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October 11, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-11

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OCTOBER It. 1229

:..:4 _

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)
Vol. XL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 No. 11
Visitors' Night, Angell Hall Laboratory:-
The public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory in Angell
Hall to observe the moon from 7:00 to 10:00 P. M. on Friday and Sat-
urday nights, October 11 and 12. Admission only by ticket. Reservations
must be made by calling the Observatory office on Ann Street between
9:00 A. M. and 12:00 noon on Friday and Saturday.
R. H. Curtiss
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: I
All students, now in residence, whoreceived marks of Incomplete
or X at the close of their last term of attendance, (i.e. semester or
summer session), must complete work in such courses by the end of
the first month of the present semester, October 30. Where illness or
other unavoidable circumstances make this impossible, a limited ex-
tension of time may be granted by the Administrative Board, provided
a written request, with the approval and signature of the instructor
concerned, is presented at the Registrar's Office, Room 4 U. H.
In cases where no make-up grade is received and no request for
additional time has been filed, these marks shall be considered as having
lapsed into E grades.
D. L. Rich
Architectural Designs-State Board Examination: .
The designs made in the recent State Board Examination, by can-
didates for admission to architectural practice, will remain on exhibi-
tion for the balance of the week in Room 301, Architecture building.
Emil Lorch
(To those who teach Engineering Freshmen) your reports to the
Mentor System of the Engineering College will be due during the 5th
and the 11th weeks of school. Report cards will be furnished.
A. D. Moore
Comprehensive English Examination:
A make-up examination for those who for any reason failed to
appear last week will be held at 9:00 o'clock, Saturday morning, in
Room 2225, Angell Hall. All seniors who are planning to teach English,
either as a major or minor subject, should take this examination.
C. D. Thorpe
Notice to Freshmen:
The results of the examinations given during Freshman Week are
now available. Your adviser will be glad to give you information con-
cerning them if you will call at his office sometime in the near future.
Ira M. Smith
Notice To Freshmen:
All freshmen who missed one or more of the examinations given
during Freshman Week will be required to take make-up examina-
tions. These examinations will be given Saturday afternoon, October
12, in Room 205 Mason Hall just above the office of the Registrar.
Those who missed the Thursday morning examination-English-
will report at 1 P. M. Those who missed the Saturday morning exami-
nation-Mathematics-will report at 2 P. M. Those who missed the
lfriday morning examination-Psychological Examination-will report
at 3 P. M.
These examinations will take precedence over all other appoint-
mients including class work. Be on time.
Ira M. Smith
Fraculty Volley Ball and Tennis:
Any man on the faculty interested in volley ball or tennis should
phone the Intramural office, phone number 22101.
Ipeta Kappa Rho:
The first meeting of the year will be held Saturday, October 12,
at 8:15 P. M. at the home of Miss Gillette, 1319 Forest Ave. All mem-
bers are to be present.
Charlotte Cantrall, Pres.
|ociology 141:
There will be no lecture in this course today. Assignment for
next week Chapters P and 4 of text.
A. E. Wood

