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January 25, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-25

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Few Changes Made In Lineup
Captains; Match Between
Captains To Feature


Rivalry between Michigan State
and Michigan will be renewed to-
night when the Spartan wrestling
squad opposes Coach Keen's Wol-
verine grapplers at 7:30 in the field
The State squad got away to a
bad start in the present season
when the Chicago wrestlers routed
the forces of Coach Glenn Rick, 2i
to 9. A Michigan victory 'over the
Maroons, 18 to 10, is a factor in es-
tablishing the Wolverines as a fav
orite over the Spartan team to-
night. ~
Both Captains Good

(Special To The
MADISON, Wis., Jan.
skates derby, to bea
feature ofbthe Wau
Frolic, has received
sanction of Paul F. Ne
retary of the Wisconsit
astic athletic associa
prep school events add
traction to the well-ro
skating program.
W. I. A. A. officials h
ed an announcement of
derby to all high sch
consin. The races wil
Saturday, Feb. 9 at M
Principal I. C. Painter
sau high school in ch
The Frolic athleticc
car Binzer, is adding n
his program each we
Farquhar, winter spoi
the University of Wi
proposed several in
events that are being
now by the carnival c

Chief interest in the match will
probably be centered around the
bout between Captain Warren of
Michigan and Captain Kurrle of
the visitors. In two years of inter-
collegiate competition, Kurrle has
lost but one match. Warren, usually
a 158-pounder, will enter the 168-
pound division in order to match
his skill against the State star.
.Kurrle is recognized as a good man
and the bout should be the high
light of the evening's card.
Save for the shift necessitated by
this bout and the uncertainty,
about 138-pound and heavyweight
wrestlers, the Michigan lineup will
be much the same as in the West
Virginia meet of last Saturday. Mc-
Gilliard is slated to wrestle with
Wilbur,, Michigan State's 118-
pounder. Lamphier of the Spar-
tans has drawn the difficult assign-
ment of opposing Hewitt in the
128-pound class.
Kelly Meets Marshall
Coach Keen is uncertain as to
whether Heime or Kailes will be in
'the ring against Thamer in the
138-pound class although the form-
er is quite apt to get the call over
Kailes. Kelly, 148-pounder, will
meet Marshall in that division.
Since Warren will be wrestling in
a heavier class, the .158-pound
berth will be open on the Wolver-
ine lineup with prospects of Park-
er filling the breach. Thrush is also
listed as a possible starter. SchultzI
of the East Lansing squad is ex-
pected to furnish the opposition.
No Heavyweight Picked Yet
With Kurrle and Warren hooking1
up in the 168-pound bout, Siger-
foos of Michigan and Martinkewes
of the State team will handle the
178-pound assignment. The heavy-
weight class finds both coaches a
little uncertain as to the man who{
will represent each school.
Hager, Parker, or Thrush, are list-
ed as the probable entrants for
Michigan, the selection of any of
the three depending upon the
events of the evening and the
number of points which are need-
ed. Coach Glenn Rick has twoi
men listed as possible starters, one
being Joslin with Ferarri, football
tackle, also being in line for the
A victory will be eagerly soughtl
(Continued on Page Seven)

