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January 18, 1929 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-18

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Iulished every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postofilice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offces : Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor............Nelson J. Smith
City Editor............J. Stewart Hooker
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor..............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor .. ...........Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor..............George Stauter
Music and Drama...............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar
Night Editors

ule-making and avoiding courses
already filled have sidetracked him
into a number of fields of intel-
lectual endeavor where his brain
won't function.
A hectic first week of the seme-
ster follows in which he drops the
courses into which he fought his.
way through the classification
committees. He goes from pro-
fessor to professor of the courses
he wanted in the first place and
convinces them that they will fore-
go the pleasure of a lifetime if
they refuse to admit him. This re-
classification produces more light
and less heat.
Our suggestion is that classifi-
cation be accomplished by inter-
viewing professors instead of by
threading a maze of advisers and
clerks. Knowing thus in advance
what to expect, students would
avoid a loss of time changing
courses at the beginning of the
semester. Confusion of records
would be avoided by having them
hand in their classification cards
after they had picked the courses
in which they wished to stay. Wait-
ing in line would be diminished;
fewer wisecracks would be passed
by the arch-wits kept standing
for hours.


Joseph E. Howell
onald J. Kline
Lawrence R. Klein

Charles S. Monroe
Pierce Rosenberg
George E. Simons
C. Tilley

Paul L. Adams Ionald E. Layman
Morris Alexander Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwith Henry Merry
Louise Behymer Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R: Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert 1L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George F. Wohlgemuth
Charles R.yKaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Advertising Department Managers
Aderisng......... ...... Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................A. James Jordan
Advertising................Carl W. Hammer
Service ..................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation............. ...George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications................Ray M. Hofelich

Four thousand pounds of
were dumped into ditches
Chicago in a price war the+
day. It is a shame to waste
thousands pounds of water.


Mary Chase
J eanette Dale
ernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldbeig
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
ack Horwich
ix Humphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian .Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schenm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

Dean Bursley has put his finger
on the crux of the problem pre-
sented by the honor system which
Phi Eta Sigma is urging for the
University college. He ask, "Will it
Manifestly it is impossible to ex-
amine a cross-section of Michigan
student life and abstractly produce
an answer, either yes or no, to his
question. The answer will not be
forthcoming until the plan has
been put into operation and ob-
It will be intensely interesting to
those who have Michigan's char-
acter at heart, to watch the prog-
ress and results of this trial. It will
be a searching test of student inte-
grity and of student loyalty to the
University. It will show, among
other things, whether Michigan
conceives of a gentleman as one
who will speak the truth, and
scorn to lie or cheat, or to act
other than openly.
But the honor system, so-called
though it is, when it works, more
a spirit than a system, cannot be
quickened into life by a formal
enactment alone. An earnest and
enduring effort by those who
shape the destinies of the Univer-
sity college must be made to kin-
dle a spirit of fearlessness and
utter devotion to honor among its
students. This devotion must
transcend everything, even friend-
ship, if the honor system is to en-
The task facing those who would
introduce the honor system is tre-
mendous. Not only must they
create a high tradition of honor-
able conduct, but they must con-'
quer a high-school belief, that has
been carried over into many uni-
versities, in proctors and the es-
sential untrustworthiness of stu-
dents. It will be most difficult of
attainment, but it will create, as
a Harvard professor has phrased
it, "a noble ideal toward a better
state of life." Most certainly it is
worth a trial.
With.characteristic ingenuity the
Registrar's office has developed an-
other new system of classifying lit-
erary students. Following out
President Little's policy of making
new men in the University feel at
home, the army of classifiers de-'
ploys itself in new formations each
semester and changes the rules of
combat so that the greenest fresh-
man can fight his way into thej