Freshman Group 61: Women's Rifle Practice: Choral Union Ushers:
Will the members of my group please come to Room 202, Mason There will be a general meeting and practice for all girls interested The following men kindly report
Hall, Friday, at 4:15 for a short business meeting? in rifle firing on Tuesday, October 15, at 3:30 at the Women's Athletic to Mr. E. G. Aldrich at the Box of-
Norman Anning Building. fice of Hill Auditorium between
GsRuth Hassinger 4:30 and 5:30 tonight for assign-
Graduate Students in Education: - ment: R. J. Braidwood, L. C. Coo-
The preliminary examinations for the doctor's degree in Education CheicaI l Engineers: per, Wm. Culbert, T. T. Currie, J.
will be held on October 17, 18, and 19, at 2 p. m., Room 4000 University Assemble at East Engineering Building at 1:30 p. in., Saturday, Oct. Dalley, G. S. Downey, C. Ellis, G. C.
High School. 12, for A. I. Ch. E. picnic. Everybody turn out. Last minute reserva - Englefred, U. J. Farnsworth, F. H.
All individuals planning to take these examinations are asked to tions can be made with B. A. Daley, Room 3024 East Engineering build- Ferris, R. French, R. Gibson, G. D.
notify me at once. ing up to 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Gosling, H. B. Gove, R. Gow, C.
Clifford Woody C. G. Kirkbride President Grassel, J. D. Gurnee J. C. Halsted,
Chairman of Committee on Graduate Study, School of Education C. W. Hammer, J. C. Hegenauer, C.
L. Hoag, J. M. Jacob, K. Koon, J.
Education B192, Educational Research Techniques: ChoraK Union Ushers: Mayer, F. Mitel, E. A. Myers, A. 11.
The second section of this course is being formed, which will meet The following men kindly report to Mr. C. W. Kelsey in room 2201|Nielsen, C. Patterson, R. W. Powers,
in Room 3022, University High School, at 11 o'clock on Saturday. East Engineering building between 4:30 and 5:30 tonight for assignment. I R. L. Quinn, J. Ruswinckel, O. B.
C. O. Davis, Secretary R. C. Adams, Jr., Edward Bostick, R. A. Clayton, John S. Donal, Jr., Shafer, W. B. Shook, V. D. TenCate.
Wm. M. Duckwitz, Donald L. Katz, Wm. Kieber, J. Foster Moore, J. H. Varnum, K. E. Weier, J. J. White,
Women: DeWitt Neal, Carlton E. Ohlheiser, Phil Olmsted, H. C. Reed, Samuel B. F. Wickham, G. A. Wulp, R. A. Yac-
Special Activities classes will start Monday, October 14. Instead of teinbach, CliffordHSwedlunduRessell W. Troutman, Don VanAlsburg, ger. E. S. Warren
reporting to your regular class, report at that period to the corrective Byron C. Vedder, Harry E. Zuck.
room in Barbour Gymnasium. Names of men assigned to second balcony, stage, and extras, will Varsity Band:
ElaB alns appear in Saturday's issue.VastBnd
. ings E. S. Warren Tryouts tonights for all wn
I making the trip who have not yet
Seor Engieers: StampCollectors: tried out at Morris Hall 7 p. m.
fromoe unil thee lockd in y October 14, 1929 in the afternoon The first meeting of the Ann Arbor Stamp Club this year will Tryouts for all others at 2 p. m.
from one until three oclockin the west engineering building. The col- be held in room 408 of the Romance Languages Building, Saturday Sunday, Morris Hall.
lection will be made for dues owed prior to the senior dues which as evening at 8:00 o'clock. Nominations for offices will be received. Sev- Elbert Trail
yet have not been levied. Every senior is urgently requested to make Ieral interesting covers will be on display. Collectors and visitors cor-
sure that he is paid up to date during this time. dially invited.
Choral Union Ushers: Harry H. Coll, Treasurer _ iteS. B. Conger, Secretary WANT ADS PA Y!
The following men kindly report 1 ------- ------



to Mr. M. H. Waterman, Room 206
Tappan Hall, tonight between 4:30
and 5:30 for assignment: Walter
H. Allman, E. G. Almy, Isaac N. Av-
ramoff, Oscar A. Axelson, William
P. Barnes, J. Calvin Callaghan, Jos-
eph E. Castner, Wayne E. Davis,
Douglas J. Fuller, Fred Gee, Her-
bert E. Grossberg, Paul Hildebrand,
Leonard E. Himler, Ralph L. Hoff-
man, William Janssen, Archibald
R. Judd, Gordon A. Kennedy, Mar-
shall H. Levy, George T. Martin, H.
Robert A. McCorkle, Elmer E. Oes-
trike, Leon Pennington, Robert R.
Ralston, Lawrence F. Reed, James
B. Richardson, Rolland D. Severy,
W. H. Shannon, E. Milton Staub,
Ernest S. Straubel, Vinal O. Taylor,
Forrest Tinsler, Henry T. Ward,
Merwin H. Waterman, Francis E.
Wheeler, Sidney J. Winer, Thomas
C. Winter, Thomas F. Mang, Har-
ris L. Woodburne. E. S. Warren
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The Edward W. Redfield Exhibi-
tion will be open daily from one-
thirty to five o'clock in the West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall,
through Sunday, Oct. 20.
Bruce M. Donaldson





--- ---- i


Presbyterian Students:
All students are invited to a par-
ty to be held tonight at 8:00 o'clock
at the Presbyterian Church House,
1432 Washtenaw Ave. There will
be games, dancing and refresh-


H. H. Frisii


Corduroy Reefers
Brown3 and Blues
Full Blanket Lined With Slicker Interlining
Priced Very Reasonable
It might pay you to inquire; you will be surprised at our low price.
Blue All Wool Reefers $6.50
Southr ate Street at William Street
Serving University Men for over, thirty years


Holmes and Tanberg
Will See Engineers



_ _


Dr. F. B. Holmes, director of
laboratories, for the DuPont coi-
nany at Jackson. and Dr. A. P. Tan-
berg, director of their experiment
station, will be in Prof. A. H.
White's office Monday to interview
enginering students who expect to
complete their work in 1930 or 1931.

New And Snappy at 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 the Box
316 State St.


U ___ ---,-







In order to avoid the rush later on, better have your Senior Photograph made


Phone 4434 for an appointment


(I 1 1I 11


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