~N II j 1 Du~) keaster n tour, Ist in history
Football teams from six states 'for a Hawkeye nine, will be made
DDED TO appear on the University of Iowa's Coach Has Wealth Of Material by the University of Iowa baseball Yearling Team Outplays Regulars before Kanitz tied him
uR FROUC 1929 eight-game schedule, com- From Which To Choose Team team in June, and in the span of in First Period To Take O'Neill, freshman guard,
plated last week with the signingof To MeetIndianItwo weeks, eight games will be Six Point Lead outfoxed Orwig to dro
gnilg) played, Coach Otto H. Vogel de- shots from the side duri
Ti Carroll college of Wisconsin to IClared Friday. session.
24.-A silver open the season here Sept. 28. WILL EDICATE NEW POOL With Boston as the eastern limit Coach Veenker's Varsity cagers, After Orwig had start
staged behnd Aft1r tOtheghaldscored
sae asa Illinois and Wisconsin each will' of the jaunt, the athletes will -2a h af crdaigwt o hto
tsaugWdntr furnish two teams, while one each i When Indiana comes to the new travel immediately following thereadkl 2coebac f n theset ing with dog shothe
the official will come from Indiana, Minnesota, intramural building pool next week close of the university's classes, and period of a scrimmage with Truskowski, who theld
verman, sec- Ohio, and Michigan. With six to participate in the dedicatory playing their first game against he freshman team yesterday scoreless while makin
n Interschol- Western conference games, only meet, Coach Matt Mann of the Butler university of Indianapolis, afven 40-26,eintthe fastgtgame, seem
tion. These two of which will be played upon Wolverines will have a wealth of June'3. Indiana, to be met at Ig five 426, islee and the freshm'
1 another at- the home gridiron, the Hawkeye material from which to choose a Bloomington June 1, is the final ough pracice con t o te year lead which they did no
)unded speed card is the most difficult drawn up team to oppose the Hoosiers. Nine Big Ten rival. The round trip will pl ed the V rsitin terst hal til the final period.
in many seasons. lettermen are included on the include more than 2,600 miles. flas hing a fast passing attac l Starting the seond h
ave forward- After playing Ohio State, Illinois, present squad, while many reserves Five other games already have which netted them a six point lead six point handicap wit
f the Wausau and Wisconsin succession, the and freshmen from last year are d g 'i at the intermission. Daniels led center and Kanitz repla
ools in Wis- team will recuperate two weeks be- making bids for regular places or and negotiations for the remaining the yearling offensive by running man, the Varsity, with
l be held on fore completing the season with the Varsity. pair are well under way. The rings around Captain McCoy as no Truskowski doing mc
Wausau, with the Minesota, Purdue, and Michi- Walker, Seager, Ault, Walgils, Iowans appear against the Uni- Big Ten player has been able to scoring, soon caught
of the Wau- gan contests. Watson, and Reif, free stylers; iy of Cin nnati team June 4' do, scoring four baskets and two yearlings, while the defe
arge. The Monmouth game Oct. 5 orig- Captain Spindle and Hubbell, back free throws against the Varsity ed to allow the freshme
director, Os- inally was scheduled as the open- Spind and ubl ba lege will be played June 6.kbaskets.
ingcomatbutCoch urtn A istrokers; and. Thompson, breast} Iowas 1929 schedule now includes leader before Coach Veenker shift- bses
ew sports to Ingwcombat, decided that another stroker, are the veterans available.; twenty-two games, with eight ed the lineup to place Chapman Varsity Takes Shor
tek. Johnny nog erence ga beothe All are experienced in Conferencetwny gameso r tiph a Iagainst him. Weiss, freshman right Seven points on two
non-conference game before the games on the southern trip and two forward almost duplicated the feat by Truskowski, a fast
sconsin, has opening of the Big Ten season competin, and give t on the eastern jaunt yet to be ar- against ose, counting six points Rose, and Kanitz' free
ers ngia would help his team more than a other Big Ten swimmers a stiff ranged. The 1928 card included against the regular fore the freshmen count
itnolgiate b:againsty the. wenyregulartets.guard. Jnes,foetersh ncut
considered game Nov. 2. b in any meet twenty-four contests. center, caged three more baskets (Continued on Page
This is Iowa's completed sched- Reserve Materal Good
)mmittees in ule: Sept. 28, Carroll at Iowa City; Two AMA winners from last sea- (
(Oct. 5, Monmouth at Iowa City; son, Bailey in the diving and War-
. c.12, OhoSaeat Coubs1e ntebc toe r candi- ILLI
Aflfltfl Oct. 19, Illinois at Iowa City; Oct. dates for the team. The 1931 fresh-
1 5 l 26, Wisconsin at Madison; Nov. 9, man squad has contributed several
Purdue at Lafayette; Nov. 23, good men to the Varsity, notably lOFor Men and Women
Michigan at Ann Arbor. Boldt in the back stroke, and Mertz
in the breast stroke.
JAPAN--The Floating University Among the reserve material which Physical strain of four January SPECIAL 8o
has just left here on its westward Coach Mann may call upon to use conference games has given way to ,
trip around the world. SContinued on Page Seven) mental stress of semester examina- MenSilk
s rsha tosas the University of Iowa i il
last regular PURDUE HOLDS BEST CONFERENCE basketball players retire from the Wnd Al
al examina- Big Ten race until Feb. 2. With an HOSIERY 1BAC Ch
field house. BASKETBALL RECORD SINCE 1919 even break in four games, the Regular -Re
want any of Hawkyes now share fourth place 'c $'- ,:4;',' ,,.'
op from the Purdue and Northwestern are tied for three, since 1918. Chicago, with Ohio State. VV
olastic diffi- the top and bottom teams of the in the midst of one of its poorest The athletes will practice at halfVauesl-
ed that the Big Ten basketball world, statistics seasons, is the only team durint: speed this week, concentrating on SPECIAL SP
he books in- covering the era from 1918 to the this period to possess two undis- the two-hour examinations in each 35
near- midway stage of the present puted titles. Michigan has won one of their courses. The mental or- 'ai
on period is championship race reveal. and tied for two; Ohio State has deals end Saturday, then the teama
n will again Winning 86 games and losing but won one and tied for one; Minne- meets Creighton University of
to the Var- 43, the Boilermakers are far in sota has had one all to itself; Omaha on the Iowa court, and will PARTY AND FULL DRESS SHOO
Only two front of the field with a grand Indiana has shared two, while attempt to tune up for the final
hat time re- average of .667, while Northwestern Illinois and Iowa each has tied for eight conference games. FOR MEN AND W OMEN
the Varsity has won but 39 out of 127 for the one. A recuperation period is sorely
ne on their lowly average of .307. i The 1918-1929 record so far: needed by at least four Hawkeye Better Shoes at a Big Saving
Regardless of the outcome of1 G, W L Pct. players. Virgil David, guard with
ith the Var- the present race, Purdue will hang Purdue ...........129 86 43 .667 a bad ankle, could not play at all
oach Fisher's onto its all-time leadership as its Wisconsin .......138 82 56 .594 against Northwestern, and Forrest
at they can closest competitor, Wisconsin,. Indiana ..........124 71 53 .573 Twogood was harassed by a sprain-
against first could win its remaining games i Michigan .........131 73 58 .557 ed thumb, heavily bandaged. Two
ag as among while the Boilermakers lost all of. Illinois ...........137 73 64 .533 reserves, Doyal Plunkitt; forward,
the men on theirs and still be behind. Iowa .............131 65 66 .496 and Fred Geneva, guard, are also I
e considered Purdue is tied with Wisconsin in I Chicago ..........136 64 72 .471 nursing injuries.
r the Varsity the business of winning Big Ten Ohio State .......130 53 77 .408 - - 117 South Main
basketball championships, how- I Minnesota .......133 52 81 .391 Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
f this year is ever. Each school has won one and Northwestern .....127 39 88 .307 ,2.50 the half year-It's worth it.

