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IDCEC AU~flhIMrf'Secretary 3
Engineering College Offers Special
Topics For Instructors Ari
Practising Engineers
sardine Lays Cornerstone -r- French WarHero
Of $2,000,000 Agricu ture Building 'EE"I6 Battling For Life
Twelve Michigan Graduates Take ;
Part In International Confer-
ence On Aeronautics
Prof. Alexainder Silverman of the1
U sitoPittsbugh,ill speak SC NCE NOT OPPOSED
this afternoon on the topic of "The-
Chemistry and Technology of "Science is not irreligious, but
Glass" at 4:15 this afternoon in merely unreligious," said Prof. W. C.
Room 165, Chemistry building. Rufus, of the astronomy depart-
Professor Silverman has been ment, speaking yesterday on
Fdr the especial tecnnical sho pa Twelve University alumni who
tisi1g engineers, have won prominence in various
instructors, and advanced students, fields of aeronautical development
courses of an advanced nature will 1 held a reunionreently in Wash-t
be offered at the Summer session held a C., renty intWa-
of the College of Engineering and tional conference on aeronautics,
Architecture, it was announced late ( # called b President Coolidge n
yesterday by Dr. Louis A. Hopkins,f calle yraoof the t ntyoidg i
secretary of the college. These ycomm ersa y of the ten- f
courses will be in addition to the fainth anve r cofthed us-nt
ftaned and controlled human;°
regular courses offered during the... flight in a heavier than air ma-t
summer by the engineering college.:1. flihin, mad heie th art m
"There has been arising an in- . - chine, made by the Wright broth-a
"Teehsbe rsga n ers Dec. 17, 1903.
creased emphasis on graduate study eriDe 17 , 1903.
of an advanced and highly spec- I Orville Wright, who received an-
ialized nature, during the past few nehonorary degree of doctor of en- t
years," according to the secretary' 9 s gineering from the University in
of the college. "This has been due: 11924, was the guest of honor. One --- --
to the large number of engineers of the alumni, C. F. Wang, '21, at-g
and tchncal school tengersho tended the convention as delegate Marshal Ferdinand Foch o
ave beniatendin easummerses- of the Republic of China, where he Commander-in-chief of the en- p
har n tnngs m sis national director of aeronautics. tire Allied forces during the World p
'his is the first time that; Other alumni present included war, who has been suffering from
special advanced courses will be hof- Col. L. L. Driggs, '99, president of a severe heart attack that is en-
eredp e tatnes Tures i being- Prudential Airways and founder of dangering his life. He is at his
ihe tartets Thcooperationof.the American Flying club; Starr home in Paris, France.
given through the Truscott, '09, aeronautical engineer
the Departments of Mechanics, 4..":::.:.w::. :<a :.<:: -a::,:;;::.: w " r::: f ;.;: :": for the national advisory corninit-I.C .C neto
Aeronautical engineering, Electricaltee of aeronautics; Prof. L. V. Ker-
engineering, and Physics. Secretary William Jardine, of the Washington. Assisting him are ber, '18, absent on leave from the Will Be Held Soon
In engineering mechanics, Prof. agriculture department is shown Senator Charles L. McNary and' 1 abse on eerom the
Stephen Timoshenko will deal with laying the cornerstone of the new Representative Gilbert N. Haugen, University as chief engineer of the IFI
vitien probls eng in deer wing $2,000,000 administration building authors of the McNary-H aeronautical branch of the Depart- Fifteen Michigan colleges will
in applied elasticity and strength of the department of agriculture in farm relief bill. I ment of Commerce; John, D. Aker- attend the State Convention of
aialse eillyalso be agth man, '25, chief engineer for the Student Christian associations, to
of materials. There will sKNOWLEDGE OF FRENCH INVALUABLE Mohawk Aircraft corporation; be held on Feb. 22, 23, and 24 in
course i rigid dynamics. Russell F. Hardy, '26, chief engi-I Ann Arbor. About two hundred
In electrical engineering, Prof. TO TRA VELLERS,_A S S E R T S CANFIELD neer for the Advance Aircraft cor- delegates are expected to take part
H.poration; Ralph R. Grichen, '25, in the gathering, which is being
course in natural lighting of build- If one goes to France to see the dent an insight into one of the vice-president of the Metal Air- sponsored by the local S. C. A. The
ings with accurate methods of pre- I Follies Bergere, a good command Imost interesting and advanced craft corporation; J. C. Scherer, meetings will be held in Lane hall,
diction of daylight illumination, of sound American shekels -is suf- stages of culture the world has '20, who attended as a representa- I and Hill auditorium will be used1
Prof. J. H. Cannon will discuss the ficient to over come all linguistic known.fives of the Junkers corporation of for one large assembly. Chester C.
