JANUARY 25, 1929
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Employers Are Making Increasing
Demands For Outside Activity#
Records In College
Extra-curricular activities open
to freshmen women with the be-
ginning of the second semester, ac-
cording to the University rules,
providing their scholastic standing
is as high as is required. The rule
which applies' to freshman partici-
pation in campus activities is
tquoted as follows by Miss Beatrice
Johnson, adviser of women:
'To take part in extra-curricular
activities, freshmen women must
,have at least a C average with no
grade of E, and must not be on
,warning or probation."
Favors Campus Activity
Miss Johnson has expressed her-
self as being heartily in favor of
campus activities. She comments:
"This is the time of year when
many students unconsciously take
an inventory of what they have
cdone during the semester. The re-
sult is that some students will find
that a great deal of time has slip-
ped by with nothing to show for
;it. Perhaps, upon closer analysis,
mong the time-consumers will be
ound: bridge, movies, dances, or,
host prominent of all, just plain
;talking.' Some students will prob-
bly wish that they had taken part
n some sort of extra-curricular
etivity which has remotely beck-
tned to them at various intervals."
Individual variation, according to
Miss Johnson, is one of the omni-
present laws of biology. Certain
students; she says, have a great
deal f energy as a natural en-
dowietwhile othrs have all
they can do to keepup hivtheir
academic assignments and class-
room work. The latter type, she
believes, should not undertake any
extra-curricular work, with the ex-
ception of adequate physical ever-
cise daily.
Urges Self Study
"It is the primary duty of every
girl in college to study herself and
determine her 'energy status'," Miss,
Johnson continued. "For the girl,
who is fortunate enough to have a
large natural endowment of energy,
extra-curricular activity offers a
splendid channel for its disburse-
"I believe these tenets hold true
in the case of upperclassmen as
well as freshmen," Miss Johnson
declared. "Certain freshmen are
somewhat mature and can profit
from broader contacts with college
life than purely book work and
casual contact with their instruc-
tors. Such girls certainly should
join clubs or get into any specific
activity which calls to them. The'
University is willing for freshmen
to do this, but asks that they do
not take an office or do commit-
tee work until the second semester,
when a report of students' .aca-
demic grades is available."
States Advantages Of Work
Extra-curricular w o r k, Miss
Johnson believes, if assumed in the
spirit of consistent and thorough
execution of the required task,
tends to develop initiative, leader-
ship, a sense of personal respons-
Ibility, and personality.I
.One of the most beneficial by-
products of extra-curricular activ-
Uties, in Miss Johnson's opinion, is
the development of the power of
self-expression. "We are not ade-
quately trained to say what we
mean in good, clear English," she
observes. "Work with one's fellow-
students gives one such practice in
Possessed of no literary gift ex- room for improvisation only in the
cept the power of dramatic em- lesser climaxes at the ends of chap-
phasis, Anna Katherine Green is a ters. This novel employs the first
rule of the detective story, "that
writer of extraordinary detective the unknown agent must be in the!
stories. The majority of her books tale from the outset. Otherwise he
i have been reprinted from time to is nothing but a puppet contrived,
I time to satisfy the ever-increasing to help the author out of a serious'
number of devotees of this type of difficulty." Therefore Mrs. Green
novel. Perhaps the book enjoying 'although "disclosing clues in a pre-
the greatest popularity is one determined order, supplies none
which was written forty years ago, that are false or misleading."
"The Leavenworth Case." Anna Katherine Green has never
Mrs. Green has been handicap- been the creator of a character as
ped by a realization of her short- remarkable as Sherlock Holmes al-
comings as a writer, and in spite of though she has constructed mys-
a difficulty of expression that teries far more baffling than we
would have conquered anyone else, find the said Mr. Holmes concern-
all her life she had turned out mys- ing himself with. Perhaps because+
tery stories written with such a Mrs. Green did not depend on
peculiar skill that there has never melodramatic incidents or too
been a lessening demand for them. many undue coincidences she was
Her success as a writer- of this so long in getting the final draft
type of story lays, according to of "The Leavenworth Case." Even
Grant Overton in his book "The when she had finished this most
Women Who Make Our Novels" famous of all her stories the con-
and which has been lent to the pleted manuscript might have been
Daily through the courtesy of the said to be written in very bad liter-I
Graham Book stores, in her power ary style, but to Mrs. Green's in-
to ground her story on a single idea numerable readers this matteredI
and a sufficient motive. Readers not at all for the story itself was
of Anna Katherine Green's detec- "so ingenious and satisfying." ?
tive-mysteries are always aware of
her excellence, if not of the sources ,- wr
as Mr. Overton has discovered it.
