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January 25, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-25

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rublished every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editor:al, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor. .. ................. .Nelson J. Smith
City Editor.............. J. Stewart Hooker
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor..............George Stauter
Music and Drama.............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
oep4i E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
onald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein Ge grge l;. Simons
George C.T illey
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexander Charles A. Lewis
C.A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwith Henry Merry
Louise Behymer Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schel
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Vaborg E1eland Cadwell Swanson
Robert J. Ieldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Folmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising................ Alex K. Scherer
Advertising..............A. James Jordan
Advertising............... Carl W. Hammer
Service..................Herbert E. Varnuni
Circulation----------------George S. Bradley
Accounts ............... Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications.................Ray M. Hofelich
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Vernor Davis B~ernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley
Sally Faster . A. Newman
Anna Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Cart F. Schemm
George Hamilton George Spater
Sack Horwich Sherwood Upton
Dix Humphrey Marie Wellstead

election to his position. This was
too much for Rockefeller the'
younger, and he girded his loins
for battle, calling upon the fifty-
odd thousand stockholders to re-
ject Stewart. Whether Rockefeller
will get enough support remains
to be seen. The president and di-.
rectors of the company have de-
cided in Stewart's favor, while
Rockefeller Senior has taken up the
fight in behalf of his son.
It is not hard to believe that
something is wrong with the oil in-
dustry in this country when a man
of the character and reputation of
Stewart can hold a position as the
leader of one of the industry's
largest organizations. Regardless
of any number of jury decisions, it
is quite evident that Stewart, if not
actually guilty of a crime, certain-
ly did not conduct himself in a
manner befitting to a leader of in-
dustry. Though he is undoubtedly
a very efficient man, something1
besides ability ought to be neces-
sary to hold his position. It surely
will not add luster to the already
tarnished name of the Indiana
Standard Oil company if Robert W.
Stewart remain at its head.
Any proposal to provide employ-
ment for thousands of men and to
relieve the unemployment situation
as it now exists in the city deserves
the utmost attention. When such
a plan not only provides for the
employment of many men, but is to
the immediate good of all partici-
pating parties, it seems that the
most logical step is the execution
of the proposal.
Unemployment is a tradition dur-
ing the winter, but it is by no means
a necessity. A committee appointed
by Mayor Staebler last year traced
the causes of winter unemploy-
ment directly to the slackness in
construction activities during that
time of the year. And just recent-
ly the University department of
journalism has found, after a care-
ful investigation )of local condi-
tions, that there is no reason for
this slack period in building ex-
cept the old fashioned notion of
the public that winter building is
an impossibility.
Not only is this possible, but it
means better homes-often at a
lower cost-as well as better work.
Those interested in securing good
homes at low rates may well con-
sider the facts. The home builder
will have the advantages of better
labor, earlier completion and the
other factors making for lower
priced labor and better work, and
at the same time will be providing
labor for men at a time when they

most need it. Such facts deserve
careful consideration and can
profitably be borne in mind by
those planning to build homes in
the future.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous om-
munications" will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
qugnst. Letters published should not be
t construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
Permit me to congratulate you on
your editorial "Michigan Turns Its
Back On A Genius." The stand is
thoroughly in keeping with an in-
telligent attitude which a corps of
editors must show. It is the con-!
summation of a gradual change in
vision which was bound to come
as a result of an unbiased, intelli-
gent, observation of Dr. Little's
work here as president. Naturally
we have all been critical of certain
changes in the established regime,
but as these changes, first discus-
sed, and suggested, became reali-
ties, the vast majority of the think-
ing student body have been acqui-
escent to them, and as other uni-1
versities fell in line we are even
a little proud to be leaders in a
movement, explorers in a sense,
rather than following sheep where
someone else had led.
I was taken aback at the letter
of Mr. Hildner in Thursday's Daily
where he attempts to pass opinion
on the "qualifications" of Dr.
Little and upon the general campus
"animosity." It is so childish for
any one person to attempt either
of these. This University is too
large that its students' opinion can
be judged by any one student.
The qualifications of its president
are immensely too complex for any
ten men to enumerate all of them.
But the writer, Mr. Hildner, of the
article in Thursday's Daily has
taken it upon himself in his su-
preme omniscience to do both. And
Mr. Hildner on this campus scarce-
ly four months! The inconsistency
is laughable.
But aside from the anorhaly of
Mr. Hildner's abnormal insight into
campus opinion and campus needs
I must take exception to one of his
"qualifications." Mr. Hildner will
pardon me, being also a mid-west-
erner hailing from the same.part of
the state as himself, expressing a
divergent view. I do not believe
we need, I could not stand back
of, or be loyal to, a president who
played "peanut politics." I would
have no respect for a man who