ng the first
ed the scor-
fast break,
exception of
his guard
13 points
ed to go to
ien took a
t relinquish
alf under a
h McCoy at
acing Chap-
Orwig and
st of the
up to the
ense stiffen-
n but three
't Lead
short shots'
break by
throw be-
ed gave the

up, and
p in two


Coach Ray Fisher';
cage squad held their
practice before the fin
tions last night in the
Coach Fisher does not
his men to have to dr
squad because . of sch(
culties, and has order
yearling hopefuls hit t
stead of the basket.
After the examinati
over, the' first year me
I report for instruction
sity baseball mentor.
weeks of practice at t]
main during which
coaches can get a li
material for next year
In the scrimmage wi
sity team last night C(
first team showed the
play good basketball;
rate opposition as we
themselves. Many of
the yearling squad ar
tobe good prospects fo
next year.
The yearling team of



far superior to those of recent sea-
sons and Coach Fisher feels that
some, at least, of his men will de-
velop into stars in the cage game.
In Jones, Fisher has a center with
a deadly eye who can handle him-
~self well.I
Weiss and O'Neil, while being the
smallest men on the team which
was sent against the Varsity last
night, can give a good account of
themselves in the fastest company.
O'Neil repeatedly broke up promis-
ing Varsity advances, while Weiss,
although passing poorly, showed a
good eye.

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