS


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between Thos. Hieath lohles anf!


really great enough to warrant so much hand work, pei I super.
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every whim and posture of the human frame. Thats something idY.
Thos. Heath' wearers know 'dout. And their answer is: "Yei.

HAT - Corona


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snapped down with
crown pinched at front.


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