would vacillate between what he 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11iIIIllIl11!IIL
knew was right or was needed andE IF yurL an&
a course calculated to please a I n E
faction. Dr. Little has not. The -
quiet, firm dignity of his resg-' anhe a room
tion tells that. It was the ouly
thing a man could do: I commel Od
The Daily for its defense of a man - .
Such firmness as that shown by
Dr. Little, such devotion to an ideal
would be fanatical if found in a
man not qualified by study and can qive
experience to exercise them. It;8:
however, just as fanatical for the lhim a r e a.
layman who is uninitiated with C
the needs of education, trends of-
education, the wastes in educationv
to try to place his opinion as above -d
the plan of a man who has made as
a major life study the fields of orn
education for a great university. I
am not competent to criticize such 6 fEYER .
a man. Nor am I qualified to ex- -- RADIO
press intelligent appreciation, but SALES & SER.VICE'
may I suggest that when "qualifi- 210 E WASH INGTONPHONE 3694"'
cations" are mentioned we may in-IIIIill
quire into the qualifications of men
who are so willing superficially to Want Ads Pay

Presents .$.
Noted Humorist
Hill Auditorium


John W. Brown, '29E.

( t

Night Editor-Lawrence R. Klein

News of the death of Henry
J. Killilea, '85L, was received
on the campus yesterday with
deep regret. A Varsity ath-
lete in his student days, Killilea
was one of the founders of
the American baseball league
and owner of the Milwaukee
club in the American associa-
tion. Prominent as an attorney,
he was equally as prominent
in identifying himself as an
alumnus of the University, al-
ways maintaining an interest
in his alma mater and its
athletics. Michigan has suf-
fered no small loss in his pass-
Despite the active opposition of
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., the presi-
dent and directors of the Standard
Oil company have proposed the}
reelection of Robert W. Stewart as
chairman of the board. For the
first time in the history of the
nation, an oil company bearing the
name "Standard" is rebelling
against the dictates of a Rocke-
feller. And strangely enough, now
that the oil company itself is torn
between two powerful factions,
public opinion is, for the first time,
squarely behind the oil barons.
All the trouble started some
time ago, when Colonel Stewart
was first implicated in the oil
scandals. At that time, Rocke-
feller expressed his complete faith
in the honesty of the chairman,
and declared very confidently that
Stewart would prove himself in-
nocent. Apparently such was not
the case, at least to the mind of
the millionaire, for last spring, just
before Stewart was to be tried for
comtempt of court in the Senate
proceedings, Rockefeller demanded
the chairman's resignation. The
Chicago financier, after deliberat-
ing for several days, declared that
heyfw1ld "con.-didr the matter I

This Organization has no association, affiliation or connection in any
shape, form or manner what-so-ever with any organization
of American Women