Unfortunately this author has at WRITES ABOUT RESEARCH
times, because of her acknowl-
edged lack of literary skill, em- Miss Ada Costock, president of]
ployed trite and cheap expressions, Radcliffe college for women, writes
and ludicrous detail, but in spite of on "The Fourth R For Women"_-
this fault persons who have read a research - holding that women
number of Mrs. Green's novels ad- should have oppotunities equal to
mit that she produces a spell that those ofameop"tungagequnltoll
is impossible to withstand. That those of men "to engage in the,
after all is the primary aim of the world's store of knowledge" believ-
modern detective story. world' tore wofmnowleg eiv-
"Dark Hollows"~ is an example of ling that women have capacity
Dark Hllowsis anexamp eq ual to men for creative and inde-|
the story which is built about "the equal tr ctiI
single idea and sufficient motive." pendent thought.
In this the reader is aware that ,Ms Cmtc i 1 o ee
Ana KhastherineGreenaswarnat presidents of women's colleges who
Anna Katherine Green has evenr have joined in cooperative effort to I
the outset of the plot a very increase endowment for colleges t
clear idea of how she is going to for women. Besides Radcliffe the
continue the story and there isj other colleges are Vassar, Smith,
Si t tin Wellesley, Barnard, Bryn Mawr,
A charming presentation of the
one act dance drama, "The Little
Princess," was given by the mem-
bers of Orchesis for the academic
dancing classes and their friends
Wednesday night in the Women's
Athletic Building. The music for
the play was written by Beatrice
Nellebrandt and acted by the mem-
bers of Orchesis accompanied by
Miss Adah Glover and directed by
Miss Ione Johnson, of the physical
education department.
Explains Story
The story of the little princess
was read by Elizabeth McCurdie,
1'29. The scene was laid in the
1court of the little princess where
the attempts of the best dancing
masters in the country to teach her
diary, to a friend who is attending
Vassar. In this, she explains clubs,
and incidentally champions further
the cause of coeducation.
"I see that you shy at the word
"club" and say some pretty things
about home-life, and I want to set
you right on one or two points. I
have not tried club-life yet, though
I expect to next year; but I know
what it is from those who have
tried it. It is simply this: a com-
pany of students, boys and girls.
club tdUether and get a woman to
cook for them, and have a steward
to attend to the marketing. In this
way they can make their expenses
as much or as little as they choose.
It is just going out to meals. Next
year we will have our room at Mr.
Lewis' just the same, but they can-
not board us, so we are going to
club it. We have the best motherly
DANCE OIAlumna Of '75 Champ2
i L"And Tells Of Firs
OFTHConcluding the series of excerpts
from the diary of an alumna of thel
Iclass of '75, which have appeared
Orchesis Presents Dance Before on this page from time to time, is
Women In Academic Classes I a part of a letter written by San
And Their Friends Louie Anderson, keeper of the
ions Coeducation Find Mummy Of
t Boarding Clubs Here Solomon's Wife
In Golden Coffin
course, the boys here do lots of out-
landish things, and go to a great! The mummy of Solomon's favo-
deal of trouble to tear up side- rite wife has been found in Jeru-
walks and move gates, and what do salem, according to recent dis-
you think, one day they managed patches from the London "Daily
to get a live donkey up-stairs and Mail." She was an Egyptian who
set him on the platform in the sacrificed her life for her husband.
chapel, and when we came to pray- Her burial chamber is said to ex-
ers, he stood looking over the Bible ceed in magnificence the famous
as- solemn as if he were reading a one of King Tut-ankh-amen. It
funeral-service instead of eating was filled with gold, jewels, and
the hay they provided for him. precious objects, including a golden
"Forgive me if I have been too coffin within which lay the body,
hard on boarding-schools, but I wrapped in costly silks encrusted
can't believe in any of your one- with gems. On the head was .a
sided institutions, Matthew Vassar crown set with sapphires, emeralds,
to the contrary notwithstanding. and pearls.
Write to me very soon, and believe A Hebrew parchment scroll was
me, ever yours, Wilhelmine Elliott." found with the body, believed to be
I in King Solomon's hand-writing. It
No' extolled the virtues of his dead
wife, and told the manner of her
-oie death.