The lower house of the Tenessee
assembly tabled the bill to repeal
its evolution law. Such absurdity
must be preserved.
The district court of Vilna, Po-
land, recently sentenced a man to
forty-three years' imprisonment
and capital punishment, the joint
sentences running consecutively.
Michigar jurists and state code
reformers will probably welcome
this suggestion in its application
to heinous violation of the Volstead
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 3oo
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
besregardedtas confidential, upon re-
quest. etters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
There is some justice in one as-
pect of your criticism of the con-
duct of the recent contest for one
act plays. It should be the policy
in future contests to exclude the
professor of the course in play-
writing from the board of judges.
In this case, however, his presence
did not result in any miscarriage
of literary justice. The three of us
were (unanimous in regard to five
of the plays. The only debate was
over which of two dramas should
be included, both written by a man
who had not taken the course in
The speed with which the judges
came to their decision will aston-
ish no one who knows how bad the
work of most unexperienced dra-
matists is. No prolonged study is
necessary for , the detection and
elimination of obviously impossible
dramatic efforts. It is really re-
markable that the first contest
should have produced six plays
clearly worth staging.
Oscar James Campbell
To the Editor:
Very amusing were the differ-
ences in attitude toward the Kel-
logg Peace Pact expressed in
Thursday's Daily-the one by
Prof. Reeves of the Political Sci-
ence department and the other by
a Daily editorial writer. I don't
know who writes the editorials, but
this one was typical of college stu-
dent sophistication. It is an ex-
cellent example of the reaction of
a young person who has had his
first introduction of the harsh
truths of the world. Loyal to his
new knowldge he ridicules in a
very superior manner anything
that might be .identified with the
old ideals which he had before
I am afraid the editorial writer
rather mixed his drinks when he
compared the peace treaty with
prohibition. In fact the tone of the
whole article gave the reader the
impression that the prohibition
situation had "soured" the writer
on anything else that optimistic
persons might suggest. Such an
attitude is too easilyadoptedhere
near Detroit, the largest port of
entry of illicit liquor. To judge
the success of prohibition in any-
thing like a scientific manner we
must consider not only the ma-
chinery employed and the present
condition of the country as a
whole, but also thecactual condi-
tions before we had prohibition.
Obviously this is rather impossible
for students here, because of their
limited age and location.
I do not wish to discuss the war-
ship-construction bill, but only to
recall to mind what has been the
lot of nations in the past who have
called treaties mere "scraps of pa-

per" and who have hoped to "guar-
antee world peace by making ita

THIS -""
Factional jealousy is rife on the
campus of this most perfect of uni-
versities because of the lavish gifts
forced upon the Law club by their
benefactor, W. W. Cook. Students
in the Engineering college are
planning open revolt. We hate to
think of what the engineers will
do to those $60,000 tapestries at the
Crease Dance next spring!
* * *
In an attempt to pacify the
strained feeling between the
two colleges, Rolls is present-
ing several expensive tapestries
to the Engineering college
which will be quite in keeping
with the tone of their building.
There will be three tapestries
in all, each dating before the
American Renaissance, or
January, 1, 1920.. One will be a
beautiful etching of The Face
on the Bar-room Floor, which
we obtained at a fire sale in the
lower east side in New York,
one will be a wood-block print4
or a John Held, Jr., prom trot-1
ter, which we found in an
alley, and the third will be a
pen and ink sketch of Herbert
Hoover, entitled "One Engineer
Who Became Famous," which
we found in Al Smith's ash can.
The Advanced State Of Psychologi-
cal Research As Set Forth By
The Wisconsin Dean Of
"Occasionally Miss Nardin has
voiced suggestions that do not bear
the weight of edicts. Red dresses
arouse men, she believes, and has
warned girls accordingly.
- girls should not use water
bubblers on the street or even on
the campus. Wet lips have an
exciting effect on men, she has told
co-ed groups."
R. F. J.
* * *
o 0
Parties who left a long board
called a bob-sled on the
Boulevard Wednesday night
must remove the same at
once. They are known andI
action will be taken. Can
identify two of the party by
their shredded trousers. One of
party also left blood stains.
( Remove this rubbish at once!
And stay off the Boulevard!
!You were violating the auto
Andy Gump. I
o -o
* * *
Well, Helen Wills finally got her
man. In the match she had with
that California broker she won,
6-0, 6-0, 6-0.
And now when her husband
comes staggering home at 3
o'clock in the morning, it will
be he who will have the poker
* * *
If You're A Man, We'll-
Salutations, Lark:
Really, it was most considerate
of you; I did so enjoy your inti-
mate little personal in the column
the other day. There are times,
Lark, when I too will send my stuff
almost anywhere, so don't despair.
* * *
The Yale Daily News refers
to their basketball team as a
"sextet." From the record the
Yale basketball team has made