heaviside operational calculus. difficulties; but if 'he wishes to "For example, the conception of America; R. C. Gazley, '24, E. C. Bennett, '29, was appointed chair-
In aeronautical engineering, Prof. come into actual contact with the personal liberty epitomized in our Friel, '24, Lieut. Stanley S. LaSha, man of the committee on arrange-
F. W. Pawlowski plans to open his people and civilization of France, a own American Revolution was first '24, and P. C. Albright, '27, all con- ments.
laboratory to teachers in technical knowledge of the French language expressed by French philosophers. nected with the aeronautics Marshall H. Boden, '29, Bus. Ad..
schools and to engineers connected is indispensable, it was asserted And in general, it is worthwhile to branch of the Department of Com-- Thomas Y. Watson, '29, and The-
with the industries who have not yesterday by Prof. Arthr G. Can- note the rapidity with which all merce. dore C. Wuerfel, '29, were appoint-
had systematic instruction in aero- field, of the Romance languages movements of thought find expres- More than 120 delegates from ed to the cabinet of the Student
natitics. He will give two courses department. sion in the French literature," he some 40 foreign nations, as well as Christian association.
in the essentials of aerodynamics,/ "France sets up a very pretty averred. about 350 Americans, attended the
In mathematics, Prof. Peter Field show of museums and other at- "Now that the world is coming to conference, Prof. Felix W. Pawlow- It11111lIIIIItiilllllit'III'.1
will present a course in engineer- Itractions .to rake in money from 'be more and more inter-dependent ski, of the department of aeronau- /vo; q'TH/NG TO DO
ing problems. American tourists," Professor Can- in such ways as are indicated by tical engineering, reports. Profes- /4L 70-MOR O.
In physics, Prof. Harrison E. Ran- field said, "but the French people the League of Nations, a knowl- sor Pawlowski delivered a speech<
dal-, continues policy now well themselves never think of going to edge of French political institu- on aeronautical research to the as-
established of giving wide range of such places for their own enjoy- tions is valuable in understanding sembled delegates at one of the
courses in theoretical and experi- ment." jthe news of the day," he further regular sessions of the convention. -
mental physics. "The liberally educated man! maintained. _
cannot afford to be ignorant of Two years of college French are, OKLAHOMA U NV IV E R SITY.-
LOS ANGELES, California.-In- !France's great contribution to the sufficient to enable the student to j Statistics have shown recently that
ter-sorority oratorical debates are world of ideas," Professor Canfield take advantage of these various over 600 students this semester ;
held at the University of Cali- continued. "A knowledge of the beneficial results, Professor Can- have transferred from 200 schools
fornia. French civilization gives the stu- field advises. a nd colleges. w " 'O.CW
~~~ -_ _ - - -METHUSELAH
A Foundation of a VOOEI BROS. MAR KE T HEaO
Phone 6656 339 South Main Street = AND SERVICE yOU
Hoem~e ofYour Own s
We are having some Fancy Capons, Roasting
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also have a good supply of Rabbits. - J . RADIO
There is one firm foundation upon which There will be a demonstration of Wright's SALES &/SERVICE =
you can start to build right now to own ! Mayonnaise at our store all day Saturday. 20 EWASHINTMN PHOE3694
your own home-a savings account in this SPECIALS 71111111111111111111111111111111
bank. Each week you should add a certain HAM ENDS SUGAR CURED HAMS
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amount of your earnings, and almost before 15c Lb. Average 8 to 10 lbs.-28c lb.
you know it, you will have enough to start T e-
building a home. Tle
brought here for the University
Lecture series under the combined
auspices of the American Chemical
Society and the University.j
Professor Silverman is at present
he director of the Chemical de-
partment of the University of
Pittsburgh with a staff of forty-
one members under him. Glass
has been his hobby for years, both
rom the experimental and the
echnical viewpoints. He is also in-
erested in the ultra violet light:
nd microscope illumination.
He received the degrees of Ph. B.
n 1902 and his M. S. in 1905 from
he University of Pittsburgh, and
his A. B. at Cornell in 1905. In 1905
he became an instructor in inor-
ganic chemistry at the University
f Pittsburgh, where he rose to his
present positon as head of the de-
I A -n f-%r
"Astronomy and Religion." "One
does not go to scientific books with
the expectation of finding the
name of God written therein,"
Professor Rufus went on.
Professor Rufus continued with
some general facts about the solar
system and the sidereal system, ex-
plaining various phelomena con-
nected with the sun, moon, planets,
and stars. He illustrated how the
astronomer is able to understand
what elements compose the heaven-
ly bodies by means of the spectrum.
Through a series of related facts,
Professor Rufus showed the almost
infinite distance of some of the
stars in our own sidereal system and
then explained that there are sys-
tems just as large as this one which
are over 100 million light years
served with our
Teas are
We feature "Fortune Telling" with
every service of tea
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Open Sunday 4 to 11 p. m.
Closed Monday
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hone Progress
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We have a New One to. show you,
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those Master Tailors-
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The year 1928 has been one of outstanding telephone development and progress.
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