A meeting will be held at 4 Her name was Moti Maris and
o'clock today in the parlors of she had been married to King
Barbour gymnasium of all those Solomon for three years before his
Junior women who wish to comal death in the 36th year of his reign.
Junir wmekng wh wstor hom- Her father, Amento, had come to
pete in making the poster which Jerusalem from Egypt, bringing
xill be used on the programs andI many gifts to Solomon, but with
in the advertising of the JuniorI hatred in his heart for the ruler,
Girls' Play. At this time the rulesanare tohseize fis thrner
of the contest and directions for and a desire to seize his throne for
making the poster will be given. the King of Egypt. One day
As this is the only meeting of the Amento, having previously ordered
kind which will be held, it is im- Moti to poison the wine of her hus-
portant that all those who are in- band, sought an interview with
terested attend. iSolomon. After Moti had offered
the poisoned drink to her husband,
she impetiously snatched it ' away
The American Association of Uni-h p from him.
versity Women will meet at the Solomon had already built a spe-
new Women's Field house on Forest mial palace for his Egyptian bride
avenue, Saturday, January 26. A during her lifetime, and when she
tour of the building will begin at die th hi on hn he
2:ouri with is own hands he
2:30. placed on her head a magnificent
Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs. O. W. crown presented to him by'his
Haisley, and the international people on the 25th anniversary of
group will act as hostesses. Pro- his accession.
fessor William A. Frayer will be
the speaker of the afternoon. i NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY.
William Fetridge, a senior and
UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA.- president of the Hoover-for-Presi-
A lip-reading course for persons dent club, expects to run for alder-
with any degree of deafness has man in the Evanston city election,
been instituted. April 2.
to dance one by one, failed. woman to cook for us, and ourI
The little princess finally ran company is very select-made up of
away to the seashore where- the boys from our class (the best ones,
rhythm of the sea and the wind of course,) ourselves, and some
taught her to dance. The dance freshman girls. The only difference
of the little princess with the wind between your table and ours is,
was very beautiful and very ex- that instead .of a lot of girls, with
pressively done. On her return to a pair of spectacles at each end of
the court, there was great rejoic- the table looking to see that you
ing because the little princess had I eat what is digestible, and that you
learned to dance. ! behave decorously in the mean-
Eleven Take Part +time, we have a jolly set of boys
The cast of the play was: Velma' and girls, and flatter ourselves that
Johnson, '29Ed, Jeanette Saurborn we behave a great deal better than
'29Ed, Anna Zauer, '29Ed, Mary as if someone were watching us.
Louise Behymer, '31, Margaret You want to know, then, what I
Seeley, '31Ed, Rose Strasser, '29, would have in place of boarding-
Anita Cohen, '30, Dorothy Marshick, schools for girls. I would have the
'30Ed, Genevieve Coan, '30Ed, Ruth girls distributed around into as
Brook, '30, Ruth Van Tuyl, '31. many good families where it is
After the performance refresh- taken for granted that they will
ments were served by the execu- conduct themselves properly with-
tive board of the W. A. A. who act- out surveilance, and have the col-
ed as hostesses. loge provide for nothing but their
intellectual wants.
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN.- - "You ask if all the boys are rec-
Prof. A. J. Riker and his associates onciled to our being here yet? Most
discovered the ordinary adhesive of them I think, are willing, Low
tape, used as a wrapping on nur- that we are really established, to
sery trees was effective in keeping i "give the thing a trial." It is very
crowngal, rootmot, and other turn- amusing to hear a boy of nineteen
orous tree disease germs from en- or twenty years define- a woman's
tering 90 per cent of the grafts sphere, and mark the line which
made. , she shall walk or ought to walk. Of
ora expression, Uus pr omo ing f
. There is an increasing tendency
for employers to inquire into the
campus activity record of the pros-
pective employee, Miss Johnson
stated. The real reason for this,!
she says, is that more and more.
demands are being made on teach-'
ers besides pure teaching. "In
other words, college graduates who1
go into communities are expected
to adapt themselves to the life of
the community. It is my firm be-
lief that broad extra-curricularI
college experience enriches the stu-
dent and equips her to do this." 4
and Mount Holyoke.
A new national psychological,
fraternityn xas organized recently
at the annual meeting of the !
American Psychological associa-
tion held in New York during the.
holidays. Fourteen colleges anda
universities have joined in the
dents here earned more than $28,-
000,000 last year, the annual report
of the director of the university
employment bureau discloses.
1. -
First Class
H K)
& how
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