so far this season, they need a
* * S
Looks Like A Long Winter
Dear Lark:
Is it true that the height of the
average Michigan man is seven
feet eight inches? Professor Ford,
imagine his embarrassment, said
so the other day. He even wrote it
on the blackboard. Personally, I
think that's a pretty tall statement,
but it's the answer to your contest
query of the height of something
or other, and Professor Ford should
win a stretch. I suggest that the
prize be a giraffe or a yardstick or
Trumpie, Demi-giant.
-* * 4
j bTennessee uhasirefused to
abolish its evolution law. Ap-
parently the legislature won't
"monkey" with it.
* * *
With this sloppy weather we
ought to have another pretty good
flu epidemic before long.
We see that the women's de-
bating team out-talked Indiana.
We wonder how each of them
managed to get in the last
* * *
Movie blurb snitched from a De-
troit paper: A Thrilling Mystery
Romance-A Beautiful Girl Turns
Into a Coquette of Crookdom With
Qrmm ~i

Music And Drama
o -
TONIGHT: Roland Hayes will
appear in Choral Union Con- I
cert Series, at Hill Auditor-
ium, beginning at 8:15 o'clock.
* * *
(A Review By Paul L. Adams)
George Tyler's production of:
"Macbeth" with the scenic designs
by Gordon Craig, which has been
running in Detroit this week at
the Masonic Temple, is such a
splendid piece of art that one is
left in doubt as to what should be
praised most of the many notable
things about the play-the fine
work of Florence Reed, Lynn Hard-
ing, Basil Gill and many more in
the cast, or the scenic effects, or
the closely knit theme that domi-
nates the whole production and
which is partially due to the innate
character of the drama, and partly
to the work of Mr. Tyler in his in-
terpretation of it.
Among the performances of the
actors, Florence Reed is decidedly
splendid as Lady Macbeth, domi
nating her husband with a certain
horrible animalism which would be
almost too extreme were it not for
the general tone of the tragedy. In
the sleep walking scene, she holds
the stage with her splendid, per-
fectly controlled voice which tells
the horror of Lady Macbeth with-
out need for more than the simple-
est of actions, among which are
the washing of her hands, a thing'
she does with an intensity of hor-
rdr that is masterful.
The solilquies o Lynn Harding
as Macbeth powerfully aid the intro-
spective theme of the drama, and,
combined with the use of the
witches as powers of evil working;
upon his mind, complete the study
of a man dominated by fate and
his desires to do things against
which his other self rebells with
The decorative motif of the
scenes is red and black, and the
gorgeous costumes of the more
showy sets are designed to blend
splendidly with the set colors. The
use of stairs in many of the scenes
and of elevations for the settings
of the witch scenes is very effec-
tive in getting away from monot-
ony, while the changes in lighting
effects are also an aid in giving the
play action and tone. For instance,
when Macbeth is killed, the whole
stage goes dark and a single light
plays on his face while from the
distance is heard the mocking
laughter of the witches. Then, cur-
With an interesting progra-n of
provocative one-act plays, Play
Production 'have again discovered
that their laboratory experiments
are of sufficiently professional
character to draw a public larger
than the soul-panting dramad-
Director Windt's group work un-
der apalling financial handicaps-
as has been reiterated in these
columns ad nauseam. Granting
these, however, the caliber of work