Music And DramaI
NING: Play Production pre-
sents laboratory production
of six One-Act Plays in the
Play contest elimination.
* * *
This afternoon at 4:30 theI
matinee bill of the Play Contest
results will be offered in the Uni-
versity hall theater, followed in
the evening, at 7:30, by the remain-
der of the plays which haves sur-
vived the first elimination. Ad-
mission is entirely by invitation for
this presentation, the entire pro-
duction having been the work of
students in the Play Production
courses. The winning plays in the
second elimination will be directed
by Director Windt and will repre-
sent a more professional effort.
Public production has been prom-
ised for them.
The editor of the column takes
pleasure in announcing that the
review of the plays will be written
by Dr. Thorpe, Professor of English
and Head of the Department of
English in the University High
School. Dr. Thorpe has had con-
siderable experience in dramatic
production work and the interest
he has displayed in the efforts of
the Department of English in con-
ducting the contest will make his
critical opinion important.
Announcement of the winners of
the second elimination will appear
in The Daily Saturday morning.
* * *
(A Review by Paul L. Adams)
In a concert which was probably
one of the least heralded of this
year's Choral Union series, but one1
of the finest, the Prague Teachers'
Chorus met all expectations last,
To use a much overworked term,
the chorus was comparable only
to a splendid organ in the rich full-
ness of their singing, and the ex-
quisite harmony which was only
one of the fine things about them.
The work of Metod Dolezil, direc-
tor, was indeed inspirational. When
the chorus seemed to lose the
spirit of the music, as in the stir-
ing "Ostrava" of Kuno, it was Mr.
Dolezil who by the very power of
his directing infused in them at
least a certain spirit similar to the
mood of the piece if not quite ful-
filling it.
But the slight failure of this
number was an exception to the
general excellence of the program.
The magnificent "Hyninus" of
Foerster in the first group was one
of the outstanding things the
chorus did. Possessing a religious
fervor and spirit far beyond the
colorless church music of the Eng-
lish tongue, the "Hymnus" was
sung with a passion expressing fulJ
human emotion, and also having
the tonal volume and resonance of
a full organ.
"Song of the Sea," and
Field Path," only to mention them,
were high points in the choruss
interpretation of Czech composers;
but not only were they excellent in

this, they also were delightful in
their folksong and dance numbers.
The pianissimo singing. althoup-h

Your Club
in Detroit --

The Savoy
I have set aside an en-
tire floor in the Savoy,
for Michigan men.
An old-time student of
the U. of M. myself, I
know the need for such
a headquarters, and I
am very happy, indeed,
to be able to provide it
-and to give Michigan
men the benefit of a
20 Percent
Reduction in Rates.
Paul Kamper, Pres.

t A

Swift's Drug Store
Opposite Law Building





Woodward at Adelaide
Single Rooms
$2.00, $2.40, $2.75
Double Rooms
$3.20, $3.60, $4.00
Every Room with Bath
The 7-Course Savoy
at $1.00
is unusual value

Branch in Each State

Chapter in Each Congress District


National Organization
Notice to Members
An era of female immodesty is being followed by an era of
The bathing suit that exposes the person of the female wearer,
bare almost to the crotch, for the inspection of any man, white or
black, red or yellow, who may chance to be in the vicinity of the
bathing place at the bathing hour, is taboo, though such suits prob-
ably will be worn in 1929 by chambermaids, waitresses, bathing
beauties, women who work outside the home for wages and by womenI
who possess a vulgar exhibitionist complex. ~
American women of culture and refinement (ladies) recognizej
that a proper prudery is a woman's greatest asset, and decent meni
prefer women soft and white and innocent rather than hard and
brown and bold.
Skirts "decently short" mean skirts that extend to within eight1
inches ;of the ground, though women with no social background
what-so-ever, shop girls, female stenog's., in fact all women who are
obliged to quickly move to wait on a customer or to answer a buzzer,
may continue to wear knee length skirts. By their legs shall ye
know them.

Seasonable I
One-Half Price.
Two Pairs for 85c.
One-Fifth Off.3
As Low as $5.95.

11 woulu tV .iUt U 1IU1
Then Stewart was tried for con- MODESTY, CULTURE, REFINEMENT vs.
tempt and promptly acquitted. The IMMODESTY, LOW BIRTH, BAD BREEDING
matter drifted until last month,A


04 n D n 07k XTrlryT

wham Stawa.rt was, 'hauled un be-


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