Chicago, Illinois,
July 12, 1928
Lartis & Bro. Co.,
Richmond, Va.
Replying to your circular letter of
June 29, be informed that your sample
packages were received. With them
I received the pamphlet describing
your product, which I was able to
enjoy reading because there was not
in the circular matter the usual dis-
tasteful sales talk which makes the
recipient of a sample package feel
obligated or uncomfortable.
I believe your practice of giving
your prospect a sample arid then
letting him make up his own mind
will gain you many more customers
than will the usual modern sales prac-
tice of pushing the product down the
prospect's throat. As a matter of fact,
since receiving your sample and your
advertising matter I smoked up the
sample package and have since pur-
chased a number of cans from neigh-
borhood dealers, all of whom carry
this tobacco in a city of this size.
I have found Edgeworth to be a
satisfactory blend at a very reason-
able price, and although my past ac-
quaintance is brief, I look forward to a
long membership in the Edgeworth
Club. Yours very truly,
Jeff Corydon
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco

Mrs. Anna Kalmbach
*,/.".v.'°.1 r. / r."...."I..1I"I."/./~f/.",'.+~I."..."I,. /r // '"





Free Trial
"Sells" Man
This Smoke

The choicest of wholesome foods

Friday Evening, Jan. 18th
A Limited Number of Tickets Are
Available at $150, $2.00, and $3.00
Maynard Street

1, - -



Chicken Dinner Every Sunday



_.., J

WIn clearance
of fine shoes

Entire stock reduced

Dinner Music
Lopez Trio

Private Rooms


and up

jor flen sSince 1K4&



done in the University theater has
been of such uniform excellence
that a number of what seem to be
fundamental errors in this latest
bill offered calls for less indulgent
criticism than might be otherwise
One of the chief failures appears
to be the conception behind the
interpretation of "Overtones," the
Gerstenberg sketch of the alter ego
in two. charming ladies. The sub-
conscious self of each character
was embodied in a lesser edition
of the actor playing the Tone. The
drama of the overtones was treat-
ed naturalistically, equally with
that of the tones. A wonderful
chance for contrast was thereby
missed, with the result that the
play was not nearly so piquant nor
significant as it might have been.
In O'Neil's, "The Dreamy Kid"
the whole play suffered under
overly melodramatic direction. Any
dreamy quality The Kid might
have had was lost in the breathless
overacting with which Golden in-
vested his part. Aad particularly
direction is to blame for the lack
of 'building' toward a climax that
would have taken the play off the
level monotone of fearful melo-
"The Flattering Word," a non-
sense farce with a cloyingly sweet
moral attached to it was delightful
comedy. Its utter dramatic in-
significance, however, was com-
pensated for by the finesse with
I which it was given. George Priehs
and Dee Thompson deserve honors
-Priehs particularly for ad-libbing
himself out of a bad hole into a
clever. comedy situation. Lillian
Setchell disappointed; badly made
up, she failed also to take her
character out of the class of sweet
young things.
A word remains for the settings.
They were extraordinarily fine- -
somewhat of a triumph for the in=
genious artistic mind over the mat-
ter of no money.
R. U. A.
*- * *~
Miss Gertrude Lang replaces
Miss Marion Marchant in one of
4..1 nrinvini tn of "Mns , i

Great states from wheat seeds

JT was unprofitable wilderness, most
men thought. But James J. Hill had
faith that it could grow wheat and so he
built his railroad. Settlers turned the
waste-land into wheat-land, the wheat
into wealth, the wealth into great west-
ern states.
Faith in the economic future still points
the way. Right now men in the Bell

System are planting the seeds of vast pos-
sibilities for even better communication.
Out of the belief that the public needs
a broader use of the telephone is grow-
ing a constantly improved long distance
telephone service. Like the railroads of
an earlier day, this service is now tapping
and helping to dcvelop rich new terri-
tories of commerce.



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